But how do I get them to try for narrative editing, is the crux of my question, I think. It's only been one session so far, but I can already tell I'm going to have to be on the cases of one or two of them to get them to remember to stunt at all. I trust they'll get the hang of it eventually, but I was wondering if there was wisdom passed on through the ages I could use to make it easier on them.

The easiest way to do this I've found is to first get them on the "using the environment gives you guaranteed +2s" thing, then just roll with it. They'll figure out "using the environment gives you guaranteed +2s" and "I can invent whatever minor environmental details I want so I can get endless +2s" pretty quickly.

Of course, this only works if you use 1E/2E's objective stunt qualification rules.
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Sidereals have never ever had a problem of "This Charm is just a Solar Charm, but weaker and the name refers to animals".
"we don't want this charm to be a solar charm renamed" is literally the reason they changed how Creation Preserving Will works in the 2.5eratta.

granted, there was no animal name.

But look, Dogstars are SIRIUS business okay?
The other problem with the Caul is fact that it attempts to answer the perennial question of "what have Lunars been doing all this time" with "this thing. This one, isolated, singular thing."

A thing which, were it not there at all, would leave Lunars in Exactly the same position they were before, or even less so, given the revised backstory locks out any Lunar influence on the First Age under the premise of "Solars say No."
Also, given the write-up, it's not clear how Caul has exactly helped the Lunars. Accomplishments need to be stuff that furthers a goal, not just big impressive events.
Also, given the write-up, it's not clear how Caul has exactly helped the Lunars. Accomplishments need to be stuff that furthers a goal, not just big impressive events.

Yeah, I prefer the original vision of the Caul that we were given.

A massive Lunar Stronghold that they'd managed to rip away from the loam of fate entirely and replace it with something of their own design.

Not 'Generic battleground number 23"
The Caul was a lot more interesting to me when it was teased as a place where the Lunars actually controlled, it had its own mysterious version of Fate and it was portrayed as some kind of quintessentially Lunar realm, set apart from all other groups.

Right now it's more like an eternal DotA match.

Well right now it's definitely more than that. I'm not sure how much of this made it into the third edition core, but it's not just a deathmatch that's unending.

The Caul has a series of 5 temples that are deeply sacred to the Immaculate Philosophy and, of course, to the Realm too. Even with that, in that entire small continent sized landmass the Realm controls exactly one harbor city and a mile or so of the surrounding area. Right now the Realm is seriously debating abandoning even that and basically letting Immaculate Jerusalem fall to the anathema, the Water Fleet is constantly assuring everyone that should an offensive be mounted from the Caul it would never make it to the shores of the Blessed Isle.

Also most of the Lunar Domains are doing quite well, due to fairly recent events. Once the Caul was dominated completely by the Realm, now they barely hang on, the Mountain of the Spider King is draining 3 great houses of more and more lives and treasure every year, all the while expanding his own territory.

The Lunars aren't locked in an unending battle against a stubborn foe who doesn't lose ground and who hasn't changed in the last 700 years, they're winning. In every single 3e writeup of a Silver Pact domain* there's a line about how the Realm is shrinking, they're not just taking losses, they're taking heavier and heaver losses every year, losing more and more territory every year, and they're not taking any back. For an empire, this is unquestionably a death sentence and Lunars are the executioner.

*Ma-Ha-Suchi's lair this time isn't growing because he doesn't give a fuck, not because the rest of the world is fencing him in.

EDIT: Also I know the conversation has moved on, but put my on team Dice Trick. Even when they're not my dice being rolled I like playing Yahtzee for every really powerful act. Also I'm a huge fan of the story and once wrote out a six minute speech with musical accompaniment, so it's definitely not in lieu of cool story.
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So. I got bored. Since 3e Lunars really haven't evoked any kind of major enthusiasm for me yet, I figured I'd try to make them sound a bit more interesting. This is how I'll be selling them on my players, since I want them to actually interact with those guys.

Lunars and the Caul

Solars had a governmental Deliberative, but the Lunars have developed a much more informal system in the long millenia since the Usurpation. When that great betrayal was enacted, those that did not perish scattered to the winds. In secret they met across the centuries, in barren wastelands and dead cities, forgotten caverns and shattered forge-cathedrals, across the width and breadth of Creation, founding and feeding their Lunar Collective.

