As an aside, my go to aesthetic for Malfeas is basically any description of God or the Angel's in the bible, even though it goes against the general aesthetic of creation.

Like this description of jesus is straight up a 3rd circle:
I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war. 12 His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. 13 He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. 14 The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, whiteand clean. 15 Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. "He will rule them with an iron scepter."[a] He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. 16 On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written:

king of kings and lord of lords."
As an aside, my go to aesthetic for Malfeas is basically any description of God or the Angel's in the bible, even though it goes against the general aesthetic of creation.

Like this description of jesus is straight up a 3rd circle:
I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war. 12 His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. 13 He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. 14 The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, whiteand clean. 15 Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. "He will rule them with an iron scepter."[a] He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. 16 On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written:

king of kings and lord of lords."

No see, all of those classical old testament ideas are great, it's just that people tend to... not take them any further than a one-dimensional pastiche? Kill Six Billion Demons for example leans into this same basic thing, but it also takes the time to really dig into it more. Why are KSBD angels awesome? Because they're nuclear-star-god-powered kung fu martial arts golems who are also old testament angels. It's that little extra bit of work that makes them Great, as opposed to a poorly veiled reference.
No see, all of those classical old testament ideas are great, it's just that people tend to... not take them any further than a one-dimensional pastiche? Kill Six Billion Demons for example leans into this same basic thing, but it also takes the time to really dig into it more. Why are KSBD angels awesome? Because they're nuclear-star-god-powered kung fu martial arts golems who are also old testament angels. It's that little extra bit of work that makes them Great, as opposed to a poorly veiled reference.
Honestly k6bd is great, but I wouldn't really call their Angel's old testament, at least in aesthetics. Like nuclear powered golems are very different then the descriptions we get of wheels within wheels covered in eyes.

Unless you mean out of the armor
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So I'm reading Jade City and goddamn it is pure Exalted fodder.
So, kind of like how folklore is rich and varied, the Fair Folk are all elves?
As an aside, may I just say I don't like 'Raksha As Elves' since IMO 'Lintha Are Elves'. One specific kind of elves. These elves. Not so much the 'mental manipulation' part, but particular quotes are perfect.
Magrat didn't know much about jungles, but she thought about apes in trees, smelling the rank of the tiger. Apes never admired the sleek of the fur and the burn of the eye, because they were too well aware of the teeth of the mouth.
'Glamour. Elves are beautiful. They've got,' she spat the word, 'style. Beauty. Grace. That's what matters. If cats looked like frogs we'd realize what nasty cruel little bastards they are.'
Also Discworld wizards and the Unseen University are excellent fodder for the more mystic and disassociated First Age Twilights.
'I'm the head wizard now. I've only got to give an order and a thousand wizards will … uh disobey, come to think of it, or say "What?", or start to argue. But they have to take notice.'
And finally, just because I love this bit.
The Monks of Cool, whose tiny and exclusive monastery is hidden in a really cool and laid-back valley in the lower Ramtops, have a passing-out test for a novice. He is taken into a room full of all types of clothing and asked: Yo, my son, which of these is the most stylish thing to wear? And the correct answer is: Hey, whatever I select.
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As an aside, may I just say I don't like 'Raksha As Elves' since IMO 'Lintha Are Elves'. One specific kind of elves. These elves.

Uh. No.

If they're one kind of elves, they're Melnibonéans, from Michael Moorcock's work. They're decayed, decadent "sea elves" - once a mighty civilisation, now decadent and fallen.

They're certainly not the Fair Folk of Discworld, who are things of the wilderness and superstition, et al. The Lintha are people - awful people, but just people.
Uh. No.

If they're one kind of elves, they're Melnibonéans, from Michael Moorcock's work. They're decayed, decadent "sea elves" - once a mighty civilisation, now decadent and fallen.

They're certainly not the Fair Folk of Discworld, who are things of the wilderness and superstition, et al. The Lintha are people - awful people, but just people.
Bah, the Lintha of the Fallen Age perhaps, but not the Lintha of the Primodial Age! They were greater in every conceivable way and I can interpret that however I like so nyeh.

EDIT: For example I think they'd have Appearance 6-7 and that sort of 'glamour' effect from Pratchett's Fae is how I think Appearance levels higher than 5 should work.
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Bah, the Lintha of the Fallen Age perhaps, but not the Lintha of the Primodial Age! They were greater in every conceivable way and I can interpret that however I like so nyeh.

Well, no. No, in a word. We do have evidence on the Lintha of that era, from Blood and Salt... and...

The Lintha of old had been mighty. Before the gods usurped the Primordials, the Lintha ruled a vast continent. The splendor they produced was without peer, and their works promised to endure for all time. Their patron, Kimbery, the Sea That Marched Against the Flame, whom they called their Great Mother, looked upon the Lintha kindly and taught them to construct synthetic men to send off to war and weapons of the greatest potency to secure their supremacy. Periodically, she rose up from the sea and bore the offspring of a favorite Lintha champion. Even the Dragon Kings could not conquer them, for their home, Lintha Ng Oroo, an island-child of the Great Mother, was ever devious in keeping her Lintha brothers and sisters safe.

But the Exalted rose up against the Lords of all Creation and struck them down, casting those Primordials who were not slain, the Lintha's Great Mother included, into Malfeas, a realm of shame made from the very bones of the Yozi Malfeas. In the midst of the tumult, as the world's very seams came undone, the world of the Lintha was torn asunder. Wars of limitless duration roiled across the land, and elemental chaos swept over the limits of Creation, as the rage and the fury of nature took the Lintha kingdom and scattered it across the sea, tens of thousands meeting their doom without even firm earth to stand upon. Those that fell upon land were taken off as slaves or slain in the wars of men. In an instant, the great civilization of the Lintha was no more. All that remained was Lintha Ng Oroo, now a tiny island herself near death and mad with grief, whose tears melted in with the sea.

Unlike present-day Lintha, the Lintha of old were unusually tall and graceful, with bright green skin and piercing crimson eyes. They had no gills like modern Lintha, though they did pass their long faces and their appreciation for facial jewelry on to their descendants. Centuries of interbreeding with mortals has corrupted their once-noble visage, though certain behavioral traits, such as the Lintha's famous cruelty and sense of superiority, have remained intact.
Source: Blood and Salt

... well, they were even more Melnibonéan. A sadistic, arrogant, cruel culture of "civilised" island-dwellers who ruled through their "synthetic men" who they sent off to war so they didn't have to fight, and an arsenal of "weapons of the greatest potency" that Kimbery taught them to make.

The Lintha evoke the fantasy novels of the 70s, where there was frequently heavy merging of sci-fi and fantasy, and they're the elves of that kind of novel. They're very much not Fair Folk-style elves.