Almost done with The Heretic Sky Devil Tiger Yozi writeup. Was wondering if anyone would mind giving it a look through and giving some constructive criticism, particularly on the names of some of this stuff.

The Heretic Sky

Also @ManusDomine could you threadmark this under the title Yozi Writeup: The Heretic Sky
Trying to open it gives me a notification I lack permission to see it.
Hmph. Day castes are obviously superior. All the power of Solar charms with sexy black Anima and vampire powers.
After some consideration I rewrote some of my charms, especeally Chartereuse Sovereign Audience, a bit.

Chartereuse Sovereign Audience is now a bit cheaper and I split it into a single target/location charm and a repurchase that allows the targetting of multiple places at once, as @Bursting Eagerness Soul suggested.
I also made the multi-target version more capable of precision, though still capable of 'accidentally' (read 'on narrative purpose') catching random explorers, trophy taking enemies and thieving Hobbitses, while leaving the Creation-wide targetting a viable option (changes bolded (EDIT: now also red)):

Chartreuse Sovereign Audience
Cost: 10m, 2wp, 1lhl, 1 Limit (+ 10m, +1 Limit)
; Mins: Essence 5; Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: Social, Sorcerous
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Chattel Commanding Clamour, Nightmare Fugue Vigilance

Much to Malfeas' exasperation his servants often fail to grasp the intricacies of his will, lesser beings that they are.
Sometimes he finds within his heart the mercy to teach them, to show them his terrible glory and let them partake of the agony lurking in his dreams, lest they ever forget.

The Infernal falls asleep, suckling their budding nightmares with the tormented essence of Malfeas. Their skin splits and seeps drops of vitriol mixed with blood as tremors wrack their unconscious body, their psyche giving shape to greater and still greater horrors, until their mind is about to shatter.
At this climax their anima flares to its iconic state, as they wrest control of their visions and from them forge themselves an avatar made of brass, dreams and torment.
Creations made from their flesh groan, twist and shudder, as invisible tendrils of essence seep from them and plunge into the bodies of all sleeping nearby, burning away lesser dreams, so that the Infernal may take their place.

This charm targets one structure or Artifact created through August Architect Metousiosis within the same realm of existence as the Infernal. For the duration of one scene all characters sleeping inside or within (Charisma) feet of the target are drawn into the Infernal's hellish nightmares.
They find themselves in a demonic palace born from the Infernal's souls and Malfeas' memories, among a mass of petitioners covering before the towering figure of the Infernal, twisted, constantly shifting, clad in a terrifying regalia of burning nightmares, yet clearly recognizable.
In this realm combat and any significant form of touch is impossible, as space shifts and distorts, enforcing appropriate behaviour for this hellish congregation.
Characters drawn into this realm can only recognize and interact with the Infernal and those whom they hold Intimacies towards, the rest appearing as huddled, shadowy figures.
The Infernal can percieve and interact with anyone as if they were within normal conversational range, while their shining form makes them not only seen and heard by anyone, but also incapacle of escaping anyones notice.

Those old or educated enough to remember might recognize the heraldry, architecture and furnishings of this unreal palace to be reminiscent of the residencies of those souls of the Holy Tyrant, that were lost to the gods' treachery long ago.

In the end the nightmare palace and the bodies of anyone within are but images of the real thing. All but the Infernal are refunded any resources spent in social combat during this dream as they awaken, save for willpower.
In addition to the Infernal all other characters affected by this charm also suffer the internal penalty of -1 on all rolls to regain Willpower upon awakening as per Nightmare Fugue Vigilance.

Characters may pay willpower equal to the Infernal's Charisma to escape this charm at any time, becoming immune to all effects of it for a week, but are aware that them doing so becomes Obvious to the Infernal.

A second purchase of this charm allows the Infernal to vastly expand their reach: By paying an additional 10 motes, and taking an additional point of Limit the Infernal can treat all targets that by their inherent nature belong thematically or geographically within a single grouping as a singular valid target.

'All my fortresses in the South', 'Every ring I forged' and 'All targetable buildings in the same realm of existence' are valid groupings, 'All items not in enemy hands' or 'All my Artifacts in the possession of Solars' are not. ('All items I forged for Solars' however is, due to their purpose being inherent to them.)

