Grand Army of the Republic: A Star Wars Plan Quest

You won't be going superhuman beyond having a bunch of enhanced regular traits or slicing in traits from other species. Don't expect to handing out blatant superpowers to your clones as it will be things like improved recovery rates, stronger willpower, boosted reaction times and reduced pain.
So to use HALO as a example, more Sgt. Johnson (ORION) than than the Master Chief or Noble (SPARTAN-2/3)?
The vote is now closed.
Q3 31 BBY
[X] Mari Malsula

Q2 31 BBY

Resources (R): 9,310
Sith Support (SS): 40
Exposure (E): 7
Free Dice: 2

Current Capabilities
Facilities: Moderate Surplus (+5)
Production: Minor Surpluses (+3)
Logistics: Minor Surpluses (+3)
Trainers: Significant Surpluses (+8)

Grand Army of the Republic
Clones: 70,000 (+7)

Original Goals (Q1 31 BBY to Q4 29 BBY)
Clones: 193 Points Remaining (+7 SS)
Blasters: 200 Points Remaining (+4 SS)
Armour: 200 Points Remaining (+4 SS)
Speeders/Tanks/Walkers: 50 Points Remaining (+6 SS)
Starfighters: 50 Points Remaining (+6 SS)
Training: 22 Points Remaining (+3 SS)

Infrastructure (4 Dice): +6

[] Expand into Tipoca City (Stage 2)
Tipoca City is the capital city of Kamino and where your initial cloning operations are located. You will need more room for your operations to expand and to do so, you need to clear up space in Tipoca City to be used for your purposes.
(14/200, 15 Resources per Die) (++++ Facilities)

[] Expand into Timira City (Stage 2)
Timira City is a secondary major settlement located in the northern regions of the planet. You have expanded your operations to Timira City, but there is still plenty of space that you can make use of over there.
(0/200, 15 Resources per Die) (++++ Facilities)

[] Expand into Tidema City (Stage 2)
Tidema City is a secondary major settlement located in the southern regions of the planet. You have expanded your operations to Tidema City, but there is still plenty of space that you can make use of over there.
(70/200, 15 Resources per Die) (++++ Facilities)

[] Expand into Tibara City (Stage 1)
Tibara City is a secondary major settlement located in the eastern regions of the planet. You will need more room for your operations to expand and to do so, you need to clear up space in Tibara City to be used for your purposes.
(42/100, 15 Resources per Die) (+++ Facilities)

[] Expand into Titala City (Stage 1)
Titala City is a secondary major settlement located in the western regions of the planet. You will need more room for your operations to expand and to do so, you need to clear up space in Titala City to be used for your purposes.
(0/100, 15 Resources per Die) (+++ Facilities)

[] Construct Indoor Farms (Stage 1)
With all of these clones that you will be making, you are going to need to feed them all. While purchasing all of it from the nearby Abrion sector can be done if it proves necessary, you can hide just how many people who need to feed by constructing some farms on Kamino.
(0/100, 15 Resources per Die) (- Facilities, ++Logistics)

Industry (3 Dice): +6

[] Develop Kaminoan Shipyards (Phase 1)
Kamino currently has no way of locally producing starships, but if you are willing to put the time and resources into it, that can change. It would only be some basic shipyards in orbit around the planet, but it would be a start.
(0/100, 30 Resources per Die) (+ Production)

[] Develop Kaminoan Blaster Factories (Phase 2)
You have already completed the construction of a local blaster factory and if you want to increase the local production, you will need to build another blaster factory on Kamino.
(88/200, 15 Resources per Die) (--Facilities, ++ Production)

[] Develop Kaminoan Armour Factories (Phase 2)
You have already completed the construction of a local personal armour factory and if you want to increase the local production, you will need to build another personal armour factory on Kamino.
(39/200, 15 Resources per Die) (--Facilities, ++ Production)

[] Develop Kaminoan Tank Factories (Phase 1)
Rather than purchasing tanks from outside entities, you could attempt to produce them all locally on Kamino. You just need to put the effort and credits into setting up some local production.
(0/100, 20 Resources per Die) (--Facilities, ++ Production)