By their nature as guerillas fighting for the reclamation of their rightful place in the world and the recovery of their long-lost sibling celestials the Solars, the Collective did not organize itself a distinct chain of command that could be broken. Collectivists form and disband small cells of operatives across the length of Creation, striving towards whatever goals the groups believe will lead to their final victory.

The Lunar Collective gathers in large numbers rarely, but when they do so, it always results in feats of singular magnificence.

Five and one centuries after the breaking of the Balorian Crusade, while the Realm was embroiled in wars stretching them thin across Creation, there came from the threshold of Chaos an army of Balor once again; the Fae Folk being what they are, this horde had thought it to be a wonderful idea to become the story of a force lost in the time and space of Chaos, emerging they knew not when, to be reunited with their liege and fellows in glorious conquest.

Some part of the Collective smelt the raksha's wyrd essence on the skeins of the Loom that they had stolen access to, and a great though secretive cry was sent out to march as one great host to meet this other. One hundred and fifty two Collectivists answered the call with those forces they could muster, and in the Deep Wyld they met the resurrected Balorian Crusade.

The clash lasted decades, for though the Collective could levy demons and mortals alike to their cause, the Fae in the depths of their spiteful whimsy, wove a great Devouring Wyrm of gossamer nightmares and Stygian Iron flayed from the uncorpse of a Neverborn-that-Wasn't beyond the Miracle-Shell to bore through Mount Meru itself, and the Hekatonkhire Behemoth was no less dangerous to armies and battlefields fielded against it. Until it was at last that ninety-nine Lunars of the Collective did in a glorious argent blaze abandon themselves in savagery, unleashing themselves in martyrous fury upon the Fae in distraction. And fifty-three Collectists did in a great sorcerous working Creation would never again see, fracture the Loom of Destiny forged by Primordial puissance, shattering that section which governed the world in that region and wield it in righteous fury against the Raksha host. Fifty-three stakes of Samsara Crystallized did pierce fifty-three iconic silver animas, did pierce fifty-three shining silver hearts, did pierce fifty-three imperishable exaltations, and in a ravenous implosion did calcify the Lunar and Fae hosts alike.

Ever afterwards, those of the Lunar host have felt a feather light pull in the core of their being, like the half-remembered whisper of family they never knew beckoning to them to come to a home long since forgotten. Though by no means an appreciable influence, nevertheless a number of newly exalted Lunars have followed the faint call of their third soul. At length, they will arrive to a region which will feel familiar but alien; in all ways it is visually identical to the region of Creation they have been traveling, but somehow the atmosphere feels fundamentally changed. This is the Caul. And those that choose to travel further still will always find themselves standing before its Heart.

It is a magnificent sphere of adamant half-buried within the earth there, its round profile broken up by the crystalline spires that grow from its surface. Though impenetrable to mortal eyes, those with the gift of essence-sight that look deep withing the orb can vaguely make out a sinuous black mass mustering necrotic essence forth only to be rebuffed by fifty-three sparks of stubborn argent light.

Within a radius of six and one hundred miles from the luminous orb, Creation is free of Destiny's machinations. Instead, something of a Mecca has formed there, where the Collective holds their only permanent dominion; it is a heavily entrenched nation-state, built of adamant harvested from offshoots of the Caul's Heart and the wisps of gossamer that can with skill be strained from the caressing winds that blow so often there.

The Five-Fold Fellowship, and indeed Yu-Shan's Bureau of Destiny itself, have an understandable fixation with claiming the region and attempting to heal the rift in the Loom of Fate, but though they wage eternal war with those mortals, spirits, and Lunars who name the Caul their home, they find themselves constantly rebuffed. For Destiny holds no sway in the Caul, and the only masters that Fate kneels to there are the Chosen of Luna.

Many mysteries no doubt lie there, waiting to be discovered or plundered, if one only manages to find it. For like the Loom fragments that birthed it, the Caul is lost to all realms of Creation. Only those Chosen who know Fate can lead one there. Or perhaps those Chosen who feel an echo in their souls.
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Well right now it's definitely more than that. I'm not sure how much of this made it into the third edition core, but it's not just a deathmatch that's unending.
Yeah, I read that. It's still basically a DotA match, except with sieges instead of deathmatches, and one side is winning. That's kinda cool, I guess? But I was promised a Lunar place, a snapshot of what kind of realm Lunars make amongst themselves, and the Caul singularly fails to provide that.