While I considered making the cost Magnitude based for a while, it struck me as a bit unwise as generally the Charms I wrote are supposed to encourage the player to build big and claim more territory.
Expansion alone quite frankly already has a lot resource expenditure attached to it, ignoring the problem that any large-scale Infernal infrastructure gets problems from Yu Shan.

Chattel Commanding Clamour had its cost also reduced to stop being Worse Infallible Messenger.

I also, after some thought, cut the mote cost of All-Prevading Skyfire Glower to 12m/6m , due to, once more, the inherent costs and risks of holding territory in Creation as an Infernal and the fact that big buildings are costly while the charm's effective power scales with the target structure's size.

If my charms are not cheap enough they become flat-out unusable as the investment they require offers not enough pay-off.

Does anyone have any issues with the changes or my charms in general, or can I commit the hubris of asking for a threadmark?
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The only important thing to know about Dragon-Blooded is that Terrestrials rule, Anathema drool ya'll.

This can be proven by looking at the oWoD which as we know is the dark future of the world of Exalted.

There we see that Dragonbloods have sweet superpowers like being able to set their own skulls on fire and spit flame or detach their head and spine from their body to attack people like an angry skull-snake

Whereas Solars get to... glow slightly golden and deal aggravated damage with a baseball bat or something.

Also Solars don't get any martial arts in the default book

Dragonbloods get martial arts in the default book which are only moderately worse than Do, a Primordial Martial Art (which is therefore better than all Sidereal Martial Arts)

Clearly this means that Dragonbloods can learn even better martial arts than Solars

*sage nod*
You'll be pleased to know that the secret society I'm writing up for GSBS has "encountering an unaffiliated Terrestrial Exalt during operations" as the second most serious and potentially disastrous situation they could run into:

The conspiracy's spiritually aware members generally get a basic packet on Terrestrials and Lunars.

The first are established as a serious threat that can take down even experienced operatives one-on-one, should be assumed to be hypercompetent in all fields of human capability, and may well pose strategic concerns depending on whether they're a Lost Egg or part of a family group. Do not engage; contact your superiors and provide as accurate a description as you can so they can be checked against the conspiracy's archives, then withdraw to a distant vantage point and await further instructions - which will generally be either "you're being redeployed, this is above your pay grade" or "reinforcements inbound, fall back to a safehouse and wait for them to arrive".

Their entry for Lunar Exalts, as you might expect, starts with "assume you are dead and so is your entire team" and that you should immediately evac while everyone dials up HQ and starts screaming the word "LUNAR!" into their earpieces/cell phones/Infallible Messengers over and over, because they might well not live long enough to assemble a coherent sentence and your superiors have to know about this, holy shit. Also, assume anyone you lose contact with has been killed & replaced or is otherwise compromised, and that all of your established contacts, caches & safe houses are compromised too. Steal the nearest vehicle, flag down a taxi, just get hold of something faster than your own two feet (because the Lunar can almost definitely run faster than you), get the hell out of there, and don't stop running until you hit the border of whatever nation you're in. Even once you think you're safe, go to ground and then wait for further instruction via Infallible Messenger. The organization will not send reinforcements, retrieval teams, or special operatives of any kind to help you, and your entire cell is expected to scatter and avoid any form of contact; therefore, any such "friendly faces" approaching you are impostors.

Extreme, yes, but the conspiracy isn't willing to risk a hostile Lunar infiltrating their organization and/or getting access to sensitive information, since they'd be hard-pressed to hunt one down even without them already being inside their defenses. The organization's plan for managing hostile Lunars involves a band of Terrestrial Exalts led by both of their Lunar members as a sort of ad-hoc Wyld Hunt. Them having only two Lunars as opposed to three is a product of the first (and thus far, only) point where said killteam proved necessary.
Chartereuse Sovereign Audience
The new version looks much better. I especially like the targeting conditions you put in. They seem like they'd make for some interesting shenanigans. That said, you might want to clarify what happens if someone you something wakes up the affected people that isn't them actively spending willpower to reject the charm. Is it even possible for them to wake up without spending the willpower?1​ Also, the "lol I'm sauron" example was hilarious. Is this going to end up with a shintai that turns you into an enormous all-seeing tower, or is that a Heretical spin-off using Qaf charms?

