From what I can remember gathering from various posts in the past, she's the setting equivalent of a modern-day rich person bloviating about how slavery was a choice and poor people are poor due to their inferior work ethic, while also going around using her supernatural eugenics powers to butcher anyone who tries to cast off the yoke of oppression. That such viewpoints are the norm for the world she lives in, and that she's largely oblivious to how utterly abhorrent the system she's stanning so hard for is to anyone who isn't in the 0.01%, doesn't make it any less evocative of RL right-wing douchebags.

Based on the most recent round of posts on the subject, her PC murdered a helot who dared stand against his "betters" while monologuing about how he's losing because the socioeconomically disadvantaged are meant to spend their lives and happiness for the comfort and betterment of the socioeconomically fortunate.

Now, I'm going off of fragmentary information glued together out of a conversation between people who clearly have unspoken context behind their words, but the picture I'm getting is that you're running a Breaking Bad sort of campaign where the protagonists aren't intended to be likable or moral.
...Ekhidna is a mortal teenager, and when @mothematics earlier commented about me being "forced to murder a man" it's because it was literally the first time she was thrown in live combat and had to kill to defend herself

I also don't think I've talked about her in this thread at all

I'm not sure which character you're confusing her with
For the record, and since my joking comment about my combat stunt now has comparison to the alt-right being thrown out, here's the text of the actual stunt, and a couple that followed:

It is a deadly dance of steel, claws against spear, armor against cloth, weary battle-scarred strength against fragile yet so fierce youth.

Sparks dance in the gloom of the cavern as the weapons hit each other.

This is the helot's advantage: his size, his reach, his weapon, his armor, his experience spilling the blood of others and his own, his sheer resolve.

This is Ekhidna's advantage: To have been born to honor and glory, fed richly every day of her life, equipped with claws of the finest steel, and taught secret arts by the greatest masters of holy warfare.

The helot thrusts at her face, she catches the blade in her claws and twists it around, and old, jagged, cheap iron breaks, the weapon surrendering and opening a path. He moves in for his elbow-stroke, and she has faced a thousand elbow-strokes before at the hands of patient teachers who told her exactly how to counter them. She swats his arm aside, opens his guard, and blades meet armor.

The armor is iron. For all its low quality and the strength of Ekhidna's assault, it will not break to a blunt punch.

The straps, however, have been slowly fraying since the day the rebellion started, and the man has never had a chance to change them. They snap and his breastplate falls out of his chest as he staggers back, the breath knocked out of him.
It is the first time Ekhidna has ever fought an opponent in real battle.

It is the first time the stakes have been life, or death.

It is the first time drawing blood is not a mistake, a sign to halt the spar and call the healers.

It is the first time.

She slips away from the brother's assault, halted by his fury, forced on the defensive, and then Navona comes in and his leg is gone, and the path is open.

She faces the last helot, and the man does not fail. She wishes he did. She wishes he would throw down his spear.

Instead, he roars in fury at his brother's loss, and rushes towards her spear in hand for a wild, careless thrust. A suicidal blow to be sure, but one that allows nearly no defense.

Ekhidna closes her eyes, and lets the spirit of Danaa'd embrace her. The spear comes and she flows around it, gently moving her chest back such that the tip grazes her torso, cutting through her robes, and she follows the haft like a path into the man's heart. Flowing like water, her hands moving in curving patterns, meeting skin where his armor is gone and carving a riverbed in it, and then is gone again, like water to the sea.

She pauses at his back, exhales, and flicks the blood off her claws.
<Ekhidna Tomaria Paradoxica>
Ekhidna closes her eyes, slowly shakes her head, and looks up with the same eyes as before, before they joked together and she smiled and chuckled: empty eyes, a flat expression.

"We had the Listener with us. We had the strength of a dragon. These men were always doomed. But with our numbers and the strength of an Exalted, they might have stood down, or they might have been defeated without killing them, so that they might be taken in. Interrogated. Brought to justice. Anything other than... this."

"You charged in without waiting for a word, and we had to fight. I disarmed my opponent so I could restrain him with Danaa'd Arts, but you parted me from him and went for the kill."

"You've killed today, and you might not care."