I mean, as C.o.S.a.R points out, it's not even clear how the Caul has helped the Lunars. The first paragraph mentions that there's a bunch of Hidden Fun Stuff there that might provide practical benefits, but most of the writeup makes it out to be a holy war over a site that's sacred for chiefly historical reasons. The book spends more words talking about why the Dragonblooded care about the Caul than the Lunars!

I'm not saying it doesn't make sense, it makes perfect sense. These are all things people do. But why, as a Lunar player, should I give a shit about the Caul? As it is, the only answer I can see is that it's a place to mess with the Realm, but you can do that practically anywhere. The Caul that was teased had reach, it had significance, it was the kind of thing a Lunar might think about wherever they are, a far-flung home they might dream to see. The Caul that was published is very self-contained, and if you aren't setting your campaign there it's basically irrelevant. Just another battlefield.
This, on the other hand, has serious potential. I've got an exam on Tuesday, but afterwards if you like I'd be happy to pick over this with you and help improve the language, maybe add some more potential. I've got a thread I saved from the old White Wolf boards where people talked ideas of uniquely Lunar technology that might be useful.
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Yeah, I read that. It's still basically a DotA match, except with sieges instead of deathmatches, and one side is winning. That's kinda cool, I guess? But I was promised a Lunar place, a snapshot of what kind of realm Lunars make amongst themselves, and the Caul singularly fails to provide that.

I mean, as C.o.S.a.R points out, it's not even clear how the Caul has helped the Lunars. The first paragraph mentions that there's a bunch of Hidden Fun Stuff there that might provide practical benefits, but most of the writeup makes it out to be a holy war over a site that's sacred for chiefly historical reasons. The book spends more words talking about why the Dragonblooded care about the Caul than the Lunars!

I'm not saying it doesn't make sense, it makes perfect sense. These are all things people do. But why, as a Lunar player, should I give a shit about the Caul? As it is, the only answer I can see is that it's a place to fuck up the Realm, but you can do that practically anywhere. The Caul that was teased had reach, it had significance, it was the kind of thing a Lunar might think about wherever they are, a far-flung home they might dream to see. The Caul that was published is very self-contained, and if you aren't setting your campaign there it's basically irrelevant. Just another battlefield.

The thing about the Caul is its a massive island, which means if you want to take it from a force that already owns all of it you've got to establish a beach head, which is really difficult. Rather than a land assault, which can advance and then easily retreat as required. If the Lunars had the Caul, they'd control a continent that the Siderials loom can't pierce and start building forces to attack the Blessed Isle directly.

I don't personally see how it's any more a DotA siege map than the real life crusades were in the holy land. Either way though, it's definitely strategically highly important and if the Lunars could control it completely it would totally change the way the Silver Pact battles the Empire.

If it doesn't interest you then it doesn't interest you, but I'm willing to wait until the book that actually details the Caul comes out before I reject it. Right now it's in "I see how that could be awesome for a Lunar game." But none of the printed content puts me off it.
I don't personally see how it's any more a DotA siege map than the real life crusades were in the holy land. Either way though, it's definitely strategically highly important and if the Lunars could control it completely it would totally change the way the Silver Pact battles the Empire.

I'm going to say this politely.

'Fuck the Silver Pact'

We want a fucking Lunar Exalted Splat that can stand up as being an actual splat of exalted, rather then those poor wittle abused slaves of the solars.

Lunars should not be defined by some shitty pact that makes them into tribal savages, rather then empowered by the moon badasses that are a match for anything in the setting which isn't a Solar.

Lunars should not have to share their spotlight, or their cool things with any other fucking splat (FUCK YOU DRAGON BLOOD, GET OFF THE FUCKING CAUL)

We were promised a sweet ass Lunar Kingdom, locked away from fate and an example of the enhanced Lunar presence in the setting now that they weren't all sitting around with a stick up their ass waiting for the solars to come back.

Instead we got we got more fucking dragonblooded and even more 'MUST SMASH DA REALM' for reasons I don't quite understand.

Is the thought of an openly Lunar Kingdom ruled by his Divine Lunar presence somehow narratively toxic to the 'MUST BE SOLAR FOCUSED" gameline or something?

Fuck, the fact that the island was cut off from the loam was even a perfect example of COOL SHIT LUNARS CAN DO, by making it untargetable by the Defense Grid because REASONS.

I don't want the dragonblooded on that island.

I don't want the dragon blooded anywhere NEAR that fucking island.

I want it to be a massive ass cool thing that Lunars did for themselves for a reason that has nothing to do with the Solar Exalted, or the Dragon Blooded, Sidereals or some other stupid fucking reason thats stopped them from doing anything cool in the setting for the first two editions.

