Game of the Year: A Naruto Quest

[X] You may not like one of them, but you have a team now. You should make the best of it. Go find Kiba and Mariko, and have lunch.​
[X] Ino does not look happy. She needs you now. Go find her before she gets too far away.

Eh, I am on the fence about this or going to lunch with the new team. On one hand we have been focusing Ino pretty hard, on the other it's pretty coldblooded to just ignore your best friend's freakout and move on. Guess I'll go this way.

Also Team 7 gets 2 special eyes? How is that fair? Split those eyes up!

Naruto better develop some Kyuubi eyes or something just to fit in on his team.
I mean...the Kyūbi's chakra does turn his eyes red.
[X] You may not like one of them, but you have a team now. You should make the best of it. Go find Kiba and Mariko, and have lunch.
[X] You may not like one of them, but you have a team now. You should make the best of it. Go find Kiba and Mariko, and have lunch.

Well, all caught up now, boy this looks like fun.

Game of the year, god that brings back memories, going to have to go reread that.
Huh, wasn't expecting the team placements...that's gonna cause some tension in the future.

I don't think we've had negative interactions with Kiba so Mariko is the only issue.

Honestly it might lead down to a more unique route for character development. Most Naruto fiction shows teams as being almost family to each other, it would be interesting to have it be a strictly professional relationship.

Our team is our team and we'll practice teamwork, train with each other and treat them civilly but there's nothing saying they need to be our friends. Daisuke only needs to keep calm and let Mariko's aggression get her into trouble. (Which I feel fits his reserved personality and is a bit of a fuck you to whoever designed the team)

I don't know what kind of time there would be between us graduating and reaching Chunin which would give us the freedom to drop the team.

[X] Ino does not look happy. She needs you now. Go find her before she gets too far away.
I'm worried Mariko might try to Frag us in our sleep.

Also Kuranai is probably the least qualified Jounin out of all the Canon Instructors. We got boned hard on team assignments
Well, at least kurenai should provide narrative reason for our genjutsu to reach master and beyond since spam XP only cap it at elite which we already reach. She's also should be better than some random generice OC jounin we never heard off like that inuzuka sensei in sakura team. Like, there's only 2 other canon jounin left anyway and kakashi might just decide to not teach us anything aside from random basic if we actually got him.

As for mariko, we'll probably just keep doing D rank shit for a while. It's mostly in village odd job anyway and we won't be camping out with her. I think the only canon mission team 7 have is wave mission, then it's chuunin exam. Mariko could die during the invasion and even if she survive, the aftermath probably have us split to do village recovery job due to manpower shortage, so minimal contact with her.

Edit: Canon jounin that doesn't have other important roles or being a clan head then. Shikaku is jounin commander and nara clan head, so having him become jounin sensei who have to take some rookie genin away from village is weird. Ibiki also a tokubetsu Jounin, not full Jounin, as well as Hayate, Anko, Genma, Ebisu.
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Well, at least kurenai should provide narrative reason for our genjutsu to reach master and beyond since spam XP only cap it at elite which we already reach. She's also should be better than some random generice OC jounin we never heard off like that inuzuka sensei in sakura team. Like, there's only 2 other canon jounin anyway and kakashi might just decide to not teach us anything aside from random basic if we actually got him.

There's more than 2 other canon Jounin. Gai, Asuma, Kakashi, Ibiki, Shikaku just to name a few

Genjutsu is the only thing Kuranai has, and we only ever see her used a few of them over and over again, so it isn't like she has a wide selection.
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[X] You may not like one of them, but you have a team now. You should make the best of it. Go find Kiba and Mariko, and have lunch.
[x] You may not like one of them, but you have a team now. You should make the best of it. Go find Kiba and Mariko, and have lunch.

Best to just get it over with. Going to Ino would just antagonize Mariko more.
[X] You may not like one of them, but you have a team now. You should make the best of it. Go find Kiba and Mariko, and have lunch.
[X] You may not like one of them, but you have a team now. You should make the best of it. Go find Kiba and Mariko, and have lunch.
As a general question do people feel that it's necessary to be friends with our teammates? It would certainly make things easier but these are just people we work with.

And if there are team conflict issues who is responsible for fixing it? Individual team members or the Sensei? Are there punishments for poor team cohesion?
[X] You may not like one of them, but you have a team now. You should make the best of it. Go find Kiba and Mariko, and have lunch.
[X] You may not like one of them, but you have a team now. You should make the best of it. Go find Kiba and Mariko, and have lunch.
Quick note on this: in VesQuest, to be a jounin, at least a Konoha Jounin, you have to be more then good. 'Good' is for SpecJo. A full-fledged Jounin is a master of many skills, a leader of the village, and is such a certified badass that they have an actual certificate that they have to keep nailed to a wall less it try and fight other, lesser paperwork. Any Jounin is incredible. If one's known as a Genjutsu specialist, that just means their Genjutsu is terrifying, not that any of their other skills are less so.

Where did he say that? I must have missed it. . .

Here ya go. Canon Kurenai might've been unqualified to teach us, but here, she'll be a full Jounin with all that entails.
My take on this - Ino landing on InoShikaCho team is mostly work of Inoichi, who certainly did not want his princess on the same team as us.

The Mariko thing... if I am optimistic, it is to see if we have leadership potential.
We are rookie of the year, they know we have the potential and dedication to become a really powerful ninja. But in a position of leadership, you always, at some point, have to work with people you can't stand. You still have to do it, and do it well.

So, as I see it, this is a new test, or quest in our case.
To become a de facto leader of our team, and to, at least, achieve neutral relations with Mariko.
I'm worried Mariko might try to Frag us in our sleep.

Also Kuranai is probably the least qualified Jounin out of all the Canon Instructors. We got boned hard on team assignments

Then we should probably thank god that this is not canon. Ves has personally stated that every Jonin in this quest is a badass inlcuding Kurenai. Everyone of them averages at the Jonin level of skill (Elite).

Quick note on this: in VesQuest, to be a jounin, at least a Konoha Jounin, you have to be more then good. 'Good' is for SpecJo. A full-fledged Jounin is a master of many skills, a leader of the village, and is such a certified badass that they have an actual certificate that they have to keep nailed to a wall less it try and fight other, lesser paperwork. Any Jounin is incredible. If one's known as a Genjutsu specialist, that just means their Genjutsu is terrifying, not that any of their other skills are less so.

edit...yeah someone else was faster -.-