"But you made me kill."

"And I do."

<Navona Afia Sarantankous>
Navona lets the martial artist's words wash over her. She does not defend; she does not downplay; she does not deny. She simply takes them onto her broad shoulders and accepts them.

"They wished to die fighting, Ekhidna Tomaria Meletia," Navona intones. "I will not claim that I attacked to honor these wishes. But honor them I did, all the same." "I will not claim that you are not burdened this day, or that you ought not hate me, or hold me responsible. Do as you will. I accept what may come. But know this, soldier: I would do it all the same, without hesitation. For Lookshy, anything, without hesitation."

<Thalia Tomaria Meletia>
"You shouldn't," she speaks up.
"The things you're asked to do may not be useful. They may be counterproductive."
"You should think first."

<Ekhidna Tomaria Paradoxica>
Ekhidna slowly shakes her head. The words Thalia says are true, but she needn't have bothered. It is not the real question being dealt with here. It's not about utility and practicality. It's about who Navona is, and today, Ekhidna has seen her truth. There is nothing left to say, and protests and criticisms are just words. So she does not say anything - except this.

"I do not hate you, Navona Afia," Ekhidna says distantly, pulling the metal claws off her hands. "But you owe me a life."

She turns and goes to see if Opiter is okay.

<Navona Afia Sarantankous>
Navona squeezes her eyes shut. "So it is. So it shall be."

"All things in due time," she whispers tightly.

She's not a sneering colonial oppressor, she's an aristocratic daughter who is for the first time confronted with the reality of war, who comes up against three rebels she does not wish to fight but is forced to, and who wins because cumulative centuries of privilege make that near-child a better fighter than a veteran soldier born as a slave. It's unfair, and it's unjust, but she's not a monster; she's someone who has never had a chance to actually consider her station in the world and the nature of the system that supports her, and who when thrown against that reality, finds herself working through it through years of training-honed reflex and only afterwards realizes what happened and that someone died at her hand.

And she has something of a grudge about it.
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the real joke about this is that my players would have to forcibly drag me to acknowledge a label like alt-right in the context of the game because i am foolishly of the belief that if i use enough ancient greek words i can live in hellas-that-was rather than modernity :(
i mean there's one Horrible Person in the party and it's my character lmao, here's a rundown of our Exalted-to-be:

@Omicron is Ekhidna "Eki" Tomaria Paradoxia. A scion of Gens Tomaria and Listener-in-training, Eki sees a lot and says less. She's proper and respectful, but comes across as aloof and judgy, thinking too much about too many things. She always keeps it together for her little sister, Dia, even as her brain never stops working on question: question about the world, about Lookshy, and especially about people.

@Gargulec is Dia Tomaria Pistia, Eki's little sister, the awkward dreamer, the wilting klutz, the disappointment that has to hide behind Eki. Always judged, always othered. She lives in her own head, fantasizing about luxury, about Anathema and raksha, memorizing facts by the dozens that she really shouldn't know. People write her off as harmless, which is their mistake.

@Pale Wolf is Thalia Tomaria Meletia, the youngest of our party, a once-rising star with her gens as a precocious - prodigious, really - Encrypted with the Tomaria armies. Her faith in Lookshy has been shattered, and she surreptitiously looks for ways to undermine the Empire. And perhaps more...

@Spear is Opiter Vilikhon Cinnon, our group guy, a smarmy disappointment with a sharp tongue, utter apathy over a roiling well of bitterness, and a fondness for the sensualities of life. Interested in medicine, pushed to be anything but. Probably wouldn't blink if all of us died, except to get the blood out of his nice shirt.

Annnnd then, me, Navona Afia Sarantankous, seven feet of muscle, brains and bad attitude. Granddaughter of a helot from the Gens founded by a helot, she's out to serve Lookshy with indomitable zeal and prove the glory of Afia to all those who doubt. Doesn't have a chip on her shoulder so much as a whole quarry, and is in for a very, very rude awakening when she finds out how badly the Empire fails to live up to its standards - standards she swears by and holds everyone else around her to.

as you can see we all get along perfectly with no conflict whatsoever and we are very easy for @ManusDomini to run for
i mean there's one Horrible Person in the party and it's my character lmao, here's a rundown of our Exalted-to-be:

@Omicron is Ekhidna "Eki" Tomaria Paradoxia. A scion of Gens Tomaria and Listener-in-training, Eki sees a lot and says less. She's proper and respectful, but comes across as aloof and judgy, thinking too much about too many things. She always keeps it together for her little sister, Dia, even as her brain never stops working on question: question about the world, about Lookshy, and especially about people.

