I think she'd figure it out pretty quickly.

"The last thing I remember was trying to save the world, centuries ago.

The history books say that, centuries ago, the world was saved by a Terrestrial who looks exactly like me, doing exactly what I was trying to do. This person then became the near-ruler of the world. She did not seem to age, although she (like me) should have withered and died long ago. Recently, she vanished mysteriously."

It's kind of obvious, isn't it?

1. There aren't any photos. Like... seriously, what photography is there?
2. Mere resemblance is not enough
3. She has no memory whatsoever.

Frankly, thinking that you're a recently missing supreme rule when you have amnesia is a sign of delusions of grandeur, not intelligence.
Why would Empress' painting and other likeness doesn't exist outside of the Realm?

I'm not saying it's something you encounter easily, but, like, there's no reason to hide she exist, either.

As for your second point, she may dismiss it? It's certainly possible.
Why would Empress' painting and other likeness doesn't exist outside of the Realm?

I'm not saying it's something you encounter easily, but, like, there's no reason to hide she exist, either.

As for your second point, she may dismiss it? It's certainly possible.
Well, when I say 'threshold', I kinda meant 'very far from the action'. Sure, there are paintings, there are sculptures... but not very close. Maybe there's one, one made by a mortal artist that's more stylized than accurate, that's kinda old and hangs in the mayor's office. But that's it.

It's not certainly possible. Its probable. Very probable.
I don't know why you're focusing on the physical appearance thing, because that is seriously the least important part of the situation.

She remembers being a Shogunate DB. There is exactly one Shogunate DB in Creation.

She remembers trying to save Creation in the exact way that Creation was then saved.

She remembers the kind of person she was, which just so happens to be the exact kind of person that the Scarlet Empress was.

But hey, let's say she doesn't figure it out. She's still gonna investigate her lost memories. This will inevitably bring her into contact with Heaven, some part of the Realm, or both.

There's just no way for her cluelessness to last.
So hey. I had an idea for NEW SOLAR CHARMS. (It's a day that ends in Y). Most of these came to me based on the idea of 'Appearance needs more love in the Solar Design Space' So I ended up thinking about it as 'What if App Socialize' which was a two birds one stone thing for me: Socialize needs more active verbs in it's designspace anyway.

So I ended up with Glorious Solar Makeup Magic. It's not quite moon power makeup, but I like where it ended up even if some bits are rough- crit away and offer suggestions!

Cost: 3m; Minimums: Socialize 3, Essence 2
Type: Simple (Speed 5 in Long Ticks); Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Social, Mirror
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: None

The returning Lawgivers comport themselves as god-kings, regardless of their manner and origins.

This Charm is a Simple Action that encompasses the cosmetic and sartorial preparations for of social and dramatic scenes. She may across five long ticks, apply any combination of makeup, complex accessories, ritual panphernalia or a seven-elements gown fit for a ball hosted by the Unconquered Sun. She may invoke this charm for herself or another character.

Additionally, she enhances what tools and tinctures she has access to- a smear of humble soil can create basic colors, and a beggar's rags are cleansed by the Lawgiver's skill to be a rakish affectation. Finer materials produce superior results, with the wardrobes and vanities of a great queen can be used to humble the styles of Gods. Mechanically she increases the resource rating and tool quality of such implements by her [Socialize -2]. If that would raise the tool's quality above 5, she may grant that tool an additional +1 specialty in excess of it's normal limitations.

A second purchase of this Charm at Essence 3 allows the Solar to imbue her looks and attire with specific agendas. She may roll [Appearance + Socialize] to generate a standing social influence that describes her social stance and presentation. Characters with a Dodge MDV less than her successes fall under an Unnatural Emotion Effect. Characters including the Solar take a -2 internal penalty on actions counter that Emotion and +2 die bonus when taking actions that fall in line with it. This roll can benefit from limited teamwork.
Cost: - (2m+1wp) ; Minimums: Socialize 3, Essence 3
Type: Permanent; Keywords: Illusion, Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: God-King's Faultless Comportment x2

Like the flares of the Solar corona, the Lawgiver leaves a lasting impression in the minds and eyes of her audience.

