Kerisgame 56 is an extra-super-long one, since we wanted to get Keris finished with the Owlrider Alchemist mini-arc, back in Creation and ready to start the Pirate Queen storyline. Like, seriously, this is a massive session; 23,000 words long, which took two long nights of pretty dense play to finish. As a result, we have four different apologies-to-her-souls, a visit to Testolagh for a demonstration and a (verbal) fight that neither of us really expected, and a short downtime period with Lilunu. I think it feels a bit rushed in places, but we just wanted to get these formalities over with and get back to Creation to start doing fun stuff. We'll be skipping next week to focus on some other writing, since this arc is over now.

The super-long session meant super-xp rewards, which in turn meant quite a few expenditures and purchases. They are, more or less, the following:
  • Keris has gained Infamy 3 from Ligier's public acknowledgement of her skill. If she wishes to maintain it at this level, she'll be expected to spend about half her time serving the Unquestionable.
  • She's also gained Mentor 3 (Lilunu) from geeking out over art and being charming. They've become close enough that it's likely Lilunu will let Keris in on a few of her secrets at some point in the near future - such as the Maimed Dragons.
  • The extensive challenges of the owlrider project have really pushed her to develop, learn and understand alchemy, biology, essence and project-planning in general to a much greater degree, boosting her to Cognition 3, Occult 5.
  • Her flitting about between cultures and the understanding of just how gorgeous she is have helped her master Exotic Beauty Style. She's also got a bit better at preaching about things she really, really cares about, represented by a dot of Firebrand Demagogue Style.
  • Extended time spent meditating with Haneyl on the ways of claiming territory and making things grow has finalised Keris's purchase of Hungry Devil-Weed Growth and bought her Luscious Jungle Germination as well.
  • Lilunu's harvesting of her flesh involved practically flaying her; more extensive injury than Keris has ever experienced before. She healed quickly and grew back tougher, learning Scar Writ Saga Shield and Countless Cities Clotting in the process.
  • She has, obviously, acquired an Artifact 2 painting of herself - a nude that shows her flaring totemic - which self-updates to track her current physical state; soul and all [1]. Attuned jewellery is included, but clothes aren't, and it will shift to show her transformative Shintais when she gets some. The background may well change depending on what realm she's in - a hellish lake reflecting the green light of Ligier, a black ocean washing up against a silver shore, blue seas touching golden sand, etcetera. It's a sympathetic link to her, and her Enlightenment and essence flavour and so on can be read from it as if it were the real thing. It may have other powers - if so, Keris hasn't discovered them yet.
*end of first half*
EarthScorpion: Huh, that was... well, not much got done despite starting early. 5XP.
Aleph: Yeah. We could continue it tomorrow, I guess?
EarthScorpion: Maybe, yeah.
EarthScorpion: And now Keris has an IC reason for the artificial island plan.
*end of second half*
EarthScorpion: End of session.
EarthScorpion: Another 5XP, for being a loooooong overall session. So a total of 10XP. And... hmm. Another 5XP for the end of an arc.
EarthScorpion: holy crap 15XP for you for this session
Aleph: *goes mad with power*
EarthScorpion: Just think of what you can use it for for the next mission thing. Like getting your island-making stuff.
Aleph: wheee~
EarthScorpion: Oh, Echo. Being forced to concentrate on something for a whole month, I decided, made her grow up. She's now notably older than her siblings.
Aleph: Heh.
EarthScorpion: ... oh gods. If Keris found another suit of superheavy plate. Echo "occupying" it.
EarthScorpion: Sigh, also, oh Keris. You're going to be confused by how early all your various children go through puberty, because you were a malnourished feral kid.
EarthScorpion: But none of them have ever gone hungry.
EarthScorpion: ... well, more than peckish, at least. Her war machine akuma-babies have gone hungry, but that's because they went through growing phases where they literally couldn't eat fast enough.
Aleph: Echo also occasionally goes hungry. Mostly when she's busy EXPLORING and ignores it because she'll have time for that later.
EarthScorpion: Hmm. If we were using Appearance, what would the Appearance ratings of Keris' soul hierarchy be?
Aleph: I don't know about numbers, but, hmm.
Rathan and Calesco tied at the top.
Zanra just below them, along with maybe Haneyl.
Echo, possibly Dulmea.
Vali is scarred and imposing.
No idea about the snake.​
EarthScorpion: It is a very pretty snake.
EarthScorpion: Sigh. Keris, even Vali is handsome in a scarred, tough sort of way.
