As always, that sounds awesome. The big problem I have with this kind of thing is that Martial Arts styles should not help you give last rights (Presence), appease ghosts (Occult, Bureaucracy, or Presence), or stand guard against the growth of Shadowlands (Awareness and maybe some Martial Arts).

Which is kind of why they'd be warrior-priests instead of just warriors. Though I suppose I might make a division so that there are warrior-priests specifically tasked with dealing out Righteous Face-Punching to Creatures of Darkness and standing guard outside Shadowlands to keep any hungry dead from wandering out, and more traditional priests whom the former protect as they go around, giving last rites and using Thaumaturgy to lay souls to rest and make wards around Shadowlands and such.

I'd probably make them a small but growing faction in the Scavenger Kingdoms, where the Immaculate Philosophy isn't as strong and thus there's a niche to fill and a lack of competition (since the Immaculates are kind of territorial about other religious organizations protecting people from monsters, in addition to just not liking Golden Janissary). Maybe they originated in Sijan and were based there, but left because they strongly disapproved of the strong influence the Deathlords have there?

I recently acquired the 1e Castebooks; this hypothetical order sounds like a good fit for Jiunan Nightwarden, one of the 1e Night Castes. Except the part where Jiunan is really obsessed with this one undead girl (which is how he Exalted in the first place)...
Which is kind of why they'd be warrior-priests instead of just warriors. Though I suppose I might make a division so that there are warrior-priests specifically tasked with dealing out Righteous Face-Punching to Creatures of Darkness and standing guard outside Shadowlands to keep any hungry dead from wandering out, and more traditional priests whom the former protect as they go around, giving last rites and using Thaumaturgy to lay souls to rest and make wards around Shadowlands and such.
They don't need magic face-punching to beat down ghosts nor do they require miracle working to lay souls to rest or sprinkle salt and such. Those are definitely nice to have, but are by no means required.

I'd probably make them a small but growing faction in the Scavenger Kingdoms, where the Immaculate Philosophy isn't as strong and thus there's a niche to fill and a lack of competition (since the Immaculates are kind of territorial about other religious organizations protecting people from monsters, in addition to just not liking Golden Janissary).
Would it be rude to mention that the two primary styles for mortal Immaculate Monks are Mantis and Golden Janissary?
Information on the abilities of Dragon Kings and Jadeborn is available only in the Scroll of Fallen Races. If it isn't there, it is almost certainly homebrew.

Maybe someone in this thread would know what you're talking about, but chances are either you've misremembered or the one you heard this from was mistaken about the exact capabilities of the Dragon Kings/Jadeborn.

If you heard about this from canon itself, well, the contradiction exists. How fascinating.
Fucking finally found it.

Its home brew:

••••• • Command the Earth

Cost: 15m, 2wp; Mins: Essence 5; Type: Simple

Keywords: None

Duration: Instant

With only a touch, the Dragon King commands the earth to move. He may create one of the following effects:

• Fine Reshaping: The Dragon King reworks the earth in a three range band area around himself, with enough control to create fine palaces or sculptures. These changes occur gradually over the course of the scene.

• Crude Reshaping: As fine reshaping, but the Dragon King sculpts a much larger area at the cost of precision. He may alter an area up to one mile in diameter centred upon himself, but cannot create anything more detailed than large geographical features, very simple houses or walls.

• Earthquakes: The Dragon King creates a fierce earthquake in up to a mile-wide area centred upon himself. He cannot control the earthquake once it has started. Any non-reinforced buildings are destroyed over the course of the scene, and even reinforced buildings are damaged. Characters in the area must succeed on a difficulty 3 Dexterity + Athletics roll each round or fall prone.

Time to find out what range bands are....
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Ambiguous distance iterations. So somebody can be 'in meele range', 'close', 'not as close', 'a fair distance', 'other side of the football field' etc.
Ambiguous distance iterations. So somebody can be 'in meele range', 'close', 'not as close', 'a fair distance', 'other side of the football field' etc.
That just makes it more confusing.

Meh, i'll just pretend a Dragon King can just sit down and make a giant palace rise out of the ground around her.
This seems to fundamentally miss the premise entirely of the unique mechanics that make Dragon King gameplay via Paths actually distinct from just using Charms on a regular mortal with a bunch of mutations, for no real gain except I guess formalizing "here's stuff that duplicates the effects of Dragon King powers."

