Mind control that is, I will remind you, entirely your own doing.

Not going to lie, I kinda thought the game of the gods was a battle of "Whom shall inherit the Earth?" Sort of deal, and, Cerdwin being the goddess of Life, Death and Magic would be all "Let Nature and rule! Magic planet for the win!"
But now we know that the gods are essentially playing monopoly with exceptional people acting as hotels.
We are now a hotel.

We need to be real out without actively trying to break out.
In charicter we were already going to have chibi drink from the fountain weren't we?
Seems to be chibis unending ascension is a go.

Help us chibi. You're our only hope.
( or dont and give LordPenguin a reason to start the next quest.)
Sure. If she's growing up with the required skills *Looks at her character page* Which she isn't.
And if she likes you enough to sacrifice most of her youth for you * Looks at her SL* She doesn't.
And if you have the necessary infrastructure *Looks at the civilian buildings*which you haven't.
And if you have the necessary experienced people * looks at Ollivander and Scathach the Elder SL* Who you haven't.
You're our only hope.

Now now, everything's alright, Ceridwen'll take care of everything when the time comes, don't you worry.

Also, for those of you who should really start reading the informational section : Dace got 100 / 100 Potions and a high level of alchemy. His first action in this quest was to create a homunculus to have a heir.

And those are only 2 of the many options you have. Don't be so quick to bend the knee, that'll land you in trouble ~
Sure. If she's growing up with the required skills *Looks at her character page* Which she isn't.
And if she likes you enough to sacrifice most of her youth for you * Looks at her SL* She doesn't.
And if you have the necessary infrastructure *Looks at the civilian buildings*which you haven't.
And if you have the necessary experienced people * looks at Ollivander and Scathach the Elder SL* Who you haven't.

Is a stewardship action to drain the swamp possible? Also does taliesin exist?

Right so anyways the qm mentioned the doomsday Dace is facing and since I got a preview of dace's full character sheet I know what it is. Thanks to the love potion Dace's heart will break in 11 turns. Not sure what happens then but obviously it's bad. Apparently we can circumvent it though.

Here's my current plan. Feed chibi the grail to ascend. As a goddess we can work for her instead of Cherry. Need to get her SL up to 10 as we do it though. Not sure how to handle the heartbreak problem but I suspect that boosting SLs are needed. Oh! Chibi has the blood of ??? And can craft a legendary item. Maybe she can make one to fix it or maybe Dace could make one?

Have a freebee for finally noticing the Heartbreak bit.

Current projections have Heartbreak killing Dace based off shit that messed up his control of the condition. There are a few ways to survive it, but several you just don't have time for and others are longshots.

That being said, having a patron that's a Death goddess has benefits when you die. You've dug a deep enough hole that it might be best to keep digging to see if you can come out the other side.

Edit: Although now that I think about it, Dace has had seriously bullshit luck on avoiding dying. He's probably gonna roll a few Nat 100s to survive somehow
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All in favor of brewing up a cure our affliction?

Won't live long enough.

If it could be cured by something as simple as that Dace would have done it ages ago.

Finally? What do you mean finally!? I only learned about this because the QM let me see Dace's full character sheet in a pm! :anger:

Anyways, I have some ideas for next turn.

I'd certainly like to try.

I use "finally" because I've know ever since I became a Beta and really wanted to tell you guys. I've seen so much, but I'm not allowed to help!

...Also I forgot that Heartbreak wasn't canonically stated to kill you (or if it was even canonical)
Nah, it's a thing I invented because Riddle. (I disliked the whole 'born evil' thing he had going on.)

Also gives me some leeway for some other rather critical characters.

And all the things I told Blondie and he cannot say... Well, for the HBS, you have a checkup every 7 turns, so you'd have found out next post.

If it consoles you, there's a lot of beta salt in the convo. And in the Discord.

Also : Dace is born July 31st. (it's always been on the charasheet). Just keep that in mind for later :V
I'll post it tomorrow when I'm on my other computer.

Also before going to sleep :

A prophecy. Great.

[Dace is now aware of the prophecy given by Sybil Trelawney]

Now he needed to know what he wanted to do about it...
[]Nope. Not touching those things with a ten feet pole.
[]Maybe he could leverage some of this somehow?
[]Get involved directly.

Feel the regret yet?
Yes. Keep forgetting our potion mastery. Let's brew a martial advisor.

Add Moody's leg and Jasons skull and throw them into a cauldron. Our patron is a goddess of life so we should some leeway here .

What happened to Moody's magical eye anyway?
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I feel like I missed something really important and really bad.

What's so shitty about Cerdewan or what's her name? She's a death goddess, sure, but at least she ain't Warhammer 40k God, that'd be bad.

Also, what's a Heartbreak? I didn't read HP in original, so I can't see what that is.
Well, nothing's wrong if you don't look for invisitext, I suppose.

And I do agree she isn't as bad as a W40k chaos god.

And HBS is something I created for this quest, don't think about it too hard.

As for Moody's eye, it got buried with him.
Is it possible to brew a homunculi to act as a new body for Dace to be reborn into when he dies? Since Ceridwen is known for her cauldron, and rebirth through death, it would be right up our Patron's alley.
That's something Ceridwen can do, since we swore fealty to her, does she not have some control over his soul should we die?