As Tokei holds you over his shoulder not unlike a sack of potatoes you have a long moment to make a choice. A few seconds where you could wriggle and act, attract attention, and see what would happen. Your thoughts race… and you decide to do nothing. It's not like you could really do anything after all; you're half a year old. So not making waves is probably the smart choice.
Tokei spins at the newcomers orders and nods at the old lady- Umo, you think it was- and marches out of the house like a soldier on parade. The samurai take up positions throughout your home, two by the door, two by the stairs. Your last view of the newcomer is him walking up the stairs- presumably towards Mom's room.
The front door closes behind you, letting you into the village outside your house for the first time since your arrival. Where before Konoha bustled with life and activity, it now feels like the husk of a once bustling metropolis. There's no one on the street in either direction whatsoever. Sounds of life persist, but you can't see what's causing them.
Even the air feels strange. While it isn't as heavy and infused with terror as it was during Kyuubi's attack some traces of the Bijuu's wrath linger. It's like a heavy blanket that's pushing down on you at all times.
One thing that hasn't changed is the energy that thrums in the air. It still heightens your senses just by stepping into it. And while you've grown more accustomed to it as the weeks have passed you're still not completely used to the way every smell is a dozen times sharper, from the smoke to the dust in the air. The way your eyes can pick out details that you never would have been able to before. From the way your ears hear a still crackling blaze somewhere in the distance and a woman letting out a squeal of delight from much closer.
Wait- you didn't need any help to hear that last one. You glance up to see both Tokei and Umo eyeing Mom's bedroom window. "Ah, puppy love," Umo muses fondly. "One day they'll out grow it, but it's good to see while it lasts, neh?"
Tokei doesn't seem to agree. He growls and puts you down, letting you walk on your own two feet while he holds you by the wrist. Your… guard?... starts down the street without another word, dragging you in his wake and forcing Umo to hustle to catch up.
The further you get from your home the more apparent the battle scars become. Here a broken down building, there a pile of stone that used to be a statue, over there a suspiciously dark stain that Tokei takes care to keep you away from. The foul energy grows stronger the more destruction there there is, making your senses go haywire.
You hack out a cough against the dark air, a wracking thing that feels like it's going to take your lungs with it. Umo eyes you steadily. "Is that normal?" she asks.
"He's still growing accustomed to the chakra rich air of the environment," Tokei growls out. "It is to be expected."
"That is all?" Umo presses. "No weak constitution? No health issues? I've read that an inferior immune system is not at all uncommon when a child is relocated so suddenly. And-"
"No," Tokei utters again. "He is growing more accustomed to it. That is all." The words are heavy and final sounding, like they're punctuating the end of a sentence that will accept nothing else after it. Umo certainly takes it as such; she drops the line of questioning entirely.
Instead she changes the subject by gesturing as the rubble you're walking around. "Were you here for this?" she asks.
Tokei shakes his head. "No. I was utilized differently. The Jonin Commander seemed eager to keep me out of direct confrontation with the beast. It was no surprise; my skill were not the proper fit for that kind of conflict."
"Oh? And how were you 'utilized'?"
"Primarily in evacuation and damage control," he continues. Your tiny legs, still not used to so much walking, start to flag. Tokei scoops you up absentmindedly and resumes carrying you half over his shoulder. "I was tasked with seeking out noncombatants who were unable or unwilling to flee their homes and removing them from the theatre."
"People were," Umo says slowly, "unwilling to leave their homes during the incident?"
"Some were. They tended to be those who had dwelled within the same walls for generations. I had several that believed that as long as they were within their walls, nothing would cause them harm, and still others who believed that if their home was destroyed that they should go with it. They were irritating, but provided no difficulty."
"Aside from that I put out fires, stopped unauthorized combatants from joining the fray, and made things as easy as I could for the shinobi who were doing battle."
Umo accepts the report with a dignified nod as she lifts the hem of her dress to keep it away from the dust. "Which reminds me… where are the Shinobi? From the tales in Inkuru, one should be able to walk through Konoha without stumbling into a dozen of them."
"Then the stories from the capital are correct," Tokei replies. "On a normal day I would expect to have already seen at least one Shinobi if not a gaggle of them. But as I'm certain you can understand, these are not normal days. You have, I presume, heard the stories of what happened to the Hokage?"
