We have? The only time I remember is when Dace and Ollivander were talking about her. And Ollivander said she was a genius craftswoman and died young. Oh.
Eeeeh. Hephaestus and 'Dite chose their champions at different times, but yeah. That's pretty much it. Dace is semi aware of what happened ( killed on the orders of Riddle), which is why his grudge against Dumbledore went from annoyance to pathological need to ruin his day.
Which was probably why he was caught off-guard when he felt an ice-cold hand grabbed the back of his neck and threw him into a dark alleyway. In the gloom, he couldn't see much, however, it was clear that the figure was feminine, and that her skin was not looking healthy. Or alive.
Drat. That would be a problem. Then, arms of solid ice caught him from behind and he lost the ability to even struggle, something draining him. Well, someone.
"Oh my, oh me, oh my~ Who do we have here alone, sister?" was the voice coming from next to his ear. It was pleasant enough, and sounded playful, however, considering who it belonged to, it didn't reassure him in the slightest. " Oh, don't worry Darling, hubby told us you were his to kill, and he would be oh so upset if we did you in before he even got the chance to do it himself~"
A finger poked at his cheek, trying to get a reaction out of him, which he wouldn't give out.
"Aimée, enough." The first person, a handsome woman with red hair dressed in a sharp black suit called out curtly, causing the other woman holding him to release him, causing his exhausted body to fall to the ground. "Did you have to drain him? We both saw him use Chain Lightning, he was out of energy."
The second woman appeared in his field of vision, her long brown hair curling around her hips gathered in a high ponytail, clad in a frilly turquoise dress with a light brown vest, prancing towards the other woman. She then proceeded to catch the taller woman's arm and whine.
"Aww, you know I had to~ Wouldn't want him to call for miss Terminator, you know? And I had to make sure your message reaaaaally sunk~" She raised her hand, a golden item he recognized very clearly dangling from its chain that was stuck between two of her fingers. It was his pendant of free will. " I mean, he doesn't look all that smart, but if hubby wanted to make him one of us, he had to have some measure of competency somewhere, right? Riiiight?" She chirped, before letting go of the other woman's arm and instead took place near the wall opposite to her colleague. "You're too nice Shirley, that's why people keep escaping from you." Her green eyes narrowed and her smile turned into a smirk as she leaned against the wall, head tilted like a bird and her voice taking a taunting edge." Ah, but, that's probably you struggling against the programming huh? You are the youngest out of all of us~"
Her expression immediately snapped back to a friendlier one as she clapped her hands together.
"Oh, but what am I talking about, this is your show little sis', now...Show me what you've got."
Then, he heard a growl and the distinctive noise of a dragon utilizing its breath attack. Heat almost scalded him, despite his cover and the fact the dragon didn't aim at him, and he heard an outraged squeal from the undead answering to the name of Aimée.
"Why you walking handbag, let me show you what happens to those who irritate me!" There was a snapping noise, and a massive body fell to the ground.
"Oh my, it seems Black dragons aren't immune to Death's grasp~ Now, mister Overlord, why don't you explain-"
"Teleport!" The other woman cut her out, and both voices disappeared as more sounds of dragons firing were heard.
-Animal (mundane and magical) Ranches: +45,000 Galleon (after salaries and charges), 1d6 Epic animal components/ Turn
-- 1000 Employees, payed 544 G/t on average.
Greenfire (Floo powder producers since 1930): + 10 000 Galleons/ Turn
--200 Employees payed 500 G/t on average
Potion shops 'Montmorency' in England: + 60, 000 Galleons/ Turn
--500 Employees payed 550 G/t on average
Medjica (Healing salves and potions): + 30 000 Galleons/turn
--150 Employees paid 770 G/t on average
'George's Inferno': +6 Sulfur /turn, +6 Mercury /turn
Gold mine : 1 000 G/Turn, 1d6-3 Native Gold / turn afterwards.
Crystal cape : + 1 crystal/turn.
Assorted producer business: +8 Wood, + 8 Stone, + 2 Gems, +2 Sulfur / Turn
Stone Quarry: 16 ore / turn, 1d6-3 Flawless Marble afterwards.
