Any information on how the hell any of that happened?
Someone summoned Ligier on the very summit of the Imperial Mountain much to the same effect as a nuclear bomb going off. Its gargantuan peak exploded, filling the atmosphere and rolling over the continent with about the damage you would expect of a megamountain toppling. The Blessed Isle is a radioactive desolate shithole and its populations dead or scattered in the single biggest refugee crisis in Realm history.

It also kicked off the Realm Civil War.

Basically, it's magical World War 1 as after 10 years of Creation-spanning war and the Solars etc being over a decade out, and we're a few figurative minutes from the apocalypse.
This is my second time homebrewing anything with Crunch for Exalted, so I'd be grateful for feedback. Here's a QC related to my homebrew Satrapy of Eshirreol, designed for use as wandering enemy or ally NPC

The Baptized

The Hero-Knights of the northern satrapy of Eshirreol, the Baptized are granted powers by their power-quests in the wyld. They often have personal or familial legends that shape the way they channel essence. As they age(and they can live up to a century and a half), they continue to carefully power-quest in the wyld, acquiring mutations and powers. Their powers tend to vary depending on their personalities, but they generally channel legends of warriors, savants, or tricksters. The following is an example of a typical Baptized Knight of martial persuasion.

Baptized Knight

The Knight's personal legend is that of a mighty warrior, worthy of saga and song throughout the North. He often wanders the North in search of great deeds to perform and powerful enemies to sacrifice at the altar of his own glory. His skin is faintly copper-hued and tough, while his pointed ears have miniscule feathers lining their edges. Northerner's occasionally notice that his mannerisms and body language are vaguely similar to those of the Winter Folk.

Essence: 1; Willpower: 5; Join Battle: 10
Personal Motes: 10
Health Levels: -0/-1x2/-2x2/-4/Incap.

Sample Intimacies:
  • Defining: I never break the letter of my sworn word
  • Major: Eshirreol(Beloved Homeland)
  • Major: Boon Companions(Steadfast Loyalty)
  • Minor: The Realm(Begrudging Fealty)
  • Command 8; Feats of Strength 8 (may attempt Strength 4 feats); Read Motives 3; Senses 4; Social Influence 5(Inspiring Awe 6);Survival 6(7 in mountainous regions); Threaten 7
  • Appearance 4; Resolve 3; Guile 2
  • Attack(Ancestral Claymore): 10 Dice (Damage 12)
  • Attack(Unarmed): 6 Dice (Damage 6)
  • Evasion 3; Parry 6
  • Soak/Hardness: 9/0 Scale Breastplate
  • Mighty Thew 2
  • Unusual Hide 1
Offensive Charms
  • Mythic Berserker Trance(4m, Simple, Scene): The Baptized enters a supernatural berserk state. They add Essence+1 Dice to withering and decisive attacks and damage rolls, as well as to Rush actions.
  • Mythic Hero Blows(3m, Supplemental, Withering-Only, Stackable, [Essence] +3 Rounds): The Baptized channels the strength of mythic warriors into their blows. After making a successful withering attack, the Berserker can force the target to pay one point of Initiative whenever they make an attack against the Knight, stacking the effects up to a maximum of Essence+3 initiative paid
  • Willbreaking Berserker Strike(3m, Supplemental, Psyche, Stackable, Scene): When making an attack, the Baptized may call upon legends of the terrifying berserks of the North. When making a sucessful attack, the Baptized makes an Inspire Awe roll(Presence+Charisma) against the target's Resolve. If the roll is successful, the target gains a scene-long Minor Intimacy of Terror towards the Baptized, the intensity rising by one degree with each successful application of this charm. Applying social influence during combat to strengthen this intimacy makes it a regular intimacy that persists after the scene has ended
Defensive Charms
  • Mythic Berserker Resilience(3m + 1wp per point of wound penalty, Reflexive, [Essence] +3 Rounds): The Baptized calls upon the legends of astounding endurance of Northern warriors. The Baptized ignores 1 point of Wound Penalty for every 3 motes and one willpower spent, for a number of rounds equal to their essence + 3
Miscellaneous Charms
  • Minor Glamour Way(1m, Simple, Scene): The Baptized conjures a phantasm from the wyld, weaving an illusory object no larger than a person. The illusion lacks substance to the touch. The Baptized may spend an action to make the objects appear to move or make sounds. A successful Perception+Integrity roll at Difficulty(Baptized Essence+1) reveals that the image is false from a distance. The Baptized may conjure a number of phantoms equal to their essence score
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@Shyft Feedback

Cost: 3m; Minimums: Socialize 3, Essence 2
Type: Simple (Speed 5 in Long Ticks); Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Social, Mirror
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: None

The returning Lawgivers comport themselves as god-kings, regardless of their manner and origins.

