Art Post 2015 - A Night Indoors
The bandwidth killer Returns. my Patreon!

So here's the latest thing my patrons have allowed me to make. I was able to work on this thanks to their patronage. However, I've also learned a lot.

One major failing I've had is that I don't spend enough time putting up patron-only content. There were no in-progress sketches provided as sneak peaks, nothing like that. I hope to change that going into May.

A likely example of good patron-only content is a merged, higher-resolution psd of this image! I have no idea when it will be delivered, but It's a start. I just have to get into the habit.

Now as for the future- the upcoming week, I'm going to be trying to make an actual video game for Android platforms. I probably won't get it done in the week, but I want to start it.

After that I'll be working on May's patreon submission- hopefully another full-color illustration! I will do my best to keep everyone better posted moving forward.

For DeviantART users, I will be providing a print of this illustration.
Art Post 2015 - Cathedral Dress
The Bandwidth Killer Returns- I need to do more sketches for public consumption...

So for those of you who follow my Patreon, you might be aware I had another illustration planned- full color at that- for this month. Technical issues plus scheduling conflicts forced me to put it aside for a while and switch gears. So here instead is June's 'This is what you guys let me do every month' post.

For the rest of June I'll be doing my best to provide some more backer-only content.

For anyone who prefers the format, I am starting a tumblr art block as well
Art Post 2015 - Cutoffs!

There's a bit of a story behind this one.

This piece was originally intended as one of my paid patreon posts (the kind that only subscribers see). But, it turned out so good, that I had to make a share-able version for everyone. The anatomy, her character and figure, it all just came together.

Now, I really actually don't like content-gating via patreon. I'd rather not do NSFW stuff there and post the SFW versions elsewhere. It works for some folks but not me I think. Still, multiple versions gave me an idea - 'I have such a great body here, I'll do multiple outfits!'

Leading to what you see here- this curvy gal in short-shorts and tank top. I plan on probably filling the rest of June with a couple more variants on this gal and her outfits, mostly because real life scheduling concerns are keeping me from committing to any bigger projects. Home improvement, construction, etc.

So - Cutoffs - will be posted around the internet, while patron-only variants will of course, be on patreon for subscribers. Wherever you follow my art, I hope you enjoy!
Yay! Oh, Glittering Spearhornet, you are so cute and tsuntsun.

no plz don't shoot me with burning deathquills of death and also burning, you're supposed to like me
And now for something completely different.

@Aleph was responsible for this monstrosity. (In a good way). I was responsible for deciding to do the armor plating curly detailing.
Hmm... My educated guess that it's mostly made from Agatae (obviously)with one or two Firmin added to give the monstrosity it's spines. Which I am going to guess it uses when it's hovering in place to scewer ground targets.

Very nice Shaft, very nice indeed! I love the detail of it's armor and what I'm guessing is an Essence-Cannon on the fore-limb. It's just lovely piece of Infernal horror.
Hmm... My educated guess that it's mostly made from Agatae (obviously)with one or two Firmin added to give the monstrosity it's spines. Which I am going to guess it uses when it's hovering in place to scewer ground targets.

Very nice Shaft, very nice indeed! I love the detail of it's armor and what I'm guessing is an Essence-Cannon on the fore-limb. It's just lovely piece of Infernal horror.
She has an agata core, a firequill and a firmin for the spines, a szamszerj giving her that chin gun and a farisy for the hilariously massive stinger and also certain... side effects that her quills cause when lodged in people. And yes, that means she is 60% homebrew and 40% Kerisian deva.

Though no, her folded mantis-limbs are not Essence cannons.

They are peristaltic quill railguns. ^_^
Well, in practice Keris usually lets her act independently, but yes, Sasi will ride in the pod on her back when she hires Spearhornet for a task.

Sasi is going to like her a great deal, because Spearhornet fights in Sasi's favourite manner, which is to say "from a distance, with lots of ranged attacks that are on fire and cause horrible side-effects if they hit you".
And here is #2 in @Aleph 's series! Owie my hands. Still was a fun project though!

Wheeeee! Spearhornet's big sister, and the ocean-based VTOL lifter to her airborne gunship; Thousandhanded Susurrus!

(The irony is, I'm pretty sure this is the first time @Shyft has been asked to draw a tentacle monster.)
I like how this time the little size comparison model is rearing back as if to say, "okay, this is too creepy even for me."