1​ If it isn't, this would let you do some cool shit with enemies in one of your buildings. Like, hitting them with this and then sending your army in to slaughter them in their sleep.
We just had a little spur-of-the-moment PbP session, so I present to you Session 1.5 of Solar Shenanigans:
  • Snakeguy is in shock after realizing he's traveling with five Solars
  • Realizes everyone is staring at him
  • "It's okay, really! Some of my best friends are Solars!"
  • Jokes aside, he's cool with it, so we continue up the mountain to the big gold door we see up top
  • Me: "Hey guys, there's a tripwire right there"
  • Collective 'Oh, shit!'
  • Alyndra (Resistance supernal Zenith): "Hurr durr, I'ma spring the trap!"
  • Me: "Or I could just defuse it"
  • I defuse it like a boss
  • We keep going
  • Everyone hears a disembodied grunt
  • Fang (Dawn): "BTW, I summoned a demon. Say hello, demon!"
  • Fucking Slenderman pops out
  • We all say 'sup
  • Walky walky climb climb
  • We get to the top
  • Door is made of the magical materials
  • Birdperson McEclipseman gets dollar signs for eyes, then his player goes AFK (he still hasn't returned)
  • Snakeguy tries to open it, fails like a little bitch (I kid, everyone loves Snakeguy)
  • Fang flares his anima, door opens easily
  • Unknown Voice: "I ask of you, are you my master?"
  • Us: "Are you a house?"
  • Manse: "Yep"
  • Turns out she's been waiting for her masters to return for 500 years
  • She realizes they probably died
  • I do something amazing
  • I do something really, really amazing
  • I seduce the manse
  • "Can I come inside you?" Invisible Horse Princess asks inccocently. "It's quite cold on this mountaintop and I'm sure it's nice and warm inside."
  • It fucking works, she lets us in
  • The orichalcum floors are blushing
  • The manse forms an avatar of moonsilver
  • I decide to name her Mansey
  • She explains that a Twilight built this manse for his circle long ago, offers to let us attune now that her masters have passed
  • Blushing and stealing glances at me the whole time
  • I fucking love this game
  • End of session
TL;DR I managed to seduce an ancient Solar manse without even meaning to. I think I just won the game.
Also, the "lol I'm sauron" example was hilarious. Is this going to end up with a shintai that turns you into an enormous all-seeing tower, or is that a Heretical spin-off using Qaf charms?
I at one point thought up an idea for a Sauron Tower Shintai that grew out of the Malfeas-as-city Charm tree, where you go from "I am the hideous tyrant who destroys all who oppose me" to "I am the tyrant, trapped in his own stony, cancerous flesh, who still wields power through his many servants, and fester within the land where I lie immobile like an urban infection upon its skin".

I'm pretty sure @EarthScorpion came up with multiple reasons why it wasn't a good idea, though. Definitely something for @rogthnor's Devil Tiger rules, though. @EarthScorpion also advocated for Infernals to be able to accidentally screw themselves over if they weren't careful with their Charm purchases, with the Malfeas fuckup being described as "architectural Akira". You could probably get away with a foolish Infernal who did that to themselves and then went Devil Tiger to try and squirm free of their self-inflicted torment. Likely with mixed results.
Also, the "lol I'm sauron" example was hilarious. Is this going to end up with a shintai that turns you into an enormous all-seeing tower, or is that a Heretical spin-off using Qaf charms?
There is really no need for it to be a shintai. All you need are charms that expand you range of vision. You either:
  • Build a tower using August Architect Metousiosis. Use the indefinite effect of Boundless Cognizance Imprisonment, at the cost of 8 motes, a -1 mobility penalty and a lock on having to act through Malfeas' Excellency for important actions, to include the tower's exterior walls in your perception. You may now use, for example, Revlid's World-Scouring Emerald Glare at E4+ for a scene-long, obvious, omnidirectional Keen Sight Technique ignoring darkness and fog, manifesting as a bright green halo on the tower. This costs you, aside from building the tower, 12m and the penalties from BCI. You may add All-Prevading Skyfire Glower for 12m, 2wp/6m, 1wp to add the effect of Eye of The Unconquered Sun to it. Apply additional perception boosters as needed.
  • Forge an unwieldy burning eye Artifact using AAM that grants you boosted long range perception within its area of influence. AAM makes its attunement indefinite, allowing you install to it on top of a tower, and turn it into part of yourself with the indefinite version of BCI. An Artifact 5 Eye of Sauron should be rather impressive and using All-Prevading Skyfire Glower on the tower also hits this with Eye of the Unconquered Sun, due to the eye being built into it. Apply additional perception boosters as needed.
Of course you have to take the penalties from the active use of Boundless Cognizance Imprisonment, but the effect is already there, at a cost comparable to a shintai, without having to be the tower, allowing you to fight the War of the Last Alliance somwhere else using, for example, the Demon Emperor Shintai.

