Art Post 2017 - Bikini Elf Sketch Inked

So, this piece started as both an indulgence of doing a breast-lift effect, and then i had the opportunity to try a new technique with painting/rendering eyes. I later attempted a full color pass, which some of you have seen.

However, I was becoming less enthused with the full color incarnation, so I stepped back and added some bold ink lines and pools of shadow. I did not aim for absolute perfection, but I believe I achieved a net positive piece.

Patreon August 2017
Looking good. Those special ear jewelry are a nice addition.
I do like the eye effects. Perhaps they don't blend well with the grayscale of the rest of the image, but I like them.
The dark version is pretty bold, but I think the color version was just Wow. So, I'm going to say the latter is the best version.
I like the eyes but it feels like the light reflection in her right eye is to strong, making it look like she has a white eye and a purple eye.
Art Post 2017 - Tachiko Against Glass

A rare success- a full color illustration that I managed to complete in less than a month. (Having examined my log of inprogs, it apparently took me 8 days to get this far. That's heartening!)

Anyway, I'm sure there are issues, compromises, but at the same time, this is a success. I attempted a complicated pose and stuck with it to full color. The background is simple, but the central figure is the main attraction here, I think we all can agree.

So here's hoping my next illustration, color or not, shapes up as well!