Gems in the Wastes (Exalted/Warhammer Fantasy/CK2)

Next is Diplomacy! Here's hoping our bad luck from last turn doesn't follow us here!

First we have Linguistic Drift, in which we survey which languages are in use here in our homestead. No Heroes assigned to this action, so we'll just use Fumnanya's Diplomacy bonus, but at least the DC is low here.

DC 10
Roll Bonus: +11 (Fumnanya Diplomacy) = +11
Roll: 43 + 11 = 54, just short of a Notable Success.

An analysis of the languages spoken is completed, you'll get the full results later. Otherwise, the two most dominant tongues spoken among your people are Skytongue (which uses a simple runic schema for its written language) and Seatongue (which uses a combination of lines and dots that can convey a whole lot of meaning). There's a bit of Low Realm and High Realm as well thanks to trade with the Realm.

Our next action is the Docks. It's going to be pretty difficult to pull off, but assuming you don't critically fail you won't waste the resources. Let's see how you do.

DC 50
Roll Bonus: +11 (Fumnanya Diplomacy) + 10 (Omake Bonus) = +21
Roll: 88 + 21 = 109, Notable Success!

The docks are constructed, which will help with your fishing operation greatly. It will also help when launching other boats into the water. There is a space available to build a shipyard in, which will reduce the DC of all boat building actions by 10 once constructed.

EDIT: Added in Omake Bonus and effects.
Critian Caceorte threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: 1st Diplomacy Action Total: 43
43 43
Critian Caceorte threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: 2nd Diplomacy Action Total: 88
88 88
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Stewardship is here, its resource time. We're starting off with a doozy in farming. Honestly, I was surprised no one took the warmer weather action to lower the DC, but I guess I must not have advertised that well that the benefit of that action had been altered. In any case, let's see how you do.

DC 60
Roll Bonus: +12 (Milosen's Stewardship) = +12
Roll: 4 + 12 = 17, Failure. Thankfully this was neither a personal action, nor suffering from the Overwork penalty, so no crit fail here. They just couldn't find suitable enough land in time.

Actually, with how small the homestead is likely to be in the grand scheme of things, finding available farmland in the safe territory might be a bit difficult. I'll have to think on that later.

Next is our freshwater, hopefully that will turn out much better.

DC 15/25/35
Roll Bonus: +12 (Milosen's Stewardship) +6 (Abioye's Learning) +10 (Spell Synergy) = +28
Roll: 63 + 28 = 91, 3rd threshold passed and Notable Success! Abioye not only pulled water from a stone, she pulled so much water that it counts as 2/5 of a unit instead of 1! That girl is doing her job damn well (as opposed to dam well, which would have the opposite effect).
Critian Caceorte threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: 1st Stewardship Action Total: 4
4 4
Critian Caceorte threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: 2nd Stewardship Action Total: 63
63 63
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Stewardship is here, its resource time. We're starting off with a doozy in farming. Honestly, I was surprised no one took the warmer weather action to lower the DC, but I guess I must not have advertised that well that the benefit of that action had been altered. In any case, let's see how you do.

For the record, as the plan-maker, it was more a dearth of sorcerers (well, specifically, the really high difficulty of warming for people other than Sango) and wanting to get the farms started early. The odds were still pretty decent, at a 53% chance of success. It didn't pan out, but with a 4 on the die I don't think waiting for one or two warming actions would've helped...
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Up next is Intrigue. These are going to be some of the most important actions this turn, so hopefully they turn out fine. Our first action is Scouting the enemy army, using Fuvor to spy from his little boat how things are going.

DC 20
Roll Bonus: 13 (Ekundayo's Intrigue) + 7 (Fuvor's Intrigue) = +20
Roll: 5 + 20 = 25, success. You'll only be getting some basic information sadly, in this case what the commander's tent looks like in case you want to try for some assassination during the battle prep. You still don't know anything about the commander though, or whoever is trying to control the hydra.

Next is building a jail, which should be simple enough. With any luck, you'll keep those prisoners contained for a while.

DC 20
Roll Bonus: 13 (Ekundayo's Intrigue) = +13
Roll: 46 + 13 = 59, success! It will now be more difficult for your prisoners to break free this turn and for the future.

Finally, our most challenging action yet, finding out a way to subdorn the Hydra. One thing I should specify here: You won't be taking control of the hydra with this UNTIL the day of/night before the actual battle. This is just all of the prepwork needed to ensure that the actual domination will go smoothly. And, because you aim to take control of it forever, the DC is going to be much higher compared to before, since this is Solar Circle stuff and Sango isn't initiated into that Circle yet.

DC 50/60/70 + 20 (Out-of-Circle) = DC 70/80/90
Roll Bonus: 13 (Ekundayo's Intrigue) + 17 (Sango's Learning) = +30
Roll: 4 + 30 = 34, just barely not a critical fail. Unfortunately, you do not come up with a way to control the hydra by the time the fight comes to your doorstep. At least you didn't make things worse...
Critian Caceorte threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: 1st Intrigue Action Total: 5
5 5
Critian Caceorte threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: 2nd Intrigue Action Total: 46
46 46
Critian Caceorte threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: 3rd Intrigue Action Total: 4
4 4
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After that poor showing for Intrigue, let's hope that Piety goes better.

First, we'll be praying to our new god to see how he feels about blessing us. We're in his favor at the moment, so the DC should be achievable, so let's see how we do.

DC 20
Roll Bonus: 10 (Chinasa Piety) = +10
Roll: 96 + 10 = 106, Notable Success! Almost a Nat 100 there, woo. Ulric is more than willing to bless your army to defend against a greater foe, especially with as little technology as you have. All Martial Actions this turn reduce their DC by 15 instead of 10. This doesn't change anything regarding the actions we've already rolled for, but it does provide some benefits during the mini-turn battle, as our units will gain a +15 bonus instead to their actions.

Up next is asking the Elementals for their aid in the fight. Let's hope they'll follow Ulric's example and go in with open arms.

DC 40
Roll Bonus: 10 (Chinasa Piety) = +10
Roll: 5 + 10 = 15, failure. Unfortunately, they're a bit too worried about what might happen if they were to die in this strange land to be willing to put their lives on the line.
Critian Caceorte threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: 1st Piety Action Total: 96
96 96
Critian Caceorte threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: 2nd Piety Action Total: 5
5 5
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Roll: 4 + 30 = 34, just barely not a critical fail. Unfortunately, you do not come up with a way to control the hydra by the time the fight comes to your doorstep. At least you didn't make things worse...

Ah. Well, it was worth a shot. I'll note that the DCs should have been higher here, since we aimed for full control. This note is mainly so we don't spend Omake Rewards here, which would be tempting if it would make it succeed. But because the DC is higher, it would not.
Piety was a mixed bag as well, so let's see how Learning does. I'm actually going to do the House of Healing first since it will benefit Medical Aid this turn.

DC 20
Roll Bonus: 9 (Taiwo's Learning) + 9 (Nkiru's Learning) = +18
Roll: 51 + 18 = 69, again, just 1 off from a notable success! Wow your luck isn't the greatest this turn. Well, the hospital is built, it lowers the DC for Medical Aid by 10.

Speaking of which, Medical Aid. With its DC lowered, it should help to staunch the bleeding you're going to suffer this turn with your troops. I might need to rework its mechanics in the future, but for now I'll go with our current version.

DC 20 - 10 (House of Healing) = 10
Roll Bonus: 9 (Taiwo's Learning) + 9 (Nkiru's Learning) = +18
Roll: 51 AGAIN? ...You know what, that's going to be a Notable Success already, I might as well give an additional bonus for the doubles.

So, your troops not only forgo any long-term injuries after the fights this turn, but they've also picked up on rudimentary First Aid for themselves! This lowers the threshold for all battles in the future to be without unit loss by 5 (from 25 over to 20 over). That gives you more of a margin when dealing with so many fights.
Critian Caceorte threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: 1st Learning Action Total: 51
51 51
Critian Caceorte threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: 2nd Learning Action Total: 51
51 51
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Roll: 96 + 10 = 116, Notable Success!

Doesn't change anything, but this roll would be 'only' 106. Still a notable success, still not a crit, but my OCD demands I note this.

So, your troops not only forgo any long-term injuries after the fights this turn, but they've also picked up on rudimentary First Aid for themselves! This lowers the threshold for all battles in the future to be without unit loss by 5 (from 25 over to 20 over). That gives you more of a margin when dealing with so many fights.