[] Develop Kaminoan Walker Factories (Phase 1)
Rather than purchasing walkers from outside entities, you could attempt to produce them all locally on Kamino. You just need to put the effort and credits into setting up some local production.
(0/100, 20 Resources per Die) (--Facilities, ++ Production)

[] Develop Kaminoan Speeder Factories (Phase 1)
Rather than purchasing speeders from outside entities, you could attempt to produce them all locally on Kamino. You just need to put the effort and credits into setting up some local production.
(0/100, 20 Resources per Die) (--Facilities, ++ Production)

[] Develop Kaminoan Starfighter Factories (Phase 1)
Rather than purchasing starfighters from outside entities, you could attempt to produce them all locally on Kamino. You just need to put the effort and credits into setting up some local production.
(0/100, 20 Resources per Die) (--Facilities, ++ Production)

Cloning (5 Die): +11

[] Expand Clone Production (Phase 1)
You have completed the initial batch of clones, but the army is still going to need plenty more soldiers. Now you need to work on expanding the current cloning operations to allow for more clones to be produced at once.
(0/100, 10 Resources per Die) (- Facilities, -Logistics, - Trainers, ++ Clones)

[] Cloning Operations
You have completed the initial batch of clones and now you just need to set things up so the longnecks are producing more as required without requiring your direct input.
(56/100, 10 Resources per Die) (-5 Resources per turn) (+ Clones per turn)

Training (5 Dice): +16

[] Construct Training Facilities (Phase 2)
You will need somewhere to train your clones to fight and use their equipment. Set up some locations on Kamino for the clones to receive training.
(47/200, 15 Resources per Die) (--Facilities, -Logistics, ++ Trainers)

[] Construct Learning Facilities (Phase 3)
Even with the accelerated ageing, the clones will spend a few years as children so you will need to teach them some basic stuff. And even if they weren't kids, you would still need to teach them the basics.
(43/300, 15 Resources per Die) (--Facilities ++ Trainers)

[] Mandalorian Culture Classes
Now that you have recruited some more Mandalorians to help with educating the clones, you could look into setting up some courses for them to learn what it means to be Mandalorian. They might not be your children like Boba is, the clones still share your blood and have the potential to be Sons of Mandalore.
(0/250, 15 Resources per Die) (-- Trainers)

[] Mandalorian History Classes
Now that you have recruited some more Mandalorians to help with educating the clones, you could look into teaching them about galactic history from the perspective of the Mandalorians. It would probably be best for you if they see the galaxy from your point of view.
(0/250, 15 Resources per Die) (-- Trainers)

[] Recruit Mandalorian Trainers (Phase 2)
You have recruited some fellow Mandalorians to join you as trainers for the clones, but there are still plenty more out there that you can recruit. Each out to more Mandalorians to see if they would be willing to sign up with your project.
(169/200, 15 Resources per Die) (+++ Trainers)

[] Recruit Bounty Hunter Trainers (Phase 1)
Over your career as a bounty hunter, you have made plenty of contacts in the community and know the reputations of anyone worth knowing. Find some people who can both keep their mouths shut and are willing to sign on as trainers.
(0/100, 20 Resources per Die) (+2 E, ++ Trainers)

[] Recruit Professional Trainers (Phase 1)
You need trainers and the galaxy has no shortage of professional military trainers from worlds like Carida, Corulag and Anaxes. It would draw some attention, but you could hire some of these professionals as trainers.
(0/100, 20 Resources per Die) (+5 E, ++ Trainers)

Research (5 Die): +6

[] Mental Enhancements (Phase 2)
Look into improving the mental capabilities of the clones that you will be producing. Primary focuses will be intelligence, will power, and quick thinking.
(3/400, 20 Resources per Die)

[] Endurance Enhancements (Phase 1)
Look into improving the physical capabilities of the clones that you will be producing. Primary focuses will be toughness, strength, and recovery times.
(219/300, 20 Resources per Die)

[] Reflex Enhancements (Phase 1)
Look into improving the physical reflexes of the clones that you will be producing. Primary focuses will be reaction times, reflexes, and adrenaline.
(0/300, 20 Resources per Die)