EarthScorpion: That's something interesting to say. I guess... huh. Yeah, at a fundamental level Keris does consider herself beautiful. After all, look at what the Infernalisation process fixed up.
EarthScorpion: She might look towards getting an Appearance-y Presence style. She has the self-confidence and she believes she's beautiful.
Aleph: I have been thinking about learning either Exotic Beauty Style or Firebrand Demagogue Style.
Aleph: Heh. I'm thinking that the iconic image of the bow in Creation - since it'll be the Realm's favourite - might actually be something more similar to the yumi than the english longbow.
Aleph: The most well known one, though not the most common. A lot of people use shortbows because they're easier to transport, but the yumi is the "default" thing that people think of when they hear "bow".
EarthScorpion: Well, the most common style will just be a self bow or something short. A hunting bow, not a war bow.
Aleph: Yeah. I do want some yumi love, though. Heh. Calesco's will totally be a yumi. Long and elegant and a vicious staff in melee.
Aleph: Just to be clear, one of the possibilities for where this Keris-Testolagh argument scene might end up is Keris TLAing him, yeah? I... currently have no fucking idea where else it might go, tbh, though "angry brawl" is probably not likely.
EarthScorpion: Honestly, this is just coming off the cuff mostly. I have no idea where this is going because it just sort of came out and among other things he was wanting to have this talk but now he's angry because he's angry when she just more than entirely held up her end of the deal and that anger at his own anger is making him more angry
Aleph: Heh. This is why more people should have FLG. Or high-rated coadjutors who can go "calm down".
Aleph: But it's touching on several of Keris's buttons as well, which is making for good RP.
EarthScorpion: Oh, Keris. You really do seem to be over your initial crush on Lilunu. In... a weird way.
EarthScorpion: And... hmm, I notice we didn't wind up resolving the Testolagh situation. Maybe exposure to him is reducing her dreams of a threesome-marriage-thing where she sometimes gets to go off with him and beat things up rather than having to do it on her own because Sasi isn't interested in that.
Aleph: Well, that's still possible. What I was mostly waiting for - which the scene sort of turned away from because he isn't ready for it yet - is him... not exactly making the first move, but showing himself open to it in more than a "tolerate one another because we both love Sasi" sort of way.
Aleph: ... heh. Honestly, if it happens, it may well be if they do get into a fight alongside each other.
EarthScorpion: BEFRIENDING
Aleph: Sasi: "So the two of you only ever tolerated one another until you went out and committed acts of enormous violence in concert, after which you became best friends and occasional lovers."
Keris: "Pretty much yes."
Testolagh: "It was a bit more nuanced than that."
Keris: "I basically got over any lingering resentment when you grabbed that giant dude made of crabs, teleported fifty metres straight up, and then suplexed him through his own ship."
Testolagh: *sigh* "Okay, maybe it wasn't."
Keris: "PS: I want a hellstrider now."​
EarthScorpion: Oh. Haneyl. She's such a brat, but she really is adorable sometimes. Especially when she's trying to get on with Calesco.
Aleph: She is a sneaky little thing. : D And joy, Calesco now has a powerbow, and Haneyl a tumbaga sword that she's glommed.
Aleph: ... man. Seven-Lotus Crown, High Queen's robes, tumbaga sword.
EarthScorpion: Haneyl, why are you passing as a Solar?
EarthScorpion: So, hmm. Haneyl is pale, but has bright green eyes and likes green and gold.
Aleph: Grey is also acceptable.
EarthScorpion: Calesco is dark, and likes black and purple.
EarthScorpion: Echo is red and white.
EarthScorpion: Rathan is... hmm, deep reds, pinks and soft pastel shades? He doesn't really seem to associate much with his ocean compared to his moon.
EarthScorpion: Vali is... blacks and golds.
Aleph: Well, hmm. Do we have a blue? Vali might be crackling blue electricity.
EarthScorpion: Zanra is probably blues as part of his colours as he's also Kimmy.
Aleph: Oh, true.
EarthScorpion: Oh, and what are Dulmea and the snake?
Aleph: The snake is silver and white. And, heh. Dulmea is oilslick colours and bioluminescence.
Aleph: Hee hee. Oh Dulmea. Asks Keris to summon her Gale when Sasi's onboard (and also move a tea set out).
EarthScorpion: Sasi: "... are you having me meet your mother?"
Aleph: Keris: "... maybe?"
EarthScorpion: Sasi: "... your coadjutor, I mean."
Aleph: Keris: "... no, you were right the first time."
EarthScorpion: Sasi: "But didn't you have plans at some point to go find your real mother?"
Aleph: Keris: "... yes. And now I have a home to bring her back to. Which is why I've been working on Gales."
EarthScorpion: Sigh. Yeah, I suspect that if Keris does find her birth mother, Calesco will shift her appearance to look even more like her.