Oooh. That's really good.
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Alright, Mining. I probably should have done this before any of the building actions, just because you kind of need the resources this would generate to construct everything this turn, but here's a solution: If you fail the resource creation, I will simply lock it in as an action next turn, putting you in effective "debt" that needs to be paid off. We'll just say that you scrounged so much for stone that you had to go around with a stone tax for your people, as funny as that might sound.

Let's start with the stone action first.

DC 30/40/50
Roll Bonus: 10 (Songbird's Combat) + 7 (Student's Learning) = 17
Roll: 68 + 17 = 85, success! We don't have to worry about debt plans, you summon up all of the resources you needed.

Next is the iron mine in our homestead. Should be simple enough, since our people have an entire Miner's Guild among them.

DC 10
Roll Bonus: 10 (Songbird's Combat) + 10 (Omake Bonus) = +20
Roll: 99 + 20 = 119, CRITICAL SUCCESS! Not only did you get the iron ore extracted this turn, but it turns out to be a larger and purer vein of the stuff than you expected. Once the smitheries have been set up, this easy-to-refine ore will produce enough ore for +2 Iron each turn, as opposed to +1. In addition, there is another tunnel yet to be explored, which could lead to yet more minerals. Reduces the DC of the final Ground Survey action by 20 (60 -> 40).

EDIT: Added in Omake Bonus and effects.
Critian Caceorte threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: 1st Mining Action Total: 68
68 68
Critian Caceorte threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: 2nd Mining Action Total: 99
99 99
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Finally, we have our demon summoning. Since we're summoning a Size 2 group of Blood Apes, that increases the DC from 30 to 50. Hopefully Sango can pull it off.

DC 30 + 20 (Size 2) = 50
Roll Bonus: 17 (Sango Learning) = +17
Roll: 92 + 17 = 109, Notable Success! Thanks to some clever wording, Sango was able to make it so that the Blood Apes will only harm the elves (and the forces they use) while under his command, ensuring that there are no accidental maiming of his side's troops.
Critian Caceorte threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Demon Summoning Total: 92
92 92
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That's all of our actions this turn, but we have 3 rolls left: Bonus, Breakout and Fishing. Well, and our Exaltation rolls, can't forget those.

First, our bonus roll: 18, something negative for Turn 4. Not good.
Penalty Type: 2, Diplomacy. Well, we haven't been doing so well on that front lately, so that makes sense.

I'll need to come up with what that means later. Next, we have our Prisoner's attempting to break out. This will benefit from the jail we built this turn, so the DC goes from 50 to 60.

Breakout DC: 60
Roll Penalty: 13 (Ekundayo's Intrigue) = -13
Roll: 13 - 13 = 0, Total Failure! The Prisoners make no moves whatsoever to break out, maybe the slaves have been conditioned this way? As for the slave mistresses, who knows.

For fishing, we have enough boats to fish 1 time this turn. The DC for the roll is CURRENTLY 20, but it might go up in worse conditions. Let's hope that won't happen.

DC 20
Roll: 68, success, 1/5 of a unit of Food generated. I'm going to need to start tracking these in fractions now, aren't I...

Finally, Exaltation. We have 2 Candidates from among the Elderly to test, and we shall see how things go. The Elderly have a difficult time Exalting, to say the least. They suffer a -20 penalty to their rolls to Exalt, the lower the result, the likelier they are to straight up die. The current DC is 50.

DC 50
Roll Penalty: 20 (Poor Health) = -20
Rolls: 78, 91 - 20 = 58, 71, surprisingly they both pass! The number of Sovereign Exalted has increased from 5 to 7!

In the future, if you get enough Exaltations going, I might just create generic groups of them, but for these 2 I figured making them Heroes is all fine and dandy. But before we get to rolling what they might be like, we have to test the Fount's Stability.

Currently, the Fount of Glories is NOT situated in a proper place, imposing a -10 to its rolls to avoid harm. The DC to pass is 10, and there will be 1 roll per Exaltation. If 1 of these rolls fail, then the Fount will suffer Minor Damage, increasing the future Stability DC to 20, but it can be repaired with time and worship. If both of them fail, then that will cause Medium Damage, increasing the DC to 30, and it will have a negative effect on all future Exaltation rolls.

DC 10
Roll Penalty: 10 (Poor Situation) = -10
Rolls: 3, 50 - 10 = -7, 43, one failure. The Fount has suffered MINOR Damage. Future Stability DC increased to 20.

This can be fixed, but it's still a problem. For now, let's find out what our new Heroes are best at, and what they are worst at.