[] Low Light Vision
Doctor Desnos has suggested the possibility of giving our clones limited ability to see in the dark. It won't be perfect night vision and inferior to having some actual light, but it will allow the clones to see much better in darkness without having to rely upon equipment.
(0/350, 20 Resources per Die)

[] Accelerated Ageing
The clones are already grown twice as fast as they normally should, but it is possible to look into increasing the ageing rate even further. It will be costly and expensive, but it should be doable.
(0/500, 25 Resources per Die)

[] Slowed Ageing
While the accelerated ageing is desirable for getting the clones to a fighting age in a timely manner, it stops being desirable at that point as the clones will become too old to fight much sooner. Look into a way of slowing down how fast the clones age after a certain point.
(33/600, 30 Resources per Die)

[] Investigate Force Resistance
There are a few species out there that have a higher than average resistance to the Force being used upon them. Hutts are the most common example, but Toydarians and Yinchorri are two other examples. Doctor Desnos wants to investigate the possibility of applying this trait of Force resistance to our clones.
(0/500, 35 Resources per Die)

[] Blaster Development
The clone army is going to need some weapons to fight with and for the purposes of secrecy, you intend to develop them inhouse.
(0/300, 20 Resources per Die)

[] Armour Development
The clone army is going to need some armour if they aren't going to die like a bunch of chumps and for the purposes of secrecy, you intend to develop them inhouse.
(0/300, 20 Resources per Die)

[] Tank Development
The clone army is going to need some tanks for armoured support if they are to be a real military and for the purposes of secrecy, you intend to develop them inhouse.
(0/400, 20 Resources per Die)

[] Walker Development
The clone army is going to need some walkers for armoured support if they are to be a real military and for the purposes of secrecy, you intend to develop them inhouse.
(0/400, 20 Resources per Die)

[] Speeder Development
The clone army is going to need some speeders for armoured support if they are to be a real military and for the purposes of secrecy, you intend to develop them inhouse.
(0/400, 20 Resources per Die)

[] Gunship Development
The clone army is going to need some gunships for transportation and air support if they are to be a real military and for the purposes of secrecy, you intend to develop them inhouse.
(0/400, 25 Resources per Die)

[] Starfighter Development
The clone army is going to need starfighters for battles both in space and on the ground and for the purposes of secrecy, you intend to develop them inhouse.
(0/400, 25 Resources per Die)

Administration (3 Dice): +1

[] Do The Kriffing Paperwork
You are a man of action and hate wasting time on paperwork. Except it isn't actually a waste and is quite important. Important enough that you should probably put the time into getting it done.
(0/500, 5 Resources per Die) (+1 Free Die)

[] Hiring Paper Pushers (Phase 1)
Paper works need doing, but that doesn't mean that you or any of your current subordinates have to do it. Look around for some bureaucrats that have a good appreciation for discretion and secrecy.
(0/300) (+1d10 E, +3 to Administration Dice)

[] Equipment Suppliers
There are plenty of people who make basic equipment for others to buy out there. In most areas, the Kaminoans have a lack of expertise so make up for that by hiring some of these people to work for you.
(DC 60) (-1 SS, +2 E)

[] Infantry Suppliers
There are plenty of people who make blasters and armour for others to buy out there. Instead of making your own, you could pay them to make them for you. Sure, this is a secret project, you don't need to tell them the truth.
(DC 60) (-3 SS, +5 E)

[] Vehicle Suppliers
There are plenty of people who make combat vehicles for others to buy out there. Instead of making your own, you could pay them to make them for you. Sure, this is a secret project, you don't need to tell them the truth.
(DC 60) (-3 SS, +5 E)

[] Starfighter Suppliers
There are plenty of people who make various starfighters for others to buy out there. Instead of making your own, you could pay them to make them for you. Sure, this is a secret project, you don't need to tell them the truth.
(DC 60) (-3 SS, +5 E)

[] Warship Suppliers
There are plenty of people who make various warships for others to buy out there. Instead of making your own, you could pay them to make them for you. Sure, this is a secret project, you don't need to tell them the truth.
(DC 60) (-3 SS, +5 E)

