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Well its either that or the greatest weapon of all time, Chikage
Why wait for them? You can write up Chikage as an artifact yourself pretty easily.Well its either that or the greatest weapon of all time, Chikage
I love this, you're really on a roll lately. Really digging the idea of one of my characters studying under him now.Zo-Qtal the Decapitator, The Uncrowned One, The Carnifex Divine, Forbidden God of Beheading
Once, there was a great and just god who bore the name Zo-Qtal, the Sudden Blade, Grandson of Saturn, Hero of the Divine Revolution, Grandmaster of the Violet Bier of Sorrows Style, and Headsman of the Gods. His armor was made of ivory petals and his breath was funeral incense, he studied at the feet of the Sun and spoke only in poetry; Exeunt, his sword club of enchanted flint, was ten god-cubits in length and caused no pain as it cut. In distal days he was a god of swift execution, of dignified death, and of stern solace; that being no longer draws breath. Towards the end of the Divine Revolution, as the Neverborn were sent screaming down into the Underworld, grim Zo-Qtal descended into that hypogean world, accompanied by a Harbinger of the Maiden of Endings, to investigate the abyss that the afterlife had become. And it was there, in that pit, that Zo-Qtal perished. His companion emerged harrowed, carrying only his deific armament Exeunt, Zo-Qtal having given his immortal life to defend them from the spectral horrors that now dwelt in the Underworld. The gods mourned as only gods can when a life that should have lasted forever is snuffed out for good, and when the mourning was done, they moved on with their eternities. That should have been the end of it. But it wasn't.
The first year after the war concluded, on the anniversary of Zo-Qtal's death, something clawed its way out of Death. It pounded on celestial gates and burst through to Heaven with a terrible shriek. Celestial Lions came roaring to send it back to the Underworld, but stopped in shock as they recognized what it was; Zo-Qtal, returned from the afterlife. At first they rejoiced, but then they realized that his once dignified armor was stained with blood and caked with ash, that a terrible gong resounded with each of his ever bloodied footsteps, and that he bore his own severed head in his hands like a lantern light. Lurching and shambling, the underworld thing made its way through the streets of Yu-Shan, towards the grave of the Sudden Blade, which bore his weapon Exeunt as the headstone. Fighting through all who opposed him and ignoring all attempts at reason, Zo-Qtal claimed his weapon and forever stained it with the essence of the underworld.
Triumphant, the thing that was Zo-Qtal made its way towards the Jade Pleasure Dome. His severed head proclaimed to all that the Headsman of the Gods had returned to re-assume his station, and that the Secret of Mortality, once forbidden to immortals, had been revealed to him. He said he wished to share it with all who were willing to hear, that such was a holy charge given unto him. Only when confronted by the Chosen of Endings who accompanied him on his doomed katabasis did he halt. It is not spoken of what occurred between the two of them, for all claim to have fled that dire confrontation, and if any did not they will not say. It is known only that the Harbinger disappeared from Heaven that day, and so too did Zo-Qtal the Decapitator.
The gods would wish to say that Zo-Qtal was forever put to rest by that lone Sidereal's sacrifice, but to do so would be a lie. The Uncrowned One has returned to dismay and trouble the gods throughout history. Sometimes he is a terrible foe of divinity, doing battle with psychopomps and death gods appointed by Heaven to enforce its own views on death. Other times he is a disquieting omen, heralding one grim portent or another. And other times, Zo-Qtal is a strange and alien teacher, mentoring mortal heroes and outcast gods in the art of beheading and instructing them on the nature of death as he sees it. He has fought against, and beside the Exalted throughout history, all according to some strange code known only to him. Though accursed by heaven, the Carnifex Divine is worshiped by mortals as a patron of butchers, executioners, and headhunters; as a tutelary deity of the afterlife; and as a god of life from death.
In life, Zo-Qtal was a tall, heroically built deity who wore armor of ivory petals and a cloak of mayfly wings. In death, his armor is broken and ashen, his now gaunt body painted blue, black, and red. His feet are bare and leave bloody footprints in his wake. In his right hand, he carries with him always his sword-club Exuent, which mortals fear to look upon. In his left hand, archaic braids and tarnished jewelry decorate his severed but still ambulatory head, which has the countenance of a stern ruler. His neck is a bloody stump, and when the Decapitator is enraged, serpents, centipedes, and impossible sermons have been known to issue forth from it.
It is said that Zo-Qtal resides in the depths of the Underworld, in a land named Zoachan, a great cavern wreathed in the roots of a tree that has never seen the sun. Zombies tend to fields of translucent maize and spectral youths welcome visitors with libations and flower petals, offering respite and solace in the bleached white adobe hamlets that ring the cavern's edge. Trials and tribulations await those who ignore the welcome and venture further in, alien guardians on the road and tests that scour the mind and soul. At the end of this gauntlet lies the Fane of the Decapitator, a drum shaped tower-manse honeycombed with alcoves in which the severed heads of champions are enshrined. Within waits Zo-Qtal the Decapitator, and the lessons he would bestow upon his supplicants.