Gwallawg Academy of Superior Learning: -40,000 Galleon / turn, 1d6 Chance of producing a Druid, 1d100-80 chance of Loyal Hero Unit. (Muggleborn population: 95%)
Manor employee salaries: (50 of them, 380G/t on average)
Skylight: A sapphire that seems to shine with an inner light. +10 to results if used to create items with [Life/Order] Attribute. Nature Anchor: Allows to soak up a zone with Nature energy, necessary to build a Rampart. [Set in Yr Wyddfa] Book of Air:
Dragon Rearing book Dragon nest plans
Inventory: Cloak of Crystal: Gain 1 Crystal / turn (Value: 5000 G) Still Eye of the dragon +1 Troops Morale, +1 Troops Luck (Value: 2000 G) Quiet eye of the dragon +5 Troops attack damage, +5 Troops attack defense (Value: 2000 G) Pendant of free will: Immune to mind magic and hypnosis. (Value 8000 G)
Rumor Mill :
[] Slug Club : The return.
Horace Slughorn, retired Hogwarts teacher and famous potionneer finally got out of his self imposed exile by inviting anyone of skill to a party. Having had bad experiences about those in the past, Dace did some investigation and, to his surprise, he learned that while the undead tried to get to the man, a few mislabelled potions vial made it so they all died in a fire before they could get to him. (82)
[] Magical Creatures and where to find them.
While it has become rather clear Oliver is angry at Dace for reasons unknown, he is a competent man, even moreso when what is asked of him is within his (admittedly narrow) specialty. As such, when approached about finding new creatures for the roster, he simply raised an eyebrow and pointed at the the map where the australian ranches could be found, before going back to reading his book. A sidelong glance revealed it was about baking. Strange hobby. (59)
[] The lightning strikes twice.
While Dace doesn't get people, he can identify patterns when he sees them. And he managed to determine the visiting habits of the person visiting Dumbledore. With enough luck and preparation, he should be able do find out what's happening. The Order being incompetent is a thing, Dumbledore being compromised is a different beast entirely. (52)
Diplomacy:Advisor – Elizabeth Gwallawg: Actions: 2
[] Meet up with people. Going here and there, talking with people and interacting with them may yield interesting results, after all, when you go out, you never quite know who you will meet later in the day. Managing to make lasting ties in one encounter though... Is quite a bit harder.
50 / 30 / 10 % Chance of success.
Reward : Opens new Sls.
Costs : 500 G
[] Networking at the Ministry. With the new minister, comes a new balance of power. You never really bothered with it before, but with the current state of things, getting a few people to report to you and allowing you to influence the decisions would be rather advantageous.
40 % Chance of success.
Reward: Gain access to Ministry confidential information. Chance to get access to Ministry resources.
Costs : 1000G
[]Slander Reveal dark secrets of: Sometimes, people do things they are not very proud of and try to keep buried. Along the years, you have collected and hoarded those secrets, to unleash them at your convenience.
-[] Write-in
Chances vary depending on who is targeted.
[]Bolster reputation: Having well placed friends is a boon in and of itself. And if they owe you favors, well, even better.
-[]Write in (Must be a SL)
70 / 50 / 20 % Chance of success.
Reward: Increased influence in a random Ministry department.
Cost: 10 000 Galleons.
[] Attend Academy graduation. You are, after all, the owner, founder and the one who funds the Gwallawg Academy of Superior Learning, located in Cardiff. This will increase your chance of people with exceptional potential stepping up, such as Oliver and Agatha. Miss Evans is currently indisposed and cannot give a speech, sorry.
+ 10 % chances to recruit heroic unit next turn.
[] Meet with your people (write in option). Just because they're already working for you doesn't mean that you have to neglect them.
50 / 30 / 10 % Chances to establish a SL with the designated subordinate.
[]Rebellion. Due to the Overlord's attack on the ministry, several critical spells fell apart and magical creatures across the isles have begun to lash out. Dace will find them and either bring them back to heel, or put them down.
50% chances of success.
Reward: Unrest eliminated, chance to obtain Nature themed creatures.
Cost: 20 000G
[]Organize the Wedding: Advertising and invitations. Martha agreed to a lavish wedding, and that people she didn't know would see her get married. In fact, she almost looked proud of it, considering how possessive sh's been of you lately.
+1 To Wedding Score.
Stewardship: Actions: 1
[] Trade for resources ( free action )
1 Wood for 1700 galleons
1 Stone for 1700 galleons
1 Crystal for 4250 galleons
1 Gem for 4250 galleons
1 Mercury for 4250 galleons
1 Sulfur for 4250 galleons
1 Wood for 300 galleons
1 Stone for 300 galleons
1 Crystal for 500 galleons
1 Gem for 600 galleons
1 Mercury for 600 galleons
1 Sulfur for 600 galleons
[] Find sources of building materials. Your contacts went out of business not that long ago, and you need good sources if you don't want to keep paying so much for them. Guaranteed access to Wood and Stone production facilities. Chance of getting access to Gem, Crystal, Sulfur, or Mercury production facilities.
