Updated Commission Rates - May 22nd 2018
As a heads up for anyone interested in commissioning me- while I am generally very busy these days with my retail job (much to my chagrin), I still do take commissions infrequently. However, my rates have changed again. I'll need to redo my Forms later- but as an outline.
  • Hour-Sketches are now 15$
  • Monochrome pinups are $30 previsual, and $15/hour for 5 hour execution and polish. Total of $105
I regret if this nudges my work out of the 'affordable' range, but that's how these things go. Thank you all for your time.

Her calves and ankles definitely seem off, and I think maybe her torso is a little far forward compared to her hips and legs?
...Hmm. Besides what Salty said, maybe doublecheck her neck? I don't exactly have references at hand, but it 'feels' kinda thin.
I have no clue what's going on with the hips in this picture. It looks like her femurs aren't even attached to her pelvis and there's another bone and joint in there. The legs, when considered independent of the rest of the image, look fine to me. The upper trunk and arms look good too. It's just that they aren't positioned right compared to each other.
(Also, her left ankle might be a bit off but I'm not sure.)
Her canvas left knee-to-ankle seems way larger than the canvas right one. Canvas right arm seems a little undersized, too.
I like her chest and head position, though. Exudes devil-may-care.
So unrelated to prior works (sorta), I found this in my normal trawls for photo ref and cool ideas.

I'm sharing this here because I've had people whine at me (no one in recent memory) that Inks is too hip-y and so on. I say to thee- women like her do exist!
Kind of feels like the neck on the second one is too long?
Those are some impressive Popeye biceps the lower one has.
Very nice 'action shot freeze frame' feeling to the first one. Feels very dynamic for a still shot. The sword seems to be getting even more ludicrously oversize, though.

Neck does seem a bit long on the second, yes.
I return.

Normally I don't preface or comment upon my work before posting, but I feel the need to here- I'm not 'good' at zbrush yet. Gotta practice and all that. I'm sure you're going to see things that look wrong, and are wrong. I can tell you that her bodacity is intentional, maybe I didn't execute it the best way or to the viewer's preference (though I'm quite happy with it otherwise), but if you don't like it, and your comment is not constructive, don't feel the need to go out of your way and tell me so. I've already heard most of what could be said. For clarity I mean things like 'She looks unrealistic' or 'DAMN THICC!'.

You're welcome to say things, mind! I just would appreciate it if you took a second to respect the work I put in.

Without further ado, take a gander at my most elaborate zbrush project attempted thus far:

It looks good to me so far. I'm really quite fond of the filigree face bridge, although I think the neck piece is still looking a bit rough.
I am not sure if it is intentional but her arms might require a bit more flesh even if you only compare her to the size of her head as they look a bit ..boney and knoby and weird lengthwise even if the arms should lay right and proportional if she had them at her hips ? It might be perspective as full frontal looks worse there then the third view.
This is almost certainly totally subjective...
But I think the side/angle views really bring out the worst in how you usually do your spines. The second model's torso I'd compare to a chicken's head in how it juts out from the lower body. Something about the model makes it... not sexy.

Again, subjective opinion here.
Positive feedback time!

The hair's come along very nicely. It's rough and glitchy in a few places, but most of it's ready for a splash of color.
Okay, I agree with the criticism of the sideview presented by @Always Late. Nothing more to be said there.
You'll also probably want to take another look at the arms, and their relative bulk; the forearms in particular look rather thin.

Maybe a little more length in the torso might be warranted depending on how much stylization you are going for; IIRC, collar to hip joint is supposed to be roughly 1.5 times hip joint to knee.

Conversely, the facial filigree thing is lovely. As is the detail in the hair.
And I rather like the embroidery on the collar.
Also, the side-profile of the head is really good in my limited estimation.
I think that what's throwing people about the arms is the contrast with her hips. Considered on their own, they look right to me. But compared to the rest, they look thinner than they are.
the forearms in particular look rather thin.

It kinda looks like there's a part outright missing or scooped out in the lower forearms? The upper arms have good definition but the forearms just... have something missing.

Roughly speaking, the transition between the mass of muscles in the upper forearm (right after the elbow) and the 'narrower' section, towards the wrist, that's mostly tendons looks too sharp. Maybe tapering it out more and softening the curve to the wrist might work?
The head, hair, and jewelry all works just fine. The neck piece looks a little flat but that may be because of the single color for the whole thing. She's very hippy, but that worked out as kind of a stylish or exaggerated magical realism effect, I think?