
Alright, fine. For thaumaturges, it permanently reduces your size. Exalts eventually grow back. You can also pay in health levels, or motes.

Making artifacts is hard.
Resources really isn't a powerful enough background to attach that kind of cost to.
In your opinion, what kind of background is powerul enough? Friendship with the unconquered sun?
The whole fic consists in Mara seducing the horcrux shadows one after another and eating them.
Can voldy even get it up anymore?
Mothers are generally quite willing to sacrifice themselves for their children. Lilly Potter is considered the brightest witch of her age, and was so amazing that Voldemort tried to recruit her, despite being a muggleborn. Taking these two facts into consideration, I believe that it's likely that Lilly Potter did something aside from sacrificing herself to give Harry protection from Voldemort.
Pretty sure the issue was more that walking into it Voldemort had no plan of killing Lily. Sure, plenty of mothers would happily have thrown themselves in front of a spell aimed at their child, but it's not a meaningful sacrifice if it's done when he was going to kill you anyway. There's a difference between being given the opportunity to walk away and rejecting it, and getting killed in a fight without that choice offered.
Pretty sure the issue was more that walking into it Voldemort had no plan of killing Lily. Sure, plenty of mothers would happily have thrown themselves in front of a spell aimed at their child, but it's not a meaningful sacrifice if it's done when he was going to kill you anyway. There's a difference between being given the opportunity to walk away and rejecting it, and getting killed in a fight without that choice offered.
Even then, in the long history of the Wizarding World, you'd think that there would be at least one other instance. But I'm not here to argue that point, as it's more headcanon than anything.
Making artifacts is hard.
In your opinion, what kind of background is powerul enough? Friendship with the unconquered sun?

Artifacts that effect backgrounds are generally a bad idea in the first place, since you're using something provided by one background to get another background at a worse rate1​. Why would anyone ever want to pay 3 artifact dots to raise their resources/allies/followers/contacts/whathaveyou by 1 dot, when they can just put in the same amount of effort to get that background at 3 dots.

Artifacts should be interesting useful things that provide personal effects, not just quantitative values that interact with mechanical numbers and little else. An artifact sledge that adds +whatever to damage and accuracy is boring and perpetuates the canon issues surrounding combat lethality, an artifact sledge that can smash a hole through any wall or make localized quakes as long as the wall or floor is made of some form of earth or stone is interesting, probably non-gamebreaking, and opens up options that wouldn't have been available before.

(1) There are exceptions to this, like Liege and similar backgrounds, but those are their own things with their own rules, and are balanced around the fact that you need to put in constant work for something that has significant power over you, and just taking your loot and running will get you hunted down in short order.
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Artifacts that effect backgrounds are generally a bad idea in the first place, since you're using something provided by one background to get another background at a worse rate1​. Why would anyone ever want to pay 3 artifact dots to raise their resources/allies/followers/contacts/whathaveyou by 1 dot, when they can just put in the same amount of effort to get that background at 3 dots.

Artifacts should be interesting useful things that provide personal effects, not just quantitative values that interact with mechanical numbers and little else. An artifact sledge that adds +whatever to damage and accuracy is boring and perpetuates the canon issues surrounding combat lethality, an artifact sledge that can smash a hole through any wall or make localized quakes as long as the wall or floor is made of some form of earth or stone is interesting, probably non-gamebreaking, and opens up options that wouldn't have been available before.

(1) There are exceptions to this, like Liege and similar backgrounds, but those are their own things with their own rules, and are balanced around the fact that you need to put in constant work for something that has significant power over you, and just taking your loot and running will get you hunted down in short order.

True, though theoretically, "Trading Health for Wealth" as an idea can work?

There's probably a charm for it.

Biglaw Invocation Decree, maybe?

@MJ12 Commando can tell you more about it.
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True, though theoretically, "Trading Health for Wealth" as an idea can work?
There's probably a charm for it.
There is a Cecelyne charm that lets you turn a human sacrifice into Resources5, maybe base it off of that.
Something like blood dripping from a wound inflicted by it turns into a valuable material before hitting the ground?
Huh, that sounds a bit like the Rod of Verdant Minerals.
Honestly the people that should be interested in this are those that are not Exalted, but instead Mortals. Pay in blood to gain resources if you lack essence and all that.
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Welcome again to another Sunlit Sands post! Thank you again @Aleph for running and letting me post these logs.