This Charm enhances its prerequisite. If she increases the cost to 5m+1wp and it gains the Obvious keyword. When the Solar rolls [Appearance + Socialize], she adds an Unnatural Illusion to the Charms' effect. Witnesses to her glory now have an idealized, incorruptible impression of the Solar at the time of their meeting impressed upon their minds. The holder of this belief finds their thoughts wandering back to the Solar, talking about her or her deeds and more. Spending 1wp allows the character to act without distraction for the scene, and spending 5wp total shakes off this insistent impression. Unlike most forms of Unnatural Mental Influence, resisting this Illusion does -not- incur a point of Limit.

Characters holding this belief may invoke it once per scene to regain a point of temporary willpower, and count any subsequent influence that is considered hostile to the Solar's image as in conflict with their Virtues, conferring a +2 MDV modifier. The Solar's own actions are immune to this effect outside of grossly out of character behaviors- and in those cases the enthralled individuals likely believe the Solar is an impostor, or prompts the witness to resist the influence.

At Essence 4+, characters who invoke the Solar's image as a defense or WP regain count that action as a scene of building an intimacy towards her.
Cost: - (2xp/Procedure) Minimums: Socialize 4, Essence 3
Type: Permanent; Keywords: Combo-OK, Holy, Procedure
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: God-King's Faultless Comportment x2

Drawing upon the magic of cosmetic tincture, ornate knotwork and enchanted patterns, the Solar creates masks, schemes and ensembles to face the world.

This charm expands it's prerequisite- the Emotion effect of God-King's Faultless Comportment becomes a Procedure that can be codified and taught to other characters. In addition, the Solar gains five more Procedures detailed below, and can devise more for 2xp apiece. When activating God-King's Faultless Comportment, she may choose one Procedure as part of that Charm's activation while rolling the relevant Ability.

The Procedures generated by this Charm must adhere to a single Ability and the themes of the Solar Exalted, like casting rays of light, issuing divine judgement, overwhelming power or charisma, larger-than-life stature, asserting command, and making decrees of unimpeachable law. The storyteller may veto nonsensical interactions and powers; each Procedure can be approximate a strong talisman or a focused 1-dot artifact, or a 6mp Abomination.

Bronze Tiger's Gaze [ Appearance + War]: Benificiaries stand out among their peers with unit standard or fierce war paint - they count as two Relays for the purposes of unit communication, and opposing units subtract 1 from their Might when engaged in close combat.

Priest-King's Regalia [Appearance + Performance]: Benficiaries of this procedure count as Priests to the Unconquered Sun or one God of the Solar's choosing. If they are already priests, they count all sacrifices to that god as 1 Resources dot higher, to a maximum of 5.

Ghost-Breaking Mein [Appearance + Occult]: The Solar's warding marks against the dead provide outright immunity to possession and increases the difficulty of all Arcanoi made against her by 2.

Night's Moving Cloak [ Appearance + Stealth]: With careful costuming, the Solar counts as Invisible (-2 external vision penalty) in high contrast light or darkness- such as the noonday sun or the powerful Essence-lamps of the Shogunate. This also includes her own Anima- where her aura is visible but she herself is unrecognizable.

Merchant's Gilded Eye [Appearance + Bureaucracy]: The Solar's rich finery and daring ensemble promise a strong sale; Characters who seek to buy or sell from the Solar exchange one dot more worth of Resources than they would normally for the good or service.
Cost: - (1m) ; Minimums: Socialize 5, Essence 4
Type: Permanent ; Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Sky-Tracing Ensemble Method

The Solar may invoke God-King's Faultless Comportment and note her successes earned. She may then commit 1m to hold that ensemble from head to toe and any Procedure attatched to it in memory and Elsewhere. She may store up to [Socialize] Ensembles and Procedures this way, and may swap between them as a Miscellaneous Action. As an added benefit, motes committed to an ensemble ensure that it remains in perfect condition- cosmetics and applications remain intact, clothes unspoiled by road dust or brambles- if something were to besmirch the Solar under an Ensemble, it only enhances the effect as a +3d circumstance bonus- 'I was attacked by bandits but ran them off!'.
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I need some help.