Best Stat: Huh, Combat for both of them? Alright then, these must be some of your retired soldiers.
Worst Stat: Woops, did d7 instead of d6 here. Redoing, one of them is Diplomacy, and the other is Learning.
Aspect: Diamond and Sapphire.
Gender: Diamond is Male, Sapphire is Female.
2nd Best Stats: Stewardship and Piety
Personality Bonus: Diplomacy for the Diamond (so I guess he's not THAT bad at it) and Intrigue for the Sapphire.

And that is officially everything! Sorry for concentrating all of this onto one post, just wanted to finish things up here.
Critian Caceorte threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Bonus Roll Total: 18
18 18
Critian Caceorte threw 1 8-faced dice. Reason: Penalty Type Total: 2
2 2
Critian Caceorte threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Prisoner Breakout Total: 13
13 13
Critian Caceorte threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Fishing Roll Total: 68
68 68
Critian Caceorte threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Exaltation Total: 169
78 78 91 91
Critian Caceorte threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Fount Stability Total: 53
3 3 50 50
Critian Caceorte threw 2 7-faced dice. Reason: Best Stat Total: 14
7 7 7 7
Critian Caceorte threw 2 7-faced dice. Reason: Worst Stat Total: 14
7 7 7 7
Critian Caceorte threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Worst Stat Take 2 Total: 8
2 2 6 6
Critian Caceorte threw 2 5-faced dice. Reason: Aspect Total: 6
1 1 5 5
Critian Caceorte threw 2 3-faced dice. Reason: Gender of characters Total: 3
1 1 2 2
Critian Caceorte threw 2 5-faced dice. Reason: 2nd-Best Stat Total: 7
2 2 5 5
Critian Caceorte threw 2 7-faced dice. Reason: Personality Bonus Total: 6
2 2 4 4
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Now where to put my +10...? Thoughts anyone.

There are a lot of opportunities to turn notable successes into critical successes (or ordinary successes into notable ones). That said, if it's an option, the 3 we rolled on Font stability is by far the worst thing to happen this turn, so improving that would be great.

EDIT: Wait, never mind, the Font Roll wouldn't be helped by a +10. Sad. That being the case, the Docks, House of Healing, and Mine would all get upgraded if a +10 was applied.
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If you want, you can also combine your Omake Bonuses together @DragonParadox and @theflyingbiscuit . That might help with some of the other rolls, though I might need to double check on that.

EDIT: By my count, a double up will help with the Jail, Ulric's Roll, the Stone, and the scouting.

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If you want, you can also combine your Omake Bonuses together @DragonParadox and @theflyingbiscuit . That might help with some of the other rolls, though I might need to double check on that.

This would make the Font not get damaged. Which seems really good if possible.

EDIT: Oh, does that not work? Ah I said above, the Mines, Dock, and Healing House would all benefit from a +10.
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@Critian Caceorte I'll put my omake bonus on the Iron mine to get it over that next threshold.
Alright, with that last +10, the roll gets high enough for a Critical Success. In this case, in the Iron Mine a tunnel was discovered which is unexplored and might lead to more resources. This lowers the DC for the final Ground Survey attempt by 20.
one thing I've been wondering is...when are they gonna notice that they aren't on a flat world anymore? That ships sink below the horizon hull-first, and that the distant towers only have their tops visible, not their foundations?
one thing I've been wondering is...when are they gonna notice that they aren't on a flat world anymore? That ships sink below the horizon hull-first, and that the distant towers only have their tops visible, not their foundations?

I'm actually not sure if Creation has a horizon? It's a weird place and there being a God of Horizons who just makes one exist seems plausible.
I'm actually not sure if Creation has a horizon? It's a weird place and there being a God of Horizons who just makes one exist seems plausible.
If you have an unobstructed view then you can see the Imperial Mountain from any point in Creation, this is actually a method of determining if you are still in Creation and haven't entered the Wyld proper yet.
Ulric is more than willing to bless your army to defend against a greater foe, especially with as little technology as you have.
Notably, Ulric doesn't give a single wet shit about "Technology", what he cares about if that you only use weapons and armor( or other things) that you personally made or forged.
He wouldn't care if you used a machine gun, if you somehow managed to personally make every piece and assembled it by hand...including the ammo. (although, granted, iirc he does have a bias of melee combat over ranged)
His major hangup is Self-Reliance.
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