Cost: 40 000 Galleons
[] Develop your budding empire, you need to spend gold to earn more gold, after all.
Costs 10 000 Galleons. 50 / 20 / 10 % Chances of success Gains variable.
[] Civilian infrastructure. (Requires Rampart step 1 to be complete to be built : One building of the kind may be built per turn.)
-[]Resource silo : Cost: 25 000G, 25 Stone
+ 5 Crystal / turn -[]Blacksmith : Cost 20 000G, 20 Wood
Builds siege weapons -[]Workshop: Cost 20 000G, 20 Wood
Opens up crafting options -[]Druid hall level 1:Cost: 5 Wood, 5 Stone, 20 000G Five level 1 spells become available for heroes to learn. Heroes are able to purchase a spell book from the guild for 500 G.
[]The House Elf situation. The elephant in the room. The fact that both goblins and house elves are ticking time bombs cannot be ignored. Dace can, however, try to mitigate the damage by buying and converting some of them, using Lucius as an intermediary.
35% chances of success. +10 Due to previous decision.
Reward: More elves, RP with Lucius, lessened damage to society.
Cost: 200G / Elf.
[] Real estate hunt : Riddle already two places directly under his control now. See if you can't even the numbers. Though, first, you'd have to find suitable spots...
Cost : 0 Galleons. 40 / 20 / 10% Chances of success.
[] Time for a new business venture: From haute couture to cooking, to entertainment to book producing, as long as you put enough money in, you can do anything!
-[] Write-in
[]Organize the Wedding: Catering. While a swamp isn't exactly a great place to be married in, right now it's more of a lake, making the place very picturesque. Though, this won't remain as such for much more time.
Cost : 20 000G
Reward: +1 Wedding score
Martial: Actions : 1
[] Hire more security staff. -10 to enemy infiltration rolls. 2000G
Cost : 1 000 Galleons. 60 / 40 / 20 % Chances of success.
[] Combat drills. You have units, but they don't know how to fight as an army.
Cost : 0 Galleons.
-[]Wolves : 0 / 100
-[]Druids : 155 / 200
[] Military expedition:
Send a Heroic unit and your army do stuff.
-[]Orkney Islands: After the fall ot the Order faction, the undead are rampaging throught tie Isles. Both muggle and wizarding wonder what kind of deranged serial killer is to be found there, and there are talks about involving the army.
Cost : 5000 Galleons. 20 / 10 / 5 % Chances of success.
-[]Lundy Island: The Necromancer's base. No life can be found there, only cursed bodies and damned souls.
Cost : 5000 Galleons. 10 / 5 / 1% Chances of success.
-[] Exploration: see in the nearby territories if they can notice anything.
Cost 5000 Galleons/ 80 / 60 / 10% Chances of success.
-[] Land patrol : You never know what you can find lurking in the dark.
Cost : 1 000 Galleons. 70 / 40 / 20% Chances of success.
-[] Special mission : Write-in
[]Fire in Africa. The Death faction is harvesting corpses over there, which leads to more troops for them. Try to put an end to it.
10% chances of success
Reward: Supply line disrupted.
Cost: 100 000G
[] Dwellings (Free action)(Requires Rampart step 1 to be complete to be built : One building of the kind may be built per turn.)
[] FIll up your roster: After the unpleasantness with Riddle, you find your roster of units severely emptied. Do something about that.
Cost : 50 000 Galleons.
[] Find yourself a Security Chief (Martial adviser). You need all the help.
Cost : 5000G
[] But will that security chief be the best ? No. Try to poach an auror or two! Considering what they're doing with them, they won't be missed. Costly though.
Cost : 7500G
[]Organize the Wedding: Security. It's rather important, if you intend the wedding to go without a hitch.
Cost: 15 000G
+1 Wedding score.
Intrigue: Actions : 2
[] Leverage your relationships : Use your SLs to cause reactions in a specified person.
-[]Select SL ( may take several, but no more than once)
--[]Select target.
[] Plots are good for your health! Plot against: (Will receive intel on their moves, plus additional actions if the opportunity arises.)
40 / 30 / 20/ Chances of success.
