Last session, Inks had a day and was gearing up for the next one, which is Today. The current 'plot' is very compressed, actually, with hardly any downtime. This is honestly more common than you might think, as just player and storyteller habit lends itself to heel to, minute to minute gameplay.
Now, also last session Inks determined the nature of the blessing Venus laid on her baths; I was given three broad stroke options and told to remove the one I liked the least, letting Aleph pick the last one.
The options were roughly:
'A heavenly favor', so if Inks ever went to Yu-Shan or did some Serenities-themed project, it might have some higher backing.
'A Peaceful Place', the bath Inks made would have a lesser version of the nonviolence power that the Bath of the Maidens possesess, which would have incentivized Inks to hold court in the bath and generally be hedonistic business queen.
'An Auspicious Destination', a blessing of serenity that attracts interesting or fated people within the colleges of Serenity.
I ended up turning down the heavenly favor, simply because I feel it'd be much easier to continue supporting Venus/serenity domains with various public health projects, and of the remaining two, Aleph picked 'Auspicious destination', which means the Baths now attract plot-interesting personages within the Serenities theme.
From OOC logs:
Shyft: Now if Inks really pays tribute to Venus, she might take more extensive note.
Aleph: "sent her picture to a Gold Faction Sidereal with a blue thumbs-up emoji" << Venus: "Wait, shit, I copied Chejop Kejak in on that."
Kejak: "... is this some sort of new Heavenly Tinder app?"
Gold Faction Sid: "..." swipes right
So, Inks is now expecting three guests over the course of the day, all arguably their own 'scenes', but sort of blending into each other because dramatic timing.
Our first guest is Sahlak Janissa- and I'm particularly impressed with how this whole sequence played out, though Aleph later told me she had some could-have-would-have hindsight notes, as we all do.
The main thing that impressed me initially, was that Janissa is a head of house in Gem (which is nothing like being a Dynastic head of house, as Gem houses are more like corporate monopolies or capitalist baron-lords). Sahlak is the 'vice and sex' house, for lack of a better term. Inks has through the course of the campaign fostered a fairly positive relation with this house- offering discounted medical care and paying her dues with regard to the Neomah bordello.
So logically, the head of house is going to want to meet the up and coming Solar with connections and shared interests... and then I was thrown in a good way when the real reason was revealed.
As you can see in the log, Janissa arrives in rare form, and while I noticed it, I did not quite grok the implications- Aleph deliberately had her mirror Inks's attiude, manner of speaking and interest in body art. All within the first few moments of meeting her. Aleph wished she'd given her a better pool for that first impression, even though I accepted the mental influence on principle.
Now, I should stress that Inks is not minmaxed or super-specced for social defense. She gets by with her 2e-style appearance modifier, though in hindsight, I wonder if Janissa is App 6+. (I imagine if I made a working or treatment that would raise her such, she'd be all over it.)
The point is that Inks is not good at social yet. Her pool is mediocre, barely above average for mortals, and i've been working hard to fix that. Styles being so aggressively costed do help, but I'm used to Charms being your big spikes in competence. The other fact is that I generally... how to explain.
This is a tangent, but an important one: Defensive charms are boring and reactionary. A well-designed defensive charm is intended to get you taking more risks and feeling more confident in doing things. Active, 'offensive' Charms are generally superior buys because you can do things with them. Diagnoistic effects like Judge's Ear for example are generally better than Righteous Lion or Spirit-Maintaining maneuver.
Now, I firmly believe in defensive charms as a thematic choice, and RLD is one of my favorite charms for its borgstromancy, but defensive mechanics in games... The only come up if the player is willing to stick their neck out in situations where they need to defend, or the storyteller specifically targets their defenses, it's the Wolverine problem.
Is Wolverine awesome because he regenerates a lot, or does he actually suck in combat because he has to regenerate so much?
In any case, Janissa arrives and despite being a mortal (as far as Inks knows), she is by far Inks's superior in the social scene. Note to self: Seek training from the wiser, more experienced person.
Also notable is that Janissa uses lots of anti-aging potions and methods, so despite being in her 50s, she actually barely looks 35- and Inks is about 25 right now.
Again props to Aleph for the pagentry of Janissa's description, bodypaint and crushed glowstone? Ridiculously expensive and time consuming.
Now, Janissa also is upselling Inks's creation- the baths. This is important, a storyteller who maintains continuity of their player's actions is a treasure and should be treated as such. I should emphasize also that recreational bathing is... not unheard of in Gem, but the Despot thuroughly controls water, which is why Inks had to agree not to sell the water, but she could charge people admission to the baths themselves.
Taking a moment, Inks checks Janissa's motives, again, Janissa is much better than Inks at this sort of thing, soe ven with five successe, she can't quite make it. The mechanics for this in 2e is Per+Invest/Socialize against a difficulty of the target's Manipulation + Socialize + Specialty /2.