I got just an idea for a set of charms. It starts off at essence 1, and it enhances any damage done. You roll, and wounds become harder to close, or bleed more.

At higher levels, the effects become greater. Even Exalts find that their wounds do not close on their own, and burn with a pain like sunburn. The cuts and damage bleed more profusely, and it takes specific medical care to stop it.

And then, the cuts inflicted by the Solar Exalted catch aflame, burning continuously until put out. When a Solar with this charm cuts into things like stone or wood, burning white light erupts, consuming the structure like all-burning fire, ensuring that a single touch of the solar's blade is enough to spell death.


There aren't many health levels in the first place. And i've heard of the 2e problem of... simply not being able to survive a single hit. The damage starts with increase in damage from bloodloss, or suppressing the ability of Exalts to close their own wounds. And the upgrades into setting whoever you touch on fire.

Is there a good way to balance this?
I need some help.

I got just an idea for a set of charms. It starts off at essence 1, and it enhances any damage done. You roll, and wounds become harder to close, or bleed more.

At higher levels, the effects become greater. Even Exalts find that their wounds do not close on their own, and burn with a pain like sunburn. The cuts and damage bleed more profusely, and it takes specific medical care to stop it.

And then, the cuts inflicted by the Solar Exalted catch aflame, burning continuously until put out. When a Solar with this charm cuts into things like stone or wood, burning white light erupts, consuming the structure like all-burning fire, ensuring that a single touch of the solar's blade is enough to spell death.


There aren't many health levels in the first place. And i've heard of the 2e problem of... simply not being able to survive a single hit. The damage starts with increase in damage from bloodloss, or suppressing the ability of Exalts to close their own wounds. And the upgrades into setting whoever you touch on fire.

Is there a good way to balance this?
...This is literally a series of Malfeas charms from 2e.
Haha, don't take it personally. Sometimes we forget our inspirations...
Darn it.

I was actually getting to it, after writing a Xianxia snippet. I was thinking 'How would a Solar deal with a creature with absurd regeneration'?*

Answer: Set it on holy fire.

*I never quite got why they didn't make more like this.
Darn it.

I was actually getting to it, after writing a Xianxia snippet. I was thinking 'How would a Solar deal with a creature with absurd regeneration'?*

Answer: Set it on holy fire.

*I never quite got why they didn't make more like this.
That's technically how it works, except they generally don't set things on actual fire. Blah blah Creatures of Darkness blah blah Holy keyword blah blah Aggravated Damage just doesn't heal for shit. Makes a lot more sense once you remember that Storyteller started as a system for a game called Vampire...
Hmm... Here's another idea

First Circle demon
Born from a 2nd circle
To spread disease and putrescence throughout creation
Can taint and poison things by touch. Walk through a door? Anyone touching that door knob has a chance of getting smallpox. Touch that pot? Anyone drinking from it gets cholera. Sleep in a bed? The next guy gets leprosy
Resembles a plague doctor
Can transform into other agents of healing like doctors or shamans.
Enjoys spreading plague
Smells sickly sweet
Gains limit upon prolonged skin contact with silver

So here's the thing. I'm searching for a way for them to gain some control over their powers. If I can let them exclude or include only a certain class of people, how much should it be.

E. G. Everyone who drinks from this well gets cholera... Except for the yozi cultists that summoned us.

Is that allowed?
You have read Shards of the Exalted Dream, yes? Sidereal Drive and Firearms aren't as punchy as Solar or as flashy as DB charms, but they're certainly fun. Things like "My ride has, in fact, always been parked right over there" or "I don't even need a gun to shoot you. BANG." (This ties in to how Sidereal Drive and Firearms are not about driving better or shooting better, but getting from point A to point B and sudden, unexpected violence respectively)

Or the DB drive charm that enhances your car, and has much of the costs waived if you inherit the car from a blood relative who also used that charm. Or SWLiHN's charms for hacking. Or the Solar charm that lets you actually punch people through the internet, though that one may be a combo involving several charms.

I just like how Solars are king of the digital world and so always have perfect internet connections. I'm just imaging some solar abusing that from the middle of the pacific getting sub 20 pings for his deathmatch his with guys in the US.

"Fucking Steve has 20 ping and I have three hundred: again!
What is you guys opinion on this demon.


Oxel'xip, the Shadetailed Menders.
Oxcel'xip, the Shadetailed Menders.

Demons of the First Circle, Progeny of the Oramus Device

Oxel'xip, Shade Tailed Menders, Progeny of the Oramus Device

Amongst the ruins outside the territory of Oramus a 2nd circle Demon named Vedderhart the Dicoverer of Horizons has found an indescribable wonder. Vedderhart has not uttered this secret to anyone and has secreted this miracle of sprockets and tubes of eleven undreamt colors, what Vedderhart has named the Oramus Device, onto his floating Skyvessel the Knightsailor. Upon attempting to translate what is believed to be the Instruction new beings are plucked from the Mirrored monitor of the Oramus Device. These are the diminutive yet ingenius Shade Tailed Menders.

They appear as squirrels under two feet in height with distinctly simian like features and a vast array of fur and pigment marks. They appear from the Oramus Device wearing think uniformed suits that appear to be fashioned from artificial materials and alloys not seen since the first age, and advanced mechanisms throughout the suit. They claim their native tongue is Stych and they only speak Old Realm due to it being uploaded as part of their Acclimation Protocols. They claim the reason why they are spirits has much to do with this Acclimation Protocols birthing them into a form native to Malfeas, and thus why they are bound by summons. They believe perhaps that the Calamity they were fleeing from may have converted their very beings into Data, which the Oramus Device translated into the Essence of Creation forming them into Malfean Demons, and their consciousness is born in a spirit body composed of their original bodies and suits preserving as much as possible with their Acclimation Protocols.

They claim to be a people lost not just in time and space but Dimensions. They are purportedly travellers from another Universe. Much of their collective memory is lost but they believe their homeland may have been in danger or possibly even eradicated and that they are nomads seeking a new home for their populace, which they are uncertain of the exact magnitude of the survivors. They believe the Oramus Device must have created a Wormhole into whatever Cataclysm they were caught in. So far none of the Oxel'xip have recognized each other but they believe it may be due to memory loss combined with the potentially numberless amount of the refugees of their people. One radical theory is the Oramus Device may actually pluck a Shade Tailed Mender from a different Universe each time, with each Universe only having one Crewmember survive whatever Calamity they were fleeing. They have formed a Civilization to incorporate newly Acclimated Oxel'xip. They have formed an association where a number of their kind serves the Discoverer of Horizons, in hopes of translating more of their number with the Oramus Device, with careful plans to wait for a time when they may take it as their own without suffering the wrath of a more powerful denizen of Hell. The larger population is working to discover any method that may allow them to find their way back home. But the largest amount of them has taken to the ideal of Oxel'tot, meaning a new home. Many have spread throughout Malfeas in hopes of finding secrets to making a new home.

The Oxel'xip have discovered the hard way about Orabilis and his displeasure of forbidden knowledge when he hurled one of their greatest Scientists, Wiseeyes, into his new home as a star of Malfeas. They have taken to accumulating only portions of the Glass Libraries into each individual, or converting the data they find there into portable and separate media. Those that find their way into Creation seek to tread new horizons in hopes of finding Home. They have members currently seeking the mysteries of Creations Underground, as well as the Wyld, which is their greatest hope for finding home. Some have even made forays into the Underworld and Labyrinth. They have learned Creation holds amnesty from the horrors of Malfeas, and safety for induction into Sorcery, though they know most likely course into Creation is through Slavery, and so they are wary of Humanity and Spirits native to Creation's shores. Their wisest seek a plan involving thaumaturgy to smuggle their civilization out of Hell, while many of the Shadetails work as Menders throughout Malfeas working for Citizens and 2nd Circle Demons rising in position, while secretly acting as spy for their civilization.

The entire species varies in abilities but they all show a minimum competence in Lore, and enough Craft to have at least one dot in Magitech. They claim this is due them being Marines aboard some sort of exploration vessel. But this has resulted in all who know of them in Malfeas to refer to them as the Shadetailed Menders, due to them being usually at least competent enough to maintain and repair First Age Magitech. But the desires of Demons in Malfeas are blunt and most have found them to be easily overpowered pray, and they have spread the popular word that these Shadetails are delicious, which has yet to be proven a fallacy even in Creation. Each Shadetail fancy's themselves an expert in a certain field, and in that area they have obtained heroic regard in, resulting in 5 dots in at least one ability.

Shadetails have taken to finding or creating artifacts for use as an edge for their civilization. They have engineered repeating crowsbows, and even artifact Assault Crossbows. They have also taken to hording any artifacts they can find. Due to their spirit natures they have realized they may push their bodies to heights that would have been considered supernatural in their original forms. Their exemplars have taken to learning Thaumaturgy, and Sorcery when they leave Malfeas, and members in all realms have taken to dispersing Martial Arts knowledge amongst their civilization.

Shadetails have found that their new spirit natures have rendered them infertile to their normal breeding practices. They have however applied their knowledge of cloning to create a randomized clone of themselves to reproduce. They have discovered the data potential of both their parents lies within their essence and have developed Artifacts to randomize another specimen of that data. They do not refer to these as their children rather they refer to them as their brother or sister due to them being effectively a new potential child birthed from the potential of the donors own parents. These are incubated and awaken fully grown with genetic memory and soon develop their favored Ability to five. Some amongst Creation having been separated from their kind for too long have made the discovery that they can procreate with Mortal Squirrels, and at least one ata-beast epic talks of an ata-beast squirrelmaiden falling for a strange squirrel from beyond the horizon and starting the Stareye clan.

Summoning: (Obscurity 3/7)

Sometimes when Mortals cause a Manse to explode during a meteor shower a Shadetailed Mender may be found amongst the rubble confused but proud to be out of Malfeas.

Motivation: To Find Home.


Compassion 3, Conviction 4, Temperance 2, Valor 2(Members have variable numbers of virtues this is just the most common.) Willpower 7


Strength 1

Dexterity 4

Stamina 2

Charisma 2

Manipulation 2

Appearance 3

Intelligence 4

Wits 4

Perception 3


Martial Arts 2 (Fighting in tiny spaces 3) (Some Commandos have a rating of 5)

Melee 2 (Fighting Bigger foes 3) (Some Commandos have a rating of 5)

Archery 3 (In cramped spaces 3) (Some Security Officers may have 5)

Thrown 1 (In cramped spaces 3) (Some Commandos may have a 5)

War 1 (Some Security Officers or Commandos may have up to 5, and a 3 specialty in Guerrilla combat)

Integrity 2 (Perfectionist 3)

Presence 2 (Motivation 3) (Captain's and Commanders may have 5)

Performance 2 (Starlets may have a 5, with specialities)

Resistance 2 (Some Engineers may have 5 with specialty 3 in Tireless)

Survival 3 (Shelter 1, Tracking 1, Foraging 1) (Commandos may have 5)

Medicine 1 (Medical Officers may have 5)

Investigation 1 (Some Science Officers may have 5 with a Specialty of Magitech 3)

Craft Air 2, Craft Fire 2, Earth 1, Magitech 1 (Some Engineers, Chefs, and Technicians may have 5 in these or any other Crafts deemed appropriate)

Occult 1 (Some Explorers have a specialty of 3 split between Raksha, Demons, or Ghosts, Dimensional Science Officers may have 5 )

Lore 2 (Repair 3) (Science Officers and Technicians may have 5)

Athletics 2 (Security Officers, or Commandos may have 5)

Awareness 2 (Pilots and Commandos may have 5)

Stealth 1 (From bigger things 3) (Commandos may have 5)

Dodge 2 (From Bigger things 3) (Commandos and Security Officers may have 5)

Larceny 1 (Spy's may have 5 with specialties divided amongst Forging, Stealing, Locks)

Socialize 1 (Other Oxel'xip 3) (Captains may have 3)

