It's too much but it's the right amount of too much as opposed to too much too much, if you know what I mean :p
A more serious way to say that is that while the proportions are absurd they're well-executed and the image works.

Though does anyone else think there's something wonky going on around the left (image-wise) of her neck? Or is that just me?
Something looks Wrong about her left arm, and I can't quite characterise what.
Canvas left looks fine to me, what we can see of it; it's anatomy left that looks off.

It looks like she's missing anatomical right calf.

Anatomy left. I can kind of see it, but it's not clear.

Alright, so the shoulder closest to the camera looks underdefined. I'll work on that. And yes her calf is missing because I haven't drawn it in yet.
Nitpick: The arm closest to the camera kinda fuses with her breast. Not sure if that's just a line that's going to be filled in, or an intentional blank to show that her arm is being held in between marshmallow hell and her body, and is thus obscured.
Nitpick: The arm closest to the camera kinda fuses with her breast. Not sure if that's just a line that's going to be filled in, or an intentional blank to show that her arm is being held in between marshmallow hell and her body, and is thus obscured.

The technique is called 'implied line', so yes, her arm is being marshmallow hell'd. It's probably Too Implied this post though.
Overall very nice, though her canvas-right arm-shoulder interface still looks off. Like the arm only connects to the forward half of the ball of the shoulder or something.

All her other lines look great, though! :)
Overall very nice, though her canvas-right arm-shoulder interface still looks off. Like the arm only connects to the forward half of the ball of the shoulder or something.
Agreed; it looks like the skin is kinda sucked inward at the joint.

Not sure about the perspective, but I think the joint shouldn't be able to be (fully?) seen from this viewpoint.
Overall very nice, though her canvas-right arm-shoulder interface still looks off. Like the arm only connects to the forward half of the ball of the shoulder or something.

All her other lines look great, though! :)

Agreed; it looks like the skin is kinda sucked inward at the joint.

Not sure about the perspective, but I think the joint shouldn't be able to be (fully?) seen from this viewpoint.

Hmm. So you're suggesting that the bicep-tricep part of the arm needs to be proportionally thicker/pulled back out from under her breast?
No, more like pulled backward (anatomy-wise) towards the torso; but a little thicker couldn't hurt.