[] Burying Secrets
The clone army is supposed to be a secret which means this whole affair is supposed to be secret. When too many things begin to start pointing in your direction, you need to bury them before
(DC 20/40/60/80/100) (-1E/-2E/-3E/-4E/-5E)


A few new options as you get to expand your clone production and the Mandalorian trainers means you can start setting up Mandalorian classes.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
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[] Equipment Suppliers
There are plenty of people who make basic equipment for others to buy out there. In most areas, the Kaminoans have a lack of expertise so make up for that by hiring some of these people to work for you.
(DC 60) (-2 SS, +2 E)
Will this option result in us recruiting some researcher/designer? And then require spending dice on Research?
turn around on this quest is fast.
uhm tempted to recruit ppl early and then work on things in house more.

would like a little more IC interaction with these updates but nice story so far.
[] Recruit Mandalorian Trainers (Phase 2)
You have recruited some fellow Mandalorians to join you as trainers for the clones, but there are still plenty more out there that you can recruit. Each out to more Mandalorians to see if they would be willing to sign up with your project.
(169/200, 15 Resources per Die) (+++ Trainers)

[] Recruit Bounty Hunter Trainers (Phase 1)
Over your career as a bounty hunter, you have made plenty of contacts in the community and know the reputations of anyone worth knowing. Find some people who can both keep their mouths shut and are willing to sign on as trainers.
(0/100, 20 Resources per Die) (+2 E, ++ Trainers)

[] Recruit Professional Trainers (Phase 1)
You need trainers and the galaxy has no shortage of professional military trainers from worlds like Carida, Corulag and Anaxes. It would draw some attention, but you could hire some of these professionals as trainers.
(0/100, 20 Resources per Die) (+5 E, ++ Trainers)
I think it might be a good idea to get a few professional trainers. While mechanically they don't give that much, story wise they should supplement the Mandalorian training that is currently standard.
I know that there are some mandalorian trainers that are awesome bro's who really help out in some story lines... And they might be able to help the Future Clone comandos with becoming badasses. a

And then there are the ones who were used by Karen Traviss...

Excuse me while I vomit as I write that name.

Edit: Ninja'd
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[X] Plan Are you sure those aren't Mandalorians?
-[X] Expand into Tibara City (Stage 1) 2D
-[X] Construct Indoor Farms (Stage 1) (Stage 1) 2D
-[X] Develop Kaminoan Armour Factories (Phase 2) 3D
-[X] Expand Clone Production (Phase 1) 4D
-[X] Cloning Operations 1D
-[X] Mandalorian Culture Classes 2D
-[X] Mandalorian History Classes 2D
-[X] Recruit Mandalorian Trainers (Phase 2) 1D
-[X] Endurance Enhancements (Phase 1) 2D
-[X] Reflex Enhancements (Phase 1) 3D
-[X] Hiring Paper Pushers (Phase 1) 3D 2FD

4*15 + 3*15 + 5*10 + 5*15 + 5*20 = 330RP
1d10 Exposure

In Infrastructure I want to expand our facilities some more and fix our logistical issues as we are close to a deficit due to our clone expansion.
For Industry I am focusing on producing armor. I want to start producing it in house completely.
In cloning 2D on Cloning Operations has a nice chance of completing it and the rest on increasing our clone stock.
For training I want to start on creating the Mandalorian classes as it will make it easier for our Mandalorian Trainers to impart their knowledge. We don't need to finish it this turn as our oldest clones will just be relatively 9 months old. Finishing the Mandalorian Trainers is to give us a larger Trainer Surplus before we start training. I'm not building any facilities as we will be using them for housing, armor production and food.
For research I want to finish getting our first batch to stage 1 in every category before tackling other research.
In administration I am going all in to get some staff. If I am correct the 1d10 Exposure is the cost for taking this action. And with 3 normal dice and 2 free dice we have a good chance on getting this. The earlier we get this the more Administrative Dice we will get back. And those dice will be needed if we plan to outsource the majority of our vehicles and keep our exposure low.
I would love to start on getting equipment but setting up the office properly will really help us in the long run.