This Charm is a Simple Action that encompasses the cosmetic and sartorial preparations for of social and dramatic scenes. She may across five long ticks, apply any combination of makeup, complex accessories, ritual panphernalia or a seven-elements gown fit for a ball hosted by the Unconquered Sun. She may invoke this charm for herself or another character.

Additionally, she enhances what tools and tinctures she has access to- a smear of humble soil can create basic colors, and a beggar's rags are cleansed by the Lawgiver's skill to be a rakish affectation. Finer materials produce superior results, with the wardrobes and vanities of a great queen can be used to humble the styles of Gods. Mechanically she increases the resource rating and tool quality of such implements by her [Socialize -2]. If that would raise the tool's quality above 5, she may grant that tool an additional +1 specialty in excess of it's normal limitations.

A second purchase of this Charm at Essence 3 allows the Solar to imbue her looks and attire with specific agendas. She may roll [Appearance + Socialize] to generate a standing social influence that describes her social stance and presentation. Characters with a Dodge MDV less than her successes fall under an Unnatural Emotion Effect. Characters including the Solar take a -2 internal penalty on actions counter that Emotion and +2 die bonus when taking actions that fall in line with it. This roll can benefit from limited teamwork.

It was a little unclear on first reading that the primary usage of this Charm was to reduce the time it takes to put on makeup to 5 ticks. Admittedly I am not super familiar with Exalted's makeup rules, but I feel like ignorance of that is pretty common. Might want to add a line in the beginning saying something like "The Solar is not hampered by poor materials or lack of time when putting on makeup. This charm is a Simple Action..."

I would also clear up the repurchase. I believe it is meant to be a Social Attack that effects everyone in the Scene and lasts as long as her makeup is on? Maybe reword it as "When activating this charm the Solar rolls a social attack using {Appearance + Socialize]. As long as her makeup remains unsullied any creatures with a dodge MDV less than her successes..."
Cost: - (2m+1wp) ; Minimums: Socialize 3, Essence 3
Type: Permanent; Keywords: Illusion, Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: God-King's Faultless Comportment x2

Like the flares of the Solar corona, the Lawgiver leaves a lasting impression in the minds and eyes of her audience.

This Charm enhances its prerequisite. If she increases the cost to 5m+1wp and it gains the Obvious keyword. When the Solar rolls [Appearance + Socialize], she adds an Unnatural Illusion to the Charms' effect. Witnesses to her glory now have an idealized, incorruptible impression of the Solar at the time of their meeting impressed upon their minds. The holder of this belief finds their thoughts wandering back to the Solar, talking about her or her deeds and more. Spending 1wp allows the character to act without distraction for the scene, and spending 5wp total shakes off this insistent impression. Unlike most forms of Unnatural Mental Influence, resisting this Illusion does -not- incur a point of Limit.

Characters holding this belief may invoke it once per scene to regain a point of temporary willpower, and count any subsequent influence that is considered hostile to the Solar's image as in conflict with their Virtues, conferring a +2 MDV modifier. The Solar's own actions are immune to this effect outside of grossly out of character behaviors- and in those cases the enthralled individuals likely believe the Solar is an impostor, or prompts the witness to resist the influence.

At Essence 4+, characters who invoke the Solar's image as a defense or WP regain count that action as a scene of building an intimacy towards her.
I'm assuming this is supposed to make the previous charm work indefinitely, but as written the previous charm never seems to end?
Cost: - (2xp/Procedure) Minimums: Socialize 4, Essence 3
Type: Permanent; Keywords: Combo-OK, Holy, Procedure
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: God-King's Faultless Comportment x2

Drawing upon the magic of cosmetic tincture, ornate knotwork and enchanted patterns, the Solar creates masks, schemes and ensembles to face the world.

