Goddamn it, it's barely has to do with Exalted!

I just take some of the themes, charms, ideas, martial arts styles, artifacts, and magitech from Exalted. And the gunstar

So, a pratially refluffed Exalted. Like Heaven's Reach. Or Gunstar Autocthonia. Or one of the umpteen different homebrew settings that a group around a table comes up with.

Exalted does not have to be about a fallen world. It does not need bronze age aesthetics. What it needs are settings where the Great Man theory is true, where people get vast powers entirely through luck, where the first thing your players get told is "You just got handed the power to change the world. What do you change first?"

It doesn't matter if you're on a trireme* or a Seawolf-class SSN, you can sail circles around anybody else because you. Are. Exalted.
It doesn't matter if you're holding a sharpened wedge of wood with shark teeth embedded in it or a monomolecular sword, you can cut that which cannot be cut and block that which cannot be blocked because you. Are. Exalted.

*Insert Standard Trireme Rant Here
It's not only Domino, you can also use it to be fucking Hidan if you have a fast-healing Charm.
Just any old way of not giving a fuck about a physical effect that doesn't actually negate it.

Edit: Hell, there's room for an injury transference family of perfects cascading from it.
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Misery Loves Company

This has so many fun possibilities.

Imagine; you target yourself. Then, you walk through the banquet hall of some local lord, shaking hands and greeting people, until you've touched just about everyone there. You walk to the head of the hall. You offer a toast, "long live the king", and drink the poison in your glass. You shudder, but survive, while the hall is full of thuds as corpses hit the floor. Then comes the super-villain smirk, as you pluck the crown off the corpse it currently occupies and put it on your own head.

Simply wonderful.
verily, the cactus-fucker hath fucked up at fucking up, the fuck.

(10/10, would summon and refuse to bind Utprerak just to see what she'd do if given her parole)

Utprerak: "look just sign the damn contract"
Utprerak: "it's a business thing alright?"
Utprerak: "stop being weirdly nice you shitbag you're making the bookkeeping a lot harder"

You've really done it again, @TenfoldShields - I really love the biological/anatomical bent you've given Elloge's world-body, and the nuance of-

Hah! Yeah I guess. >>

Ah goddammit I feel like such a shitbag, I had Nalthusuhtlan open in a tab and meant to give feedback but I never got around to it and then forgot in the Holiday mess. I wanted to say that I sort of like how he (it? they?) nail the idea of being a tool and a miniboss. There's a weird fecundity function going on so if you're an asshole and want a quick demon cadre you can totally summon it to beef up your numbers. But if you want to fight it has appropriately weird conditions and a shared-body set up. It's got a clear idea of what it wants to be.

Though, honestly, given the nature of the Great Terror Worm it might be appropriate if things were reversed somewhat? A Stomach Bottle Bug chasing a Blood Ape, a minnow chasing a panicking shark, since there's an element of absurdity to the GTW's nature and that would be, like a strong visual indicator in a campaign that "this is something Odd, this is Out of Place" since a Blood Ape being an ass to a SBB just means that 9 times out of 10 the bug just drank all its booze when it wasn't looking and legged it.
Though, honestly, given the nature of the Great Terror Worm it might be appropriate if things were reversed somewhat? A Stomach Bottle Bug chasing a Blood Ape, a minnow chasing a panicking shark, since there's an element of absurdity to the GTW's nature and that would be, like a strong visual indicator in a campaign that "this is something Odd, this is Out of Place" since a Blood Ape being an ass to a SBB just means that 9 times out of 10 the bug just drank all its booze when it wasn't looking and legged it.
I actually like this idea, but remember that the "predator" half of Nalthusuhtlan isn't actually going to look like a blood ape - it's going to look like a burnt hole in space that follows the outline of a rampaging blood ape.

Unfortunately, adding in your idea would require me to significantly redo how the Hunter-Breeding Hart's Essence is transmitted to victims... :oops:
Hey @Sanctaphrax is there any way I could convince you to come up with a solar charm-tree for your Bureaucracy system? Or, work with me to make one?

