Game of the Year: A Naruto Quest

So earlier we were talking about Daisuke possibly wearing a mask, with me suggesting a samurai style war mask.

So I decided to see what that would look like.

Hope it turned out okay :)

Wow! That's bloody intimidating , I think the combination of the hood and mask really emphasise his eyes, making them look even more piercing.

Good job man! This is cool!
Bunshin, why not? by DerHesse
"And perhaps you could learn any jutsu that doesn't revolve around your dummies. We could both stand to branch out I suppose."
You couldn't leave this comment alone. It somehow stuck with you over the whole day.
The sun already gone, sitting cross-legged in your backyard, you knew you wouldn't be able to sleep without resolving something.

What bothered you the most was the fact that this was true.
Despite your skills and prowess, you became something of a one-trick-pony, beating your competition with overwhelming force. This just simply wouldn't do.

Slowly an idea was forming, you were … limited … in your techniques.
As long as you were an academy student chances to change that would be slim.
But maybe the root of your problem, the reason why you couldn't sleep, might actually be the solution, too.

Yui pushed the Kawarimi no Jutsu well past its usual limitations and proved a broader use even for the Academy Three in the hands of someone dedicated.

In a lecture a few weeks back Sensei Iruka tried to prove, that with the right dedication to chakra control nothing could be impossible.
Pointing out that with just his masterful control the Yondaime was able to create his famously devastating Rasengan. This wasn't however what got your attention.
It was his little side note about Shape Manipulation.

To quote: Shape transformation is an advanced form of chakra control that involves changing the form and movement of chakra, determining the size, range, and purpose of a technique.

Even with his above average sense he could tell, that his control despite his healthy reserves was well above that of his peers, notable exceptions notwithstanding.

Flashing through the hand-seals for the Bunshin, channeling the perfect amount of chakra he saw his creation instantly take form.
Even with the perfect visuals and the lack of sunlight the fact that it was just a Bunshin was instantly recognizable. He couldn't help the frown.

Even the most exhausted genin would be able to tell the difference in a split-second.

The technique was too obvious, the surprise factor almost non-existent. This he had to change.
His opponent shouldn't be able to see his technique coming until it's too late.

determining the size, range, and purpose of a technique.

He closed his eyes. Concentrating, his chakra was ready like a sword in its sheath, waiting to be drawn forth.
He started the same hand-seals slower, more careful, visualizing the path of his chakra and its destination.
There, opening his eyes he saw no difference yet , but he felt his technique take effect.

Slowly he raised his right hand or to be more accurate his right hands.

Following the first hand were two more hands in perfect sync.

Standing up he stepped towards one of his trusty dummies.
Concentrating, yes, the jutsu was still active. He threw a simple straight-forward punch and smiled.

Three identical fists struck against the wood with just one small indentation visible.

It's one thing to react to a Bunshin you can see from a mile away. It's something entirely different when a fist heading for your face suddenly gets company.
One second, one second of indecision is all it takes in Tai- and Kenjutsu to decide your fate.

For reference.
Daisuke Satomura, the man whose blade is nearly as dangerous as his smile.

Whilst he's going to be growing into his beauty part of me thinks it would be funny if he just decided to one day style his hair or clothes slightly differently resulting in stunned reactions from all and sundry.

I also find the idea of Daisuke annoying people with his beauty hilarious.
He's the guy who doesn't get sweaty during a workout, he just glistens.
He doesn't have bedhair, he's roguishly disheveled.

He rolls out of a tent looking like he just spent the last eight hours in a salon rather than sleeping.

And he still kicks glorious amounts of arse on the daily.
He's Barney Stinson in photographs isn't he (literally incapable of looking bad in a photo).
@Vesvius - Finish off Bunshin, toss the rest at Travel.

Jibari/Sakura omake:

"She's...she's such a...haaragh."

You are Hiruma Jibari, and you're fairly certain that the syllables coming from her are not, in fact, words.

"What's bothering you Sakura."

She gives you an incredulous look. "Have you not been paying attention at all?"

You give her a nod. You have been paying a good deal of attention, in fact. While you rarely comment, you have tracked the majority of their recent arguments. They had been escalating, and the group had been fracturing as a result.

"I have been listening. However, you have not been saying much."

She begins to go red in the face and works herself up to a frothing rage when you hold your hand out to forestall.

"You have been saying many words, but you have not been conveying much meaning."

That slows her down, and the fury settles back to a simmer as she contemplates your own.

"I believe." You state calmly. "That you are feeling inferior in the face of the accomplishments of your friends."

She glares at you. "That's not it at all! It's just..."

You allow her a few moments while she's processing her excuses and justifications.

And then you allow her a few more to realize that she's doing so.

And a final few to come to terms with it.

"I...totally am, aren't I."

"You are. It is understandable. Daisuke is intimidatingly skilled."