This charm expands it's prerequisite- the Emotion effect of God-King's Faultless Comportment becomes a Procedure that can be codified and taught to other characters. In addition, the Solar gains five more Procedures detailed below, and can devise more for 2xp apiece. When activating God-King's Faultless Comportment, she may choose one Procedure as part of that Charm's activation while rolling the relevant Ability.

The Procedures generated by this Charm must adhere to a single Ability and the themes of the Solar Exalted, like casting rays of light, issuing divine judgement, overwhelming power or charisma, larger-than-life stature, asserting command, and making decrees of unimpeachable law. The storyteller may veto nonsensical interactions and powers; each Procedure can be approximate a strong talisman or a focused 1-dot artifact, or a 6mp Abomination.

Bronze Tiger's Gaze [ Appearance + War]: Benificiaries stand out among their peers with unit standard or fierce war paint - they count as two Relays for the purposes of unit communication, and opposing units subtract 1 from their Might when engaged in close combat.

Priest-King's Regalia [Appearance + Performance]: Benficiaries of this procedure count as Priests to the Unconquered Sun or one God of the Solar's choosing. If they are already priests, they count all sacrifices to that god as 1 Resources dot higher, to a maximum of 5.

Ghost-Breaking Mein [Appearance + Occult]: The Solar's warding marks against the dead provide outright immunity to possession and increases the difficulty of all Arcanoi made against her by 2.

Night's Moving Cloak [ Appearance + Stealth]: With careful costuming, the Solar counts as Invisible (-2 external vision penalty) in high contrast light or darkness- such as the noonday sun or the powerful Essence-lamps of the Shogunate. This also includes her own Anima- where her aura is visible but she herself is unrecognizable.

Merchant's Gilded Eye [Appearance + Bureaucracy]: The Solar's rich finery and daring ensemble promise a strong sale; Characters who seek to buy or sell from the Solar exchange one dot more worth of Resources than they would normally for the good or service.
Are Procedures a 3e things? Have I been critiquing this without knowing the system? Or is this a sorcery thing which I am still learning? Regardless it seems really strong for something that can be taught to non-exaltes
Cost: - (1m) ; Minimums: Socialize 5, Essence 4
Type: Permanent ; Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Sky-Tracing Ensemble Method

The Solar may invoke God-King's Faultless Comportment and note her successes earned. She may then commit 1m to hold that ensemble from head to toe and any Procedure attatched to it in memory and Elsewhere. She may store up to [Socialize] Ensembles and Procedures this way, and may swap between them as a Miscellaneous Action. As an added benefit, motes committed to an ensemble ensure that it remains in perfect condition- cosmetics and applications remain intact, clothes unspoiled by road dust or brambles- if something were to besmirch the Solar under an Ensemble, it only enhances the effect as a +3d circumstance bonus- 'I was attacked by bandits but ran them off!'.
Seems a little redundant with the second charm per my reading. The second charm lets you make the impression last forever and this one lets you store and retrieve "ensembles" correct?
@Shyft Feedback

It was a little unclear on first reading that the primary usage of this Charm was to reduce the time it takes to put on makeup to 5 ticks. Admittedly I am not super familiar with Exalted's makeup rules, but I feel like ignorance of that is pretty common. Might want to add a line in the beginning saying something like "The Solar is not hampered by poor materials or lack of time when putting on makeup. This charm is a Simple Action..."

I would also clear up the repurchase. I believe it is meant to be a Social Attack that effects everyone in the Scene and lasts as long as her makeup is on? Maybe reword it as "When activating this charm the Solar rolls a social attack using {Appearance + Socialize]. As long as her makeup remains unsullied any creatures with a dodge MDV less than her successes..."

I'm assuming this is supposed to make the previous charm work indefinitely, but as written the previous charm never seems to end?

Are Procedures a 3e things? Have I been critiquing this without knowing the system? Or is this a sorcery thing which I am still learning? Regardless it seems really strong for something that can be taught to non-exaltes

Seems a little redundant with the second charm per my reading. The second charm lets you make the impression last forever and this one lets you store and retrieve "ensembles" correct?

