What specific human features? Legit curious.

So, if you look at his facial proportions compared to an actual tiger, you made his head broader (and so he's rounder-faced and less predatory-looking), his eyes wider apart (matching human eye placement more), and because the mouth is closed it takes on more the resemblance of a human smile rather than the "teeth bared" expression of a tiger which is decidedly less human-like.

And of course, since it's greyscale, the fact that tigers have rounder pupils than domestic cats (which have slit pupils) means his eyes look human, which they wouldn't if they were coloured in (because the pale iris here looks like a human white schlera).
*Whimpering Kitsune* The Cat is staring at me... make it stop... (Seriously look at that things eyes! Its practically looking out of my monitor at me.)