Well, the funny thing about ties, is that I get to roll on which questions are chosen! Corrected them to be more in line with what Dace would know.
Time out (2)
"If you're going to ask questions about your allies' state or future events, don't bother"
The little girl immediately interrupted, walking on the floor as if on a tightrope, spinning the full cup around her finger without spilling a drop. Then, with an artistic twirl, she threw it at the wall, just above Dace's shoulder, making him flinch, where it exploded in a shower of porcelain, the liquid pooling on the ground showing several images. Martha standing over the pulped remains of Riddle, the corpses of Agatha and Elizabeth, paler than death, twitching on the ground, and a river of blood flowing in Diagon Alley, bodies, both human and not, lining the otherwise empty streets.
"As you can see, they've been taken care of already." She continued lightly, the porcelain shards reforming, the liquid coming back into the cup, and the cup returning to its owner's hand. She looked at it for a second, before shrugging and sending it flying over her shoulder, to fall into the starless void. "Hm." She looked at him for a second, before continuing.
"Call me Themis. I'm as close as the real deal as you'll find in
those parts, anyways. Ask your questions, I'm fairly sure Cherry would
looove to answer them." The way she drawled the word while waving her hands on each side was not reassuring, her golden braid slithering behind her back like a tail.
Dace took a second to gather his though.
The deceptively young girl in a blue dress and four mechanical limbs called herself Themis, as in, the Titaness of divine law and Order. That part was especially important. She also presumably had the ability to foresee the future without fail. However, that she introduced herself as a Titaness and not a Goddess was most likely important, too. In the end, he gave up on that and asked her the question relevant to her domain.
[X] How do I restore the Order Anchor?
Themis tilted her head, chin length bangs moving slightly, before her eyes narrowed.
"The Anchor your follower
sacrificed in order to give herself a power boost?" The girl shook her head " I'm sorry, however, it cannot be recovered. You would be better served to create another one from scratch, and with all the chaos running rampant, my influence here is tenuous at best, so even that would be difficult. If you truly want to obtain another one of those, I'll need you to ensure that Order and Civilization can survive the coming ordeals, as I have no illusions the current Order representatives can do it." She sniffed a little in discain, seemingly having an even worse opinion of the Aurors that Dace did.
" And even if that were the case, and you managed to create another one, you would need an appropriate leader. One who is both Lawful, and doesn't let emotions cloud their judgement."
She sighed.
"I was intending for you to become its owner instead of miss Evans, however
that person sunk her diseased claws into you first, so unless you reject her, this is out of my hands. Still, if you
really want a second Order faction under your control to be created, I can give you a series of tasks to execute in order to do it." Her serious expression and golden eyes looked almost out of place on her youthful, freckled face. "
However, they will not be easy."
Do you want Themis to give you quests?
[] Yes
-Will open the [Light of Civilization] Questline.
-Themis is nicely surprised
-Ceridwen is furious with you.
[] No
-Ceridwen is pleased
-Themis will give up on you.
Ceridwen clapped her hand, interrupting Themis, her face darkened in anger.
"Do not presume to insult my Lady in my presence." Themis' only reaction was to snort and go back to the table to pour herself some more tea, ignoring the woman.
"Ask her your other question. She'll answer adequately enough, I'll pipe in when she starts lying." The girl sat, crossing her legs and drinking. The smell indicated milk chocolate. Ceridwen glared at her, scowling, hefore schooling her expression and smoothing the creases of her pearl gray velvet robes, the diamonds on her black girdle shining like stars. Shen she smiled, eyes closeds at Dace, a few strands of silver framing her alabaster face.
"Please do not let her babble cloud your thinking and please ask. I'll endeavor to answer it to my utmost capacity."
Dace was beginning to wonder if he'd intruded in the middle of some argument, but in the end decided to ask the one of the questions that plagued him ever since the incident with the golden dragon happened. He pondered a bit on how to formulate it, but in the end, he tried to get the most information possible.
[X] What are the different faction that currently are into play in Britain? Both divine and Mortal.
She hid her mouth behing her hand and giggled.