"Indeed. He used a forbidden technique to destroy the Bijuu if I recall, and paid for it with his own life."
Tokei snorts. "If that's all there is to the story then I will be quite surprised. But the one kernel of truth I'm sure is there is that the man is dead. A shame; he seemed quite personable the few times I had reason to meet with him. But with their leader deceased there is likely chaos in the shinobi ranks as his possible successors quibble over the seat. I suspect that those who aren't handling the damage directly in the streets are handling the void left in the bureaucracy as best they can. Those that are doing neither are likely abroad, projecting the village's strength as best they can."
Umo looks like she wants to ask more questions but stops short as the three of you pass another pair of people walking in the opposite direction. As you press on down the street, the air starts to lighten and the normal chakra gets thicker, holding back Kyuubi's remnants. People start to get more common; not as many as before, but more than the ghost town you were in before.
Your guard takes the opportunity to change the subject. "So, is there news from home?"
"Nothing pressing," the older woman answers. "Lady Imagawa is attempting to settle the court after the unpleasantness of last year. The rumors and gossip have been beyond imagination but she's finally grasping the reins. But I do bring word from your sister."
"Oh?" Tokei prompts delicately.
"She sends congratulations on your new posting even though she will miss you terribly. And she is pregnant with her third- if it is a boy, it will likely be named in your honor."
"She has given me more than enough honor," Tokei answers. "I need not the gesture."
"She suspected you would say as such, which is why she also told me to tell you, and I quote, 'It is done, and not up for debate'."
Tokei seems moved by the gesture. He doesn't talk for a long moment. Umo walks steadily by his side as he recollects himself, breaking the silence only to exchange pleasantries with other people on the side of the road. It takes minutes for him to be able to talk without his voice being choked up with pride. "That sounds like her."
"It should," Umo answer primly. "As I said, it was a direct quote. Now, enough of that. We've been walking for quite some time. That might be well for a strapping young warrior such as yourself but these weary bones require rest. Is there a place we could sit?"
"Of course." Tokei leads the way a few blocks further before turning. The buildings around you grow smaller, going from multiple story complexes to one floor dwellings before finally ceasing to exist entirely. A green, lush meadow takes their place, stretching out for at least a mile. Small benches dot it, on which people are sitting and relaxing.
Tokei leads you into it, and a gong sounds in your mind. The scrawl begins to sound in your ears. "You have discovered the Oasis: Three League Park! Oasis' are special areas that are scattered throughout 'Elemental'. Combat may not be initiated inside of an Oasis. Relationship changes within an Oasis are doubled. Experience gained within an Oasis is multiplied by 1.5. You may not enter an Oasis if you are already engaged in combat. This Oasis has been marked on your map!"
That certainly seems useful.
Tokei and Umo go straight for one of the benches, and the older woman settles herself down on the wood gratefully. You squirm a little and Tokei obligingly lets you down. You plop down and don't move as you take the Oasis in. The air in here feels different, welcoming, refreshing. You can see how it got it's name.
But you can't let your mind linger on that for now. Instead you let it linger on the mechanical explanation you just got. Lack of combat seems great, and so does boosted experience and relationship changes- but is that last one both positive and negative? You'd have to assume so.
You should test that out. There are people surrounding Umo's new resting spot, people you won't have to see every day. You should go up to one of them and introduce yourself as best you can. Make a new friend or enemy, and quickly; Umo won't want to rest here forever.
Please select the following in Plan Format!
Who do you go up to?
[] A pair of new mothers sitting with their strollers on a bench. From the markings that covers the strollers, you'd guess there're a couple of newborn clan heirs in there.
[] The boy and girl genin that are clearing debris from the edge of the Oasis. The girl has red eyes and long hair getting in her way, and the boy seems to have lung issues, but both of them are working hard.
[] The genin aged girl sitting on her own, playing a game with a stick on her knuckles. She's focusing on it to the extent of everything else; even the snake coiling around her arm is barely acknowledged.
[] The… pack of dogs? There's a pack of dogs. They're just… roaming. And being dogs. And is that one talking?! You gotta get in on this.
How do you approach them?
[] You'll walk up and smile. You're a toddler after all. It's your strong suit.
[] You'll point and laugh at whatever it is they're doing.
[] You'll try and help with whatever it is they're doing.
[] Write-In