Aleph: Oh, Calesco.
EarthScorpion: Meanwhile, in her head Keris is carefully drawing up plans for all the very imaginative and kinky things she'll do to Sasi when she meets back up with her. They have an entire ship to 'bless'. And Keris can now make bimbo-hers.
Calesco: "You know, she has a baby. What if it starts crying midway through?"
Keris: "Argh! Get out of my head and away from these thoughts! You're too young to know about them!"
Calesco: "I could be older if I wanted to."
Keris: "Don't do that, young lady!"
Keris: "... do you think I could coax Sasi into learning to make Splintered Gales?"
Keris: "I could tell her they're for multi-tasking. And having loyal minions."​
Aleph: Echo gestures that there's only one way to be sure!
EarthScorpion: Calesco: "Oh, yes, I'm sure she'd be impressed by a loyal minion who screams and falls over as soon as they're made."
Aleph: Keris: "You weren't even born when that happened! And Lilunu says most of them don't do that!"
Aleph: Oh goddammit Haneyl. She is a very annoying demon to deal with as a circle, because she keeps trying to play you off against each other.
EarthScorpion: But on the other hand, sigh. Her siblings have taught her the concept of a worthy adversary.
Aleph: Heh. Yes.
EarthScorpion: When she's just playing, rather than playing to win, she doesn't play unlimited war. She'll... sigh. Retreat if you surprise her or interest her. Especially if you use sevens to do so.
Aleph: Oh, Haneyl. If any of Keris's souls could understand kismesissitude, it would be you. Rathan, amusingly enough, wouldn't comprehend the concept at all.
EarthScorpion: Just as well. Otherwise, Keris would have to break out the hoses to stop her children boning.
Aleph: Heh. But yeah, part of it involves mutual respect as well as hatred, and Rathan's hate is absolute and uncompromising. The idea of respecting someone you don't like is foreign to him.
EarthScorpion: Sigh. And it all ties into her fire ecosystem thing, as well. Someone beating you means you grow back with new life. Sometimes you have to lose to release nutrients. It makes intuitive sense to her.
Aleph: Hee She's taken Malfeas and Metagaos and turned them into something sort of new.
EarthScorpion: Honestly, something healthier than either. She could probably have some very interesting conversations as an adult with Sextes Jylis and Heshiesh.
Aleph: ... hopefully not the latter, since, uh, that would involve waking him up.
EarthScorpion: Haneyl: "Moooooother. Find me a way to talk to him in his dreams!"
Haneyl: "Preferably that doesn't involve Calesco."​
Aleph: Keris: "What part of 'low profile' did you not understand? Stop talking to the Immaculate Dragons! They're what the Immaculate Faith is based on!"
Keris: "You know, the people who want to kill us!"
Keris: "... how did you even get the idea to- please do not tell me you've already spoken."
Keris: "Have your souls been meeting his souls?"
Haneyl: "No!"
Haneyl: "... not directly."​
EarthScorpion: Heh. How much of Haneyl's unusual attitude to things is her own, and how much is from her being Keris self improvement and so Keris feels the same things, though in a more complicated way because she's also got the bits of her that are Rathan in her what wouldn't understand losing as anything other than a calamity?
Aleph: Hmm. Keris certainly knows about losing sometimes. Hates it with another part of her, but knows about it.
EarthScorpion: Heh. Yes, of course such a relatively complicated viewpoint is Haneyl's to express. As Keris well knows, you need to be somewhat comfortable to take a defeat calmly. When you have nothing to spare, everything is life and death. Keris is clearly getting soft in her old age now that she's rich and comfortable, certainly compared to the feral thing she was a few years ago.
Aleph: Heh. Watching her interact with her just-Exalted self would be interesting, tbh.
EarthScorpion: Sigh. Echo also is okay with losing, as long as it happens in an interesting way. From Echo's POV, that's really just winning. Calesco... hmm. How sore a loser is she?
Aleph: Hmm. Depends how emotionally invested she was in the outcome - remember she's where TLA lives, but she can't stop caring about things like Echo can. If she really cared about whatever the stakes were, it's likely to kick off a bitter depressive episode.
EarthScorpion: Sigh. When spited or beaten at something she cares about, she starts getting self righteously sadistic. She's just hurting you for your own good. If you weren't so horrible, she wouldn't have to show you all the ways that you are horrible.
Aleph: Zanra doesn't really mind losing, since that's just another inspiration, and Vali is mostly chill unless it traps him somehow. But... amusingly enough, I'm pretty sure the last poor loser among Keris's souls is Dulmea. Who tends to want things to go according to plan.
EarthScorpion: You missed one. The snake gets super mad.
Aleph: Well, yes.

