Okay, i discovered why the PDF hasn't materialized in my e-mail yet, and hopefully it is more complicated than what i am understanding, otherwise i would be pissed off greatly(Fake Edit: i have postpoed writing this for nearly a week, so my chances of being pissed off are MUCH BIGGER):
As soon as we get the OK from them for the
Backer Charm book PDF, we'll get that out to those who backed that Reward Tier, and then I'll go through each pledge level individually and send links to the many folks who added that PDF on to their pledges. It's a multi-day process, so bear with me.
...So! They are apparently scouring MANUALLY/INDIVIDUALLY the whole database with all the pledges, without using anything else. And they are taking more than a week to do so.
.... And me, who is rusty as fuck, could probably write something in less than three days to scour the database to find any and all the precious email addresses that need to be found manually because we cannot be competent enough to find someone capable of programming something in less than the time we are taking to check everyting manually manually manually MANUALLY MANUALLY
... Hopefully the aren't being that incompetent and there is another problem, but i am starting to doubt it.
Also, some comments on recent appenings. Because i keep proastinating otherwise.
1) About the Charms interacting with the intelligence of items: has someone found and read a rogue pdf link of the Discordians? They seem to either be perfectly integrated with Pet Rock Promotion, or crumble into dust because the item is a familiar too and thus the attempts fails.
2) About Shyft senpai flipping out and going mad, and then reading the thing that he was gone insane from: it seem to have been resolved, so i wont comment this. It is not because i don't know how to comment it, because i forgot what i wanted to say. Nope sir.
I may offer Shyft some help with the whole Charm Analisys, because i wanted to do one myself and i procastined when i told myself i wouldn't procastinate. I still reember how i wanted to do it, so tomorrow or the day after tomorrow i may find some time to do it.
3) About the whole case of the EX3, and the horrible/lacking/good/sufficent subsistems: i still have to finish reading them, but i can say that the Combat System and the social one seem to be at least functional and decent, barring THE MISTERY OF THE WORTH OF THE WILLPOWER!!! *cracatoom* And also its cousin: Fucking 3ED Stunts, how do they works? Of the other systems.... i need to finish reading them (Most notably, Sail hasn't been gazed upon), but they always seem to lack instructions of use/expansion.
The feat of strength table is an example of lack of expansion , not having ways of deciding which feats should be available past the published limit, nor the minimum strenght necessary to do them. An example of lack of instruction is the feat of strenght over time system, which is simply hinted to be a thing, and given an example in a few lines and then no instruction at all.
Aaaand i will end this post tomorow, because here i am falling asleep.