Story Hooks
It is whispered that the Deathlord known as the First and Forsaken Lion, that terrible master of conquest and iron, spent time as a student of the Decapitator early in his death, and that the severed heads that now hang from his belt were taken as votives to the God of Beheading. Some among the Dead claim that Zoachan now serves as a tributary of his undying empire, sending soldiers to join his endless legions
Wracked by famine from the Realm's increasingly unreasonable tribute demands, a satrapy's populace gradually begins praying to the Decapitator in secret. They offer sacrifice, first of animals, then of kidnapped garrison troops, in hopes that Zo-Qtal will use the accumulated life offered to him to deliver them from starvation, or failing that, that they will be granted respite in the afterlife.
A terrestrial spirit court has been visited with Zo-Qtal, to the shock and horror of all. The Uncrowned One arrived one night as they held council, and before any could stop him, he painted three lines of blood upon the brow of the little pantheon's chief divinity. None among the court's gods know exactly what this means but they all agree that it surely must be a portent of bad things to come.
The Carnifex Divine has wrested a portion of the Exigence from the rapidly cooling hands of one of his foes. It resides invested in a sacrificial knife among the Decapitator's panoply. Perhaps he shall offer it to a mortal who journeys to Zoachan and bests his trials. Maybe he shall elevate a peerless executioner who oversees the death of champions and royalty. Or perhaps he shall exalt that executioner's victim, just as the axe begins to fall.
The Poise system in Elden Ring while not quite the same, has bits too. And hoenstly weirdly helped me explain it to folks.
*heavy breathing*Zo-Qtal the Decapitator, The Uncrowned One, The Carnifex Divine, Forbidden God of Beheading
There's limits to what you can do in an NPC write-up but you can still give advice. For example while I consider the Akuma Who Loved Me scenario in RotSE pretty cringe in places (inevitable due to what book it's in) there's an aspect of it that still holds up fairly well.Those both seem like table things rather than book things, though.
How could any character writeup provide them?
You could absolutely put something like than in an NPC write-up.Return of the Scarlet Empress page 149 said:(All of this leads to an out-of-game criterion for which character Raia picks as her target. The target's player must be mature enough to accept his character's having a torrid sexual affair and—just as importantly— mature enough to roleplay a character who doesn't know he's being sexually manipulated, even though the player is fully aware of this.)
Central repository is in the profile link. For now at least.I love this, you're really on a roll lately. Really digging the idea of one of my characters studying under him now.
Also, do you have a Google doc or central repository where you store all your stuff?
Wu-Jian, in the WestOn a similar but unrelated note, is there anywhere in creation characterized by having a bunch of competing martial arts sects?
Halta was this inprevious editions but has issues being well, Halta.Anyone know where in creation I could find an elective monarchy or republic of some sort? I have an idea for a DB game where the players need to investigate claims that one of the candidates is a solar anathema (and if so, prove it and execute them) but I can't think of a place that would work well.
On a similar but unrelated note, is there anywhere in creation characterized by having a bunch of competing martial arts sects?
Calin's whole thing is that it has a Shogun elected by members of its fourteen noble houses. Unfortunately we don't know much about these noble houses which might require a little more world building than the other canonical locations.Anyone know where in creation I could find an elective monarchy or republic of some sort? I have an idea for a DB game where the players need to investigate claims that one of the candidates is a solar anathema (and if so, prove it and execute them) but I can't think of a place that would work well.
Thinking about transportation technologies in the First Age, I wonder if mass-driver manses would be a thing used for freight transport. They have a teleportation network in those days, but iirc that requires high manse ratings and are expensive to operate.
The webcomic is no longer extant on the Internet as far as I'm aware.I'm looking for a backup or archive of the Freedom Stone fiction; the Wayback Machine only seems to have an incomplete archive of the forum. I don't suppose anyone managed to fully copy it before it died like, a decade ago?
It's a shame only the first page was saved. That looks coolSeems like a good excuse to link one of my favourite threads.
In keeping with the paradigm of magitech there, how about a freight transportation network that's just a bunch of legless mechanical giants with very strong throwing arms?
Attempts to weaponize them in the Second Age have run into problems because the giants are pacifistic by nature. But given time, ruthlessness, and maybe a few Charms, they can generally be deceived, threatened, or persuaded into doing the bidding of those who rule the land around them. It helps that they can't actually see any better than humans do, so they have no direct way of knowing what they're throwing at. They have to take someone else's word for it.