I don't personally see how it's any more a DotA siege map than the real life crusades were in the holy land. Either way though, it's definitely strategically highly important and if the Lunars could control it completely it would totally change the way the Silver Pact battles the Empire.
I'm going to say this politely.
'Fuck the Silver Pact'
We want a fucking Lunar Exalted Splat that can stand up as being an actual splat of exalted, rather then those poor wittle abused slaves of the solars.
Lunars should not be defined by some shitty pact that makes them into tribal savages, rather then empowered by the moon badasses that are a match for anything in the setting which isn't a Solar.
Lunars should not have to share their spotlight, or their cool things with any other fucking splat (FUCK YOU DRAGON BLOOD, GET OFF THE FUCKING CAUL)
We were promised a sweet ass Lunar Kingdom, locked away from fate and an example of the enhanced Lunar presence in the setting now that they weren't all sitting around with a stick up their ass waiting for the solars to come back.
Instead we got we got more fucking dragonblooded and even more 'MUST SMASH DA REALM' for reasons I don't quite understand.
Is the thought of an openly Lunar Kingdom ruled by his Divine Lunar presence somehow narratively toxic to the 'MUST BE SOLAR FOCUSED" gameline or something?
Fuck, the fact that the island was cut off from the loam was even a perfect example of COOL SHIT LUNARS CAN DO, by making it untargetable by the Defense Grid because REASONS.
I don't want the dragonblooded on that island.
I don't want the dragon blooded anywhere NEAR that fucking island.
I want it to be a massive ass cool thing that Lunars did for themselves for a reason that has nothing to do with the Solar Exalted, or the Dragon Blooded, Sidereals or some other stupid fucking reason thats stopped them from doing anything cool in the setting for the first two editions.
There is literally no justification the developers can make for sticking fucking dragonblooded on that island that was promised to us as a cool thing that the Lunars did in 3e as part of their enhanced setting presence, that doesn't involve 'AND THEN THE DYNASTS GOT THEIR SHIT KICKED IN' that can satisfy me.