Re: God-King's Faultless Comportment
The Charm does 3 things, which could be communicated more clearly:
1. Dress/prepare in 5 minutes; could be done Faster but I basically wanted to arbitrarily say 'if it wasn't Armor or Weapons, you can put it on This Fast no matter how complicated.'
2. Improves the quality of tools/objects by [Socialize -2] Resource Dots; implicitly granting a Tool Bonus in excess of any of it's functional caps. The wording is deliberate here, because standard 2e rules suggest that a tool can have up to a +3 Specialty, and the Kerisgame hacks that are more common limit it firmly to '+2d per tool, 1d per specialty'. This Charm explicitly is intended to let you add a third or stacking specialty. (which could be made clearer).
3. The repurchase is basically 'Creates a scene-long effect, with a roll to determine efficacy.'. Which I dropped the ball on elaborating. Good catch!

Fundamentally, this is meant to lean into the idea of 'Solars are about Skill' and 'Solars are about Tools'. So I wanted to make sure the user couldn't just do up their face in absence of anything.

Re: Prominence Memory Stance
It is in fact not intended to make the Charm work indefinitely- it instead instills an enduring mental influence effect that other Charms in this tree and elsewhere can hinge off of. It adds a New Function to God-King's Faultless Comportment. "When you roll [App + Socialize], any affected target falls under the original Emotion Effect, and the New Illusion Effect.

Sky-Tracing Ensemble Method and by extension the 'Procedures' keyword are a purely homebrew thing that I developed over the past year or so for Solars/2nd edition in general. I concluded that basically it's their answer to the Sorcerous Keyword. Solars under my model are the 'Science/Technology' splat. Not in terms of Beep Boop Lazers and Robots, but technology like 'language and 'culture'. So they create lasting impacts at a Charm level by Teaching People Magical Knowledge. (This is distinct from Sidereals who teach people new/better magic techniques).

New Charm Keyword: Procedure
A Procedure is a form of instruction or meaningful information, which can be invoked repeatedly, like a formula, map or blueprint. The charm-user automatically learns the Procedure or Specialty at no cost, but are taught to other characters normally. If a procedure becomes outdated due to later events, the character is refunded the experience cost.
So long as they are recorded and their information is both accurate and relevant, procedures can be taught outside of the Charm or Spell that creates them. Procedures in and of themselves cannot convey any form of Mental Influence- though other Charms may imbue the written or spoken word with that power anyway.

Subsequently, the expander lets you have a 'closet' of Elsewhere ensembles (with attached Procedures) that you can swap into with Misc Actions. Are there Artifacts that do similar? Sure, but I was having fun with this design space.
Hey I'm working on a little homebrew addition to the Sunken Luth. That goes in depth on the beastmen that live in its Abyss. Basically deep sea beastmen. I have fun stuff written out like special farms built around brine lakes and geothermal vents. But I'd love to hear any suggestions you have for it. Including how it's buildings are formed from ships that sunk long ago, and their foundatins built upon whale bone that sunk to the sea floor.
Re: God-King's Faultless Comportment
The Charm does 3 things, which could be communicated more clearly:
1. Dress/prepare in 5 minutes; could be done Faster but I basically wanted to arbitrarily say 'if it wasn't Armor or Weapons, you can put it on This Fast no matter how complicated.'
2. Improves the quality of tools/objects by [Socialize -2] Resource Dots; implicitly granting a Tool Bonus in excess of any of it's functional caps. The wording is deliberate here, because standard 2e rules suggest that a tool can have up to a +3 Specialty, and the Kerisgame hacks that are more common limit it firmly to '+2d per tool, 1d per specialty'. This Charm explicitly is intended to let you add a third or stacking specialty. (which could be made clearer).
3. The repurchase is basically 'Creates a scene-long effect, with a roll to determine efficacy.'. Which I dropped the ball on elaborating. Good catch!

Fundamentally, this is meant to lean into the idea of 'Solars are about Skill' and 'Solars are about Tools'. So I wanted to make sure the user couldn't just do up their face in absence of anything.