I knew precisely what I was doing when I wrote these charms :D
I at one point thought up an idea for a Sauron Tower Shintai that grew out of the Malfeas-as-city Charm tree, where you go from "I am the hideous tyrant who destroys all who oppose me" to "I am the tyrant, trapped in his own stony, cancerous flesh, who still wields power through his many servants, and fester within the land where I lie immobile like an urban infection upon its skin".

I'm pretty sure @EarthScorpion came up with multiple reasons why it wasn't a good idea, though. Definitely something for @rogthnor's Devil Tiger rules, though. @EarthScorpion also advocated for Infernals to be able to accidentally screw themselves over if they weren't careful with their Charm purchases, with the Malfeas fuckup being described as "architectural Akira". You could probably get away with a foolish Infernal who did that to themselves and then went Devil Tiger to try and squirm free of their self-inflicted torment. Likely with mixed results.

I've actually been thinking about something along those lines as how to handle Elder Infernal's. I really like the idea of changing the game by completely changing what they are. So for instance maybe they become giant towers who can only interact with the world through their minions.
So a variation on E6+ Alchemicals then.
Yes and no. While I definitely think that the E6 Alchemical stuff is cool, the Sauron idea was just an example. Mainly I want to expand the play options available to characters at high Essence levels. An Essence 10 Infernal can be the evil dark lord who's array of Socerous towers must be crushed before he can be defeated ala @EarthScorpion's Sorcery homebrew. However he should also be able to be the mysterious dungeon under the mountain which draws adventures in with promises of riches only to drive corrupt them with the terrible knowledge held within. Releasing the adventures back out into the world to spread the gospel of the NEW GOD! Basically at high levels of play I would like Infernal's to have the option of becoming DnD style adventure modules.
Hymn Paslap's Blood
Terrestrial Sorcery

The Sorcerer chants the hymn of boiling earth, and at its crescendo strikes the earth. From anywhere within 50 yards of the Sorcerer, a rend in the earth (essence x2) yards wide will manifest. From this wound in the earth magma will boil up and spread to a radius of (essence x 20) meters. Anyone standing near the lava flow (Essence Yards) suffer as if they were in a bonfire, if they are actually unfortunate enough to stand in or touch the lava itself, the damage is double and ignores armor or soak. Once the scene is done, the crack in the earth closes and the lava begins to cool into a slab solid volcanic rock about 2 or 3 yards high.

While this spell is mainly used for warfare, block a charge or melting a fortress wall, it has other uses as well, such as geomatic sabotage, strengthening a Earth or Fire demesne or creating or expanding an island, though the depending on the depth of sea or lake in question, that can take a long, long time.

Not sure about this, I like the theory, but I think the mechanics could use some work.
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I've actually been thinking about something along those lines as how to handle Elder Infernal's. I really like the idea of changing the game by completely changing what they are. So for instance maybe they become giant towers who can only interact with the world through their minions.
That could invalidate certain charms (like, you can't use the Desert body Shintai if you are permanently a mini ocean oozing hate and tar), so it'd need to be a careful compromise. How would you set rules for using human scale charms (crafting charms, dancing) if you are a tower with no hands and no mobility, for example?

Wasn't the name Pasiap?

The Sorcerer chants the hymn of boiling earth, and at its crescendo strikes the earth. From anywhere within 50 yards of the Sorcerer, a rend in the earth (essence x2) yards wide will manifest. From this wound in the earth magma will boil up and spread to a radius of (essence x 20) meters. Anyone standing near the lava flow (Essence Yards) suffer as if they were in a bonfire, if they are actually unfortunate enough to stand in or touch the lava itself, the damage is double and ignores armor or soak. Once the scene is done, the crack in the earth closes and the lava begins to cool into a slab solid volcanic rock about 2 or 3 yards high.
The part about opening rents in the Earth is great, but the sorcerer is very likely to be harmed by his own spell here (it's a straight AoE, he needs to be within 50 yards of rift to fire it, lava spreads 3*20 + 60 meters at minimum and does damage for 3+ yards around that)
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Hymn Paslap's Blood
Terrestrial Sorcery

