Two new products of Kerisgame;
Firstly, a new Emerald Circle spell!
Sacrifice of the Crystallised Heart
Cost: 15m; Circle: Emerald; Target: One victim
Casting Duration: Ritual (Two Hours)
Essence Aspect: Any; Favoured Aspect: Necrotic
Prerequisite Spells: None
Through carefully designed ritual and ceremony, the sorcerer traps the essence released by the sacrifice of a victim and traps it in a gem-like form appropriate to the Essence Aspect of the caster. These gems have many uses, and are valued by gods and demons who desire blood to be shed. The sorcerer must first prepare an area with an essence aspect appropriate to their own, then at the end of a two hour ritual, they kill their victim. The essence which would usually escape the body upon death flares brightly within the corpse, calcifying as a gem within the heart which the sorcerer them removes.
The gems formed by this spell have a Resources value of three or the permanent Essence of the victim, whichever is higher. This is increased by one if the sorcerer had an Intimacy towards them, and an additional one if their highest Virtue was rated at four or more. They contain some fragment of the victim's consciousness - enough to whisper in the dead of night and inaudibly whimper in fear at the sight of their killer.
Essence Aspect (Necrotic): The gem also traps the calcified and mutilated hun. They retain full awareness of what was done to them, although insanity often results from such a torturous existence. The destruction of the gem destroys the trapped soul too.
Secondly, an Unwoven expansion of Fourth-Soul Devil Domain (which has now been added to the Fourth Soul ES gdoc);
Blossoms of the Tiger Empire
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Unwoven (1)
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Fourth-Soul Devil Domain, Sorcerous Enlightenment of (Yozi)
Once, in the long ago, the spire of Yu Shan was surrounded by the unbounded firmament and upon this blank canvas the Primordials built their play-worlds. Now within their own souls the Green Sun Princes repeat such deeds. The inner world granted by Fourth Soul Devil Domain unfolds, expanding within Elsewhere. From the borders of the world defined by the Devil Domain, it now extends for an extra (Coadjutor rating) kilometres. This terrain will take on a general theme and appearance similar to the core Devil Domain, but is not composed of representations of the Infernal's Charms. Any additional Pantheon souls the character possesses will likely claim areas of the Tiger Empire for themselves, much as the Unquestionable do in Malfeas - they may reshape it as the coadjutor may reshape the Devil Domain.
The borders of this unreal place brush up against reality where the Infernal's essence pools and swirls, much as Cecelyne touches all places of desolation. When the character is within land affected by one of their Infernal geomantic charms or which has undergone significant modification via their sorcerous effects, they may carry out a personalised Sorcerous ritual to transfer larger objects or structures to or from their Tiger Empire. The ritual costs 20 motes and 1 willpower, and takes four hours in which omen weather flares, the earth shakes, and the aesthetics of their Tiger Empire intrude upon the world as an Essence 1 Blasphemy. They must own the object or structure, and its largest dimension may measure no more than (Essence + Coadjutor) times ten metres across. This charm may not affect objects or structures anchored into the geomancy of another realm of existence, such as manses or the Devil Domain representations of their charms.
At Essence 4 this Charm automatically upgrades, increasing the radius of the Tiger Empire by (Essence) kilometres. At Essence 5 it further upgrades by multiplying its radius by ten.