Re: Prominence Memory Stance
It is in fact not intended to make the Charm work indefinitely- it instead instills an enduring mental influence effect that other Charms in this tree and elsewhere can hinge off of. It adds a New Function to God-King's Faultless Comportment. "When you roll [App + Socialize], any affected target falls under the original Emotion Effect, and the New Illusion Effect.

Sky-Tracing Ensemble Method and by extension the 'Procedures' keyword are a purely homebrew thing that I developed over the past year or so for Solars/2nd edition in general. I concluded that basically it's their answer to the Sorcerous Keyword. Solars under my model are the 'Science/Technology' splat. Not in terms of Beep Boop Lazers and Robots, but technology like 'language and 'culture'. So they create lasting impacts at a Charm level by Teaching People Magical Knowledge. (This is distinct from Sidereals who teach people new/better magic techniques).

New Charm Keyword: Procedure
A Procedure is a form of instruction or meaningful information, which can be invoked repeatedly, like a formula, map or blueprint. The charm-user automatically learns the Procedure or Specialty at no cost, but are taught to other characters normally. If a procedure becomes outdated due to later events, the character is refunded the experience cost.
So long as they are recorded and their information is both accurate and relevant, procedures can be taught outside of the Charm or Spell that creates them. Procedures in and of themselves cannot convey any form of Mental Influence- though other Charms may imbue the written or spoken word with that power anyway.

Subsequently, the expander lets you have a 'closet' of Elsewhere ensembles (with attached Procedures) that you can swap into with Misc Actions. Are there Artifacts that do similar? Sure, but I was having fun with this design space.
Thanks for the clarity on procedures. How difficult is it for a mortal to teach one? Or can only the Solar teach it?
Djeth, City of The Great Tar Lake

Inland of the Dreaming Sea's northern coast lies the vast, shallow Lake Djeth, its waters clear and placid. Pits of black tar dot the lakebed, rarely mixing with the water above. Things can be found within the tar, relics from civilizations long dead and the petrified bones of creatures that were extinct when humanity was young. Temperate forests and plains filled with great megafauna fill the region, inhabited by primitive tribes who are just beginning to rediscover the arts of civilization. One people, the Djethites, far outstrip their neighbors, possessed of the gifts of iron, writing and the Art of the Dead.

The shores of Lake Djeth were once frequented only by stone-wielding barbarians, until a young shaman nearly drowned close to the lake's centre. Instead of being entombed in tar, the nameless shaman was pulled into the Rivers of the Underworld, swept away to the Black Infinity at the heart of the Labyrinth. There, he was granted the secrets of necromancy, scribed on tablets of black clay. Reborn, he clawed his way back into Creation, alive but forever changed. He came unto the tribes of the land bearing the gifts of civilization, gleaned from the dead of the lake. Cowing the tribes with his dark powers, he has remade them in his own image, teaching them the secrets of metalworking, architecture, and necromancy. Having cast their old tribal names into Oblivion, they are now the Djethites, a rising power of the Dreaming Sea.

A century and a half later, the nameless shaman is now The Inverse Speaker, witch-king of the Djethites, reigning from the heights of his ziggurat-palace on the shores of the lake. The growing city of Djeth, named for the lake, has risen around its base, its waterfront dominated by great piers and wharves where the necrocrats of the city perform strange rituals and rites. Weird idols of That Which Will Not Die, wrought from shining black stone, have been erected throughout the empire's territory, granting strange dreams to those who sleep near them. Prasadi Dragonblooded and Sorcerers of Ysyr visit the city to learn the secrets of the dead and dredge the lake for relics under the watchful gaze of The Speaker's apprentices. The necromancers of Djeth raise great undead war-machines from the tar pits, necromantic colossi knit from the fossilized remains of long extinct beasts. These constructs march with the Djethite Iron Legions to conquer and spread the will of The Inverse Speaker, carrying the word of the eternal to the lands of the mortal.

Intrigues and Mysteries

The gods of the lands west of Djeth look upon the city of necromancers with fear and perhaps a bit of envy. A spirit court called the House of Thundering Flint schemes against the growing empire, its members motivated by both genuine concern for their worshipers and opportunistic greed. Composed primarily of younger gods, they send agents to bargain for or plunder the secrets of civilization, uniting tribes into a nascent kingdom they call Enusha, which they hope will counter the influence of the Underworld in the region. The newborn city-state is under construction, but progress has slowed due to the House of Thundering Flint's internal politics.