The Sorcerer chants the hymn of boiling earth, and at its crescendo strikes the earth. From anywhere within 50 yards of the Sorcerer, a rend in the earth (essence x2) yards wide will manifest. From this wound in the earth magma will boil up and spread to a radius of (essence x 20) meters. Anyone standing near the lava flow (Essence Yards) suffer as if they were in a bonfire, if they are actually unfortunate enough to stand in or touch the lava itself, the damage is double and ignores armor or soak. Once the scene is done, the crack in the earth closes and the lava begins to cool into a slab solid volcanic rock about 2 or 3 yards high.

While this spell is mainly used for warfare, block a charge or melting a fortress wall, it has other uses as well, such as geomatic sabotage, strengthening a Earth or Fire demesne or creating or expanding an island, though the depending on the depth of sea or lake in question, that can take a long, long time.

Not sure about this, I like the theory, but I think the mechanics could use some work.
A miniaturized version of magma kraken?
Alright, Session 16 of Sunlit Sands! Again big props to @Aleph for running, despite significant technical issues.

Session 16 Log

Last session, Inks had a day and was gearing up for the next one, which is Today. The current 'plot' is very compressed, actually, with hardly any downtime. This is honestly more common than you might think, as just player and storyteller habit lends itself to heel to, minute to minute gameplay.

Now, also last session Inks determined the nature of the blessing Venus laid on her baths; I was given three broad stroke options and told to remove the one I liked the least, letting Aleph pick the last one.

The options were roughly:

'A heavenly favor', so if Inks ever went to Yu-Shan or did some Serenities-themed project, it might have some higher backing.

'A Peaceful Place', the bath Inks made would have a lesser version of the nonviolence power that the Bath of the Maidens possesess, which would have incentivized Inks to hold court in the bath and generally be hedonistic business queen.

'An Auspicious Destination', a blessing of serenity that attracts interesting or fated people within the colleges of Serenity.

I ended up turning down the heavenly favor, simply because I feel it'd be much easier to continue supporting Venus/serenity domains with various public health projects, and of the remaining two, Aleph picked 'Auspicious destination', which means the Baths now attract plot-interesting personages within the Serenities theme.

From OOC logs:
Shyft: Now if Inks really pays tribute to Venus, she might take more extensive note.
Aleph: "sent her picture to a Gold Faction Sidereal with a blue thumbs-up emoji" << Venus: "Wait, shit, I copied Chejop Kejak in on that."
Kejak: "... is this some sort of new Heavenly Tinder app?"
Gold Faction Sid: "..." swipes right

So, Inks is now expecting three guests over the course of the day, all arguably their own 'scenes', but sort of blending into each other because dramatic timing.

Our first guest is Sahlak Janissa- and I'm particularly impressed with how this whole sequence played out, though Aleph later told me she had some could-have-would-have hindsight notes, as we all do.

The main thing that impressed me initially, was that Janissa is a head of house in Gem (which is nothing like being a Dynastic head of house, as Gem houses are more like corporate monopolies or capitalist baron-lords). Sahlak is the 'vice and sex' house, for lack of a better term. Inks has through the course of the campaign fostered a fairly positive relation with this house- offering discounted medical care and paying her dues with regard to the Neomah bordello.

So logically, the head of house is going to want to meet the up and coming Solar with connections and shared interests... and then I was thrown in a good way when the real reason was revealed.

As you can see in the log, Janissa arrives in rare form, and while I noticed it, I did not quite grok the implications- Aleph deliberately had her mirror Inks's attiude, manner of speaking and interest in body art. All within the first few moments of meeting her. Aleph wished she'd given her a better pool for that first impression, even though I accepted the mental influence on principle.

Now, I should stress that Inks is not minmaxed or super-specced for social defense. She gets by with her 2e-style appearance modifier, though in hindsight, I wonder if Janissa is App 6+. (I imagine if I made a working or treatment that would raise her such, she'd be all over it.)

The point is that Inks is not good at social yet. Her pool is mediocre, barely above average for mortals, and i've been working hard to fix that. Styles being so aggressively costed do help, but I'm used to Charms being your big spikes in competence. The other fact is that I generally... how to explain.