-[] The Ministry of Magic
-[]The muggles
-[] Dumbledore's little club of vigilantes.
-[] Voldemort's band of hooligans. Well, what remains of it, anyways.
-[] The Overlord of Chaos faction
-[] Death Faction.
-[] Aife. Better keep tabs on her.
[] Plots are good for your purse! With all those people being arrested left and right...
60 / 30 / 10% Chances of success
-[] Plot to take over shops in Diagon Alley (England, London).
-[] Plot to take over shops in the Green Alley (Wales, Cardiff)
[] Compulsive plotting is also good for the morale!
50 / 30 / 10% Chances of success
-[] Go on a matchmaking spree. Chance to increase Diplomacy, RP with some people, reputation.
-[] Go on a trolling rampage an adventure! Chance to increase Intrigue, cripple enemies, RP with some people.
[]Grand Theft Necropolis. Riddle somehow stole the Philosopher's stone from Nicolas Flamel. Dace decided stealing it from them would be a good idea.
25% chances of success
Reward : Philosopher's stone.
Cost: 10 000G
[]Where in the world is Harry Potter? Aife seemed to think he was very important, so Dace doesn't feel inclined to leave the kid on his lonesome, especially if he spent some time with Riddle.
15% chances of success
Reward: Harry Potter found.
Cost: 50 000G
[]Organize the Wedding: Make sure nobody will act up.
+1 to Wedding score.
Learning: Actions: 2 (1+Learning over 25)
[] The old tales are sometimes true. Brush up on your knowledge, after all each time something supernatural happened, a wizard was behind it. Variable results, autopass
[]Survey the land. You'll never know what you can fins by running around, but at the very least, you'll know the land's map.
60% chance of success.
Reward: Area mapped out, Nat1Malus negated.
[]Why is the land dying? Dace has an inkling of an idea, but he doesn't knows the details behind what is happening in Cornwall, nor the effects it would have, only that it is important for the enemy.
60% chances of success. +10 Due to previous decision.
Reward : Detailed data regarding the Land of the Dead and its spread.
Cost: 10 000G
[] Hives. The Overlord is after them, and the more he obtains, the more his power grows. Considering he's already got browns, it stands to reason he's got that one. However, seizing the others before him would deny him his healers, his pyromancers and his poisoners.
60% chances of success.
Reward: Minion hives found.
Cost: 25 000G
Mysticism: Advisors: Agatha and Oliver: Actions: 3 (+10 to rolls)
[] Y Ddraig Aur. He emerges once every thousand years and was until recently chewing on a few cows in what remains of your backyard, but this time, it was early. Why?
[] Spend time with one of your SLs: +2 RP
-[] Therapy Spend time with Lily: +3 RP, +1/? to recovery
-[] Brunch with Lucius : +3 RP
-[]Tea with Slughorn: + 3 RP
-[]Lessons with Ollivander: +3 RP
-[]Write-in (must be SL)
[] Personal supervision. Supervise an action from the other sections. Gain +10 to rolls if Martial, Stewardship or Diplomacy action, +20 if Leaning or Mysticism action, +30 if Intrigue action. (May be used multiple times, but not on the same actions.)
[] Extra action. Use your own free time to do stuff. (May only be taken once, may be used as substitute for AP)
[]Organize the Wedding: What it says on the tin. Martha's beginning to look impatient.
Who to use the fountain on?
As of right now, Dace is capped in Learning and intrigue, so any more growth for his skills will neef some help. Martha is also capped on Intrigue, btw.
@Kufufu You're using too many actions; 1 too many on both personal and stewardship. I wish we had that many . Also you didn't include the 2 rumors we can act on and buying enough wood for the homestead.
I have an alternate plan.
I take the slughorn and new roster rumors
Diplomacy is wedding and counter/suborn the monsters going feral.
Stewardship is the house elf for Lucius rp and to counter/suborn the house elf situation. Have a +10 to make it easier. Have to sacrifice the wedding action .
Martial is wedding and building the homestead. Would like to try for the advisor for the +2 actions but don't want to drop another wedding action.
Intrigue is wedding and grand theft philosopher stone. We have +75 from stealth skill so this should be doable and getting/denying that asset is a pretty big deal. Actually the +75 is already accounted for. I'm going to add the matchmaking action in hopes of improving our SLs. If we can't use the seating arrangements at the Wedding to play matchmaker I'll be shocked.
