Yeah, I run Stylish script, it's useful. Still wary about him having one of Hallow, but on the other hand it's better in his decaying hands then in Alf's


Still wary about him having one of Hallow, but on the other hand it's better in his decaying hands then in Alf's


him having one of Hallow


You might want to take a second read of things.
The life and "death" of Urie, the emo druid. (Lemme think about it.)

The life and "death" of Urie, the emo druid.

I want to die. Life sucks, Urie said in a deadpan voice as a siege of Zombies moved toward him. He supposed he should beg for his life, bit it seemed like to much of a bother. Heck, he had only taken gotten this job because his mother had heard from a friend that heard from a friend that a stupidly sexy nobleman was hiring.

He was currently laying on the ground face down in a pile of mud. It was an apt description of his life. The enemy Wizard. Wriddel or something had cast some sort of mass asthma attack on them. He was used to it. Life is missrable that way. It seemed to have offed the rest of the Druids. Lucky them.

The Zombies walked past him. Some of them stepped on him. It was unpleasant. He was still laying on his face. Standing up seemed like to much of an effort. Crazy eye and Jason had said something survival instinct being the only thing keeping them alive on the battlefield. He didn't feel that. He suffered another asthma attack. Twice in a day. That's new. To bad it wasn't enough to kill.

I guess I could run, he mumbled. The Zombies had been destroyed. It seemed to much of an effort. At least the wolves was cool.
Time out
Winning option :
X] Flee, Olliver assist me, Dragons grab council, take moon doe

Time out

He only had time to send those thoughts, when he felt his body seize up, and, choking, he tried to remain conscious. However, past a certain point, the agony was too vivid and blessed unconsciousness came to him, taking him away from the pain. He didn't know how much time passed, but he felt something snap within him, as if a link was broken, and clarity came back to him as he felt himself sink into the darkness.

So, this is how I die. How embarrassing.
As if he knew the meaning of shame. He's been an automaton for most of his life.
It was pitch black.
Oh, shut up you. And finally, the man of the hour wakes up.
Dace got up, all pain having disappeared, and sat. Or at least he thought he sat. There was nothing here, except the void.
The void is more than enough. He wouldn't like the other places, emotionally stunted as he is.
He tried breathing, but he found he couldn't.
No winds can carry him away now.
He tried talking, but he found he couldn't.
No words can save him from judgement now.
Annoyed, he got on his feet and began to walk.
He doesn't even have legs to carry him away, foolish little meatbag.
He didn't know for how long, he felt neither tiredness, nor thirst, nor hunger, and so he was left alone with his thoughts.
Most people would have gone mad from this, you know?
It was infuriating, seeing his actions in retrospect, though, some of the fault wasn't on him, the events did conspire against him. However, this didn't excuse his incompetence.
Enigma-boy certainly did. The two of them are very similar, the same stench of unrepentant murder.
He didn't try to better himself, relying on Luck instead of the ability to trump Magic, when he was fighting an obviously magical opponent.
Yep, he messed up big time, now though, he'd probably be better served by doing something about it.
He didn't try to play on his strengths, lying in the shadows, accumulating information until an opportunity to strike presented itself at him, and instead acted like a common, run down the mill meathead and sought direct confrontation, while chasing after his erstwhile daughter who was a tertiary interest at best.
Not that I would know anything about that, mind you. That one though, she snapped the threads and turned them into a mess of knots. The Fates were in a right tizzy.
He didn't try to protect his secrecy, opening himself and his sanctum to factions he knew were riddled with spies. Then, he had the gall not to expect that those spies would move against him.
Of course, you would be upset about that. Well, I wasn't expecting much from you, your type tends to only focus on the obvious, reactive instead of proactive.
He didn't protect his followers, following an elusive promise of victory instead of making the logical choice and keeping noncombatants outside of the fight.
And yet they followed him. You didn't deserve them, yet again, they do deserve him. Interesting, that.
Still, no time for moping, he supposed. That wasn't him. What could he do though? That was an interesting question, and he was fairly sure coma didn't work like that-
I know you're looking at me right now. You're listening, right?
He thought he felt something behind him.
Oh, nonono, you don't get to make me look like the bad guy here.
A chill was running down his spine.
Do you know where they are now? Do you want to know what they're doing?
Will you look behind you?
They fall and fall, they rot and weep, yet again, you don't even care, do you?
[]Yes Turn around and face me, face what you have done! Turn around and see for yourself the consequences of your actions!
[]No ... Master? Can you hear me? Master, please wake up... You have to come back!

