If we fight I am willing to use my saved up points to assist in Urie's fight if it will make him succeed.

Duly noted. I'm gonna go ahead and assume 'Urie surviving the encounter' is a degree of success :V ?

Omakes on the overlord action would be greatly appreciated and are highly warranted.

You'll have to convince @Mathematicae then.

Chilling at home while London is on fire..: and excerpt from the Jokerquest Negaverse.

Hmmm, lacks whining from Aphrodite and not enough drunk!Regulus JoJo posing, but sure, have a canon rating.

I don't know whats up between Shirley and Black, so I couldn't include it.

Allow me to reorganize the data you have about her so far :

"You're too nice Shirley, that's why people keep escaping from you.

Ah, but, that's probably you struggling against the programming huh? You are the youngest out of all of us~"

Shirley succumbs fully to the compulsion

You couldn't save her if you didn't use your head, stupid mutt

And well, considering Sirius' character... Welp, not my problem anyways~

Edit: Also, since Urie isn't strictly mine, I don't really know what he looks like, anyone willing to provide a picture? Throwing a +5 if it's not drawn by yourself ( otherwise it's the usual +15 or +30) and I find it adequate~
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Hmm. I got this weird feeling that we probably shouldn't fight the Overlord. Still, letting him get away Scot free would probably come back to bite us.

[X] Whatever. They've already got what they were here for, and he was only really sent to put an end to the situation anyways... (Don't fight)
[X] Try to spirit Lucius away. (Stealth approach) [Available since Dace is present]
[X] Preemptive attack : kill the leader and the spell is lifted, killing all of the troops. [Available Due to Martha Being here]

In the end it's to risky. The Overlord is probably 4 times our level anyway.
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Turn 6 : Winter 1986 (4)
Turn 6 : Winter 1986 (4)

Turn 4 : Urie

He felt the need to sigh, once again, because people around him were bossing him around, but he got a chance at dying, so, yay? He signalled for the druids to lead the civilians away, which they did with apprehension.

At least he'd be free from this cursed squirrel mafia.

"Sorry, but I can't allow you to go. It's a pain, but we're kinda supposed to kill eachother or something. Want the first shot at it?" The depressed druid raised his ames to his sides, inviting the attack.

"Ah, despite your lackluster behavior, you do seem to know basic battle etiquette. Very well, I shall take you seriously." A deep, gravelly voice came from the figure, and the man's hand raised, a small ball of fire appearing, they sailing away in their direction. Urie noted idly that streets really weren't conducive to avoiding spells that affected large areas.

Barking the order to brace themselves, he prepared himself as the whole world turned orange. And not that cheery, obnoxious one either.

Then he felt pain. Then nothing.

Army sent to London wiped out, save for the druids and Urie!

Initiative to the Overlord ! (Due to Tactics skill)

The Overlord uses Inferno !

Damage : 70 + 6x16 + 80% = 166 + 132 = 298 Damage to all units.

All units on Defensive mode take 20% less damage

Elves take: 149 (Chaos ward) - 29 (Defense) = 120 Damage
Wolves take: 298 – 59 = 239 Damage
Urie takes: 298 – 59 = 239 Damage

Hidden ability : An emo's luck - Not today, Death : Activated
Rolled : 86 + 5 (attack of the cuckoos @Nordlending) +12 (Chilling while London is in fire @Nordlending) = 103. Pass. Urie is unconscious and burnt, but alive. He'll hate his life even more when he'll be able to feel pain though.

Turn 9 : Dace.

He tried to sneak towards them, however, it seemed the Death Eaters were extra vigilant and one of them even saw him in the shadows, causing him to alert his colleagues.

Dace whistled and, in the confusion, the dogs struck.

It was a massacre, and he just looked detached as the beasts savaged the men. It was gross.
Still, it didn't take more than 5 minutes before all of the robed figures were dead and Dace was setting up the unconscious and bound blond on the back of the biggest dog of the pack.

Now though, what to do?

[] Go home with Lucius
[] Split the Army and send Lucius ahead
-[] Write-in
[] Everyone goes.

Lucius retrieved.

DE Sentry Vigilance : 77 (needed 75) Dace is spotted.
Battle ensues.

Doggos attack! Luck roll : 38 : Nope.
95 x 3 x (1+0,09) x (1+0,2) x (1-0,2) x2= 95 x 3 x 1,09 x 1,2 x 0,8 x 2 = 596

All Death Eaters wiped out.

