Lounging on a Hoard of Words
- Pronouns
- He/Him
Well, Dragonblooded have some conflicting influences there. You're not wrong that those are elements in their design, but they're also very much "What if all the fuss around nobility, around rightful rulers and divine right passed along from parent to child, etc was all actually true." And the idea of it being based on the heroism of your family, of the deeds of your ancestors reflecting on you and vice versa, fits right in there.
I'unno, I'm not super sold on that still I guess? It feels too much like taking a long, sorta strange, detour to get to a dinner party then getting there, like, ten minutes late while saying it's fine, it's fine Jesus Christ Karen, as you pull in. Like you're basically doing the same thing except kinda wonky and sorta worse. If you're going to make it family centered why not just straight up make it a bloodline thing. Y'know the stuff that binds every family together? And if you're not going to make it group-centered why have the whole emphasis on Gens and Houses as big, broad, and mostly stable-ish institutions to begin with?
It just doesn't gel for me as an outsider I guess. >>
Fair cop to the super soldiers bit, I guess I worded that kind of badly. I meant it more in the way that like...the DBs were never intended to run a society entirely by themselves when they were first conceived as a doodle on Autobot's sketchpad. But now they're in the position of having to do exactly that. And they're so they're going to do a good job in a fair number of respects but they're also make some weird decisions and sub-optimal choices. And they develop tics and flaws and follies along those lines.
One of my prof's had a really good bit during a lecture on Arthurian stuff: "Whatever makes your society work, one day it will make it not-work" (And yeah yeah I know it's not like political gospel exactly but it's a good line). And I sorta see the DB's as being in that kind of position. Like setting aside them as a critique of Divine Right of Kings/Great Chain of Being stuff (which I do admittedly like) I just sorta appreciate the idea that the things that made them so great in the first place are also steadily sabotaging their foundations.
I...good for you I guess?

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