Edit: Revlid has in fact rewritten Pelagic Muse Artistry in a way that makes it a good candidate for Zanra's Pantheon Charm, which unfortunately means that Keris can't get it now without screwing up my plans for her soul-hierarchy order. Thus, she's learning Countless Cities Clotting instead, and is one step closer to being able to triple-terraform things.
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Having just read the newest Kerisgame, I have a question for Aleph and ES: Why aren't the two of you writing for a living? You're better than a lot of successful published authors.
Having just read the newest Kerisgame, I have a question for Aleph and ES: Why aren't the two of you writing for a living? You're better than a lot of successful published authors.
Most writers have a day job, a generous inheritance, or an understanding life partner.
Yeah, I get that the question was largely rhetorical, but writing is a terrible way to earn a living. The paychecks are irregular and never dependable, the market can tank without warning and utterly screw you over, you have to be entirely 100% self-motivated to work hours you set for yourself, sometimes you're put in the position of having to refuse offers in a bad economy because they're too low and would set a precedent that would ruin you... it's not at all a reliable source of income. If you're planning to write as a career, either build up a considerable lump sum beforehand or find another source of money under the assumption that it will be the only one you have at times.
That's not even getting the whole deal of dealing with actual publishers, who may demand something completely different from what you're writing, force you to cut out bits of the story that you feel may be vitally important to it, or demand updates, transcripts and the like on a schedule you just can't keep up with.