There is literally no justification the developers can make for sticking fucking dragonblooded on that island that was promised to us as a cool thing that the Lunars did in 3e as part of their enhanced setting presence, that doesn't involve 'AND THEN THE DYNASTS GOT THEIR SHIT KICKED IN' that can satisfy me.
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The thing about the Caul is its a massive island, which means if you want to take it from a force that already owns all of it you've got to establish a beach head, which is really difficult. Rather than a land assault, which can advance and then easily retreat as required. If the Lunars had the Caul, they'd control a continent that the Siderials loom can't pierce
Good. That was the point.
I'm going to say this politely.

'Fuck the Silver Pact'

We want a fucking Lunar Exalted Splat that can stand up as being an actual splat of exalted, rather then those poor wittle abused slaves of the solars.

Lunars should not be defined by some shitty pact that makes them into tribal savages, rather then empowered by the moon badasses that are a match for anything in the setting which isn't a Solar.

Lunars should not have to share their spotlight, or their cool things with any other fucking splat (FUCK YOU DRAGON BLOOD, GET OFF THE FUCKING CAUL)

We were promised a sweet ass Lunar Kingdom, locked away from fate and an example of the enhanced Lunar presence in the setting now that they weren't all sitting around with a stick up their ass waiting for the solars to come back.

Instead we got we got more fucking dragonblooded and even more 'MUST SMASH DA REALM' for reasons I don't quite understand.

Is the thought of an openly Lunar Kingdom ruled by his Divine Lunar presence somehow narratively toxic to the 'MUST BE SOLAR FOCUSED" gameline or something?

Fuck, the fact that the island was cut off from the loam was even a perfect example of COOL SHIT LUNARS CAN DO, by making it untargetable by the Defense Grid because REASONS.

I don't want the dragonblooded on that island.

I don't want the dragon blooded anywhere NEAR that fucking island.

I want it to be a massive ass cool thing that Lunars did for themselves for a reason that has nothing to do with the Solar Exalted, or the Dragon Blooded, Sidereals or some other stupid fucking reason thats stopped them from doing anything cool in the setting for the first two editions.

There is literally no justification the developers can make for sticking fucking dragonblooded on that island that was promised to us as a cool thing that the Lunars did in 3e as part of their enhanced setting presence, that doesn't involve 'AND THEN THE DYNASTS GOT THEIR SHIT KICKED IN' that can satisfy me.
No exile or home grown Dragonblood houses fighting for the lunars? That might be fun
In the Caul?


As part as a Lunar dominion somewhere else? Sure!

I've always figured Levithan might have a very traumatized house buried under the sea somewhere for example.
I would be game if there were a single sworn brotherhood trapped in the Caul, desperate to escape. It would be a fun concept. Just as long as it's clear that the Caul is pretty much entirely Lunar territory.
Heck, if you want that "Dragonblood vs. Lunar DOTA" bit on the Caul, you can do that while still having Lunars be awesome.

The Lunars went and kicked the Dragonbloods off the island hard. They also kicked any Sidereals off, hard enough that fate broke.
And now there's this huge island where Sidereals do not dead to go. All they can do is occasionally throw some Dragonbloods at it. The Lunars wither those assaults via being just that good - they control the land, they control the terrain, they control the weather, they control everything about it. So far, any assault by the Realm, whether backed by Sidereals or not, has been utterly, methodically demolished.
But that's not even the entire point of the Caul. It's not some giant trap - it's a genuine Lunar dominion. It has been reshaped so much that it isn't even tied to the Loom of Fate anymore. In some ways, it's as foreign as the Underworld or Malfeas or the Wyld. And yet it's still undeniably part of creation, and hospitable to humans and other life.

That'd be great. The occasional realm-incursion getting demolished doesn't change that.
Hell, even in a Solar game having AWESOME Lunars is beneficial.

After all, unlike a Sidereal, a Lunar Mentor could almost always be 'on tap' or within easy reach if you need them... but at the same time its also much harder to hide for them. While they might not have their own martial arts, I'd love there to be an old fashioned 'Lunar' style academy for the second circles of Necromancy and Sorcery, with secrets that only the children of the moon have discovered.

Not only does it give that bitter sweet, 'Pupil surpasses the Teacher' moment (or at least until she decides to remind you that one or two third circle spells doesn't beat three dozen second circle), it also gives plenty of room for bragging.

