Fivefold Courts of Fate Wetlands Fauna
Wetlands Fauna
The hunter whose eyes are ever on the Kite-Wing on the horizon will miss the Snuffler Burrow and the mire both
-Root Walker Proverb
Boasting some of the greatest bio-diversity of all the Forested Regions the Eastern swamplands are nonetheless some of the least explored portions of the planet, owing in part to the dark rumours of exiled sorcerers and twisted beasts and partly due to the much more mundane and no less terrifying prospect of water and airborne parasites which have adapted to exploit their hosts as much as possible before they expire and become host to the equally ferocious decomposers. It is no wonder then that many species of these lush and unique domains remain mysterious even to the zoologists of the Tri-Partite Academy, much less to the general public. The advantages of possessing a shell of bronze and iron not feeble flesh and brittle bone allow me to venture further.. Here follows a selection of beasts I encountered in my travels.

The Krahibute or 'soft wings' are small frugivores which survive by their wits, their stealth of soft blunt wings and their symbiosis with the poisonous purple mould that stains their feathers. They are not born with it, instead each colony raises a batch of the mould in pools made of leaves and detritus into which they bathe their young when they are half-moon old. These actions may at times seem ritualistic, a mark of abstract thought, but as of yet no thaumic resonance has been discovered giving lie to the superstitions of the locals who claim that they 'guide one to good fortune'.

At first glance one might mistake the Sqepdalte for any number of molusk-eating behemoth-kin which slipped the bonds of land for the slow waterways, but this is a creature with a secret, having learned to take advantage of the varying salinity and other dissolved primal substances on waters that flow from the Border Woods to hunt Riptide Molluscs without rupturing their shells and unleashing the pressure differential that makes them so deadly and, not incidentally a preferred weapon of certain swamp tribes, though the effect is far less pronounced in air than in water. Indeed the tribe known as 'the Sqepdaltes' is famed for having defeated a larger and wealthier rival by having spiked their entire supply of Riptide Molusks in a daring raid.

Among the most prolific fishers of the Sliverloade Vale the Fletevrapues is almost assuredly the result of magical tampering, its kinship to pitcher plants only in evidence in its taste for blood, but where the pitcher plant is content to let the prey come for it in its own time the Fletevrapues will actively hunt down creatures smaller then themselves to drain dry with their proboscis. Though blood is poor in nutrients compared to the flesh they leave to be devoured by others in the water or on the riverbank they are adapted to only feed on it and only when it is red. It is theorized that these beasts were crafted by a mad magician to steal the blood of invading soldiers and deliver it to its master for some grand curse against them. Though their master is long dead they have found their place on the river-side where they are often followed by dozens of mid-sized scavengers many of which will attack anything which seems to pose a threat to the Leaf Walker
OOC: Here are three more examples of local fauna from the more earth-like regions
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