We had to skip last week due to scheduling issues, but we were back on board for today with some minor book keeping. Note to any STs out there- either get very used to scheduling both a planning day prior to a Game Day, or get very comfortable with ad-libbing on the spot.

The session itself picks up immediately on the heels of the previous, and we segue into the best lead Inks has on the murder investigation...

Session 15 Logs

Having earned some favor with the local Ragged, Inks is ushered in to meet someone 'in the know', and it's more firmly thrust in her face that there is a dire inequity in Gem, beyond even the slavery culture. It's notable that in Gem, part of why institutionalized slavery works, is that anyone can be enslaved, and be freed on the whims of fortune. That's really true of Creation in general, where slavery is an economic force, largely without racial justification. (Not to say racism doesn't exist, but it's just... not thematically releavnt here).

Anyway, that tangent aside, Inks is introduced to an interesting character, clad in figure-hiding robes and wielding a ringed staff like asian exorcists. I'm not sure of the significance in Creation, but it's cool and Aleph likes to be specific with those kinds of details.

The following discussion is tense to say the least, and despite my initial awesome successess, things quickly escalate and then explode in both our faces.

Later on post-session, we discuss the impact of this scene on our game and the 'fun' we had or lack there of. I did enjoy myself, but as I point out, I was not in control for the majority of the scene. And players abhor the lack of control much like nature a vacuum.

The crux of the escalation was Aleph not quite being prepared for the extent of my initial successes, which is par for the course, and then she invoked Maji, without my prompting. Now, Familiar is an oft ignored and maligned background, because a given PC's animal companion is either going to be an obnoxious meme or a one-scene wonder. Maji occupies a critical space in Sunlit Sands as Inks's primary sounding board- despite largely being ignorant of human matters like economics, industry and murder, he exists so that the scenes are not empty, beyond his obvious utility as Inks's strong right arm or anchor for Invulnerable Skin of Bronze.

My experience as a player is best summarized as 'backgrounds are ignored until invoked', not through any malice on part of the ST, but more lack of attention and ability to utilize the trait in a meaningful way. We've all heard stories of 'attack the PC's parents/wives/children' as a means to affect them, and that's not untrue of Exalted or its Backgrounds. As I mention in-log, Backgrounds are often Done To, not Doing.

Anyway, part of why the scene felt out of control was due in part to how it was the PC being put between two NPCs. When I was running SNG or other games, I called this situation 'playing with myself', and when handled badly by myself or others, masturbation. This is not a criticsm against Aleph, but that glib description is intentional. It's a hard thing to remember, that most often, the most important characters in a game are the PCs.

Taken too far one way, you get 'chump' NPCs despite their obvious prowess or power. Taken too far the other, the PCs are a captive audience for whatever drama the ST wishes to unfold. Aleph here did not do that, because she relied on the dice to guage where things went, and was just as surprised and unprepared as I was.

so Maji, acting exactly as I intended but in an inopportune time and place. And he rolled VERY well for what actually happened... just too well.

It was pointed out to me that as I was writing this, the whole scene was mechanized in a very adversarial sense- nearly every roll was in some way trying to get one character to do or not do something. All couched in 'attack/defense' pairs with very little in the way of an intuitive 'counter' mechanic to prevent action.

Now, as things came to a head, Aleph was great in invoking more rolls to give me more information like the medicine roll to determine the Exorcist's nature.

From here, a brief and foregone conclusion chase ensued. Inks is, despite how i've often drawn her, not actually as in shape as she might want to be. Dex 2 Athletics 1 meant that the contested roll to chase the Exorcist down was... not successful.

However, Aleph succeeded here at something fundamental that I am going to bold for emphasis:

Inks was not left with a dead end after the scene derailed itself.

Specifically, she reminded me as a player that the exorcist fled her workroom, leaving tons of evidience behind- spilt blood, papers which we later determined were complex spirit wards and enhancements, and her staff itself. All of which will come in hand.