EDIT: Moved 1 dice from Cloning Operation to Expand Clone Production (Phase 1) since I missed that the overflow from our initial cloning actions went into Cloning Operations.
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[x] Plan: Moar Clones
-[x] Expand into Titala City (Stage 1) - 3 Dice
-[x] Construct Indoor Farms (Stage 1) - 1 Dice
-[x] Develop Kaminoan Shipyards (Phase 1) - 3 dice
-[x] Expand Clone Production (Phase 1) - 2 Dice
-[x] Cloning Operations - 3 Dice
-[x] Construct Training Facilities (Phase 2) - 3 Dice
-[x] Recruit Professional Trainers (Phase 1) - 2 Dice
-[x] Endurance Enhancements (Phase 1) - 2 Dice
-[x] Slowed Ageing - 3 Dice
-[x] Burying Secrets - 2 Free Dice
-[x] Infantry Suppliers - 2 Dice
-[x] Hiring Paper Pushers (Phase 1) - 1 Dice
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[X]Plan Captain Republic
-[X] Expand into Titala City (Stage 1) 2D 30R
-[X] Construct Indoor Farms (Stage 1) 2D 30R
-[X] Develop Kaminoan Blaster Factories (Phase 2) 1D 15R
-[X] Develop Kaminoan Armour Factories (Phase 2) 2D 30R
-[X] Expand Clone Production (Phase 1) 4D 40Rs
-[X] Mandalorian History Classes 5D 75R
-[X] Endurance Enhancements (Phase 1) 2D 40Rs
-[X] Slowed Ageing 1FD 30R
-[X] Reflex Enhancements (Phase 1) 3D+1FD 80Rs
-[X] Equipment Suppliers 3D
Total: 340

Bit slower expansion, because our logistical situation looks tight, hiring some outside help to with Blasters and Armor and investing all available dice into jeans.
[x] Plan: Moar Clones
-[x] Expand into Titala City (Stage 1) - 3 Dice
-[x] Construct Indoor Farms (Stage 1) - 1 Dice
-[x] Develop Kaminoan Shipyards (Phase 1) - 3 dice
-[x] Expand Clone Production (Phase 1) - 2 Dice
-[x] Cloning Operations - 3 Dice
-[x] Construct Training Facilities (Phase 2) - 3 Dice
-[x] Recruit Professional Trainers (Phase 1) - 2 Dice
-[x] Endurance Enhancements (Phase 1) - 2 Dice
-[x] Slowed Ageing - 3 Dice
-[x] Burying Secrets - 2 Free Dice
-[x] Infantry Suppliers - 2 Dice
-[x] Hiring Paper Pushers (Phase 1) - 1 Dice
Why Shipyards when we don't need to provide ships to match our first plan goals? Also why 1 Dice into Hiring Paper Pushers? Taking this action costs us 1d10 Exposure regardless of the amount of dice. Unless the Exposure cost is for finishing the action. So putting 1 dice there makes no sense. Also constructing training facilities together with Indoor Farms and also increasing the clone amounts might really hit our facility surplus.
[X]Plan Captain Republic
-[X] Expand into Titala City (Stage 1) 2D 30R
-[X] Construct Indoor Farms (Stage 1) 2D 30R
-[X] Develop Kaminoan Blaster Factories (Phase 2) 1D 15R
-[X] Develop Kaminoan Armour Factories (Phase 2) 2D 30R
-[X] Expand Clone Production (Phase 1) 4D 40Rs
-[X] Mandalorian History Classes 5D 75R
-[X] Endurance Enhancements (Phase 1) 2D 40Rs
-[X] Slowed Ageing 1FD 30R
-[X] Reflex Enhancements (Phase 1) 3D+1FD 80Rs
-[X] Equipment Suppliers 3D
Total: 340
Why not 5 dice in cloning? Also why 5 dice in Mandalorian History? It seems a waste of dice and resources. This isn't a staged action so the overflow will most likely be lost and training dice are 66 per dice on average.
[x] Plan: Moar Clones

Going with this as we want to diversify the Clones education. Can't all be Mandalorians. I would like to bring in mercenaries to round out their education.
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[X]Plan Captain Republic

I'm full of getting experts to develop and then manufacture our own weapons and armor.

The only thing I'm ok with is buying warships. But we should do the rest ourselves.