"You know X, who has spent the last hundred years sinking your ships, stealing your woman and occasionally drinking all your booze. Yeah, shes my Teacher."
I'm going to say this politely.

'Fuck the Silver Pact'

We want a fucking Lunar Exalted Splat that can stand up as being an actual splat of exalted, rather then those poor wittle abused slaves of the solars.

Lunars should not be defined by some shitty pact that makes them into tribal savages, rather then empowered by the moon badasses that are a match for anything in the setting which isn't a Solar.

Lunars should not have to share their spotlight, or their cool things with any other fucking splat (FUCK YOU DRAGON BLOOD, GET OFF THE FUCKING CAUL)

We were promised a sweet ass Lunar Kingdom, locked away from fate and an example of the enhanced Lunar presence in the setting now that they weren't all sitting around with a stick up their ass waiting for the solars to come back.

Instead we got we got more fucking dragonblooded and even more 'MUST SMASH DA REALM' for reasons I don't quite understand.

Is the thought of an openly Lunar Kingdom ruled by his Divine Lunar presence somehow narratively toxic to the 'MUST BE SOLAR FOCUSED" gameline or something?

Fuck, the fact that the island was cut off from the loam was even a perfect example of COOL SHIT LUNARS CAN DO, by making it untargetable by the Defense Grid because REASONS.

I don't want the dragonblooded on that island.

I don't want the dragon blooded anywhere NEAR that fucking island.

I want it to be a massive ass cool thing that Lunars did for themselves for a reason that has nothing to do with the Solar Exalted, or the Dragon Blooded, Sidereals or some other stupid fucking reason thats stopped them from doing anything cool in the setting for the first two editions.

There is literally no justification the developers can make for sticking fucking dragonblooded on that island that was promised to us as a cool thing that the Lunars did in 3e as part of their enhanced setting presence, that doesn't involve 'AND THEN THE DYNASTS GOT THEIR SHIT KICKED IN' that can satisfy me.
Would ditching all those themes make it possible for Lunars to remain Lunars in anything but name? Because a 'barbarian' leaning and the theme of mystical bonds and being second-best seem like the iconic things about them, the first things that people recall about them when someone brings up/asks about Lunars. That and animal/shapeshifting themes. So if giving them a Starship Troopers amount of fluff change, why retain the old brand?

(I still like the idea of a region where Fate does not go, though! It's a cool out-of-whole-cloth addition. Personally, I'd want to see a heavily Wyld-tainted-but-in-a-harmless-way lean in that.)
Well right now it's definitely more than that. I'm not sure how much of this made it into the third edition core, but it's not just a deathmatch that's unending.

The Caul has a series of 5 temples that are deeply sacred to the Immaculate Philosophy and, of course, to the Realm too. Even with that, in that entire small continent sized landmass the Realm controls exactly one harbor city and a mile or so of the surrounding area. Right now the Realm is seriously debating abandoning even that and basically letting Immaculate Jerusalem fall to the anathema, the Water Fleet is constantly assuring everyone that should an offensive be mounted from the Caul it would never make it to the shores of the Blessed Isle.
First do note that the Caul in the Core is, rather purposefully, a call out to a DOTA style game, even if it's more than just that.

Also, from my reading of the text the Realm actually control not just the harbor city but all of the temples as well, they temple-cities are just currently cutoff from support. This DOES make it a bit ridiculous, even with basically no formal support, the Realm occupation is still managing to hang on and (to my reading) hold all the major points of import.

That said, my wishing the text spent equal time explaining why this place is important to Lunars and less time emphasizing how little the Realm is currently trying (and yet still hanging on), I think it's a pretty cool place for what it is and independent of anything else am glad it's in the book.

That said...
It's not the Caul, Stronghold of the Lunars that we were sold early on and for that I am really sad. I was really looking forward to this Lunar stronghold and safe-haven where even the conspiracies of Hevaen could not reach that could have it's own inter-drama and intrigue especially about the return of the Solars. I just think it could be this really cool place for Solar and Luanr characters to seek refuge and then have to deal with all the politics of or for Sidereals to infiltrate where it's really high stakes and any mistake could spell doom. Or Realm DBs to launch military and political campaigns against....