I don't really feel like writing a Charm tree right now, but I'd be happy to help someone else make one. Some Charm ideas to start the process:

-Break the normal limits on haggling, convincing people to accept preposterous prices
-Write laws with impossible speed, without needing to consult stakeholders
-Basically read minds when sizing people up for delegation
-Restructure much more easily as long as you're making the organization more Solar-y
-Be supernaturally aware of your organization; for example, know each of your fifty thousand subjects as if they were friends of yours
-Make Solar-y imtiacies count for more on organization rolls
-Run an organization without putting in the normal hours, while adventuring or otherwise spending your time away from the office/throne

This forum has a vast oversupply of Worm fanfic. Much of it is bad.

Some forumites here would rather not see any more of it.
For the record, while people keep continually shooting you down on this, I still think you should pursue your ideas. Because every single creative venture is a worthwhile one, and even if nothing comes of it properly, it makes a perfectly fine stepping stone to something greater, provided you actually start on it and follow through to create Something, anything at all from that energy and enthusiasm. So don't let the needling you keep getting stand in the face of that.

That said, maybe not do it here, or ask this thread for any creative input. I say not because of some kind of haughty "we'll have none of your kind here thank you very much" attitude (I have no idea what Worm is, nor do I care to investigate further), but primarily because given this thread's reaction every time you've brought it up, as one creative mind to another I don't think you'll find the response or engagement necessary to make the whole project feel very fulfilling for you. Go out and find your receptive audience, I'm sure it exists somewhere and they'd be super-excited to help you out and see your materials, but I think the stonewalling shows this is not the thread for that.

Good luck though!
So what I'm getting from this is that the Outsider is a soul of the Ebon Dragon.

Well, let's see. He's a shadowy bastard with black eyes who shows up around coups, usurpations, and murders, and hands power to a mortal in the expectation that they'll use it to avenge themselves (although he's pleasantly surprised when they turn out to be more sophisticated in their cruelty and do things like "having their enemies' tongues cut out and then having them sold into slavery in their own mines").

He's certainly got some kind of link to Ol' Teddy.
And here I simply thought that it was the perfect hostage-taking charm. Combat wombat coming after your ass? Not when you pay a few motes and link yourself to his waifu and only son!

Bonus points for them dying earlier than you do because lol Exalted durability, driving your enemy into Limit Break for you to flee all the more easily!
And here I simply thought that it was the perfect hostage-taking charm. Combat wombat coming after your ass? Not when you pay a few motes and link yourself to his waifu and only son!

Bonus points for them dying earlier than you do because lol Exalted durability, driving your enemy into Limit Break for you to flee all the more easily!

That was the thought that went into "wait, you should totally be able to target yourself" as a clause being added. It's just so Ebon Dragon to make sure that if you try to kill him, your loved ones are going down too. And incentivises taking the enemy's loved ones as hostages, which is always behaviour I want to encourage for TED Charm users.

(Tying them to train tracks while twirling your moustache is optional, but highly recommended. Women can give a high pitched laugh instead of twirling their moustache, if they lack the capacity to grow one. Women with a moustache are still expected to twirl it)
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Well, let's see. He's a shadowy bastard with black eyes who shows up around coups, usurpations, and murders, and hands power to a mortal in the expectation that they'll use it to avenge themselves (although he's pleasantly surprised when they turn out to be more sophisticated in their cruelty and do things like "having their enemies' tongues cut out and then having them sold into slavery in their own mines").

He's certainly got some kind of link to Ol' Teddy.
Actually, I remember someone pointing out that it IS possible for Corvo to defeat the Regent and handle all the shit after that without ever calling upon the Outsider's powers by collecting whalebone runes or charms. In fact, you earn an achievement ("Mostly Flesh and Metal", since you still technically have Dark Vision if you do this) for doing so.

Thing is, the only way Corvo can pull it off is by painting the streets in blood, maxing the Chaos rating in every area with all the consequences that follow from that. Corvo can only achieve a (semi-)bloodless victory if he embraces the power of the Outsider.

