Pre-Human Races
Once, when men were young, Creation was filled with many bountiful forms of life. The young Primordials made the world into a garden, and spawned countless races out of art, The great deva of the third circle built new forms of life in art, and at a whim they would set these fledging species against each other.
But the countless songs have almost all fallen silent, even the memory of their existence erased by the choral babble of mankind. The Primordial War was a bloodbath beyond comprehension, and the Exalted were not kind in victory. Now all that can be heard are the mourning songs of the dragon-kings, the maker-chained rhymes of the mountainfolk and a faintest echo of the Lintha that were, drowned out by their own human blood.
At the dawn of the First Age, the victors put all who had remained loyal to the titans to the sword. They spared none - save those few specimens they kept as pets and trophies as their triumph. Their cities were razed and their wonders burned or stolen. Some of the elder races were taken to Malfeas by their lords - and there they discovered that the magnamity of the titans had been excised by the swords of the Exalted and that the spiteful Yozis would extract the price of every failure from their servants. Others fled into the darkness beneath the world and down in the lightless depths they degenerated, becoming monstrous mockeries of what they once were. If the Exalted Host had not turned on the People of Adamant, the devoted of Autochthon would surely have exterminated these bastardised remnants by now.
Now only a few remnants of the bounty of life before the Primordial War can be found by those who know where to look. Even during the Late First Age, the knowledge of these creatures was slipping out of the annals of history. Time births distance and the Host of those latter years felt vague shame for the extermination of the non-humans. "Perhaps," young golden princelings said, "it might have been better to take them and teach them a better way of life than service to the Yozis - for it was surely not beyond our power to redeem such creatures." But that was not done, and so much was lost.
Such are the fates of these once-proud creatures - death at the hands of men, suffering at the hands of their tormented creators or degeneration in eternal dark. Even death was not the end for them, for many exist within the memories of the murdered Neverborn and mockeries of their form wail endlessly within the nightmares of dead titans.
The Tusk-Giants
Long before the birth of the sun, it is said that the demon-boar Isidoros once thought to challenge a titan whose name is now lost to history. Long was their struggle, and though the boar was successful in his endeavour one tusk of his was broken and the splintered remnants fell to earth. Now, as occultists know the demon-boar ruptures the world around him, smashing mirrors and tearing the light of Ligier - and so his tusk plummeted through the earth and embedded deep within Creation.
From this hole crawled forth the tusk-giants, whose skin was horn and whose blood was magma. They were truly giants, for their heads rose above the clouds and even the smallest of them broke a mile in height when fully grown. Such size made them slow of thought and gait, but their strength was stupendous. They fed upon the living rock of the continent of Galgamo, which is no more, and so they cultivated mountains as men might grow crops.
The tusk-giants were too slow of thought to survive the Primordial War. Men came upon them as they slept and carved out their eyes. Blinded, the tusk-giants listened to the lying songs of the Chosen of the Moon and so they fell upon the lands of the alluan and the lintha and the rhyneomkae in a rage. The songs of the Lunars filled their ears and they could not hear the wailing of their allies and in the end Kimbery reached out and drowned Galgamo to save her beloved lintha.
In the depths of the Western Ocean, the remnants of the flooded continent of the tusk-giants lies buried in sediments. Their titanic architecture sometimes breaks the surface, and modern men think that their ruined buildings are island-chains. Three of the tusk-giants survive within Malfeas. Two of them, blinded and crippled, lie chained within the jails of one Third Circle or another. The third has given herself to the worship of Cecelyne fully and strides the desert wastes with new iridescent eyes and an endless hatred of all mankind. Her footsteps cause sandstorms and her bellows of rage trigger earthquakes - and the Endless Desert laughs when the tusk-giant is a tribulation upon those who would seek to pass across her.
The Lintha
What can be said about the lintha that has not been said before? Brother-race to men, blessed by the Demon Sea with all the gifts denied to humanity - yet fallen from their grace and doomed to a painful dying lasting millennia. Much as men, the lintha have two souls; their po, sleek and powerful; their hun strong and prideful. Their blood carries their kinship to Kimbery, but also their kinship to men. One might question which of these two ties has brought them more misery over the years.