This is a tangent, but an important one: Defensive charms are boring and reactionary. A well-designed defensive charm is intended to get you taking more risks and feeling more confident in doing things. Active, 'offensive' Charms are generally superior buys because you can do things with them. Diagnoistic effects like Judge's Ear for example are generally better than Righteous Lion or Spirit-Maintaining maneuver.

Now, I firmly believe in defensive charms as a thematic choice, and RLD is one of my favorite charms for its borgstromancy, but defensive mechanics in games... The only come up if the player is willing to stick their neck out in situations where they need to defend, or the storyteller specifically targets their defenses, it's the Wolverine problem.

Is Wolverine awesome because he regenerates a lot, or does he actually suck in combat because he has to regenerate so much?

In any case, Janissa arrives and despite being a mortal (as far as Inks knows), she is by far Inks's superior in the social scene. Note to self: Seek training from the wiser, more experienced person.

Also notable is that Janissa uses lots of anti-aging potions and methods, so despite being in her 50s, she actually barely looks 35- and Inks is about 25 right now.

Again props to Aleph for the pagentry of Janissa's description, bodypaint and crushed glowstone? Ridiculously expensive and time consuming.

Now, Janissa also is upselling Inks's creation- the baths. This is important, a storyteller who maintains continuity of their player's actions is a treasure and should be treated as such. I should emphasize also that recreational bathing is... not unheard of in Gem, but the Despot thuroughly controls water, which is why Inks had to agree not to sell the water, but she could charge people admission to the baths themselves.

Taking a moment, Inks checks Janissa's motives, again, Janissa is much better than Inks at this sort of thing, soe ven with five successe, she can't quite make it. The mechanics for this in 2e is Per+Invest/Socialize against a difficulty of the target's Manipulation + Socialize + Specialty /2.

So for Janissa to beat 5 successes, her combined man+soc pool has to be 11 if supernatural, 12 if mortal. Inks for comparison is Manipulation 2, Socialize 1. I recently picked up a three-dot style, so i have a consitent pool of 6 now, but even then it's still frighteningly low. My recent xp purchases have been dots as well as styles, to the detriment of my charms.

Now, OOC, Aleph poked me and pointed out that in the Guide to Gem doc that we're using (it's not published), Janissa of House Sahlak takes beautiful people as lovers fairly regularly... and Inks is app 5 and known for it.

Yes, friends, Inks just got tapped for a booty call.

Now it was pretty much a foregone conclusion, considering how the previous rolls went, we had a brief discussion of how risque the game was going to get. I was surprised and pleased, as while this is not the first time sexual content has come up in my gaming career, it was one of the more elegantly handled ones. If anyone has seen my art, they know I like to draw pretty girls and am no stranger to fanservice, but with shared activities, sexiness is a tough topic to handle.

Hence Aleph's tasteful fade to black- now amusingly, I did not expect to actually roll anything for the experience, as I generally think that mechanizing sex invites a sour kind of optimizing, and Exalted is especially bad about it. To underscore- if you write a sex charm, are you writing a charm that makes sex better, or lets you do something else while having sex? Most people write the latter, because 'sex-for-purpose' fits into the 'game' model of actions are taken to achieve goals.

Now I'm not saying there shouldn't be sex-for-goal magic in Exalted, because mythology is filled with that trope, but it's difficult to portray it tastefully.

This encounter also underscores how ill-equipped Inks is in social situations, so while she was not in danger or even feeling particularly unsafe, it definitely tells Aleph and shows me how vulnerable Inks is to this kind of thing. Which is useful in calibrating future encounters. So an observation is something like, storytellers can try a low-danger 'test' encounter to determine how well their players can handle it, and/or if they don't quite understand the mechanics.

Back to Janissa though- Aleph makes it mechanically obvious that Janissa is a godblooded of sorts, despite my lack of diagnositc magic, which includes a die adder and a low-power UMI effect. On that note I should point out that the 'modern' view of sanctity-of-mind is not the standard in Creation. Inks is not offended by magic being used on her mind, or even really scared. Janissa is not scary and while it might make her weaker to a deal in the future, Janissa is not threatening her today.

Whew, taking a breather.

Alright! Next scene.

According to the schedule, Inks was expected to meet with an assayer who worked for the despot, Hinna An-Reswa, who Inks had not met before. The time had moved forward to 'lunch', when the next guest arrived...

