Princess of Stabbity
- Location
- The sixth circle of Hell (second on weekends)
- Pronouns
- She/Her
Actually I'm pretty sure that metaphysically, decanthropes just kill them. Also, they're not slavers in the sense that she interprets the term - they're not human, have no organisational backing, and have nothing whatsoever to do with trading in slaves.What I was thinking was you'd sacrifice an E4 spirit with both the Intimacy and the Virtue at 4. For Keris, for example, I'd think it might work with a Decanthrope, which have E4, Conviction 4, and who actively go out and try to find the best mortals they can in order to enslave and turn into their puppet bodies.
... I should probably clarify that Keris doesn't hate slavers because she has, I dunno, some sort of deep moral objection to the concept of taking another person's freedom away. She's Compassion 3, yes, so she feels sympathetic for people who have their lives ruined by such things, but that's basically icing on a cake that was made way, way before she hit Compassion 3. No, she hates slavers because they hurt her, personally, and because with Kasseni dead she's spread that grudge to anyone even remotely implicated in the organisation that she worked for. She doesn't give a flying fuck about demons she doesn't know killing mortals she doesn't know to use their bodies as puppets, unless it's happening right in front of her and pings her Compassion in how they're doing it. It's that 4-dot "Get Revenge" Principle that's driving the side of her that sends her after slaver bands. Most of the time she largely ignores the slaves, though she does generally free them and point them in a direction that'll give them a good chance of survival as an afterthought.
Also, First Circle writeups that have an average member of the species being higher than E2 are a thing to be deeply, deeply suspicious of. E3 and especially E4 should be things that only exceptional members of a breed of First Circle can reach, after sustained effort and enormous discipline and growth.
Oh, it's not self-aware. It's a po soul. It's the seat of her power, the source of her instincts and her capacity for true depth of feeling. But it is fundamentally one of her souls - one of the two that she's had the longest, indeed - and so I decided that it should probably be in her Domain somewhere.Hey @Aleph , @EarthScorpion how did Keris's Po Soul.... not so much come into being, as much as become self aware?
And Branching off that, how would you recommend someone to handle the Pantheon and Po Souls of an Infernal?
As for where it came from OOC, after she stole literally everything from her Tomb the second time around, we were faced with the choice of either cataloguing all of it or representing it with an Arcaneum-esque "giant pile of occult junk she can dig through" Background, which was much more palatable. But that required a justification for why she couldn't have more than a bit out at a time... and that's when I had the idea of "lawl, she loves her treasure, that's one of her base instincts, so her po soul can totally steal it and then refuse to give it back. : 3"
As to how to handle them, in what sense do you mean? Thinking up what they're like, or how to handle them in play?
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