There's a phrase in RPG communities called 'fail forward', which is tough to summarize here, but I trust you all can search for it yourself, regardless, despite the Obvious Setback, I as a player am armed with the resources I need to proceed.

Now, due to scheduling issues and how long the above scene took, the last chunk of the session was much more rapid and possibly less fleshed out than preferred. I still think Aleph did a fantastic job despite the miscalcualtions. Inks finally got a chance to really enjoy her bath after a stressful day, and poor, poor Carsa. Your employer is App 5 and unconcerned with things like nudity. And made a point to build her baths on the bottom floor, open-air courtyard of her townhouse.

Since it was getting late, we were both in the mode of 'tying off some loose ends' and leaving the session on a fun note, if not a high note. Despite the project intervals, Inks's main issue isn't 'downtime', it's screentime. You'll have heard mention of a 'Pepper' every so often, which is the current side-goal. Inks needs a competent assistant who can take over for certain projects, or take their own Trivial Actions while Inks is doing something else on-camera. In that regard, Inks needs a force-multiplier.


So Post session, some further disscussion lead to a few interesting observations.

As far as Exalted 2e is concerned, there is an implicit mechanical difference between 'listening' and 'social attack'. The former is 'MDV is effectively waived, and actions are resolved at Difficulty'. The latter is the more traditinoal social attack, and as I mentioned earlier, the above scene was very adversarial.

Now, Maji has a character, he IS a character, with desires and drives. He has to have a character, or he would be relagated to mere 'tool', as Aleph observes, could have happened.

Beyond that, in hindsight we all recognized that Maji logically should have had Intimacy modifiers for Inks and loyalty to her, and his own high Valor competed to make his MDV beat Inks's attempt to contain him.

This is not a mistake on anyone's part, just best described as "Playing With Toys usurped everyones goals for the scene, and the mechanics got the both of you thinking along linear paths of resolution, not 'wait, stop, what is the Story saying here.'"

One of the critical metrics I feel of running a game, especially one like Exalted that is contingent on progress, towards goals or objectives, is feeling like your time was not wasted as a player. My lack of control certainly worried me, but Aleph continued to show her commitment to providing an engaging experience. I may not have made the progress I wanted or expected, but I certainly don't feel like this session was a frustrating setback or time spent spinning my wheels.

Succinctly, I had fun.
I made a sorcery!

Fabled Air of the Dragon

Cost: 10m
Target: Touched creature

This is a favored spell among the glory seekers and socialites of the Realm. The Sorcerer gathers her power and shapes a brightly mirrored sorcerous image around her target, which may be herself. This doesn't do anything to her target, but the target is much more memorable. However, this recollection is twisted and enhanced. Whether this recollection is positive or negative depends on how people naturally feel about the target. The King did not just fall, he must have been drunk. That Stranger is not merely a skilled sword for hire, he is the best swordsman anyone has ever seen. This layabout isn't taking a nap, he is a good-for-nothing lout who has never worked hard a day in his life.

Due to this charm's potential for backfiring, it has also been called "Fabled Err of the Dragon".

Hell-Jackal Commissar Whistle

Target: Cowards

This spell is most hated by the commoners and conscripts who hear it. The Sorcerer laughs, exhaling her essence. Then, she breathes it back in and whistles. Those who previously in this scene failed a Valor check automatically succeed it, requiring the expenditure of willpower to behave rationally as they were before. This can cause an army routed by a sneak attack by an anathema to immediately counterattack that same being, even if he had already killed half of them.
This is the profile I made for my ghost-blooded horse familiar. It's my first homebrew, so please let me know what you think!

