I think you have an entirely wrongheaded picture of how people actually play Exalted, dude. As much as I like incentive-based design, people are going to pick the Charms that they find cool, and if there is an extra bonus that they can't get because they don't have a bear form, they'll either chase down a bear to get a bear form or just not care because that's not relevant. The kind of people who actually choose Charms based out of the maximum efficiency they can draw out of them has seemed to be in a vast minority in my experience, and while anecdotal evidence is not evidence, at this point I don't really care. This whole argument is stupid, there is a complete lack of hard data points beyond the most basic and frankly, while I think @Dif makes some good arguments (although out of axioms I may, or may not disagree with) I think this thread could be a whole lot more productive than complaining about a splat that hasn't been done right in two editions, in an edition where they haven't even seen the actual hard rules of it more than like, what? Four Charms?
The trick is to recognize that the primordial form of the Lunar Exalted is a tire fire and anything that elevates them, however slightly, above this tire fire should make people happy
The power of low expectations