Divine intervention roll : 43 + 30 (Kufufu) + 10 (Mathematicae) = 83 Needed 80 : Deus ex machina!

Okay, okay everybody shut the hell up right now!

There was a massive gong noise ant the void turned into brass. Cogs were turning and suddenly, Dace found himself sitting at a table, two other people sitting in front of him. A slight smell tickled his nose and he looked down seeing a cup of tea in front of him, his two hands on each side of the cup. He tried to grab it, but his limbs didn't obey him.

"This much is normal, after all, the soul forgets quickly, once the thread of life has been snapped." The cowled woman sitting directly in front of him. " Yet again, the reason you haven't been destroyed yet is because part of your it has been claimed by Nature, as unfortunate as it is."

"Too meta, Cherry, he won't understand." Admonished a little girl sitting on her right, who was toying with the rim of the cup, her glowing, golden irises fixed on him in an evaluating manner.

"My name, is Ceridwen." The woman sniffed, putting the teacup to her lips in what was an obvious stalling tactic. Then, she paused, before putting it back on the table and sighing.

"This is going to become tiring rather quickly. In any case, you are currently dead. No doubt that this will be a very temporary state, what with the three of them trying to claim you." She pointed offhandedly at three statues, all reaching for him. " But the worst case scenario has hopefully been avoided already."

"Hmmm. Not quite." The little girl pointed out, having shifted so that her legs went over her seat's armrest while her back leaned against the other, giving Dace a view of her mechanical limbs as she raised her hands, her eyes now focusing on a golden weave. " But that's irrelevant. The best possible future is already out of reach, and the worst possible one is still within an arm's reach. I'm not really expecting anything at this point, but keeping that leaf from rotting inside out would still be appreciated."

Ceridwen flinched at the light admonishment, before her lips pursed and she drank, once again.

Control came back to Dace, and he flexed his hands a bit, before opening his mouth experimentally.

You can choose to talk to Ceridwen, the Lady of Life and Death, or you could choose the mysterious girl instead.

You can ask 3 questions. Make them count.

Andraste walked away in disgust (aka, rolled too low). But no worry, you've got an Outsider Entity and a Goddess of Death in your corner! Well... At least they don't want you dead right now?
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Well, you could ask what question ends by 42, or why there are people like Aife or Lily that seem to be getting outrageously powerful powerups for no reasons, or why cats fall on their feet instead of their backs, or even why they're talking about the end of the world, really, you've got two near omniscient entities in front of you, anything goes, really. :V
So, this is how I die. How embarrassing.
As if he knew the meaning of shame. He's been an automaton for most of his life.
It was pitch black.
Oh, shut up you. And finally, the man of the hour wakes up.
Dace got up, all pain having disappeared, and sat. Or at least he thought he sat. There was nothing here, except the void.
The void is more than enough. He wouldn't like the other places, emotionally stunted as he is.
He tried breathing, but he found he couldn't.
No winds can carry him away now.
He tried talking, but he found he couldn't.
No words can save him from judgement now.
Annoyed, he got on his feet and began to walk.
He doesn't even have legs to carry him away, foolish little meatbag.
He didn't know for how long, he felt neither tiredness, nor thirst, nor hunger, and so he was left alone with his thoughts.
Most people would have gone mad from this, you know?
It was infuriating, seeing his actions in retrospect, though, some of the fault wasn't on him, the events did conspire against him. However, this didn't excuse his incompetence.
Enigma-boy certainly did. The two of them are very similar, the same stench of unrepentant murder.
He didn't try to better himself, relying on Luck instead of the ability to trump Magic, when he was fighting an obviously magical opponent.
Yep, he messed up big time, now though, he'd probably be better served by doing something about it.
He didn't try to play on his strengths, lying in the shadows, accumulating information until an opportunity to strike presented itself at him, and instead acted like a common, run down the mill meathead and sought direct confrontation, while chasing after his erstwhile daughter who was a tertiary interest at best.
Not that I would know anything about that, mind you. That one though, she snapped the threads and turned them into a mess of knots. The Fates were in a right tizzy.
He didn't try to protect his secrecy, opening himself and his sanctum to factions he knew were riddled with spies. Then, he had the gall not to expect that those spies would move against him.
Of course, you would be upset about that. Well, I wasn't expecting much from you, your type tends to only focus on the obvious, reactive instead of proactive.
He didn't protect his followers, following an elusive promise of victory instead of making the logical choice and keeping noncombatants outside of the fight.
And yet they followed him. You didn't deserve them, yet again, they do deserve him. Interesting, that.
Still, no time for moping, he supposed. That wasn't him. What could he do though? That was an interesting question, and he was fairly sure coma didn't work like that-
I know you're looking at me right now. You're listening, right?
He thought he felt something behind him.
Oh, nonono, you don't get to make me look like the bad guy here.
A chill was running down his spine.
Do you know where they are now? Do you want to know what they're doing?
Will you look behind you?
They fall and fall, they rot and weep, yet again, you don't even care, do you?
[]Yes Turn around and face me, face what you have done! Turn around and see for yourself the consequences of your actions!
[]No ... Master? Can you hear me? Master, please wake up... You have to come back!

