A trinity of media (Hun, Po, Body), on the sum of which the mind runs, is actually quite a workable system. It gets weird when one considers the way Demon, God, Godblood, and Ghost minds work, though, but I suppose that just requires more work to sort out - maybe God Huns are more advanced versions of Hun or something.
No, you're thinking the wrong way around.
Humans and their two-soul design are the weird ones. They're an engineered, artificially created race of prayer-cattle made to produce high essence yield prayers. A god praying to you is going to give a fucktonne less essence than a human, because humans are optimised to be prayer cattle. And the po is the seat of power in humans - not the hun. Humans are basically a po power plant with a plug-on hun guidance system that does the things intelligence requires, without having access to the power the po produces. So it can all be directed towards prayer.
Gods, demons, dragon-kings - they're the normal ones. Humans were built for a specific purpose and are not normal.