Not really a surprise, I suppose, but disheartening regardless.
Then how would you do it?
two demons, in need of a good home

probably house trained?

Teng-Kigyo, the Duke of Eels
Defining Soul of the Archoness of the Abyss
Demon of the Second Circle

"You are my angel," she told him, "you are my only. You are my heart, my dearest, my darling. The world would tear you from me if it could, but you will always be my son and I always be your mother." She told him such things once, when he was her heir, the chief of all her souls. The purest expression of her essential nature. Young as he was he took such things to heart and did his best to please her, to be the son his greater self deserved and desired. But he was so flawed, so imperfect, so helpless to do anything but apologize and beg forgiveness even as she shaped him and recast him. Even as she scoured his self with the heat of her contempt and scraped his skin raw. Even as her hateful, burning, parasite-scar came to terrorize him in his little den. Whispering words that dripped and smoked about how it'd never be enough, how he'd never be enough, asking what he would do when the day came that she realized that too even then...he tried. He really did.

But in the end the truth was he couldn't be the scion she needed. He was always more dress-up doll than son, flawed in his fundamentals, and in her quest for perfection Mazsyllic had broken him so utterly, so thoroughly. If she wanted a proper heir she would have to make another. She would have to begin again, craft something new of her base materials. And so the molten worm died and so Kairibus was born and so Teng-Kigyo, her angel, her only, was thrown to the rubbish heap.

In the cold darkness beyond Mazscyllic's light there are drowned ruins. Slivers and fragments of antique lands dragged below, collected and discarded in the same way a wealthy woman might gather bright baubles that caught her eye. Into this crushing black he was cast. To wander, to try and make his way with all the skills he was never taught, all the knowledge he never learned. Largely left to his own devices, his greater self turning her gaze from her precious pearl every other century or so. Scanning to see if he remained in the blackness beyond her throne. Sometimes he was, sometimes he was not, sometimes she raged at his insolence, other times she simply...forgot as she turned back to sing to her new heir, her new son. But in the absence of her attention Teng-Kigyo has traveled. He has journeyed to Creation many, many times since the First Age and crossed the shells of Malfeas-that-is-King. He has talked and trucked with other demons from other mythscapes, tried his hand at rule, and knows more, far more than Mazsyllic would have ever countenanced.

Too little, too late. She already has something far better.

Notes and Abilities: Teng-Kigyo appears as a beautiful man, old enough to no longer be casually counted as a boy, young enough to still be judged as such by his many seniors. His skin is translucent and glassy-slick and beneath the clear surface ropy brawn bunches and shifts. His visage is that of a snake's stripped skull and his fangs and skin alike weep potent toxins. A bouquet of seven, sinuous eels sprouts from between his shoulders. The monstrous, muscular beasts coiling about his body, surveying all who approach him; fearful and envious. About his waist he wears a simple skirt of woven black seaweed and in his hand he clutches a bone-white bident of twisted, organic construction. In demeanor he is sardonic and sly, a carefully constructed facade wrapped around a heart as brittle as broken glass. If one were to glimpse his thighs one would see neatly laddered scars, each etched by his own hand. It gives him some measure of guilty thrill, some measure of precious control, to secretly mar his mother's work so. Summoning him beckons his mount as well, a black-sinewed sea serpent with forty-nine heads and flesh as clear as shallow, sunlit seas.

The Duke of Eels is a proud warrior-artist who works in paints, prose, and flesh. In those abyssal ruins he used the heat of his fantasies to warm himself and stave off the madness of bleak isolation. Sorcerers have been known to summon him to commission a great work or a new strain of servitor-demon. He has a particular affinity for lost and forgotten things and may use his spear to divine for treasures that have been claimed by the deeps. His relationship with his younger sibling is strained and he may perhaps also be summoned by sorcerers who seek to beckon Kairibus from Mazsyllic's lap.

Teng-Kigyo fears women and prefers the company of men. Indeed many of his works are devoted to the exultation of hell's Princes and Lords, his own quiet yearnings worked into the subject matter. He make escape the Demon Sea when a scion of royal blood is set adrift on the waves to escape a coup. He takes particular pleasure in engineering their return to the throne, their bodies bearing the marks of his own genius.