Ride 1 (3 a particular first age device) (Pilots may have 5)

Sail 2 (Magitech Vessels 3) (Pilots may have 5)

Bureaucracy 1 (Trade 3) (Ambassadors and Captain may have 5)

Linguistics 1 (Native is claimed to be Stych, all know Old Realm Specialty in Translating 3) (Language Officers may have 5)Backgrounds:

Backing1-5 (Oxel'xip rank from Ensign to Admiral), Artifacts 1+ (Artifacts are common with all having an integrated Resplendent Personal Assistant, and their Envirosuits are often Magitech Armor from 2-5), Resources 3 (with their Science they have made a point of outfitting each Shadetail with emergency precious metal and gems for trade), Some have a Familiar or Artifact Automaton

(Charms often stem from their Biomechanical Nature)

All have a 2nd Excellency in Craft and Lore. Most will also have at least two other Excellencies.

Call: They may activate Distress beacons for aid.

Measure the Wind, the Visors of the Shadetails can measure the motonic powerlevel of a creature

Amethyst Awareness, their Visors are nigh infinitely articulate and precise and may detect across multiple dimensional wavelengths

Hurry Home (The Shadetails may activate their transporters to beam them back to their nearest base, or vessel)

Materialize Spirit Cutting Strike (They can harmonize their Dimensional Frequency to harm other Energy Beings) Essence Plethora Reserve of Will

Host of Spirits- this is a unique version of the charm that allows them to make their cloned siblings, it requires the commitment of 15 Motes, 1 Willpower and 7 hours a day worth of work setting up a Genesis Tube Relay for the Newborn to form in. After a season of tending, a new Shade Tailed Mender will awaken from the Genesis Tube Relay upon the next Calibration, when the motes uncommit. Due to inconvenience of such a long commitment new Shade Tailed Menders are usually only created in the safety of a Colony where others may protect the Genesis Tube Relay and the progenitor.

Essence: 2 (more experienced heroes raise their essence and traits, but clones fresh from Randomization are at 2)


Some Shadetails will have Terrestrial Sorcery Particularly Swift Messenger, and Food from the Aerial Table, and Water from Stone, and defenses vary.

Some have mastered a TMA or even Spirit based CMAs like the 4 Virtue Styles.

Thaumaturgy is popular with the Dimensional Officers often trading knowledge in them amongst the different outposts of Shadetails, and Spys constantly seeking to obtain knowledge of such.

Basically, they're star trekesque squirrels. And quite a few know martial arts, sorcery, and thaumaturgy.
Night's Moving Cloak [ Appearance + Stealth]: With careful costuming, the Solar counts as Invisible (-2 external vision penalty) in high contrast light or darkness- such as the noonday sun or the powerful Essence-lamps of the Shogunate. This also includes her own Anima- where her aura is visible but she herself is unrecognizable.

"But I was trained to use the light!"

Here's my most recent(ly completed) 2CD writeup; his greater self is currently under construction, but a short description would be something like "mercurial glass being of variable gender that forges wonders using the perpetual volcanic lightning storm inside xeir and puts on fabulous galas and expos to show them off to Hell's elite; one of her defining traits is that he doesn't care about the consequences of its actions, either in terms of Mazscyllic's reaction to being called a 'bitter old crone' at a party or in terms of the choking smog banks and hailstorms of electrified fulgurite & molten glass that fall from zeir flying barge while they're forging something."

Malensinado, the Plover Imperiate
Demon of the Second Circle
Warden Soul of the Pyroclasm-Forge

One could no more demand politesse from the Mousseline Melisma than one could bid Ligier to dim his radiance. Her discourtesy and her brilliance are as sides on a coin - and it is the Plover Imperiate's duty to ensure that the coin in question falls in her favor. As the need arises, he can be a spymaster, a propagandist, a pettifogger, a beautician, a decorator, and a racketeer; what he cannot be, he delegates to a sprawling assembly of well-curated assistants. At his hand, those who besmirch Aemeris' good name are silenced, her competitors' works are misplaced, and Aemeris' own galas and galleries run like finest clockwork.