Being writer is suffering, basically.
I was involved in running and organising a sci-fi convention when I was at uni, which means I've spent a fair amount of time around authors. A bunch of them have money problems. Often it's the second book that ruins you if your first was an unexpected hit. You can put over a year into something and wind up getting less than minimum wage back for it very, very easily.

Almost all authors are not JK Rowling.
Really anyone with an artistic focus can tell you, being exceptionally good at something the average person takes entirely for granted and having people pay you what that degree of skill is actually worth, never shall the two meet.
Having just read the newest Kerisgame, I have a question for Aleph and ES: Why aren't the two of you writing for a living? You're better than a lot of successful published authors.

Because the only people who get paid to write for a living are attorneys, and do not go to law school, you will die alone.

Also, legal writing does not teach you good creative writing habits.
I am vaguely astonished that Keris made it out of the northeast without founding a pseudo-ancestor cult centered on herself and Testolagh, intentionally or (more likely) otherwise.

On the other hand, maybe she didn't. She still has no idea what was being said by someone extremely devoted to her in silly languages that she doesn't speak immediately following an incredible display of their aerial prowess, and that might well take care of that when the owlriders finish their modifications and all have facial structures and skin tones that don't resemble their native ethnicity at all but look startlingly like certain superhumans they know. I suppose it mostly depends upon whether Testolagh thinks it would be useful and/or hilarious to encourage.
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Ooooookay, rather hilarious timing for this. So @Academia Nut was reading through the latest Kerisgame things and was like "you know, the specs on the Baisha seem a bit off; I was running the numbers in my head and it's kinda small for all the stuff it has in it", and I was like "huh really?" and he was like "yeah, the length and width are about right for a carrack and I've seen them and let me tell you they are rather cramped affairs; I have a replica of one within walking distance".

And so I looked into this, and it basically turned out that at some point I fucked up with "metres" and "feet" in the calculations, and the insides of the Baisha were planned on the assumption that they were about three times the size of the outside. So after talking this over with ES for a while, we've decided to double-retcon it, first by shifting it back to its original length of 75m, and secondly by saying that Ligier has in fact extended it in order to fit everything in, turn the guest suites into full-size bedrooms, wire in the less-efficient nuclear reactor, etcetera. So it's now 90x13 metres with a 10 metre ramming spike - which actually means that Keris can't fit it into her soul anymore; a fact she is not going to be pleased about if and when she tries and fails to do so. This makes things fit rather better - I'll see if I can do some roughly-to-scale drawings in Paint later.
Ooooookay, rather hilarious timing for this. So @Academia Nut was reading through the latest Kerisgame things and was like "you know, the specs on the Baisha seem a bit off; I was running the numbers in my head and it's kinda small for all the stuff it has in it", and I was like "huh really?" and he was like "yeah, the length and width are about right for a carrack and I've seen them and let me tell you they are rather cramped affairs; I have a replica of one within walking distance".

And so I looked into this, and it basically turned out that at some point I fucked up with "metres" and "feet" in the calculations, and the insides of the Baisha were planned on the assumption that they were about three times the size of the outside. So after talking this over with ES for a while, we've decided to double-retcon it, first by shifting it back to its original length of 75m, and secondly by saying that Ligier has in fact extended it in order to fit everything in, turn the guest suites into full-size bedrooms, wire in the less-efficient nuclear reactor, etcetera. So it's now 90x13 metres with a 10 metre ramming spike - which actually means that Keris can't fit it into her soul anymore; a fact she is not going to be pleased about if and when she tries and fails to do so. This makes things fit rather better - I'll see if I can do some roughly-to-scale drawings in Paint later.
What about just saying It's Bigger On The Inside? ^_^
It is an artifact ship, right?
What about just saying It's Bigger On The Inside? ^_^
It is an artifact ship, right?
... no, because that would be ridiculously sophisticated and high-maintenance Elsewhere tech and just generally not make sense. It's an artifact ship because, you know, it's a nearly indestructible nuclear submarine with a Tron-lightbike trail of murderwind, not because it's some sort of TARDIS.
It's an artifact ship because, you know, it's a nearly indestructible nuclear submarine

Well, by Second Age standards.

By First Age standards it's a pleasure yacht which Ligier has rebuilt so it's basically like... well, an overly tall and slow destroyer that can't even fly, doesn't have a cloaking field, doesn't have even the most basic essence artillery and which wastes mass and power on useless things and which would be gutted if it went up against any serious military ship.
Well, by Second Age standards.

By First Age standards it's a pleasure yacht which Ligier has rebuilt so it's basically like... well, an overly tall and slow destroyer that can't even fly, doesn't have a cloaking field, doesn't have even the most basic essence artillery and which wastes mass and power on useless things and which would be gutted if it went up against any serious military ship.

Well yeah, but a single actual first age warship would let you conquer a good chunk of the west by its invulnerable presence alone, let alone when it fires its guns.