Turn 13 : Martha

Martha narrowed her eyes, not bothering to listen to what the thing was saying and jumped, the distance between the two of them disappearing in the blink of an eye. She was pumped up, the sun was bright enough to strengthen her even though she was standing in a dead land, and she called up her familiar magic, the holy light feeling as eager as she was. She gathered it in her fist and it sailed towards the easiest target, the unprotected head, akin to a pulsating comet.

A seemingly immovable object got in the way. It was the woman's hand, clad in a gauntlet as dark as the night. The redhead sighed, before squeezing,

Martha barely freed herself, before once more calling up the light and trying another angle of attack while the woman shook her head and put on her helmet her empty hand once more slapping away the living's charge.

"Why won't anyone listen to me, I wonder..." The voice was soft, almost inaudible, as the armored figure reached for their back, tilting their head and revealing a handle; while their left arm twitched revealing a shield. The white, yawning skull over the dark metal almost seemed to scream as the sound of a sword being unsheathed could be heard. The blade was dark metal and almost seemed to absorb life, while the handle and the guard were red and black, yet another skull being affixed to the base of the blade.

The woman then pointed the sword at Martha, its dark gleam drawing the eye as the creatures charged from behind her towards the battlefield, ignoring Martha and instead colliding with the living troops.

"Once again, won't you please run away?"

Martha immediately attacked, once again. Her first hid was dodged, causing her to get annoyed, and she attacked once more, putting all of her weight behind it. The hit connected, her hand meeting the shield's black metal between the skull ornament and its lower jaw. The maw suddenly closed on her and, in that small moment of distraction, the undead riposted, swordgrazing her side and a wave of a dark
Be shattered be shattered be shattered be shattered and vanish.
... something...
Be shattered be shattered be shattered be shattered and vanish.
A feeling, a thought, she didn't understand spread through her...
Be shattered be shattered be shattered be shattered and vanish.
All she saw was black.
Be shattered be shattered be shattered be shattered and vanish.
Alll she felt was black.
Be shattered be shattered be shattered be shattered and vanish.
She was sitting on the ground, her limbs not answering to her, not that she even thought of moving them in the first place.
Be shattered be shattered be shattered be shattered and vanish.
Why was she even here?
Be shattered be shattered be shattered be shattered and vanish.
What was she doing?
Be shattered be shattered be shattered be shattered and vanish.
What was the point of all of this?
Be shattered be shattered be shattered be shattered and vanish!
She didn't even scream when a fire hot blade lodged itself in her gut, however, it did make her notice she was laying on the ground. She couldn't see anyone around her, save for the one she attacked, but resisting was the last thing in her mind.
Be shattered be shattered be shattered be shattered and vanish.
After all, why resist when existence is pointless?
Be shattered be shattered be shattered be shattered and vanish.
"So weak. It only took you this much to fall?" the armored figured tilted their head, one hand firmly on the sword and the one holding the shield taking off their helmet. " Don't you want revenge for your family? Aren't you worried for the people you care about?"
Be shattered be shattered be shattered be shattered and vanish.
"It took him years of doing worse to me to break me this much, you know?"
Be shattered be shattered be shattered be shattered and vanish.
"And you don't want to know what happened to Aimée."
Be shattered be shattered be shattered be shattered and vanish.
Martha just stared blankly, and the redhead's calme demeanor became troubled, angry, just for a bit.
Be shattered be shattered be shattered be shattered and vanish.
"People like you make me sick."
Be shattered be shattered be shattered be shattered and vanish.
She once more raised her sword, clearly intent on hurting her some more when..


The black haze disappeared, leaving Martha in pain. However, she rolled away, one hand over her guts, before getting up to her feet and quickly jumping away, her eyes fixed on the undead who stared at her with disdain. Her voice, however, now reached all of the battlefield.

"This is your last warning. Run away or join the ranks of the dead."

In the battlefield, the black riders were ravaging the enemy ranks, their curved swords akin to scythes reaping the lives of the fighters. The liches were raining poison and illnesses over the battlefield in deadly green clouds and the vampires were feasting on the stragglers. The zombies and skeleton were shambling towards them and had almost reached them. They were surrounded.

Dumbledore looked angry, but there was a resigned light to his gaze.

Run away?

[] Yes. Martha will lose a random artifact (penalty).
[] No. Stay and fight.

Martha used preemptive attack :

Martha attacks !
Morale/Luck rolls : 60 + 2 + 66 : Morale procs! Luck procs once
Martha uses Holy word x 2 (-4 Mana) (12 remaining) :
(49 + 4dmg/level) x 3 = (49 + 48 ) x 3 = 291 Damage done !