Divine intervention roll : 43 + 30 (Kufufu) + 10 (Mathematicae) = 83 Needed 80 : Deus ex machina!
Invisitext for all those who can't see it.
The no option sounds like Martha. Is there anyone else who would refer to dace as master? Who do you guys think the yes option is? Riddle?
SO from the invistext the Yes, sounds like more introspection, and the No, sounds like on of our people futilely trying to wake us up.

He didn't try to play on his strengths, lying in the shadows, accumulating information until an opportunity to strike presented itself at him, and instead acted like a common, run down the mill meathead and sought direct confrontation, while chasing after his erstwhile daughter who was a tertiary interest at best.

Tbf, we could try to disguise this flaw as Dace's attempt to act like his 'father,' Dumbledore,' just once.
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I feel that at least one of the questions should be "How do I keep my granddaughter safe while not dooming the world in the process?"

Edit: We should under no circumstances ask "What are you?" Its a waste of a question that could instead be used to help our situation.
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Lemme think about it :V

I've narrowed it down to 2 choices, but it'd be spoilery right now, so I'll offer you the choice in PM after that business is over.
Someone compose a list of what we need to know and what we want to know. If we know that we can create questions that answer multiple things.
Omake: Thoughts of Clockwork Eyes (Noncanon) +6 to rolls.
Omake: Thoughts of Clockwork Eyes

It was always a pleasure to watch someone enter her little pocket of space. For a split second it was possible to look past them and see where they just were. This time all she could see was what seemed to be a plane of souls screaming in agony and vengeance against her guest.

Couldn't they mix it up a little over there? Showing them the consequences of their actions only works if they truly had no idea! Otherwise they just rationalize it all away or have already come to terms with it!

But as boring as the void dwellers were, her newest guest was quite the interesting character. The [Nature] leader had lasted far longer then he was meant to, but then again, with the tangled mess that once was the tapestry of life, maybe that is to be expected. Still, one has to commend him for his tenacity, if not his ability to stay hidden from the eyes of the major players.

Her other guest, at least, seems to be fond of him. Cherry always had a soft spot for those that loved Cymru as much as she did. The fact that [Nature] had a lot to do with rebirth and the cycles of life and death, well, that definitely increased her opinion of him, even if he hadn't done much to assist Nature itself.

Of course, what he does here will be what decides her own opinion of him. He's intelligent, definitely intelligent enough to recognize who Cherry is, even if she hadn't given him her name. Yet that hasn't stopped him from making mistakes that could have easily been avoided.

In the end though, this is all just a way to help him at least avoid the worst possible outcome, so she must be rooting for him a little.
Three questions for the goddess of the coldren born.

1) what is the process to bring my friends (minions) back to true life?
2) what is the most effective way to protect my granddaughter without screwing over the world or suffocatingher personal growth?
3) what is a good ten step program that will give me emotions in a healthy and timely manner?
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