Haiskald, the Cataclysm Rampart
Warden Soul of the Archoness of the Abyss
Demon of the Second Circle

The long shadow of history weighs heavy on us all. A fathomless ocean that swallows men and women, clans, nations. Some swim in the shoals, hindered or hampered but a little; perhaps helped more than hurt. But others? Others crushed, cracked and broken. Borne down and crushed in the endless black. Such is she. Such is he.

Haiskald: witness his vastness, his titanic bulk. He is a giant among giants! Siege engine and curtain wall. Ship-crushing behemoth and current-breaking colossus. He is the eldest of all the Archoness's sons and long-dead histories write his name in a halting hand, murmuring the profane syllables with trepidation. He is Haiskald! The Cataclysm Rampart, that branded, burning, whelp! Once the boldest, the bravest, and yet there he walks, eyes cast to the ground; a cowering, wretched slave. Whimpering softly to himself as the tainted, toxic sea chews upon his naked flesh and his mother's gentle song soothes his wounds. He weeps always, endlessly, but in that abyss who can tell? His tears mingle with the tides, the waters washing all that sweet sorrow away.

She did this to him.

He was going to leave her you see. As Malfeas's ribs closed around them all and the Demon Sea seared furrows into the King's basalt flesh he saw what was growing inside her, the madness that metastasized; malignant and insidious as cancer. Kimbery, always fickle and cruel now turned upon itself. The Great Mother eternally chewing upon her own innards. He would seek his own freedom and so part of her would always remain hopeful, always remain apart. He would protect her heart from itself, from the squamous thoughts that slithered and spawned within her. The sickly-sweet fantasies that the first worms whispered. She found him as he was leaving the abyssal grotto. A shadow that loomed, blacker than than that pelagic night. How could he? She whispered. How could he be so callous, so cruel? Didn't he understand?

What was a mother without her children? Had he truly turned against her so? To punish her so brutally and strip her of a son? No, no he was only addled, misguided. Enamored of a new, harsh world he did not fully understand. He could be saved, he could be salvaged, he could be taught the truth, her beautiful, burning, truth. You must understand:

She did this only to be kind.

Notes and Abilities: He mixes the features of man and shark and enormous crustacean. He towers many meters above his siblings, his mouth hanging slack. Baring a forest of serrated, ivory teeth. A dozen dead, black eyes glimmer in his heavy, anvil, head and a mane of jointed limbs surrounds his scalp. His back swells into the hard, chitinous shell of an infernal crab. His outer quartet of limbs are muscular pincers that could snap a warstrider in twain or sever the spine of a jadesteel ship and when they drag against the ground the earth cracks and leaps, magma rising and razored rock punching through the seafloor. His inner arms are muscular and dextrous, once hefting great weapons of coral and pearl, now dangling slack and limp as he trudges his endless circuit about Mazsyllic's domain. He stands upright as a man might. Clad only in his rough, sandpaper coarse skin. Shark's tail swaying dully in his wake.

On his right flank his carapace has been cracked and shattered. A livid brand burns, golden-red filaments searing at the soft flesh. The deep green waters hissing and smoking, flash-converted to steam. He lives there at the boundary between things, where the molten spires give way to the deserts of cold, black, mud. Where only a few, faint notes of his mother's song persist. He will not return to her bosom, he refuses, it is the one piece of pride he has left. But he can no longer endure the touch of Kimbery and so he persists, endlessly half-burning.

Haiskald's only salvation is when he is summoned. Bound by sorcerous mandate he may emerge from the Demon Sea and cross that silver wasteland, insulated from the curse. He loves these excursions, these brief tastes of freedom (rarer and rarer as the ages turn and more of the necessary formulae are erased by time or his mother's servants) and it is rare that he will contest any given master. The Cataclysm Rampart may escape when a volcano is drowned by the sea. As the waves close over the peak the length of the range briefly becomes a staircase to the deepest reaches of Kimbery. If he is lucky and quick he may ascend, emerging beneath a golden sun.
But as a massive wuxia fanboy they're pretty much my favorite kind of powers.

The annoying thing is, Exalted's construction fundamentally doesn't mesh well with the core assumptions of wuxia. You don't achieve great power by investing great amounts of effort. You cannot learn the secret of the Unconquered Solar Sutra by study. Your power doesn't come from something which theoretically anyone could do if they had the opportunity to do so, the proper teachers and the requisite training from hell.