The postulate made was that the Outsider doesn't give a shit about revenge. What he does is take people who are in a position to make interesting decisions, then offer them power to see what that does to their decision-making processes. The aforementioned slavery option interests him because it's different from what would have most likely happened without Corvo having supernatural powers - much like your average Solaroid, the Outsiders' chosen often find "what should I do" a more pertinent question than "what can I do", and the Outsider's main benefit from the whole thing is getting to see how they make use of what they've been given and whether it changes who they are.

In other words, I'd honestly say that the Outsider could work as a Second Circle soul to whichever Unquestionable represents the Ebon Dragon's love of doomed things, or (with a fair bit of twisting) act as inspiration for an Oramian SCD, who shows mortals the Beyond and watches to see how it warps them, and how their actions then warp Fate's schema in turn.*

* Mind you, the Oramian element is at least partially coming from how the Outsider's overriding motive is boredom, which in turn reminded me of the super-jadedness power in your Oramis charmset.
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Okay, working on the charmtree for Bureaucracy @Sanctaphrax . I'm starting by going through the canon charms and seeing what can be salvaged.

Frugal Merchant Method: As is
-Insightful Buyer Technique: As is. Allow repurchase to give multiple markets?
-Consumer Evaluating Glance: Maybe minor changes? With bargaining as a thing, it might need changes.
--Irresistible Salesman Spirit: As is.
---Soul Snaring Pitch: As is.
---Empowered Barter Stance: As is.
--All-Seeing Master Procurer: As is.
---Illimitable Master Fence: As is.
----Ungoverned Market Awareness: As is.
Deft Official's Way: Needs changes: Decreases Resistance and Secrecy?
-Measuring Glance: As is, adds ability to reveal an organization's stats.
--Enigmatic Bureau Understanding: Gives you ability to know when the Organization's Intimacies are challenged or defied.
-Speed the Wheels: Minor alterations at most.
--Bureau-Rectifying Method: Minor alterations.
---Bureau-Reforming Kata: As is.
----Woe-Capturing Web: As is. Remove from Core?
-----Omen-Spawning Beast: As is. Remove from Core?
------Infinitely Efficient Register: Minor Changes. Change Prereqs?
-Enlightened Discourse Method: Minor changes.
--Semantic Argument Technique: Removed.
---Eclectic Verbiage of Law: Minor Changes. Change prerequs?
----Subject-Hailing Ideology: Minor Changes
-Indolent Official Charm: Minor changes.
--Foul Air of Argument Technique: As is? Maybe minor changes.
---Taboo Inflicting Diatribe: Minor changes
----Order-Conferring Action: As is.

Now I just have to write some changes, and add in some new charms.
Misery Loves Company
Special; Mins: Enlightenment 8; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Shaping, Touch
Duration: One scene (Special)
Prerequisites: Life-Blighting Emptiness Attack

Pain shared is pain lessened; so says the Immaculate Order. The Shadow of All Things disagrees.

Upon touching a character, the warlock may activate this Charm. Unnoticeable threads of ophidian essence crawl into their skin, saturating their body. This does nothing on its own. However, when he uses this Charm upon a another character, the dark essence weaves itself together, linking the lives of the characters. Whenever one of the targets takes damage from a physical attack, or suffers a physical effect (such as Poison, Knockback, or environmental damage), as a Shaping effect all other characters with an equal or lower Enlightenment suffer the same damage or effect. For example, should the warlock link the lives of four mortal guards and a Terrestrial, severing the head of one of the guards will decapitate all the other guards, but will not harm the Terrestrial. On the other hand, if he shoves the Terrestrial to the ground, inflicting Knockdown, the mortal guards will also find themselves sprawling.
This kinda reminds me of a sidereal martial arts charm...... I think.
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There's even an option in Dishonoured 2 of turning down the Outsider and playing through the game without any of those fancy powers.
This Charm is free to use on the first target in a scene. Later uses cost the higher of one mote or twice the target's Enlightenment in motes. This Charm may not be voluntarily ended. It remains active until its duration expires, or every character who has been affected by it in the current scene is dead.

Also I'd think "It remains active until its duration expires, or every character under its effect in the current scene is Incapacitated from damage" would work better.

This lets you be Empress Emily Kaldwin The Unsubtle, She Of The Sleep Hug.