Malensinado's form is deliberately nebulous and difficult to fully apprehend: five blue-feathered heads, five long necks, five pointed alabaster beaks, ten purple eyes, and all else is a decorous gyre of wings and taloned hands that shift and maneuver to carry out required tasks without betraying any unseemly details to onlookers. A thicket of delicately-hooved birds' legs dance digitigrade beneath, their gray scales painted over with tessellated patterns to dizzy and delight the eye. In similar fashion, his chameleonic demeanor baffles many Citizens' efforts to ascertain what lies beneath the layers of obfuscation, affectation, and deception - some even claim he has no deeper nature, and simply takes on whichever traits and opinions best serve Aemeris at that particular moment.

They're quite wrong - at heart, Malensinado is a sedulous and reserved sort, devoted to his greater self precisely because she is free and bright and honest in ways that he could never afford to be, and so he will break and twist and refine the world into the most perfect stage possible for her to perform upon, by whatever means are most expedient. There is no slight against her that the Plover Imperiate would leave unavenged, holding grudges for centuries in silence until the moment his wrath descends upon the offender, as controlled, subtle and thorough as in any of his other duties. The greatest of his outstanding vendettas concerns Shif-Hal-Zun, an ancient behemoth which played a crucial role in Aemerys' defeat during the Incarnate Rebellion, and has since become a major functionary in the Bureau of War; the sight of animals who share Shif-Hal-Zun's coiling horns stokes the rage and shame Malensinado harbors within himself toward the creature's unpunished crimes, forcing him to roll for Limit each minute such a beast remains in his presence.

Summoning (Obscurity 2/4): When he feels the pull of a Sorcerer's will drawing him across the Endless Desert, Malensinado casts a knife made from thrice-consecrated obsidian into his own shadow, which is thus pinned in place and tears loose over the course of his five-day journey to Creation: there it remains until Malensinado's return, scuttling across the length and breadth of Hell to whisper in the ears of his servants and manage his various intrigues, allowing him to honor the Surrender Oaths without leaving his true master's affairs completely untended.

Perhaps for this reason, the Plover Imperiate comes highly recommended in many infernalist grimoires, wholeheartedly devoting himself to Sorcerers who call him forth and bending the full breadth of his ability toward helping them achieve their goals - particularly in ways that happen to benefit Aemeris and enhance his ability to exert influence on her behalf in future. Clever Sorcerers seek to exploit this by tying their fortunes to those of his greater self. Wise Sorcerers keep a close eye on which tasks Malensinado takes it upon himself to administrate, and scour the ranks of their servants for possible spies or dupes after his return to Malfeas.
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I quite like the idea that the Scarlet Empress had her memory wiped and is, say, living in some dinky pastoral cottage somewhere on the slopes of the Imperial Mountain. I think if you really want to engage with the Empress as a character in a Dragonblooded game then that would be a really fun way to do it.
I quite like the idea that the Scarlet Empress had her memory wiped and is, say, living in some dinky pastoral cottage somewhere on the slopes of the Imperial Mountain. I think if you really want to engage with the Empress as a character in a Dragonblooded game then that would be a really fun way to do it.
thinks of Zuko's mother
thinks of Zuko's mother
What exactly did happen to her?

I quite like the idea that the Scarlet Empress had her memory wiped and is, say, living in some dinky pastoral cottage somewhere on the slopes of the Imperial Mountain. I think if you really want to engage with the Empress as a character in a Dragonblooded game then that would be a really fun way to do it.
No no no. Not imperial mountain. Somewhere more remote.

Obviously, after defending her newfound village from a raksha attack/ rogue god/ dead, she decides to go out and explore the world. Probably by going around and going to the cities. Sooner or later, she's going to make waves. Things like 'holy shit powerful dragonblooded' will make the rounds. Sidereal start getting confused.

Then she enters the Blessed Isle...
She bargained with the Mother of Faces, a powerful spirit, for a new face and a new life, part of which was the loss of her previous memories.
Ah. Anyway, what we need is a journey of self discovery for Little Red!

A journey of discovery that would probably tear the Realm apart, give Kejak a heart attack, and probably blow up gem.