At least until the Sidereals or Dragonblooded gank you for it anyway
Well yeah, but a single actual first age warship would let you conquer a good chunk of the west by its invulnerable presence alone, let alone when it fires its guns.

At least until the Sidereals or Dragonblooded gank you for it anyway

Nah. Amusingly enough, an actual High First Age warship would probably be less useful than Keris' refitted pleasure yacht. The fuel consumption would be correspondingly greater, the maintenance requirements would be correspondingly greater, and it'd simply be overkill against basically everything. After all, the Realm's super-flagships are Shogunate cargo ships and against one of them, Keris already would probably win because they don't expect something like her ship to attack out of the blue and ram them from underneath.

(Then there would be a lot of angry Dragonblooded in the water, and they'd have a good chance of stabbing Keris' ship and boarding it unless she ran away very quickly.)

Keris' pleasure yacht has had Ligier strip out most of its most complicated and decadent systems, armour it up in Malfean brass, and now it's running on a power source and a propulsion mechanism which can be maintained with high end Malfean knowledge (and in an emergency, Keris can fuel the ship herself enough to get out of danger). It's effectively more akin to a retrofitted Shogunate conversion of a High First Age vessel than a true High First Age vessel - and that makes it actually more useful. Because now people exist who can repair it if it gets damaged, and Keris can use her Infamy to source fuel for it.

Honestly, weighing utility and maintenance requirements, the most useful First Age vessel for modern Creation is probably a Shogunate cruiser. Good endurance, enough armour that it's functionally immune to light essence artillery that hits the armoured belt, and a fairly simple design that you actually have a chance of maintaining or repairing when it takes damage. Sure, it can't fly, but you can fuck up anything that goes near your water and patrol and blow up people's shipyards.

(Basically, yes, in my head this Shogunate cruiser is basically the fantasy version of a Cleveland-class while the High First Age is swanning around being all Orokin gold-covered bling.)
A magical nuclear submarine that's bigger on the inside doesn't make any less sense than one that isn't.
Er... what? A magitech nuclear submarine under the command of a Green Sun Princess (particularly ES's homebrew that very deliberately goes for "High First Age = lots of blinged-out magitech heavily dependent on proper infrastructure") makes perfect sense. A magitech nuclear submarine that is bigger on the inside makes rather less than perfect sense.
So, question.

I'm playing in 2e game, where we are dealing with the fallout of a Relm splintering, and two houses smashing An-Teng into a new Pseudo-Relm.

We've got bunch of refugees, who have currently set up shop in an abandoned Deliberative era city, after our Abyssals dealt with the Hungry ghosts left inside.

We've got some food and buildings thanks to our infernal sorcerers, but we do have the problem of being in the middle of nowhere, and having shit logistics. A man cannot survive on bread and rice alone, after all...

Now, given the resources of a 2e E3 Kimberlain Fiend, a E3 Malfian Malefactor, a E3 Moonshadow, a E3 TAW New Moon, and E4 Abyssalkuma Midnight of Qaf....

How do we quickly build roads? I'm thinking a mixture of demons and undead, but is there anything that might be faster/require less oversight?
How do we quickly build roads? I'm thinking a mixture of demons and undead, but is there anything that might be faster/require less oversight?
Got Raksha?TM​
I mean, you have a Lunar right there to go looking....
None of them are Essence 5. Not an option anytime soon.
Shouldn't need to summon a Third Circle when a Second could do; Jacint can do 100 miles a day, and he is noted as one of the weaker ones.
Grab a custom Second Circle, and cut a bargain.

Alternatively, grab hopping puppeteers; each marotte counts as 10 mortal laborers.
Just keep them away from babies.
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Got Raksha?TM​
I mean, you have a Lunar right there to go looking....

Shouldn't need to summon a Third Circle when a Second could do; Jacint can do 100 miles a day, and he is noted as one of the weaker ones.
Look for a custom Second Circle.

Alternatively, grab hopping puppeteers; each marotte counts as 10 mortal laborers.
Just keep them away from babies.

I was in that game for a while (if that is, in fact, the same game), and believe me we abused puppeteers while I was there.