They're not complete incompetents, unless you have a specific reason to believe there's a problem the real factors we're actually seeing should take precedence.
I have no reason to assume competence in this field.
Taking prisoners that they release unharmed is not something they have any sort of practice at.
Or something I think Seeker trained them for.
That's the wrong direction here.
One, you don't have any reason to believe they're actually in trouble. We have reason to believe they shouldn't be and Molly is on some level aware they can't come to physical harm here even if they're already injured.
Two, other people are involved here. This is a significant event for them, and our ability to bull through it isn't the same as it being necessary or wise.
Taking a moment to treat the birth of their entire world and fulfillment of their most significant religious prophecies with some sobriety and respect is worth doing instead of acting like a myopic kid.
People can and do die of stupid stuff, but I really doubt DP is going to roll a secret "drowning in their own spit" check and make that the derail for this event.
This is less like prioritizing your graduation than it is choosing to not disrupt a major religious ceremony shouting for paramedics for someone you know is going to be fine for the handful of minutes it'll take for them to finish.
Especially if you consider that working your way through the disruption will likely take as long or longer than doing it the other way.
1) Yes I do: They are
still unconscious.
That is a significant medical symptom under the circumstances; its not normal to remain unconscious after having been moved by two different sets of people across three or four different environments.
2)Their convenience does not trump Molly's friends lives IC.
The coronation of Prince Charles into King Charles would not have trumped one of the guests having a medical condition.
3)We know no such thing because we have Medicine 0, and didnt examine the victims.
And it isnt right to assume that the QM will arrange a safety net for us after giving us the option to vote to handle an issue.
It had a little over 30 minutes to work in and had to deal with getting ready for our drop in. Taking samples is the better play because we can't keep them defended at all times and there's no way to detect that he has them.
If he'd taken them home I'd buy that he'd do more, but Broken Seeker does have limits.
1)No, it had at least 90 minutes, which was the duration from the Monoc base to the place where we captured Hank.
And given that this was a prepared snatch job that was prefaced by weeks of scouting, there was more than enough room for prepared magical measures, just like someone like Dresden would do.
More, because Senior Council-tier magical heavyweight with the knowledge of thousands of years.
2) Sure he has limits.
But he had days if not weeks of preptime, and assistants.
There's a reason I worried about his contingencies.
It's not perfect, but it's still a pretty good play and no one has infinite time or resources under pressure.
Layers of contingencies are good, but they take away from other things that need doing too.
But this is all an aside. Right this minute any contingencies he may have set aren't a threat and almost certainly couldn't be removed via first aid. They'll only really get dealt with long after this whole scene.
Its been scouting us for at least three weeks.
It had days to plan, assuming that said planning started after we started going to the Monoc base five days ago.
Mental anguish is still suffering and harm. This is the equivalent of the second coming of Christ to this people. I am ot doing anything to disrupt it if I can.
1)You're seriously arguing a delay at mounting a throne as mental anguish.
Im talking the potential for death or disability and you are arguing mental anguish as an argument to delay medical attention to our friends.
2) Thats not how this works.
Of relevance to Molly and her Catholic upbringing, Christian theology has multiple instances of Christ interrupting his ministry to other people to see to the care of a single person. He certainly appeared to his disciples first after resurrection before going to see his Father who had him resurrected or the hosts of heaven.
If you are going to appropriate the trappings of Christian theology to support your argument, note what it prioritizes.
Why do you think Broken Seeker (who, I remind you, I a divine teacher of medicine men, ie a healer by profession) is an utter moron and incompetent?
1) Medicine man in Native American contexts apparently applies to magic and spiritual healing.Not medicine.
AN unfortunate currency given to the popular term ‘medicine man’ to designate the shaman or priest-magician of the Amerindian tribes has given rise to much misunderstanding as to the true function of this important figure in the Indian social organism. Although the healing art comes within his...
AN unfortunate currency given to the popular term 'medicine man' to designate the shaman or priest-magician of the Amerindian tribes has given rise to much misunderstanding as to the true function of this important figure in the Indian social organism. Although the healing art comes within his province, his theory and practice are based on psychology and theology rather than on pathology and pharmacology.
For another, we dont know what Seeker helped teach.
Magic? Reasonable. Theology? Reasonable.
Mortal medicine? No evidence for that.
2) I think he doesnt like mortals. I think he enjoys hurting them.
And I think his minions, who did the actual handover and most of the scutwork, have no skill at caring for mortals because that is not what he trained them for
I certainly would not delay medical care for ppl I care for based on their alleged competence.