Shirley defends !
Magic resist roll : 73 : Pass! Shirley negates the damage.

Martha attacks !
Morale/Luck rolls : 97+ 37 + 81 : Morale procs! Luck procs once
Martha uses Holy word x 2 (-4 Mana) (8 remaining) :
(49 + 4dmg/level) x 3 = (49 + 48 ) x 3 = 291 Damage done !

Shirley defends !
Magic resist roll : 65 : Pass! Shirley negates the damage.

Shirley attacks!
Luck roll : 63 : Fail.
Shirley attacks using her sword:
59 x (1+0.9) x (1-0.8) x (1-0.4) = 67 Damage inflicted.

Dark Lord effect activated!
Martha's magical resistance roll : 3 : Failure to resist!
Martha's morale changed to -10 ! Maximum negative morale! Martha is paralyzed by despair!

Afterwards, the combat is pretty much over, with Shirley injuring Martha more and more until Dumbledore decides to intervene *rolls* which is one turn. So, Martha takes another 67 Damage, which means she has 86 hitpoints left.

Dumbledore intervenes, Uses Exorcism to cure her of the Dark Lord Despair effect on Martha who decides to put some distance between Shirley and her.

Does Shirley spare her? (aka not going after her and finishing her off?)
93 + 20 ( Item lost) = 113.
Shirley allows her to go.

Martha lost the fight

Sooo. Introducing the Dark Lord. On-hit maximum negative morale sucks.

Also, not your fault, but Overlord was pissed, Urie got him not to double tap and murder everything in that general direction though. Yay?
What the...

Why was he so pissed. Did Rufus actually manage to hurt him or something.

At least he is alive. Did he get any experience by any chance?
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Well, no enemy was killed, so no.

Safety measure, because the undeads have this thing where they sacrifice their own living units to produce undeads, and gaining exp from your own units dying would be gamebreaking.
When you click on the image to zoom it in, right click after it gets 'zoomed in' ( bigger image with black background), select 'copy', then in SV, right click paste where you type and it should work.
Had that problem too when posting in pixel art for another quest, so I thought to share with the class is all. Though, if you could please edit your post with Dace's picture ? ( I trademarked the post in Media, so it should be easy to find).
[X] Go home with Lucius
[X] Yes

Urie is safe right, or do we need to send someone to pick him up?
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The druids will come back to pick him up. A tale of bravery and self sacrifice may or may not get out and end up in an Order of Merlin for Urie.
[X] Split the Army and send Lucius ahead
-[x] Send Lucius away with an escort
-[X] Dace and the rest to assist Martha .
[X] No. Stay and fight.

I'm giving my bonus to the battle, please.
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After looking at our situation. Risking Martha is a big No. Retreat and hope we lose the necklace instead of the set.

Let's get them and make sure those pesky order members doesn't start camping in our swamp.
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Dace is trash at fighting and we only sent less than 100 wolves with him anyways. Time to cut our losses and go home.
[X] Go home with Lucius
[X] Yes
I really dont want to lose that artifact guys, what if it one of the Dragon father Items?
So next turn. Let's dump Urie in the fountain. I did like the make her a demi god thing we had going, but after looking at the facts. She will probably leave us, grab our best advisors and start her own faction.

We can't lose the dragon items because Martha is the one running. Only the items she carries are at a risk. I think.
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make her a demi god thing we had going

It takes over 50 in a given stat to breach demigodhood, so it'd be a super long con.

She will probably leave us, grab our best advisors and start her own faction.

I'll remind everyone she's 6. Also, what makes you think that?

We can't lose the dragon items because Martha is the one running.

Well, technically, if Dace intervenes...

Only the items she carries are at a risk. I think.

It takes over 50 in a given stat to breach demigodhood, so it'd be a super long con.

I'll remind everyone she's 6. Also, what makes you think that?

Well, technically, if Dace intervenes...

I am being optimistic. I am sure we can survive for 10 more years. Unless we dig up some major artifact and the Overlord tries to rip our head off to get it .
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I am sure we can survive for 10 more years.

I did promise five years of safety if Dace didn't leave the house...

Unless we dig up some major artifact and the Overlord tries to rip our head off to get it .

Nah. Someone else has that dubious honor.

Unfortunately, they run into the Chaos faction leader when he's on an enthusiastic walk.

The Chaos Leader has had a bad day and doesn't have time to deal with this shit. He's certainly faster than Death Hero.

I was rereading he comments. Found that funny.
Martha was defeated so Elder wand will probably be the item we lose. The thing has a knack for abandoning defeated masters.