For those not wanting a hell imma note it's been a year and for the wider setting or even wider Chicago. We've essentially done jack shit to enact change. I imagine it'll be the same with our hell for a while and quite honestly I'll be disappointed if we can't deploy our hell to do enact mass change eventually. Cause I'm kind of tired of everything we do not being all that important as far as I'm concerned in quests in general honestly. I don't really wanna play Buffy quest sorry. Biggest change so far was the white court stuff and even that I'd say is back to business as usual for the white court.
Let me refresh your memory on events since July. In order:
We killed Eldest Fetch, a senior Winter fae who was either posessed by Nemesis, or getting orders from someone possessed by him. This reduced Outsider abilities to affect events.
We prevented Kattrin Sigfridsdottir of the Thule Society potentially bootstrapping herself into a god by eating Arawn, and Corpsetaker getting a new, even more powerful body by possessing Lydia permanently.
We also made sure both Kattrin and Corpsetaker were introduced to Final Death.
In so doing, we alerted Odin about Johann of Cleves, leading to the prevention of the assassination of a Senior Council member, preventing a mass casualty event in Boston, and avoiding a major Masquerade breach.
We drove Iku-Turso back into his prison and slammed the door.
We also destroyed the plot by Rhys the Ragged and that splinter of the Pathfinders cult to use gossamer harvested from Iku-Turso to design and disseminate mutagenic pharmaceuticals and cosmetic care products that would make humans into servitors.
We killed a greater akuma of Kakuri, personally altering the balance of power among the Yama Kings by a small but measurable amount, and affecting Emma-O's willingness to put powerful servitors at risk. And in talking to Eiko, we have also altered the trajectory of the conspiracy to fix Emma-O.
We informed Mab of the identities of three senior Winter Sidhe subverted by Nemesis, allowing her to purge her ranks.
We also exorcised Maeve, and may exorcise Lea.
This results in a considerably more active Winter, as compared to this point in the canon timeline.
Thats going to have an impact on shit like the ability of the Red Court to summon lesser Outsiders in Faerie without retribution, or to use the Ways through Faerie to move war materiel and troops; the White Council has permission from the Fae Courts, but the Reds do not.
And in facilitating the passing of the Ankou mantle from Arawn to Mathews, we gave Mab back one of the servitors she uses to afect events in the real world, in this case hunting necromancers.
We personally spiked a White Court coup attempt sponsored by the Red Court and Outsiders.
If it had succeeded, it would have resulted in the White Court entering the Vampire War on the side of the Red Court, and possibly an expansion of the murder campaign against lesser talents.
We are committed to killing Arianna Ortega, the daughter of the Red King.
The prime mover behind the Chicken Pizza plot to use a bloodline ritual to kill Dresden and his grandfather Ebenezar in canon.
We have had a massive impact on the setting in less than half a year.
You just dont see it because Molly is the person causing these effects, not the person feeling its effects.
I guarantee you that if you ask the Red Court, or the White Council, or Cauldron, or even the Library, we have had significant effects on the setting.
The Red Court in particular is going to be hurting.