She snorts in an unladylike fashion. "Daisuke isn't the problem. Guy is a monster. He's no Kakashi of the Sharingan or..." She blanches and trails off, but you know who the other that came to her mind was. "But he's definitely the kinda guy that's going to show up to anyone that pays attention to past rankings. No, it's Ino. We used to be close. I was better at some things, she was better at others...but now all I'm better at is academics. She blows me out of the water in every other regards."

"This is mostly true."

She raises an eyebrow. "Mostly true?"

"You are more skilled than her at the precision in which you use your chakra."

She blinks a few times. "How...could you possibly know that?"

"Because I can sense levels of chakra. Hers drains much more than your own with the use of the same techniques. You are far less wasteful."

"How...what. Why have you never mentioned that?!"

"No one has ever asked."

She stares at you for a few moments, her anger completely forgotten. "I suppose I walked into that one." She giggles awkwardly. "Still, is that true?"

"Yes. You possess a much greater control over the utilization of your inner energies."

She smiles slightly. "Well...that's something at least. Still, I'm not sure how I could use that to...I don't even really know what I want to do."

"You want to clearly demonstrate to the others in the group, and mostly Ino, that you are skilled in your own ways."

"Heh. Yeah, that. I don't really have more stamina. Even if I'm more efficient, we tend to both be exhausted by the end, so her reserves must be higher."

You nod. "Your reasoning is correct. There are several ways one may demonstrate skill with chakra control. Tree Climbing and Water Walking are both advanced techniques used both for practical effect and to train these skills. Shape manipulation is the other side of the coin to elemental manipulation and is incredibly difficult to perform. Medical jutsu demand an incredibly precise amount of chakra control as well."

Her mouth works itself for a moment. "And you just know all of this off the top of your head."


"...Ok, Jibari. How do you know all of this?"

"Because it was obvious what was bothering you, and what the solution to your problem was, so I spent time looking it up."

She begins to say something before pausing, collecting herself, and then giving you a resolute nod. "Thank you."

"You are welcome. Have you decided what you'll be working on?"

"I think...I'm going to look into this shape manipulation thing. My academic grades are on lock, and I frankly don't have the time to work towards closing the physical gap before the end of the year at the disadvantage I have. With an advantage in starting point with chakra control, however..."

"You will certainly be able to demonstrate some impressive shaping technique to our teachers...and classmates."

"Yeah! Yeah! I'll prove I'm good at things! Thanks, Jibari."

You give her a resolute nod. "Of course. We are friends. Speaking of friends, do you intend to return to the group?"

She shakes her head slightly. "After...after all that, I don't think I can. Not until I prove myself to myself."

You place a hand on her shoulder. "Than I shall remain with you, so that you are not alone in improving yourself."

She knows better than to argue against you, and just gives you a large smile. "Thank you, Jibari."

"And we can work on your physical conditioning as well. You do not have time to close the gap, but you can still improve yourself."

"...Thank you, Jibari." She says with less cheer, this time.

Of course. You are her friend. Daisuke and Ino have each other, Yui will do as Yui does. You shall be the stalwart friend to the one that is currently in need of it.
Very nicely done! Take 60 XP (divided into Bunshin and Travel as requested) and canon.
So earlier we were talking about Daisuke possibly wearing a mask, with me suggesting a samurai style war mask.

So I decided to see what that would look like.

Hope it turned out okay :)
Interesting idea, and nice pic. Take 120 XP.
Trying my hand at an Omake for the first time also @Vesvius

"Hey Ayame-Neechan, Teuchi-Jii!"

Teuchi stopped his cleaning for a moment to greet his favourite customer "Hello Naruto-kun. So, what'll you have today?" Naruto took a seat and adopted a thinking pose, taking a moment to make his choice. After all, ramen was Serious Business; every day needed the right kind of ramen. Finally after a few moments, he declared, "Miso Chashu Pork ramen!".

Ah, his favourite. This meant either that Naruto was really happy about something and wanted to celebrate, or that he was really down in the dumps and needed a pick-me-up....or that he was just really hungry for his favourite food, sometimes it was kind of hard to tell.

At that moment having heard the loudmouthed blond's voice his daughter's head peeked from the divider behind him. "Hey Naruto, there you are! You're a bit late,we were worried you wouldn't come today! You have to tell us all about that big prank you were talking about yesterday!" Teuchi observed with interest as Naruto's body immediately froze at the word prank before he started making desperate gestures with his arms taking the shape of an X

"Hoooh...what is this I'm hearing about a prank Naruto?" Closing in on Naruto, having just entered his shop, was Umino Iruka, another one of his favourite customers, and not just because he often ended up paying for Naruto either!

Naruto immediately stopped his frantic gestures and tried to act casually "Gah-! Prank? Who said prank I have no idea what you're talking about Ayame-Neechan, hehe..." but it seemed fate was not going to be kind to Naruto on this day as Iruka had no mercy and immediately hit him a with Look of Stern Disappointment™.

"Naruto..." Ooh that was playing dirty, Iruka usually only pulled out the Look™ for those problems that were really serious, such as that time Naruto almost got kicked out of the Academy because of his poor attendance. