Here's what I can say with confidence:
That for a long time you were very active in online conversations related to harassment, John Morke, and the problems of the RPG industry. You consistently defended the guy, and spun the issue to make everything seem as harmless as possible. Often, it seemed that you were trying to use other bad actors to distract attention or to make John look better by comparison.
Brother, I have never once denied that he was guilty, or denied what he did was dead-flat wrong. I don't care about who is a bigger smellier shithead than who.
I -did- step on an attempt by Green Ronin to run interference for
their pet sex pest by listing like half a dozen different sex scandals in the industry and trying to make it sound like they all referred to John (none of them did). That is the only defense I've ever run. I don't generally get into qualifying specifics or quibbling definitions because harassment is harassment. It all hurts careers, demeans people, and has no fucking place in this hobby.
Not raising a big career-ending stink is one thing. I believe you should've gone public, but I've never been in a situation like that, and I don't want to be too judgemental.
That's your prerogative, and I won't say you're wrong. All I can say is that 1) my boss would have taken it as a direct attack on him and his company, and would have burned my career to ashes. He did it to Plague of Hats for resigning over the Abyssals preview
in private. 2) I was given to understand that at least one of the people involved wanted the matter resolved internally and without any public fuss. I'm not going to bullshit you, the motivating factor was that I preferred to try to rehab my friend and keep my career, but there also would have been ethical issues with just shoving it all out in public and setting the company on fire.
Being the guy's PR department is another matter. I get that he's your friend, but that just gives you a good motive. It doesn't make it okay.
I don't run defense or make apologies for him. Colin Suleiman's friends spend a LOT of time asserting that I do, but that does not make it so.
The above, plus years of general toxicity. You're just not very nice!
Also, I have complaints regarding how you wrote and developed Exalted. Most of them, I can't reasonably expect an apology for. But there is one I hold against you: I don't believe that you believed the schedule you promised during the Kickstarter. I think you lied to us.
never promised a schedule during the Kickstarter. Rich Thomas did. The only delivery date I ever promised was "when it is done, and done right." But I'll do you one better: No, I never believed the schedules Rich kept announcing were possible, and we told Rich as much at the outset of the project. We told him EX3 would take two years to
write, if we were going to do it right (which is indeed what it ended up taking). He then turned around and promised delivery of the
finished book in six months, and then made another impossible promise during the KS. I thought if we hustled like mad bastards, maybe, just maybe, we could get within like six months of his second target but... no, it ended up taking the full two years.
What I did
not anticipate was the book spending a whole damned
additional year in art and layout. That's a process that took six to eight weeks under CCP North America. But the 9-15 month art and layout phase has since become a regular feature of literally every OPP book. I dunno what exactly is wrong with that part of their delivery pipeline, but
something is.