The artisans of Djeth produce works of art that are unparalleled throughout the region and are becoming famed throughout parts of the Dreaming Sea. The artists, both living and dead, blend the aesthetics of races long gone with their own burgeoning styles and draw inspiration from the macabre beauty of the Underworld and the Labyrinth. The Underworld it seems is neither as stagnant nor as sterile as the partisans of Yu-Shan would have people believe. One work of Djethite art, The Tapestry of the Black Moon, has gained an infamous reputation among the princes of the Dreaming Sea, being stolen from royal galleries over fifteen times.

A small congregation of awakened Anklok Dragon Kings has formed an enclave on the western shores of Lake Djeth. Having negotiated terms with the Inverse Speaker himself, they hold their own laws and customs and advise the necrocrats of Djeth. They hold no love for the Unconquered Sun, believing he has abandoned their race. They now practice the Dark Paths of Pre-Human Enlightenment and await the day they transcend to become one with the Black Infinity.

A savant of the Prasadi Dragon Caste has visited the city and dredged one of the tar pits for secrets, and has been driven quite mad by what she discovered. She now huddles in a rented room in the city, quietly raving to herself and sending cryptic missives back to Clan Ophris in Prasad. Enshrined in her lodgings is the thing she removed from the lake and the source of her madness, a mummified corpse she claims to be her own dead body from some distant future.

The Inverse Speaker is approaching the end of his unnatural lifespan, wizened with age yet still monstrously powerful in the arts of the dead. Upon his death, he has decreed that his ghost shall venture into the Labyrinth on a pilgrimage from which there will be no return. He has yet to name an official heir and his apprentices intrigue and jockey amongst themselves for his favor. They have yet to discover the Speaker's esoteric, Whisper influenced plans for succession.
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Thanks for the clarity on procedures. How difficult is it for a mortal to teach one? Or can only the Solar teach it?

It varies by charm, but generally speaking it's a Procedure in the 2e Thaumaturgy sense, so 'as hard as it is to learn one of those'. Usually a week's effort or two without a teacher, iirc. Some more powerful procedures can only be taught or empowered by the Solar. Others represent Solar-derived information. One of the prototypes for example, was an expander to Trackless Region Navigation that says 'Follow these [Instructions] and you will move as I have through [This Specific Route]. If the route changes (disaster, war, weather), the benefit fades until a new procedure is developed. The magic is in the instructions, not the person, in that case.
Hey I'm working on a little homebrew addition to the Sunken Luth. That goes in depth on the beastmen that live in its Abyss. Basically deep sea beastmen. I have fun stuff written out like special farms built around brine lakes and geothermal vents. But I'd love to hear any suggestions you have for it. Including how it's buildings are formed from ships that sunk long ago, and their foundatins built upon whale bone that sunk to the sea floor.

Naturally, it seems to me that there might be Underworld influence, but that's a personal bias. I can think of the deep sea beastmen having really weird cultural conceptions about light and Luthe Proper, since they're adapted for a very alien environment. Really different and pronounced gender roles for Anglerfish beastmen, too, given how radical sexual dimorphism is among deep sea anglers. Perhaps they've discovered ruins of the Niobraran League and Spoken artifacts and that's a source of contention between them and Leviathan's followers. Maybe they've discovered a way to make homes out of living deep sea jellyfish.
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Naturally, it seems to me that there might be Underworld influence, but that's a personal bias. I can think of the deep sea beastmen having really weird cultural conceptions about light and Luthe Proper, since they're adapted for a very alien environment. Really different and pronounced gender roles for Anglerfish beastmen, too, given how radical sexual dimorphism is among deep sea anglers. Perhaps they've discovered ruins of the Niobraran League and Spoken artifacts and that's a source of contention between them and Leviathan's followers. Maybe they've discovered a way to make homes out of living deep sea jellyfish.
I actually have it written out that they herd a special type of jellyfish that they extract bioluminescent liquid from and can change its colors. Which they use to heavily decorate everything and have a system of writing in such liquid. They also of course eat these jellyfish.