Learning is survey to eliminate that -10 and why the land is dying since we get a +10 over the hive action.
Mysticism is the dragon thing and research on our units. Not doing Cherry action because Cherry. If QM says it's mandatory to do one I'll drop a unit research. It's mandatory.
Personal is wedding and 3 SLs. Lucius & slughorn synergize with other actions and therapy to get Lilly recovered. Slughorn may be able to help us with our heartbreak problem and the other 2 can help with the action problem.
Fountain on Chibi for long term.
4 actions on wedding.
2 actions on thwarting Chaos faction plans
1 actions on thwarting Death faction plans
-[X] Slug Club : The return.
Horace Slughorn, retired Hogwarts teacher and famous potionneer finally got out of his self imposed exile by inviting anyone of skill to a party. Having had bad experiences about those in the past, Dace did some investigation and, to his surprise, he learned that while the undead tried to get to the man, a few mislabelled potions vial made it so they all died in a fire before they could get to him. (82) -[X] Magical Creatures and where to find them.
While it has become rather clear Oliver is angry at Dace for reasons unknown, he is a competent man, even moreso when what is asked of him is within his (admittedly narrow) specialty. As such, when approached about finding new creatures for the roster, he simply raised an eyebrow and pointed at the the map where the australian ranches could be found, before going back to reading his book. A sidelong glance revealed it was about baking. Strange hobby. (59) -[X]Rebellion. Due to the Overlord's attack on the ministry, several critical spells fell apart and magical creatures across the isles have begun to lash out. Dace will find them and either bring them back to heel, or put them down.
-[X]Organize the Wedding: Advertising and invitations. Martha agreed to a lavish wedding, and that people she didn't know would see her get married. In fact, she almost looked proud of it, considering how possessive sh's been of you lately. -[X]The House Elf situation. The elephant in the room. The fact that both goblins and house elves are ticking time bombs cannot be ignored. Dace can, however, try to mitigate the damage by buying and converting some of them, using Lucius as an intermediary. -[X] Develop the land (Free action):
--[X]Crystal mine: -[X] Trade for resources ( free action )
--[X] buy 9 wood for 15300
-[X] Dwellings (Free action)(Requires Rampart step 1 to be complete to be built : One building of the kind may be built per turn.) --[X] Homestead: Produces 7 elves / turn.
-[X] Organize the Wedding: Security. It's rather important, if you intend the wedding to go without a hitch.
-[X] Compulsive plotting is also good for the morale!
--[X] Go on a matchmaking spree. Chance to increase Diplomacy, RP with some people, reputation.
-[X]Survey the land. You'll never know what you can fins by running around, but at the very least, you'll know the land's map.
-[X]Why is the land dying? Dace has an inkling of an idea, but he doesn't knows the details behind what is happening in Cornwall, nor the effects it would have, only that it is important for the enemy.
-[X] Y Ddraig Aur. He emerges once every thousand years and was until recently chewing on a few cows in what remains of your backyard, but this time, it was early. Why?
-[X] Research upgrades:
--[X] Wolves : 0/100
-[X] Funeral rites : Salvation : ???
-[X]Organize the Wedding: What it says on the tin. Martha's beginning to look impatient.
-[X] Spend time with one of your SLs: +2 RP
--[X] Brunch with Lucius : +3 RP
--[X]Tea with Slughorn: + 3 RP
--[X] Therapy Spend time with Lily: +3 RP, +1/? to recovery
-[X]Who to use the fountain on?
--[X] Scáthach the Younger Drinks
Information threadmark, strategic data has a spoiler with the army. And rebellions is finding dangerous monsters and wrangling them into submission (or killing them).
Cause the druids are still untrained. Hassan whipped the doggos into shape on the side, since Ollie's more free, but the best you can expect from the greenhorns is not to friendly fire.
Does that mean Hassan did this action for us? [] Combat drills. You have units, but they don't know how to fight as an army.
Cost : 0 Galleons.
-[]Wolves : 0 / 100
Dace had a dream once. A dozen druids standing in a circle, chanting as a giant tree grew up in front of them. Vines flying around, destroying skeletons and zombie in a powerful show of force.
This was not the reality in front of him as he watched over the recent batch of druids and Urie
"Take this" one of the druids shouted as he grew a 4 cm tall flower from the earth.
"Is that the best you can manage. Let me show you true power" another druid said as he grew a 5 cm tall flower from the earth.
"you... bastard. Just wait, one day I will surpass you" .
