[X] Agree after all
We failed social combat. Let's accept the consequences for now and slowly expand our boundaries, if need be we can reroll persuasion at a later point after showing a willingness to be reasonable and reinitiate social combat then.
As an Exalt we can do anything we choose, but the one thing an Exalt never tried to choose is a normal life. However the Great Curse doesn't exist here, we have a loving family (even if our mom's way of showing it causes conflict), a good mentor in our father, a stable house, good food, and time we can use to train. Let's take what we can get and go slow. It's only natural for parent's to fear for their children, and while one day we will have demonstrated such overwhelming strength that mom understands we don't need to be protected, right now we are just a little girl in a big world of cosmic horrors who a loving mother is trying to save, and there is nothing wrong with that.