Critian Caceorte
Currently Suffering from Space-Time Narcolepsy
- Location
- Washington State
Next is Diplomacy! Here's hoping our bad luck from last turn doesn't follow us here!
First we have Linguistic Drift, in which we survey which languages are in use here in our homestead. No Heroes assigned to this action, so we'll just use Fumnanya's Diplomacy bonus, but at least the DC is low here.
DC 10
Roll Bonus: +11 (Fumnanya Diplomacy) = +11
Roll: 43 + 11 = 54, just short of a Notable Success.
An analysis of the languages spoken is completed, you'll get the full results later. Otherwise, the two most dominant tongues spoken among your people are Skytongue (which uses a simple runic schema for its written language) and Seatongue (which uses a combination of lines and dots that can convey a whole lot of meaning). There's a bit of Low Realm and High Realm as well thanks to trade with the Realm.
Our next action is the Docks. It's going to be pretty difficult to pull off, but assuming you don't critically fail you won't waste the resources. Let's see how you do.
DC 50
Roll Bonus: +11 (Fumnanya Diplomacy) + 10 (Omake Bonus) = +21
Roll: 88 + 21 = 109, Notable Success!
The docks are constructed, which will help with your fishing operation greatly. It will also help when launching other boats into the water. There is a space available to build a shipyard in, which will reduce the DC of all boat building actions by 10 once constructed.
EDIT: Added in Omake Bonus and effects.
First we have Linguistic Drift, in which we survey which languages are in use here in our homestead. No Heroes assigned to this action, so we'll just use Fumnanya's Diplomacy bonus, but at least the DC is low here.
DC 10
Roll Bonus: +11 (Fumnanya Diplomacy) = +11
Roll: 43 + 11 = 54, just short of a Notable Success.
An analysis of the languages spoken is completed, you'll get the full results later. Otherwise, the two most dominant tongues spoken among your people are Skytongue (which uses a simple runic schema for its written language) and Seatongue (which uses a combination of lines and dots that can convey a whole lot of meaning). There's a bit of Low Realm and High Realm as well thanks to trade with the Realm.
Our next action is the Docks. It's going to be pretty difficult to pull off, but assuming you don't critically fail you won't waste the resources. Let's see how you do.
DC 50
Roll Bonus: +11 (Fumnanya Diplomacy) + 10 (Omake Bonus) = +21
Roll: 88 + 21 = 109, Notable Success!
The docks are constructed, which will help with your fishing operation greatly. It will also help when launching other boats into the water. There is a space available to build a shipyard in, which will reduce the DC of all boat building actions by 10 once constructed.
EDIT: Added in Omake Bonus and effects.
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