@Gargulec is Dia Tomaria Pistia, Eki's little sister, the awkward dreamer, the wilting klutz, the disappointment that has to hide behind Eki. Always judged, always othered. She lives in her own head, fantasizing about luxury, about Anathema and raksha, memorizing facts by the dozens that she really shouldn't know. People write her off as harmless, which is their mistake.

@Pale Wolf is Thalia Tomaria Meletia, the youngest of our party, a once-rising star with her gens as a precocious - prodigious, really - Encrypted with the Tomaria armies. Her faith in Lookshy has been shattered, and she surreptitiously looks for ways to undermine the Empire. And perhaps more...

@Spear is Opiter Vilikhon Cinnon, our group guy, a smarmy disappointment with a sharp tongue, utter apathy over a roiling well of bitterness, and a fondness for the sensualities of life. Interested in medicine, pushed to be anything but. Probably wouldn't blink if all of us died, except to get the blood out of his nice shirt.

Annnnd then, me, Navona Afia Sarantankous, seven feet of muscle, brains and bad attitude. Granddaughter of a helot from the Gens founded by a helot, she's out to serve Lookshy with indomitable zeal and prove the glory of Afia to all those who doubt. Doesn't have a chip on her shoulder so much as a whole quarry, and is in for a very, very rude awakening when she finds out how badly the Empire fails to live up to its standards - standards she swears by and holds everyone else around her to.

as you can see we all get along perfectly with no conflict whatsoever and we are very easy for @ManusDomini to run for
too slow fucker:

Actually inspired by a post of @mothematics in our sister White Wolf's World of Darkness thread, I have recently started a game of Exalted which our very first session has taken place in just this Friday. The game is set in my rewrite of Lookshy and starts out as a mortal game, inspired by @EarthScorpion's successful use of similar for his own In the Rose Garden. In the hope that one of my players gives an accurate summary of the session which definitely does not end up favouring their own character immensely while portraying the rest as idiots (they are all my idiots <3), I have decided to give the set-up here.

Forum and Garland Gone takes place in Realm Year 753. In the northeasternmost of Lookshy's Exarchates, that of Methoi Mekhaloi, our players are juveniles and children of Lookshy, children of the noble gentes Vilikha, Afia and Tomaria. They are all of them associated with the theme of Orimóita, with which they are currently marching. Not long ago, merely weeks in fact, a large revolt of helots was just put down by the efforts of the standing army. The theme Orimóita is simply sent there to stabilize the region and ensure all things pass as they properly should. They will also very soon find that things do not always pass as they are supposed to. Now, the characters:

(@Gargulec) Dia Tomaria Pistia. A girl of the age of 15 or 16. Dia is a strange girl, always concerned with matters esoteric and demonic. Timid and with a mind that is often other places, she nonetheless does her best to live up to the military legacy of her family, with which she feels little identification. Simple garments, straight back and decisive gestures, the marks of a child of her family, her mother and father would see her learn discipline in the army and do her family proud, a future which she is exceedingly uninterested in. The highest love in her life is the foreign and the distant, the hill over which men dare not tread. Dia is a dreamer and her many dreams inevitably turn to Hell. Despite her behaviour, unbecoming of a warrior and scion of Lookshy, she is nonetheless a brave girl and holds hidden depths of will, of which she is often uncredited. She is sister to Ekhidna and scared of Navona.

