You're not 'stepping slightly outside' what the Charm is capable of. You're trying to make the Charm do something it outright says it does not do.

This isn't a technicality or an implication, this is an explicit, full-sentence component of the charm. "Transformed objects retain their former shape, but react normally to their new materials; a liquid pillar would simply collapse." It's a Midas touch, not an omnipotent transmutation ray.

To get that, you need to Combo it with Corrosive Pattern Infliction.
... What, stepping slightly outside what a charm is technically capable of is completely impossible and totally isn't something you're allowed to stunt?

A little bit outside if perfectly OK - but turning this from "produce raw materials" to "produce finished goods" is more than just a little! Among other c things, it would negate the need for the craft skill, and step on the ropes of any craft speed booster charms.
Last but certainly not least in the line of Keris's war-akuma children is Ravenous Sunderer! Thank you @Shyft for drawing them!
Ravenous Sunderer
(Egzengesnyal heart, gallmau, scaureum, tomescu, inyenki)
An enormous centipede with huge scorpion claws and a host of lesser bladed limbs that hold it up. His blazing blue-white tongue is half as long as he is, as much lightning as flesh, and strikes with a thunderclap to pull people screaming into his hungry maw. Fang-lined mouths line his serpentine body, each with its own prehensile tongue, and his avatar-torso lies under the armour-plate behind his head. He's a burrower; the land unit to his sisters' air and sea, and serves a similar formation-breaker function to a spine chain in some respects - though Sunderer is far more powerful than most spine chains, which can be created in a week or two, and tends to rip them apart and eat them. Where his sisters mostly grew out of the voracious appetites of their early-growth stages, Sunderer... did not. He's always hungry for food, and not terribly discerning about where it comes from.

And with some careful scaling via the human figures, we can see that Spearhornet really is the petite little baby of the family:
Family picnic said:
"And this is Spearhornet just after her first moulting..."

*shows a picture of a creature that looks like a baby's upper torso merging at the waist into a large insect grub with six newly-pupated legs, happily sucking on a Fire Essence token*

"... and then there's Sunderer the first time he was allowed to go outside..."

*shows a picture of a centiscorpitaur whose baby-torso is perched just behind the head of a centipede with soft, underdeveloped scorpion claws, which he's using to hold a bowl of mushed-up anhule as he digs in*

"... oh, and here's Susurrus after her first shell came in!"

*shows a picture of a tiny turtle-squid with a velvet-soft shell trying to hide behind her mommy's leg*

"So cute! Ah, happy days. Now they're all grown up and don't listen to their mommy as much, they're off playing with gadgets or going out on the City with their friends." *wistful sigh*

"... wait, isn't Spearhornet the one that Peer Octavian contracted to rid his domain of firmin nests by setting them all on fire and eating them?"

"Yeah, like I said. No time for their mommy nowadays."
Oh? Tell me more.

I actually want to know what Exalted game mechanics you can derive in-character entirely via nothing more than the scientific method.

Abilities. You can use Astrology to read someone's Ability rating and it's quantised enough that you can separate people into five ranks of skill by the stars of one of the twenty five constellations (one per Ability) and how it relates to their horoscope. Likewise, since the mote is quantised, you can conclude the existence of dice caps based on mote spend, and conclude a Solaroid's (Att + Ability), a Lunar's (Attribute), etc etc.

I can't remember if Astrology can do the same for Attributes.

Essence ratings are of course quantised, and observable by the size of your mote pool, the spirit/Sidereal dice cap, and the use of Insignificant Embers Intuition and similar charms which let you read Essence ratings.

Charms can read essence aspects, such as "Solar" or "Lunar" or "Fire".

Virtues can be deduced using Raksha things.

The Ebon Dragon perfect dodge moves you (current Willpower) yards, so you can deduce the quantised nature of Willpower by the distance a Fiend who's trying to avoid you hitting them with a hammer flickerports away.
The Ebon Dragon perfect dodge moves you (current Willpower) yards, so you can deduce the quantised nature of Willpower by the distance a Fiend who's trying to avoid you hitting them with a hammer flickerports away.
"Stop it!"

"No! And get back here!"

"Leave me alone!"

"Independent verification is an integral part of the scientific process!"

"I don't want to die!"

"That's the spirit!"
At this point you should probably put a link to the various hacks in the Kerisgame logs or your sig, Aleph.
Is it worth getting Compass of Terrestrial Directions: The Scavenger Lands?

I'm running a game set in Calin, and for the most part everything is homebrewed from its small write up in the core book, but I want to know if there's anything in canon worth using.
Is it worth getting Compass of Terrestrial Directions: The Scavenger Lands?

I'm running a game set in Calin, and for the most part everything is homebrewed from its small write up in the core book, but I want to know if there's anything in canon worth using.
In CoTD? Probably not.
There are a few mentions of it, but as far as I found (with a quick Ctrl+F of "calin") that's all there is.
Thank you. Are there any places Calin is detailed more than just a brief mention?

Also, anyone have any ideas on how to implement transforming weapons in the style of RWBY and Bloodborne?
Have the various weapon statlines. If you want to switch from one stateline to another, have them make a ready weapon action. Possibly add a cost to transformation, like a few motes, but I don't think that's necessary.

Oh, and I'd generally only make them switch statelines if they intended to make an attack with that statline: you could totally do something like firing a gun-scythe in order to add more thrust to your swing without switching weapons(ie, a stunt).
So, there's a charm I think I remember, but can't find. It's probably homebrew, but if it's not, I'd greatly appreciate a source for. It's an overdrive charm that gives defensive motes, instead of offensive ones. There's a SWLIHN/Isidoros infernal I'd like to build if I can get it, but I don't know where it is.