I dunno, I probably built up the image of something in my head so much I'd probably be disappointed anyway about it but that the whole idea was scrapped and the location applied to something else is really disheartening.
Would ditching all those themes make it possible for Lunars to remain Lunars in anything but name? Because a 'barbarian' leaning and the theme of mystical bonds and being second-best seem like the iconic things about them, the first things that people recall about them when someone brings up/asks about Lunars. That and animal/shapeshifting themes. So if giving them a Starship Troopers amount of fluff change, why retain the old brand?

None of that is iconic about them.

Hell, almost none of that is even Coherent between Editions.

Lunars were never meant to be an PC splat. Back in the old days of 1e, they were the 'Kings' of the Fair Folk and Fae, the Wyld Princes and princesses that lead the attacks on creation after escaping from their former bonds in the usurpation. Part of the big issue that Lunars and the Raksha had, (other then large chunks of the latters original fluff being lost/deleted/rushed/miscommunicated) etc is that they were split apart at the last second (for Lunars) due to the White Spirial Dancer paradox (people who play white wolf games like making special snowflake characters from otherwise NPC, antagonist or long extinct splat).

Lunars have never had a co-herent, interesting portrayal that treats them as what they should be. The second strongest exalted. The Second Most Numerous Exalted. The most powerful exalted running around the setting between the creation and destruction of the jade prison, the followers of the Incarnae of Chaos. Those that watch the world and protect it from the Fair Folk after the Crusade, whose Elders once ruled as god Kings along their friends/lovers/enemies before they were sealed away.

The Lunar Exalted should have had just as much impact on the setting as the Dragonblooded have, if not more, because one on one only the oldest and wisest of Sidereal Elders could hope to match them.

Instead, in both editions you could have locked them up with the Solars in the Jade Prison without anything in the setting being changed. No Lunars punking a Sidereal that attempted to disrupt the element court they were ruling over as king. No big epic war that was started after a Lunar got bored and decided he'd infiltrate and seduce an entire immaculate monastery. No far flung parts of the map where the dragonblooded and Sidereals both fear to tread, because there be Lunars.

About the only real Lunar accomplishment of note in both editions, is having two members in circle that helped create Necromancy. And even then, they could only have the first circle.

We've seen those themes played out before Vicky, they suck Yeddim dick to the point where I'd be surprised to find even two other people out of the 50+ that browse here that would think they are a good thing that don't need changing.

For the splat that been the strongest for hundreds of years. They've done fuck all.

And now the cool thing we were promised as part of making them relevant to the setting again?

Its got fucking dragonblooded all over it.
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Also, from my reading of the text the Realm actually control not just the harbor city but all of the temples as well, they temple-cities are just currently cutoff from support. This DOES make it a bit ridiculous, even with basically no formal support, the Realm occupation is still managing to hang on and (to my reading) hold all the major points of import.
No, not anymore:

"But when the Empress vanished, her legions on the Caul were reduced, and each of the shrine cities was left with fewer defenders than ever before. When Sha'a Oka's lieutenants learned of this weakness, they erupted from their dominions with their beastmen armies and overwhelmed one city after another.
The Dynasts were finally able to dig their heels in at Faxai, the Walled City, whose port is the gateway to the West. Faxai's defenders know if the city were lost, the Anathema would have a way to launch an invasion of the Blessed Isle."

The Lunars took all the cities except for Faxai, and the Realm is currently debating whether to cut their losses and abandon their designs to control the shrine-cities.
No, not anymore:

"But when the Empress vanished, her legions on the Caul were reduced, and each of the shrine cities was left with fewer defenders than ever before. When Sha'a Oka's lieutenants learned of this weakness, they erupted from their dominions with their beastmen armies and overwhelmed one city after another.
The Dynasts were finally able to dig their heels in at Faxai, the Walled City, whose port is the gateway to the West. Faxai's defenders know if the city were lost, the Anathema would have a way to launch an invasion of the Blessed Isle."

The Lunars took all the cities except for Faxai, and the Realm is currently debating whether to cut their losses and abandon their designs to control the shrine-cities.
So the Lunar's have won the day, with their forces having pushed the Realm back to their beachhead and are still pressing them to such an extent that they are debating just plain cutting their losses and reinforcing the Water Fleet?

So the Lunar's have won the day, with their forces having pushed the Realm back to their beachhead and are still pressing them to such an extent that they are debating just plain cutting their losses and reinforcing the Water Fleet?

Pretty much. The main reason the Realm is still holding Faxai are 1) religious (the Caul is a hugely important pilgrimage site to Dynasts), and 2) if the Lunars controlled the Caul in full they might be able to launch a straight-up invasion of the Blessed Isle.