: 2; Willpower: 6; Join Battle: 7 dice
Personal Motes: 70
Health Levels: -0/-1x3/-2x3/-4x2/Incap.
Speed Bonus: +6
Actions: Feats of Strength: 6 dice (attempt Strength 3 feats); Intimidate: 6 dice, Senses: 6 dice; Stealth: 8 dice

Appearance 3, Resolve 3, Guile 3

Attack (Kick): 8 dice (Damage 14)
Combat Movement: 14 dice
Evasion 5, Parry 3
Soak/Hardness: 6/0

Special Attacks
Brutal Kick: Enemies smaller than human size that take 5+ damage from Shadowmane's withering stomps are knocked back one range band and fall prone.
Trample: When Shadowmane closes in on a rushed enemy and makes a stomp attack on the same turn, a successful hit knocks that enemy prone. The penalties for being prone are applied to that character's Defenses retroactively when calculating extra successes on the attack.

Swift-Hooved: Shadowmane applies the double 9s rule on all rolls to rush, disengage, or withdraw.
Silence of the Grave: From his snorts and whinnies to the fall of his hooves not a peep can be heard from Shadowmane. He is undetectable via sound.
Phantom Steed: Shadowmane's ghostly heritage affords him a number of advantages over mortal horses. He does not need sleep and does not suffer from exhaustion, nor does he require food or drink. As with other spirit-blooded beings, he has the Exalted Healing merit (p. 165).

Offensive Charms
Chilling Touch (7m; Supplemental; Instant; Withering-only; Essence 1): The phantom steed's hooves pass through metal, leather, and flesh to freeze blood and soul, allowing his withering attacks to ignore up to four points of natural or armored soak.

Mobility Charms
Ghostly Gallop (10m; Reflexive; One scene; Perilous; Essence 2): Shadowmane's steps are lighter than air. He may stand on water and move across its surface as though he was on solid ground. In addition, Shadowmane (and by extension his rider) do not suffer from falling damage while this Charm is active.

Miscellaneous Charms
Dematerialize (35m, 1wp; Simple; Instant; Essence 1): Shadowmane may shed his fleshly body, becoming as immaterial as a ghost. This effectively works like the Materialize Charm, but in reverse. His rider remains material.
Shadow-Walking Warhorse Method (15m; Reflexive; Indefinite; Essence 2): Bred to be a mount worthy of the greatest assassins, Shadowmane knows how to match his essence flows to that of his rider and hide in her shadow. This Charm allows a successful Stealth attempt made by Shadowmane's rider to also be applied to Shadowmane himself, including any Charms or magic his rider uses to enhance the Stealth roll. This effect continues until Shadowmane and his rider leave concealment or are discovered, treating Shadowmane as though he was a part of his rider for all Stealth rolls. If either Shadowmane or his rider take an action that would break concealment, both of them are revealed.
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Even then, in the long history of the Wizarding World, you'd think that there would be at least one other instance. But I'm not here to argue that point, as it's more headcanon than anything.

Bear in mind, the wizard population is tiny and incredibly poorly organised. It's not a plot hole that everyone goes to the same school; magical Britain really is that small. And the Ministry of Magic is a joke.

This is the profile I made for my ghost-blooded horse familiar. It's my first homebrew, so please let me know what you think!

: 2; Willpower: 6; Join Battle: 7 dice
Personal Motes: 70
Health Levels: -0/-1x3/-2x3/-4x2/Incap.
Speed Bonus: +6
Actions: Feats of Strength: 6 dice (attempt Strength 3 feats); Intimidate: 6 dice, Senses: 6 dice; Stealth: 8 dice

Appearance 3, Resolve 3, Guile 3

Attack (Kick): 8 dice (Damage 14)
Combat Movement: 14 dice
Evasion 5, Parry 3
Soak/Hardness: 6/0

Special Attacks
Brutal Kick: Enemies smaller than human size that take 5+ damage from Shadowmane's withering stomps are knocked back one range band and fall prone.
Trample: When Shadowmane closes in on a rushed enemy and makes a stomp attack on the same turn, a successful hit knocks that enemy prone. The penalties for being prone are applied to that character's Defenses retroactively when calculating extra successes on the attack.

Swift-Hooved: Shadowmane applies the double 9s rule on all rolls to rush, disengage, or withdraw.
Silence of the Grave: From his snorts and whinnies to the fall of his hooves not a peep can be heard from Shadowmane. He is undetectable via sound.
Phantom Steed: Shadowmane's ghostly heritage affords him a number of advantages over mortal horses. He does not need sleep and does not suffer from exhaustion, nor does he require food or drink. As with other spirit-blooded beings, he has the Exalted Healing merit (p. 165).