Second I do include a good bit of sexual dimorphism. But like, it doesn't actively match that of there animal counter parts. But is at least similar in some fashion. So the male anglerfish isn't attaching themselves to the females permanently. More of a temporary thing.

Third, I directly allude to the Niobraran league. But leave the details a bit up in the air as I'm still curios what is going to be said about them in the exigent book.

But on other things. Undead are a consistent issue for them as there must be millions of dead human souls in the sea without proper burials. So I imagine they would have really good priests and sages for dealing with these kind of things. Is this a good idea to have? I think it be interesting to see deep sea vampire squid people exorcising long forgotten wrecks to get at there loot.

Thanks for your suggestions by the way. Helps me think through what I'm working on.
But on other things. Undead are a consistent issue for them as there must be millions of dead human souls in the sea without proper burials. So I imagine they would have really good priests and sages for dealing with these kind of things. Is this a good idea to have? I think it be interesting to see deep sea vampire squid people exorcising long forgotten wrecks to get at there loot.

I was thinking of spoopy stuff going on with carrion eating sleeper sharks that grow fat and twisted on human flesh from drowned sailors and whale skeletons spontaneously reanimating. Beastmen venture deep into the undersea trenches and sometime find themselves swept by unnatural currents into the Rivers of the Underworld.
log machine :b:roke

"4:00 am monster fueled shitpost-mostly-on-my-phone" machine fully operational

It's a glorious trainwreck, and I need to catch up on the logs o.o
these people were all high strung writerly types and the auditions involved Russian roulette and everyone turned in hella solid drafts, even/especially the people who didn't get picked.
Oh so if I was less placid I might have gotten in? I can be high-strung! I can be frazzled and manic! Have you seen my sleep cycle?!
From around An-Teng, had a Keri's obliquely happen to her in her backstory because SV's shares exalted setting is more incestuous than Star Wars.
True. Given that all of us have our versions of the setting, it's much closer to Marvel/DC Comics, including the crossovers.
It's a glorious trainwreck, and I need to catch up on the logs o.o
Oh so if I was less placid I might have gotten in? I can be high-strung! I can be frazzled and manic! Have you seen my sleep cycle?!
i legitimately want to run for the rest of you guys later this year if I have a day other than Saturday open for it bc there were some really cool applications i had to turn down and id like to run for those characters
Given that all of us have our versions of the setting, it's much closer to Marvel/DC Comics, including the crossovers.
My game is 100% the Vertigo comic series
i legitimately want to run for the rest of you guys later this year if I have a day other than Saturday open for it bc there were some really cool applications i had to turn down and id like to run for those characters

My game is 100% the Vertigo comic series
pls gib logs
So I had an idea while thinking about computers, 40k STCs and the lost wonders of the First Age.

The Informed Servitors

In the halcyon days of the First Age many a task arose that was too demeaning for the mighty Exalted to perform, yet too precise for mortal hands to suffice. Thus the first Informed Servitors were crafted. A typical industrial unit stands four cubits high and resembles a praying mantis; slender limbs hold a bevy of precision tools suited to the task it was made to perform, often wielding welding-flames, Dragon King crystal manipulators or autolathes. A rudimentary 'eye' set in the 'head' directs the tools, while four long legs move and position the unit itself. This is not a self-aware god-machine like other Solar constructs though; it is controlled and directed (in the original First Age models) by a complex crystal instruction disc inserted into a reader in the back. While the first discs only contained instructions for industrial tasks, as decadence set in artistically inclined Solars created many different models and many kinds of discs to direct them; complex shadow-plays, fan-dances and musical concertos amongst others.

During the Usurpation most Informed Servitors were destroyed by zealous Terrestrials who lacked the technical knowledge to differentiate them from more dangerous constructs. However enough remained that they became a vital piece of infrastructure in the Shogunate, creating many technological components that the great engines of infrastructure and military might that drove that state required. The making of the crystal discs was lost however, and as ancient examples decayed, the sorcerer-technicians were forced to modify the Servitors to accept cruder tapes that held far fewer instructions and were far less reliable. It was double the calamity then when the Contagion and subsequent Crusade destroyed even the infrastructure to make those crude mockeries.