(@mothematics) Navona Afia Sarantankous. 17 years of age but proud as a woman of 30. Navona comes from a family lacking in great deeds of splendour and even more lacking for money and wealth, but oh, she is Lookshyan, she will let anyone know that. Proud and commandeering, she dreams of marching through foreign cities and treading the barbarians at the gates beneath her feet. She dreams in equal measure of marching through Lookshy herself, a triumph in her honour and trumpeteers signaling her coming. And if she can have her way, her big sister Althea will be there to witness it and envy at Navona's prowess. She adores all things Lookshyan and of her gens, although it is up to the question how much of this display of power and strength is performative in nature and how much is true. Has for now reached a semi-tenuous relationship of mutual rivalry and friendship, or definitely something resembling it, with Ekhidna.

(@Omicron) Ekhidna Tomaria Paradoxida. A girl of the age of 15 or 16. Ekhidna is a strange girl, not quite understanding of the intricacies of people's hearts. Often quiet but unafraid to take a stand, Ekhidna is apprenticed to the Listener Geryon, who is her teacher in martial arts and the ways of the Water Dragon. She wears simple garments, clean and austere, the marks of Tomaria, combined with little jewelry, making her seem almost like one of lesser birth. She is rarely seen without her pet, an esoteric creature of segmented plates and small mandible; the trilobite Isotelus. Ekhidna is a smart girl, her ability to understand the world around her is acute and one of her greatest skills, but her inability to understand emotion and passion has always been a weak spot for her. Caught between the fact that she will likely not become any great Listener, her sense of duty and willingness to do what her family thinks best and her albeit frustrated love for her sister Dia, Ekhidna is in a precarious place.

(@Pale Wolf) Thalia Tomaria Meletia. The very youngest at the age of 14. Oh, life has not treated you well, has it Thalia? You were supposed to be so full of promise, such a shining light of a natural-born leader, Encrypted at a young age and expected to rise above her peers, she proceeded to do her best possible social interpretation of an anvil with paper wings attached, free-fall. Thin and lean, as if she is starving more than eating what she needs, Thalia rarely shows emotion or what she thinks without being asked first. In many ways a perfect child of her militaristic family, her greatest flaw is what her family exalts as its greatest strength; a moralistic sense of judgement with which it looks down on its peer gentes. Unfortunately, Thalia's Encryption saw her meet the helotry and see the fields outside the City of Cities, ever an avid student of morality, she found herself unable to follow the orders given to her and now stands in the unenviable place of the 14-year-old reformist.

(@Spear) Opiter Vilikhon Cinnon. Undoubtedly the only peer to Navona's age at 17. The gens of Vilikha is said to bear the blood of giants, and Opiter's tall stature certainly shows that; proud and vain, he eagerly tends his colourful and braided hair with the expectation that people will notice. His sense of complacent happiness in his own station is only exceeded by his utter laziness, there is more to Opiter than meets the eye at first. Bitterness colours his feelings about his family, bitterness at not being allowed to live life according to his whims, bitterness at the united front it presents and the stark contrast with the disunited reality. Had Opiter his way, he would be allowed to make a life of medicine interspersed with enjoyment of that nectar of humanity; wine. His parents wish to see a future of Opiter in the Archontic Conclave, proud speeches and smiles mixed with expert oratory and wily gifts of speech. Unfortunately there is one problem; Opiter himself considers politics to bore him to tears.
So who's this gamesguy guy, anyway?
A poster on SB who is, IIRC, an economist and stocks guy IRL. I blocked him there a couple years ago after I came to the conclusion that his response to anything that might possibly question or conflict with the Orthodox Model of Homo Economicus Society was to reject and deride the offending fact or opinion as obvious bad data, and that the intellectual dishonesty from someone blatantly smart enough to know better annoyed me disproportionately. Hadn't even realized he was on SV.
For the record, and since my joking comment about my combat stunt now has comparison to the alt-right being thrown out, here's the text of the actual stunt, and a couple that followed:

She's not a sneering colonial oppressor, she's an aristocratic daughter who is for the first time confronted with the reality of war, who comes up against three rebels she does not wish to fight but is forced to, and who wins because cumulative centuries of privilege make that near-child a better fighter than a veteran soldier born as a slave. It's unfair, and it's unjust, but she's not a monster; she's someone who has never had a chance to actually consider her station in the world and the nature of the system that supports her, and who when thrown against that reality, finds herself working through it through years of training-honed reflex and only afterwards realizes what happened and that someone died at her hand.