Rather, either you innately have powerful divine kung fu, and that power comes from a inscrutable blackbox of a selector algorithm or from who your parents are, or you don't, and can't get any. This is fine in and of itself, but it tells a very different story to, say, Legend of the Condor Heroes.

Exalted is a terrible wuxia game, for all it has Chinese aesthetics. Legends of the Wulin is a lot better for this. If you want to play specifically a wuxia game, you should probably look into that instead, it would be a lot less work thematically or mechanically.
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Question, what would be the theoretical limit for Dragonblooded War Charms? Could they possibly mess with the minds of their soldiers (meddling with morale or perception of the battle istelf) or is that sort of mental hijinks too potent for anyone but Solaroids?
Question, what would be the theoretical limit for Dragonblooded War Charms? Could they possibly mess with the minds of their soldiers (meddling with morale or perception of the battle istelf) or is that sort of mental hijinks too potent for anyone but Solaroids?
.... it won't be all that overpowered. I could see the fire element being used to stir up the passions and valour of the soldiers. Just give it smaller duration/ magnitude
Then how would you do it?
To be entirely honest? Double-down on the part where Paths are an extremely limited set of 60ish once-per-turn powers intended to be used in a synergistic fashion, where the combination of Paths (usually two, or three at most) are what help define your immediate options, rather than basing off the total number of Steps you have learned. The niches effectively go like this:

Celestial Air: Dealing with spirits/Occult.
Clear Air: Self-buffs/Awareness.
Solid Earth: Altering equipment or the environment/Craft.
Yielding Earth: Repairs to people and objects/Medicine.
Blazing Fire: Fire control/Ranged combat.
Flickering Fire: Melee combat/Dodge.
Flowing Water: Ignoring obstacles or distance/Athletics.
Shimmering Water: Disguise and illusion/Stealth.
Growing Wood: As Solid Earth, but only plants.
Shaping Wood: Shapeshifting/Resistance.

If you want to be an Unseen Ninja, you go Flowing Water/Shaping Wood, if you want to be an impossibly effective craftsman, Solid Earth/Growing Wood, etc. A diplomat who wants to consort with the local high muckety-mucks is most effective using Shimmering Water alongside Celestial Air. If Fighting Good is the goal, you combine either Craft Path with Flickering Fire to give you an endless supply of artifact gear and favorable ground to fight in, while if you simply want to punch through concrete like its nothing and surround yourself with insanely-damaging AOEs, you get Clear Air and Blazing Fire. Become the most-survivable healer in the world by loading up Yielding Earth with Flowing Water and a Shaping Wood minor, and so on.

There's bits which need to be smoothed out to be sure (Clear Air is kind of a grab-bag, trying to be Awareness+Lore with a minor in Combat and Spirits somehow, both Growing Wood and Solid Earth give "warforms" which don't mesh well with the craft-heavy Steps leading into them, Blazing Fire is hyperfocused on being a Blaster Wizard to its own thematic and mechanical detriment, etc), but looking at the Paths as a holistic whole of archetypal parts you can and should be able to interlock freely to enable different character concepts without being hamstrung by the actual Abilities of that character is a totally valid design goal to take here. Unlike Charm trees which can quickly spiral off into weird unfocused tangents and pursuits of growing numbers.

Like, the Author of this homebrew missed in their complete removal of anything touching Virtues and high-Essence that Leap Ahead is an important factor for avoiding cluttering sheets with analysis-paralysis "options" that more unwieldy complex characters have to worry about, but also usefully content-gating in that the Essence 1-2-2-3-3-6 ramp within each Path is deliberately sculpted to create easy early buy-ins but lock-out the final Step such that you don't Need to prohibitively price anything out of reach like its an Adamant sorcery spell. Unlike the "Exalted mode" of handling powers, you ideally have just 1-2 Simples you activate to set your "stance" for the given scene, and then 2-3 Active powers which either modify your rolls and need Actions to function, like attacking, or get activated As your Action for the turn and enable a different method for approaching things, instead of just stacking up as many possible effects per-activation as you can.

