Deluxe EX3 backers-
RichT here:
PDF/PoD Versions of EX3
Right now, I am waiting for the PoD proofs for
Exalted 3rd Edition to arrive from the PoD printer. Should those be printed to our satisfaction, and I OK the proofs, we'll put the updated PDF and the PoD book version up for sale on
DriveThruRPG.com for the general public, maybe as soon as next week.
Your Backer PDFs will be automatically updated to the updated PDF, and will be in your DTRPG LIbrary area.
Because this has taken so very long, we want to say thanks to you for all of your great support.
So before the PDF/PoD versions go on sale on DTRPG, we will send every backer a link for a discounted version of the PoD, cut to as close to the cost for us to print it as we can get it.
This PoD version is NOT the Deluxe version you pledged for. We are offering the
EX3 PoD at cost for those backers who want it, not as anything you have to do. Your
Deluxe EX3 that you pledged for is being prepped for the traditional printing that is part of this KS.
Deluxe EX3
We use the PoD as our last proof that the files are as we want them, as traditional printing files and PoD files are pretty much prepped the same way. If the PoD proofs are good, we will then get the traditional printing files ready and out to our printer.
At the same time, those other projects from the Kickstarter that ship with the
Deluxe EX3 (both Deluxe versions) like the
EX3 Screen and the canvas poster map, also will go to their printers.
Other EX3 Projects
Here are where other
EX3 projects are in their production:
First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep)
•Exalted 3rd Novel by Matt Forbeck (Exalted 3rd Edition)
•EX3 Quickstart (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Second Draft
•Arms of the Chosen (Exalted 3rd Edition)
•The Realm (Exalted 3rd Edition)
•Dragon-Blooded (Exalted 3rd Edition)
In Art Direction
•EX3 Backer Charms – Sketches coming in and being reviewed.
I've also been talking with our composer for the
Ex3 Music Suites and he is starting work on the Sidereals theme, and we should have very good news about the Novia novel in April.