Offensive Charms
Chilling Touch (7m; Supplemental; Instant; Withering-only; Essence 1): The phantom steed's hooves pass through metal, leather, and flesh to freeze blood and soul, allowing his withering attacks to ignore up to four points of natural or armored soak.

Mobility Charms
Ghostly Gallop (10m; Reflexive; One scene; Perilous; Essence 2): Shadowmane's steps are lighter than air. He may stand on water and move across its surface as though he was on solid ground. In addition, Shadowmane (and by extension his rider) do not suffer from falling damage while this Charm is active.

Miscellaneous Charms
Dematerialize (35m, 1wp; Simple; Instant; Essence 1): Shadowmane may shed his fleshly body, becoming as immaterial as a ghost. This effectively works like the Materialize Charm, but in reverse. His rider remains material.
Shadow-Walking Warhorse Method (15m; Reflexive; Indefinite; Essence 2): Bred to be a mount worthy of the greatest assassins, Shadowmane knows how to match his essence flows to that of his rider and hide in her shadow. This Charm allows a successful Stealth attempt made by Shadowmane's rider to also be applied to Shadowmane himself, including any Charms or magic his rider uses to enhance the Stealth roll. This effect continues until Shadowmane and his rider leave concealment or are discovered, treating Shadowmane as though he was a part of his rider for all Stealth rolls. If either Shadowmane or his rider take an action that would break concealment, both of them are revealed.

Pretty cool.

That being said, a +6 speed bonus seems like too much. Especially when you take into account what Ride Charms can do with a speed bonus.

Not a big fan of abilities like Silence of the Grave. Easy perfect effects rub me the wrong way. Plus, detecting a stealthy horse will almost always involve a mixture of senses, so there really should be a guideline for how the ability helps the horse in sneaking attempts that are more or less sound-based.
So besides chapter five in the 1e "Cult of the Illuminated" are there any good resources for the Wyld hunt? Namely the Wyld hunt out of Lookshy? What do you think would be the reasonable minimal that a Solar would have to do to get the hunts atition in someplace like Nexus?
Okay, I have a weird question that has been bugging me for a while. Adamant seems to be a Magical Material of some sort (like the Adamant Caste and shit), but I haven't seen any descriptions for it. I can't find it in the 2nd Edition core and I'm not even sure what it looks like. Is it an alternate name for some other material?
Okay, I have a weird question that has been bugging me for a while. Adamant seems to be a Magical Material of some sort (like the Adamant Caste and shit), but I haven't seen any descriptions for it. I can't find it in the 2nd Edition core and I'm not even sure what it looks like. Is it an alternate name for some other material?
Look into alchemicals. It seems to be a form of diamond
Okay, I have a weird question that has been bugging me for a while. Adamant seems to be a Magical Material of some sort (like the Adamant Caste and shit), but I haven't seen any descriptions for it. I can't find it in the 2nd Edition core and I'm not even sure what it looks like. Is it an alternate name for some other material?

It's covered in the Alchemicals book, because it's rare in Creation and associated with Autochthon. It's basically magical diamond, in the same way that orichalcum is magical gold.
True, though theoretically, "Trading Health for Wealth" as an idea can work?
There's probably a charm for it.
There is a Cecelyne charm that lets you turn a human sacrifice into Resources5, maybe base it off of that.
Alchemicals also have a submod for Chemical Fog Generator that converts people or organics it kills into statues of non-precious alloys; a human-size body is worth Resources 3.
Welcome again to another Sunlit Sands post! Thank you again @Aleph for running and letting me post these logs.
Having your familiar throw the meeting without a botch on his part or yours is certainly new in my experience.
Thanks for sharing.
Alchemicals also have a submod for Chemical Fog Generator that converts people or organics it kills into statues of non-precious alloys; a human-size body is worth Resources 3.

..... its most definitely not in the alchemicals manual of exalted power.

Is it perhaps talking about a core or artifact?