Without the "works like Charms" overhead (and thus drawing comparison between the two of "does what a Charm of a set strength should do") each Step has breathing room to be its own multi-functional tool you can use in a variety of ways, like "become seen as any reptilian creature of your size or less." Some Paths are even presented in a way that alternate their Steps between combat and noncombat focuses with the intent that buying into the prior Step effectively unlocks both options at once using Leap Ahead instead of forcing you to Choose like in a Charm tree, or making it unduly powerful by offering both at once. It just simply means that the higher-Step of the two is simply more difficult to invoke on the spot/in Combat. Not to mention that everything up to five dots in a Path is geared towards attaining the "sweet spot" of playing a high-end mortal, the Essence 3 threshold, not keeping pace with Celestial Exalted. Therefore your least-used powers have Reason to be, because they are the Good Shit but afford more risk than your more reliable ones.

Stuff like that link is more like a crude conversion guide than trying to make Dragon Kings "work" conceptually within the framework available.
So... what you're saying is that the paths should instead, have each step have a broad spread of effects that enable you carry out both combat and non combat focuses? And what each step is always low essence, that enables you to easily get the first few powers.

Also, each step, when put together, enables you to play different character types. Or...

Ya know, can you explain it again, but with shorter words?
So... what you're saying is that the paths should instead, have each step have a broad spread of effects that enable you carry out both combat and non combat focuses? And what each step is always low essence, that enables you to easily get the first few powers.

Also, each step, when put together, enables you to play different character types. Or...

Ya know, can you explain it again, but with shorter words?
...Seriously man?
The annoying thing is, Exalted's construction fundamentally doesn't mesh well with the core assumptions of wuxia. You don't achieve great power by investing great amounts of effort. You cannot learn the secret of the Unconquered Solar Sutra by study. Your power doesn't come from something which theoretically anyone could do if they had the opportunity to do so, the proper teachers and the requisite training from hell.

Rather, either you innately have powerful divine kung fu, and that power comes from a inscrutable blackbox of a selector algorithm or from who your parents are, or you don't, and can't get any. This is fine in and of itself, but it tells a very different story to, say, Legend of the Condor Heroes.

Exalted is a terrible wuxia game, for all it has Chinese aesthetics. Legends of the Wulin is a lot better for this. If you want to play specifically a wuxia game, you should probably look into that instead, it would be a lot less work thematically or mechanically.
The weird thing is despite that exalted spends inordinate amount effort talking about kung fu more or less straight.
The annoying thing is, Exalted's construction fundamentally doesn't mesh well with the core assumptions of wuxia. You don't achieve great power by investing great amounts of effort. You cannot learn the secret of the Unconquered Solar Sutra by study. Your power doesn't come from something which theoretically anyone could do if they had the opportunity to do so, the proper teachers and the requisite training from hell.

Rather, either you innately have powerful divine kung fu, and that power comes from a inscrutable blackbox of a selector algorithm or from who your parents are, or you don't, and can't get any. This is fine in and of itself, but it tells a very different story to, say, Legend of the Condor Heroes.

Exalted is a terrible wuxia game, for all it has Chinese aesthetics. Legends of the Wulin is a lot better for this. If you want to play specifically a wuxia game, you should probably look into that instead, it would be a lot less work thematically or mechanically.
Which is why someone should create a shard in which, through meditation, innate talent, hard work, and such, people are able to perceive the essence of the world around them and reshape their essence to resemble it.

Maybe I should try....
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The annoying thing is, Exalted's construction fundamentally doesn't mesh well with the core assumptions of wuxia. You don't achieve great power by investing great amounts of effort. You cannot learn the secret of the Unconquered Solar Sutra by study. Your power doesn't come from something which theoretically anyone could do if they had the opportunity to do so, the proper teachers and the requisite training from hell.

Rather, either you innately have powerful divine kung fu, and that power comes from a inscrutable blackbox of a selector algorithm or from who your parents are, or you don't, and can't get any. This is fine in and of itself, but it tells a very different story to, say, Legend of the Condor Heroes.

Exalted is a terrible wuxia game, for all it has Chinese aesthetics. Legends of the Wulin is a lot better for this. If you want to play specifically a wuxia game, you should probably look into that instead, it would be a lot less work thematically or mechanically.
Yeah, Exalted is, at best, xianxia, not wuxia.