And it was not Hinna.

Today we are introduced to Ceae Pipera, otherwise known as 'DB Pepper', from numerous planning sessions.

Metatextually, I firmly enjoy the idea of a Solar backed by loyal DBs. It's one of those Exalted bucketlist things I've always wanted, much like a Familiar. The main thing is that there's a lot of... bad blood about how people treat DB and Celestial relationships, as DBs always being submissive or inept compared to the Solars. This endemic problem was rooted even in some of their early and late 2e charms. (Looking at you, TCA).

But, bluntly, a DB is a competent lieutenant and strong-right hand to anyone, Solar or otherwise. And Aleph does a good job of showing that.

Now, this whole session was a lot of 'done to' Inks. Aleph did most of the writing and talking, and for that I salute her. Not every session has to be all in on player agency and shocking displays of competence. She did a fine job of calling out diagnoistic rolls for me as well.

Now, unfortunately, this is about when we had our technical issue, so we picked up later on Thursday, with an admittedly rushed, less confident conclusion, but still a good one.

We resumed with Pipera, and Inks decided to put her to the test by sourcing an old objective she wanted but had to pass up due to other concerns, a book called Scutum Magicae. Pipera, and Aleph by extension, showed off her cleverness by dint of invoking a particular DB charm that lets you identify the perfect gift for someone... and then after Inks deduced her bodylanguage, realized that Pipera had already gotten the book for her.

Suffice to say this woman really wants to work for Inks.

Due to time pression, Inks could not read Pipera's employment contract in full, but since the document isn't going anywhere, I felt confident in postponing that discussion to another day. Time both on-camera and off camera is a valuable resource that players should feel comfortable spending. It's a common weakness of player groups that they want to solve every problem, completely, in one shot, to the detriment of game pacing. At the same time, it's perfectly understanable that players don't want recurring problems.

Anyway, Pipera made an exellent case for why she should be hired and likely will be hired, but not until Inks gets to read the full contract and understand why she's a bit cagey about it.

We were running out of time, and after a brief discussion, Aleph agreed to introduce Hinna An-Reswah, and as she points out, she can't resist the opportunity to leave on a cliffhanger. Turns out she's a fifth Sorcerer in Gem, one not officially known, and thanks to the Despot's Seal, a verified, legitimate one.

Dun dun Dunnnnn!

All told, the session was quite fun, though as mentioned it was a lot of 'done to, talked to'. Aleph admits that without the connection issues, Inks would've had a lot more opportunities to deduce things and examine her guests, but such is life.

Either way, looking forward to next session! Sorcerous intrigue, and then tigerdad and daughter hijinks!
First time I've seen a Solar successfully out social'd by someone who isn't a peer. Even if they did come to mutually satisfactory(heh) terms.
DB Pepper looks to be fun, and also a bundle of Complications; someone with that many references would have options other than working for a new Anathema sorceress in Gem.

Odds are she's running from something/someone and that contract she's being so cagey about commits Inks to act in her defence. OR she's looking for something/someone that requires a sorcerer to find.

And the Despot has a covert fifth Sorceress?
And one loyal enough to be willing to remain lowkey as a surprise, which tends to go against the tendencies of most sorcerers.
Your Gem is full of surprises.

Thanks for sharing.
Oh hai, I had this sitting in my workingspace document half done that I just found when I went to go write another Charm.

Have one of my two possibilities for an Elloge geomancy charm, the one where you declare "IN THIS AREA, WE'RE WORKING IN THIS GENRE BITCHES".

I may not settle with this. The other alternative was that Elloge got no permanent geomancy Charm, but instead could effectively Wyld-shape Creation into a stage (with an Illusion covering up that everything was obviously fake, and if you saw through the Illusion you could go 'backstage' and move through the real landscape rather than the fake one).

I'd appreciate thoughts on which one sounds better.

Pathetic Fallacious Stage
13m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple (15 minute Dramatic Action)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Sorcerous, Shaping, Ichor, Obvious, Touch
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Casting Coveted Crowns

The cold blood of Elloge pools in low places in the Demon Realm, subjugating geography to hagiography.

Opening her veins, the warlock lets her fantasies flow out. Her blood soaks into the landscape and makes it pulse to her narrative heart, out to a radius of (Linguistics x 100) yards. Trees quiver in fear, clouds weep and the wind screams. Obtuse symbolism and thematic resonance weaves itself into the world, and the Infernal's blood oozes from dark places. Any Wyld-tainted land within the affected area immediately becomes part of Creation.