So for Janissa to beat 5 successes, her combined man+soc pool has to be 11 if supernatural, 12 if mortal. Inks for comparison is Manipulation 2, Socialize 1. I recently picked up a three-dot style, so i have a consitent pool of 6 now, but even then it's still frighteningly low. My recent xp purchases have been dots as well as styles, to the detriment of my charms.
Now, OOC, Aleph poked me and pointed out that in the Guide to Gem doc that we're using (it's not published), Janissa of House Sahlak takes beautiful people as lovers fairly regularly... and Inks is app 5 and known for it.
Yes, friends, Inks just got tapped for a booty call.
Now it was pretty much a foregone conclusion, considering how the previous rolls went, we had a brief discussion of how risque the game was going to get. I was surprised and pleased, as while this is not the first time sexual content has come up in my gaming career, it was one of the more elegantly handled ones. If anyone has seen my art, they know I like to draw pretty girls and am no stranger to fanservice, but with shared activities, sexiness is a tough topic to handle.
Hence Aleph's tasteful fade to black- now amusingly, I did not expect to actually roll anything for the experience, as I generally think that mechanizing sex invites a sour kind of optimizing, and Exalted is especially bad about it. To underscore- if you write a sex charm, are you writing a charm that makes sex better, or lets you do something else while having sex? Most people write the latter, because 'sex-for-purpose' fits into the 'game' model of actions are taken to achieve goals.
Now I'm not saying there shouldn't be sex-for-goal magic in Exalted, because mythology is filled with that trope, but it's difficult to portray it tastefully.
This encounter also underscores how ill-equipped Inks is in social situations, so while she was not in danger or even feeling particularly unsafe, it definitely tells Aleph and shows me how vulnerable Inks is to this kind of thing. Which is useful in calibrating future encounters. So an observation is something like, storytellers can try a low-danger 'test' encounter to determine how well their players can handle it, and/or if they don't quite understand the mechanics.
Back to Janissa though- Aleph makes it mechanically obvious that Janissa is a godblooded of sorts, despite my lack of diagnositc magic, which includes a die adder and a low-power UMI effect. On that note I should point out that the 'modern' view of sanctity-of-mind is not the standard in Creation. Inks is not offended by magic being used on her mind, or even really scared. Janissa is not scary and while it might make her weaker to a deal in the future, Janissa is not threatening her today.
Whew, taking a breather.
Alright! Next scene.
According to the schedule, Inks was expected to meet with an assayer who worked for the despot, Hinna An-Reswa, who Inks had not met before. The time had moved forward to 'lunch', when the next guest arrived...
And it was not Hinna.
Today we are introduced to Ceae Pipera, otherwise known as 'DB Pepper', from numerous planning sessions.
Metatextually, I firmly enjoy the idea of a Solar backed by loyal DBs. It's one of those Exalted bucketlist things I've always wanted, much like a Familiar. The main thing is that there's a lot of... bad blood about how people treat DB and Celestial relationships, as DBs always being submissive or inept compared to the Solars. This endemic problem was rooted even in some of their early and late 2e charms. (Looking at you, TCA).
But, bluntly, a DB is a competent lieutenant and strong-right hand to anyone, Solar or otherwise. And Aleph does a good job of showing that.
Now, this whole session was a lot of 'done to' Inks. Aleph did most of the writing and talking, and for that I salute her. Not every session has to be all in on player agency and shocking displays of competence. She did a fine job of calling out diagnoistic rolls for me as well.
Now, unfortunately, this is about when we had our technical issue, so we picked up later on Thursday, with an admittedly rushed, less confident conclusion, but still a good one.
We resumed with Pipera, and Inks decided to put her to the test by sourcing an old objective she wanted but had to pass up due to other concerns, a book called Scutum Magicae. Pipera, and Aleph by extension, showed off her cleverness by dint of invoking a particular DB charm that lets you identify the perfect gift for someone... and then after Inks deduced her bodylanguage, realized that Pipera had already gotten the book for her.
Suffice to say this woman really wants to work for Inks.
Due to time pression, Inks could not read Pipera's employment contract in full, but since the document isn't going anywhere, I felt confident in postponing that discussion to another day. Time both on-camera and off camera is a valuable resource that players should feel comfortable spending. It's a common weakness of player groups that they want to solve every problem, completely, in one shot, to the detriment of game pacing. At the same time, it's perfectly understanable that players don't want recurring problems.
Anyway, Pipera made an exellent case for why she should be hired and likely will be hired, but not until Inks gets to read the full contract and understand why she's a bit cagey about it.
We were running out of time, and after a brief discussion, Aleph agreed to introduce Hinna An-Reswah, and as she points out, she can't resist the opportunity to leave on a cliffhanger. Turns out she's a fifth Sorcerer in Gem, one not officially known, and thanks to the Despot's Seal, a verified, legitimate one.
Dun dun Dunnnnn!
All told, the session was quite fun, though as mentioned it was a lot of 'done to, talked to'. Aleph admits that without the connection issues, Inks would've had a lot more opportunities to deduce things and examine her guests, but such is life.
Either way, looking forward to next session! Sorcerous intrigue, and then tigerdad and daughter hijinks!