While that's theoretically true, I'm having a hard time seeing what the difference between ones with one prereq and four at the same Ability/Essence rate. These are foundational Bureaucracy Charms in Ability trees I'm talking about here, in particular.
You could have checked if that were true before you posted this.
So, for the sake of clarity, the charms we're talking about are Lightning Archive Processor, Efficient Planning Matrix, and Institutional Analysis Protocol.
Lightning Archive Processor is a basic introduce/challenge fact adder charm that has a secondary effect focused on data retrieval, where you can introduce or challenge a fact without a relevant lore background if you have access to an archive or a library or something that you can use to research. It has four submodules, which are entirely focused around making the latter effect better and more rewarding. No prerequisites.
Efficient Planning Matrix is an Accelerate Projects charm, with an interesting pair of submodules built around preventing and detecting supernatural interference with the organisation in question. One prerequisite, Lightning Archive Processor.
Institutional Analysis Protocol is a Sidereal-style question asker charm where you can ask the ST questions about an organisation you've spent time studying, only it's also Indefinite and gives a bonus to general rolls involving that organisation afterward, based on how many questions you got to ask. It also has
nine submodules, ranging from adding additional functionality around social actions taken toward group members to greatly expanding the charm's core functionality. It does
a lot. Two prerequisites, in the form of Efficient Planning Matrix and Lightning Archive Processor.
So, we can see if these latter two effects in question are, in fact, "foundational bureaucracy charms in ability trees" pretty easily.
Accelerate Projects: Speed the Wheels, one prerequisite (Deft Official's Way)
Investigate an institution: Bureau-Rectifying Method, two prerequisites (Speed the Wheels, Deft Official's Way)
Accelerate projects: Dashing Brook Method (one prerequisite, Benevolent Master's Blessing)
Accelerate projects: Record-Obtaining Inquiry, one prerequisite (Icy Hand)
Investigation an institution: Harvest Ripe Wheat, Father Falling Hay, one prerequisite (Icy Hand)
Accelerate projects: Efficacious Hierarchy of the Damned, one prerequisite (Subtle Functionary Ways)
Investigation an institution: Eloquent Example Inspiration, two prerequisites (Traitor-Extirpating Instinct, Subtle Functionary Ways)
The only ability charm I'm familiar with for accelerating projects that does not have a prerequisite is Beloved Forewoman Exemplar, which is a Strawmaiden Janest charm that makes up for it by requiring Presence 5 compared to Deft Official's Way only needing Bureaucracy 1.
The number of prerequisites a certain effect needs is frequently something that got determined back in the corebook, and subsequent charms that do the same things that Solar charms do use that as a reference point for charm balance.