Of the sorry state of the modern lintha, much has been written elsewhere. The tales of their former glory are folklore at best among them - and often less than that, mere braggart of pirates jealous of the fortune of others. Their tales do not recall the height of their empire, where living ships carrying their own blood dominated the West. Their culture is withered and neutered, and their arts and their music are lost - for all the modern lintha know how to do is fight and steal and sail. They make nothing that does not serve these ends and this is as the Demon Sea wills it, for she wishes them to suffer for their sins.
The suffering of the lintha of the South-West are nothing compared to those denizens of Malfeas, however. Twenty proud fleets of their race were taken to Hell when Kimbery was bound inside and once they had grand plans for venturing forth from their hellish sanctums to strike against the gloating Exalted. Then the Demon Sea grew wrathful and extracted the full measure of her vengeance against them for flesh-eating of their Creation-locked compatriots. Within her waters float iceberg palaces, where mewling pieces of living art document their betrayal of her laws. The mercy of Kimbery is cruelest of all, for when one dies she crafts a new lintha from their soul, fair and beautiful and seemly - and then starts all over again.
The Daughters of Cytherea
The children of the Mother of Creation were the elder siblings of the world, for the first of their race predated time itself. They were nebulous beings, creatures of dust and gas hundreds of yards across with a brightly burning core in place of their heart. The Daughters could arrange their dust and gas as they saw fit and - if they compacted themselves down far enough - could even assume a form that could pass as mortal creatures.
Before the Incarnate Rebellion, the Daughters of Cytherea dwelt in the skies and looked down upon the gods from on high. Prideful and arrogant, they took learning from all the lesser races and gave nothing in return. They scrawled their theorems upon the dome of the heavens and the wisest of them were even permitted entrance to Yu Shan when the divinities were not. Perhaps it is no surprise that the gods of the wind and the sky and the weather took particular joy in hunting them down when their grand betrayal came.
Still, the Daughters of Cytherea inherited their mother's fire and fought with burning celestial fury. The might of the Sun drove them from the sky, but their magics called down great firestorms upon the soldiers of the gods. They warred to the very end and did not surrender even when the Primordials laid down their arms, retreating to lightless places to continue the fight against the victorious Exalts.
In the darkness their burning souls gave light and hope to the other refugees from the victor's justice of the sun. They were queens of the deep and they burned brighter in their hubris. When the People of Adamant were chained by the Exalted too, the Daughters of Cytherea laughed and rushed through the depths in pyroclastic flows. The lessened newborn People of Jade could not withstand them.
But that last war was their undoing. The iron and heavy metals of the earth poisoned them, quenching their fury. They became dense and base and material, losing their transcendent enlightenment. Even their dust was tainted by the broken jade they had burned. They could not sustain themselves and collapsed into dense coalescences of metal and stone. Now the Daughters were chained by their own forms - and so it is said, they still dwell upon the darkbrood to this day, towering metal figures who glow a faint red through the cracks in their heat-forged shells.
It is said by some that before the end of the war, some of the Daughters turned traitor and approached Lady Jupiter offering fell secrets on the nature of their mother - and perhaps even knowledge of sorcery itself. The tales differ as to their eventual fate, though. Some say that the Maiden honoured their deal and to this day flashes of bright light can be seen on the surface of Jupiter, like lightning through thick clouds. The Daughters of Cytherea - so the tales continue - serve the Maiden of Secrets, slipping into Malfeas to shepherd the dying stars of the Malfean sky according to her dictates. Others, however, say that the Maiden reached out her hand and slew them all, for they offered her nothing that she did not already know.
Regardless, in the heavens, some of the equations of the Daughters of Cytherea can still be seen during Calibration when there are no stars to obscure the patterns of dust. A would-be savant who wishes to investigate the faint gleams in the Calibration sky must be wary, though, for many of their symbols now reveal glimpses of the hellish realm of Malfeas if gazed at too long. In Varang and many other states, there are hidden Yozi astrologer-cults instigated by too much curiosity about the sky during the five days darkness.