The last remaining Informed Servitors in Creation - that are known of at least - can be found wherever the Shogunate laid it's heavy gauntleted hand. Most are found in Lookshy, where the last of the crystal discs - and tapes - are treasured and maintained with fervent ardor. Other polities that desire such craftsmanship must rely on even cruder methods; fragile and cumbersome rolls of hole-punched paper, prone to tearing and catching aflame. Many a scavenger lord dreams of finding a crystal instruction disc - they are quick and easy to conceal and fetch a very high price for their size. There is no need for the kind of obvious and easily-assaulted transportation that say, an implosion bow requires. Much of what they find are useless however - no one is willing to waste the precious few Servitors on masterful artistic performances anymore for in this Fallen Age all beautiful things must be come second to the pursuit of power. To find a cache of preserved Informed Servitors however... that is the kind of base you could build a kingdom upon.
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i am actually spending a modicum of effort on this you piece of shit appreciate me

but only a modicum because the IC and OOC are different chats so you're just gonna have to read the IC by itself and wonder :V

this is like half of it thus far go nuts nerd Show Chapter | Archive of Our Own
I'm sorry, but I'll need this on my desk in a week in paperback. Go get a publisher and get back. :V

Also looks like a pretty fun game. Pretty cool for ya to transcribe it.
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i am actually spending a modicum of effort on this you piece of shit appreciate me

but only a modicum because the IC and OOC are different chats so you're just gonna have to read the IC by itself and wonder :V

this is like half of it thus far go nuts nerd Show Chapter | Archive of Our Own
yayfications, celebrations, and much appreciation!
from me to you and your players too, a hearty healthy sleep-deprived thank you!
Something I've been thinking of for a while. I'm thinking of an SI.

Self: Our world is... cold. It is not like yours. There are no spirits. No demenses. No Exalted. No elementals nor demons. We have no gods that manifest themselves to us, like yours do. We have never seen a Raksha or Fair Folk in our existence. Our world is a sphere, with with shining stars and an infinite firmament. We are the only thinking beings there.

Other: Your world sounds rather dull, traveller. A world that seems to be devoid of the mystic and the magical. No Exalts, no sorcery, and not even thaumauturgy, ghosts, or the barest hints of the afterlife? Your world must be a dull grey prison, with little joy.

Self: We find our own joys. And with dullness... dullness is good. There are never gods to beg for mercy... but no gods to come for human sacrifices. There are no magical wonders... and no Raksha to consume souls. There are no great beasts like the Tyrant Lizard the King has, but mankind can walk across the forets and cities without fear of being devoured by beasts taller than houses. There are no great heroes... but no great monsters either. There are no exorcists.. but no ghosts or demons for them to exorcise.

Think of yourself, Exalt. Would you die to destroy a behemoth? To destroy the Mask of Winters? To keep Creation forever free of something like the Balorian Crusade or the Great Contagion? Is the Exalted Host worth forever keeping mankind safe from every possible supernatural threat in Creation, and out of it?

A/n: Just a thought.
Hey, I really hate to come into the thread acting like an ignoramus, but I think that I'm missing some details on Principles as a replacement for Virtues/Intimacies/Motivation in the various Kerisgame hacks.

When I look at "XYZ-type Principles take one fewer scenes to create or manipulate" charmtech, like My Dark Lady on Keris' character sheet, what exactly determines the number of scenes required to mess with a Principle to begin with? I assumed beforehand that Kerisgame Principles were basically the thing that Revlid's social hack is pointing at, where (as I understand it) messing with people's minds via polite small talk natural mental influence is primarily restricted by your ability to build up and play off of existing Principles, rather than by a "building or eroding an Intimacy takes [Conviction] scenes" clause.

Has this been talked about before?

Behold my character creation skills. I made a performance based Fire DB that's a beastmen mermaid. I don't know why I keep getting ideas like this, but every single one of them is genius and I except no criticism telling me otherwise.

Anyways, how the fuck do I portray the anima going up in the water.
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Behold my character creation skills. I made a performance based Fire DB that's a beastmen mermaid. I don't know why I keep getting ideas like this, but every single one of them is genius and I except no criticism telling me otherwise.

Anyways, how the fuck do I portray the anima going up in the water.
Steam-bubbles, obviously.