"Isn't this something you should already be aware of, though?" Dace had to keep his annoyance from showing until her hilarity disapeared in favor of a sweet smile. "Very well, let me explain~"
"You're probably aware of the elemental allegiances? Life for Albus Dumbledore, Death for Tom Riddle, Order for Rufus Scrimgeour, Nature for you, and Chaos for-" She opened and closed her mouth but no sound came out and she frowned. "For the one calling himself the Overlord. Those are the biggest mortal factions as of right now, muggles not included." She lifted her fingers, lifting them as she enunciated the names. " There are also Arthur's and Mordred's, though both of them are out of commission right now, Merlin, though he is sealed off somewhere, Voldemort is still seeking a body, horcrux number 3 is rampaging in middle East, and then, there are the Potter twins, so very
Well, wasn't that foreboding.
"As for Gods and goddesses involved, you have Freyja acting as Aife's patron, Ahriman as Riddle's, Andraste is more interested in keeping things under control, but she once had her eye on you, Ares is following Lily Evans. As for the rest, I won't say who exactly got what, but Athena, Loki, Kali, Dionysus, Eros, Thor, Odin, Nephtys and Epona have espressed interest. Aphrodite, Hephaestus and Ra used to be members too, but their chosen got offed rather quickly. Other than that, there's nothing of inte-" a cup of chocolate milk crashed against her head and Themis waved lazily, spinning on a newly appeared gaming chair.
"Don't forget about that little alliance~ You've got to fill
your underworld
somehow." She chimed in, letting out a little whee as the chair began rolling across the room while spinning.
Ceridwen snarled and the space warped, yet, with a flicker of bronze fingers, the it righted itself immediately and the silver haired woman huffed.
"He doesn't need to know about that."
Themis looked at her with disdain.
"Glad to know that your word is as cheap as your thighs."
He gave an 8 out of 10 for that one.
dare you-"
In any case." Themis interrupted. "Ceridwen had an alliance with Ahriman, or Angra Mainyu, whichever you prefer, Kali and Odin, because they were all gods of Death. Freyja, Thor and Loki do too, however it'll disintegrate soon enough. Athena, Epona, Eros and Dionysus mostly do their thing, but agreed to look out for eachother here. Andraste is the outlier here, since she's somehow managed to declare war to everyone, including
Epona. " She shrugged in disbelief." She's the nicest, most peaceful, slowest to anger woman ever, right behind
It did sound like quite the achievement.
"Right? Anyways, besides those, there's that person from another dimension that inserted itself within a child and is biding their time, think your daughter, except he's kind of a horny Hitler youth with minor reality warping abilities." She waved as if it was unimportant.
[X] Why is Riddle after my Grandaughter?
Ceridwen righted herself, before answering.
"That would be because of her mother. Aife is blessed by Freyja, however, as a goddess of fertility, she forgot the fact that her blessings would be hereditary, which is why your granddaughter has rather inhuman aspects."
"He's also trying to become a god by absorbing those blessings. Him attacking you was a massive setback since it cost him Aphrodite's chosen. Drawback is, Aphrodite can now come back into the 'game'." Themis made ellipses with her fingers.
Which leads us, to the present situation." Ceridwen spoke over the blonde, crossing her arms under her sleeves. " We would like you to swear fealty ot one of us-" "Speak for yourself!""- and act as our hands in the mortal plane. Of course, you would be appropriately rewarded as our champion."
Does Dace join hands with one of the Goddesses?
[] No. This was way over his paycheck. Which he knows very well, because he's the one paying his own check.
[] Yes:
[]Ceridwen: Goddess of Life and Death.
-All Life spells available, as long as you build the conservatory of Life. (spells found will depend on the level of the Mages' guild)
-Nature's bounty activates automatically each time a holding is set up
-Death element is no longer antagonistic ( no more morale penalty with Death type units in the army, can build the conservatory of Death building to learn some Death spells.)
-Your units cannot be raised as undead by enemies. (Gain permanent Necromancy ward)
-No penalty with Life faction as Ceridwen is also a Goddess of Life.
[]'Themis': Titaness of Order, Law and Foresight.
-Order element is no longer antagonistic ( no more morale penalty with Order type units in the army, can build the conservatory of Order building to learn some Order spells, no penalty when casting Order type spells in Nature territory.)
-You will receive visions each time another player gets either a Nat100 or Nat1
-Penalty when entering contact with with Chaos faction
Guess what is needed if your players are at a loss because too much information? More information