"Trust me, you won't. This is the difference in strength between a commoner and genius" He was pretty much a part of the scenery
A bit further away some druids where attempting to summon wolves and spirits.
"AAAAAAAAAAARHH, with the power of my left eye, fenrir show yourself" a druid wearing an eye patch said. A giant poff of smoke appeared, showing a chicken as the smoke cleared away.
"Scrub, what can a chicken do? Eat m... ARRRRGH"
"Don't worry, I got this" A third druid said as he summoned a cloud of smoke"
"Fuck, it multiplied. EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF"
"RUN" "It got my leg, it got my leg, save yourself" " Half his body sunken in the swamp
"Attack power flower. Let me show you the power of a genius."
"It won't work. We have to combine our power to vanquish this foe"
"Very well, follow me"
"Ugh, its to strong"
".... Can not hold. " "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" not reacting to the screams
Dace could be honest with himself. Feelings where not his strongest point, but even he could feel a bit sad seeing his newest batch of druids get annihilated by two chickens in open combat. a bird making a nest on his head.
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Hassan'll Make a Wolf Out of You + 11 (Semi-Canon)
Hassan stood upon the ramparts surveying his packmates. And he did not like what he saw. They were lazing about with no purpose. Their coats were unkempt and worst of all – they couldn't even howl properly! This state of affairs couldn't continue and he could not trust any of his humans to do this job properly. So with a defiant roar he leaped from the rampart and crashed onto the ground in front of the wolf den. ow
Hassan summoned his packmates with a howl, "Form ranks, Curs!" my ears hurt oh woe is me
They came, slowly, but still they came. Hassan looked at this spineless, pale, pathetic bunch arrayed about him in circles, and almost despaired. Could even he make wolves out of these, these poodles? Hassan despaired, but lo the ground beneath his feet shifted and he looked down to discover that he was standing on the depressed druid. No wonder his thoughts had been so bleak! Once he was back on firmer footing he began his inspirational speech to enflame their hearts for the upcoming trials of training.
"Packmates, these times are dire. We are now the first, second, and last line of defense –"
"Actually, there's lots of other defenders." A brave young wolf piped up, "Like the druid that summoned most of us for instance; he's pretty strong." No I'm not
Hassan flicked one ear and turned his snout towards Urie.
"...Ok, he couldn't outfight a squirrel, but there's all the other druids too." A squirrel bit me once
Hassan snorted, "The same druids that are competing to grow flowers?" It wanted the acorn I was sleeping on
"Erm, what about that red-haired lady with long claws?" I summoned an acorn for it
Hassan sighed, "That human is receiving treatment from our finest therapist, Dr. Scruffy. We cannot in good conscience force her to fight in our stead." It took it and then came back a little later
"Oh, she's getting treatment too? I thought it was for the old guy with a broken heart." He demanded I summon another acorn
"Unfortunately, his case is too difficult even for Dr. Scruffy. But anyways, while I appreciate your enthusiasm…" When I complained, he said something about Danegild
"Kevin" So I gave him another acorn and went back into my house
"Thank you. As I was saying, while I appreciate your enthusiasm Kevin, we're the only –" So I guess it's true I can't outfight a squirrel
"Oh! What about the steel-gauntlet lady?" The end
Hassan bowed his head in acquiescence, "A fair point Kevin. However, even she can only be in one place at a time. She requires our assistance to protect all the other humans under her care. Therefore, I have devised a training schedule to bring us all to peak form. And if any of you slack off, then the steel-gauntlet lady will be ashamed to fight by our side. Additionally, I'll make repeat offenders climb out of one of the druids' quicksand pits and ban you from visiting the sacred child of tummy scratches."
All the wolves agreed to follow Hassan's training regime and became the most badass wolves the world had ever seen.
Does that mean Hassan did this action for us? [] Combat drills. You have units, but they don't know how to fight as an army.
Cost : 0 Galleons.
-[]Wolves : 0 / 100
It will be done by Oliver by the end of the turn, at the very least. Each advisor has one action to use as they see fit, which results in either bonuses when you take it too, or them being done behind your back, which is why you didn't have to wait longer for elves, because Agatha spammed them. Ony one who doesn't is Elizabeth because she's in America.
Yeah that makes advisers even better then before. And getting 2 extra actions was already amazing.
Base on our stored up RP with Lilly I'm guessing she'll be at SL 8 or 9 when she recovers. Hopefully she'll become an adviser for us. We could use the help.