A lot of DB charms are "this fails against magical opposition". In other words, DBs are fantastic at handling mortals/extras, but had a much harder time with serious opposition. Which is actually in some ways a neat thematic niche. They are, in many ways, actually better at dealing with mortals and mortal societies than Sidereals or even Lunars. But they can't beat off BBEG's very well except by weight of numbers.
The problem lies with the absurdity that occurs when they don't think about the actual utility of the "this fails vs magic" charms. Such as PCDM, or the supernatural stealth/tracking charms that divide by zero when used against each other.
No, it's just fucking retarded for the footsoldiers made for a war against armies of demons, and who are expected to be the ones who on a day to day basis are the ones who fight petty gods in Creation and, you know, other small things like that.