When activating this charm, the character declares a genre which holds effect in this location. Examples include "sappy romances", "blood-soaked horror", or "political melodramas". Within the area of effect, the weather and the landscape mutate to enable this genre. In the land of "sappy romances", there are never clouds and every plant blooms with roses, while in the land of "blood-soaked horror" it is perpetually dark and stormy and the crops are blighted. All actions in line with the genre have their difficulty reduced by 1, to a minimum of 0, while all actions opposed to the genre suffer a -1 external penalty. Extras experience a unnatural Compulsion to act in line with the genre, which costs one willpower to resist for a week. Characters can deduce the narrative that holds sway in the land with a successful (Perception + Lore) roll at Difficulty 3, and see the unnatural Ellogean origin of the changes to the landscape and the way extras act with a Difficulty 5 (Wits + Occult) roll.

Repeated stories dig deeper into the landscape. For each week that passes, the affected radius increases by 25 yards per dot of magnitude of residents within the area who conduct at least one action with a reduced penalty. The fallacious stage becomes a persistent Blasphemy upon exceeding five miles in radius. Emerald countermagic cleanses an area with a radius of up to 250 yards, while Sapphire and Adamant cleanse a radius of up to 500 and 1000 yards, respectively.
Bring in some Oramus charms to a "gothic horror" stage and you've got yourself some Bloodborne.

I'd appreciate thoughts on which one sounds better.
Kinda torn. Since we don't have the other potential charm I can't say for sure, but I'm leaning towards favoring the one you've written here. Mechanically, every Yozi should have some kind of permanent geomancy charm to highlight their ability to impose their own mythos and corrupt the world.

On the other hand, Elloge is the castrated remnants of He Who etc. etc., and it would make sense for her geomancy charms to be weaker and/or have a nasty point of failure, since she can't create anything truly unique anymore.
Repeated stories dig deeper into the landscape. For each week that passes, the affected radius increases by 25 yards per dot of magnitude of residents within the area who conduct at least one action with a reduced penalty. The fallacious stage becomes a persistent Blasphemy upon exceeding five miles in radius. Emerald countermagic cleanses an area with a radius of up to 250 yards, while Sapphire and Adamant cleanse a radius of up to 500 and 1000 yards, respectively.
Shouldn't the countermagic a bit more potent here? It really feels that at least adamant countermagic could just dispel the whole thing in line; given the existence of the shadowlands cleansing spell, and these things aren't nearly as tough to clear out as shadowlands.
Personally I prefer the 'narrative enforcing' geomancy you posted, if only because it is rather straightforward, while
effectively Wyld-shape Creation into a stage (with an Illusion covering up that everything was obviously fake, and if you saw through the Illusion you could go 'backstage' and move through the real landscape rather than the fake one).
seems quite frankly rather hellish to play with.
Ignoring the fact that the proposed charm sounds far too much like filthy Raksha nonsense [1], having to play with two layers of landscape/reality at once, while also factoring in stunts and charms that further alter the, or rather, one of the landscapes seems like it could potentially end a session right there, as everyone gets confused as to what is real for whom and what interacts with what.

For example: One character hides behind a pillar for cover, but that pillar is part of the 'stage'. Somebody now lights that pillar on magical fire. Does the fire exist for the guy 'backstage' who ignores the pillar, and if so, how can he affect it, if what it burns is not real?

The concept is interesting, but I see no way that it could be actually playable without marginalizing its effects to a level which would make it worthless.

Flavour wise, would it not also cause a hellish amount of fate-errors and attract Sidereal attention as causality stopps working for, like, more than half the area's population, who run on Illusion logic instad?
For that matter the posted charm also seems like it could mess fate up something fierce, by overlaying a contradictory narrative on an area, leading to a full derail of destinies, as murder plots made to fail suddenly succed, and loves meant to fail bear fruit etc..

Oh and, when you say 'permanent geomancy' - I was under the impression that as Indefinite charms they are merely maintained charms that lock out some motes, and not actually permanent effects like wyld-shaping, was I mistaken or is this just phrasing?
Edit: Nevermind, my memory failed me

[1]: Elloge has that risk in general IMO, mirroring that other Oramus charmset that predated yours
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