And she has something of a grudge about it.
You can't just tease us with this and then not provide a writeup
It's unfair, and it's unjust, but she's not a monster; she's someone who has never had a chance to actually consider her station in the world and the nature of the system that supports her, and who when thrown against that reality, finds herself working through it through years of training-honed reflex and only afterwards realizes what happened and that someone died at her hand.

And she has something of a grudge about it.

Thalia: "SISTER!"
You are ignoring content by this member.
My current character is a Cynis played absolutely straight (so a sneering colonial oppressor who also loves drinking quite a lot), so it shouldn't really be a surprise that the devout Immaculate on the team is challenging my character to a duel to the death/demanding her permanent exile from society for various horrible deeds (mostly just constant dealings with Anathema, such as selling prisoners of war to raksha so I could use them as mercenaries in a difficult conflict and making a deal with an Abyssal who is rebelling against his master) after they kick in a Deathlord's teeth and if both of them are still alive after it. Feel like that's an insane/great way to end a campaign that's been going on for months.

I think I should play a nicer character next time though, since it did strain party cohesion at times and I do feel bad about playing a bad character at times. I'll probably give my tentative character for a Lunar game more positive principles, like, I dunno, "empires are awful!" or something.
So I was thinking of charms to combat raksha, one I had was something like 'Charm that hurts those who engage in paradoxes like the omnipotence paradox' cause a raksha would pump themselves up like that, I had 'Paradox breaking mantra', what essence ranking would this be?


'solar destroys raksha with FACTS and LOGIC'
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So I was thinking of charms to combat raksha, one I had was something like 'Charm that hurts those who engage in paradoxes like the omnipotence paradox' cause a raksha would pump themselves up like that, I had 'Paradox breaking mantra', what essence ranking would this be?


'solar destroys raksha with FACTS and LOGIC'

If I recall correctly, this is the domain of grace magic. The example of a 5 dot... Oneiromancy? is from the story of the Narasimha avatar of Vishnu. It involves a raksha who couldn't be killed in day or night, inside or outside, with weapons or with bare hands, by man or beast. So a... Lunar? (taking the role of Vishnu) killed it at twilight, in a doorway, with claws, while half-human and half-animal.
So I was thinking of charms to combat raksha

So, think about the Wyld like this - imagine a bunch of people playing a LARP. They all agree that they're pretending to be, let's say, adventurers, that the foam prop the fighter is carrying is a sword, the beanbags the wizard are throwing are lightning bolts and so on and so forth. They swing at the air and cut down imaginary orcs, they attack each other and pretend to fall down, etc, etc. Nothing is real. If the fighter 'dies', he'll just step aside since his character's HP is zero, no harm done. If the mage 'blows up a lot of orcs with lightning bolts', well, the orcs don't exist, everyone there is merely pretending they do, so as long as everyone there is playing the game, there were imaginary orcs and they were blown up by imaginary lightning bolts. This is the Wyld. The LARPers are raksha, shaping the environment and each other. It's a place where there are no lasting consequences.

A mugger shows up to their cheerful LARP game with a gun and demands all their money or he'll shoot them. The bullets are real. The gun is real. The mugger is real. Nothing the LARPers have in their fantasy inventory matters in the slightest. The foam sword will not cut. The beanbag lightning bolts will bounce harmlessly. If the mugger shoots them, they're going to fall over screaming and leaking blood because a metal projectile has punched a hole in their body. They will die. The mugger is a Primordial, or an Exalt. Creation is real. It imposes itself upon them no matter what they believe. You die when you are killed. You don't get back up. Consequences matter.

Can the LARPers fight off the mugger? Sure. But they'll need guns for that, not foam swords and beanbag lightning bolts.

tl;dr: Become immune to their make believe, then gut them. They need to fight you on your terms once you have done this, and you're better at it than they are once you've imposed your overriding context.
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So it doesn't really matter atm (and might never matter since my group is currently in the southeast) but I've decided that One Piece is taking place in the west during my campaign.

Fluffy exalted right around the time my players did, and will be roughly even with them if they ever meet

Edit: I'm keeping that typo for posterity
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Are there any homebrew rules that fix sail. Itching to play a Solar who has sup in sail in a west based game.