The incredible walkback on everything which had been spoken about Lunars needs to be reiterated, honestly. Because throughout the pre-kickstarter push, there was this incredible swell of goodwill for "the Lunars you really wanted!" and people were totally excited for a fresh start on that, after so many false-starts across both editions. But it became increasingly clear that Lunars simply were never part of the equation again, and what little had been was simply working to recapture 1e.I liked conceptually what 3e did with the Lunars, but they went far too modest with their actual accomplishments.
So we heard nothing but how Lunars were going to be a Fresh Take, have their position in the setting Redefined along with everyone else, so they meshed better with the overall setting. Then, we heard that Lunars were going back to being standalone iconoclasts, which is... okay fine, 1e did some work with that, nothing really objectionable yet. Then they were getting an island to the West for themselves instead of the entire wyld as a playground... sure, that's also workable, a hub and a "home base" to work from isn't a bad thing necessarily. "With its own Loom to hide from the Sidereals," aaaand now people are getting worried, because this is sounding way too Special for an example of Lunar power, and its stealing heat from the Sids to do it, making the Loom less-meaningful while also making "hiding in the wyld" a redundant feature.
The leaks happen, and we hear that their example of "iconoclastic Lunars" is actually more restrictive than the 1e Smash And Grab Bad Civilization archetype, Solar Bond is gone, that they Did Nothing Meaningful during the First Age because the Solars forcibly prevented it, and now people are not enthused... but still willing to give things a chance because yadda yadda early drafts. Next leak happens, no fluff changes. Silence abounds on the status of where Lunars technically stand, because its unclear if those parts were going to be embellished with more nuance or what. Cut to the book drafts, no fluff change to do-nothing Lunars, and their much-vaunted Island Paradise (singular), does not even belong to them, but is now a Dragonblooded holy-site which they have been conducting a war over.
So the net adjustment for Lunar fans from 2e to 3e, after what could have been an Entire reworking from the ground-up to fully integrate the type into the setting properly, is the Loss of an archetypal role in being "Stewards of Creation," a "???" in the removal of Bond depending on how ill-at-ease the premise makes you personally, having good points and bad points on both ends, and a Gain of "just one set-piece, placed far away and cut off from anything else in the setting which matters. And it doesn't even belong to them." Lunars still have no history, no plot-agency, and very little hooks to draw them into the world, not even as partners to the Solar Exalted, poisoned mechanics surrounding Bond or no. Its almost comical how little care was paid once the literal and metaphorical money was on the table.
Lunars just get to Show Up, just like 1e intended.
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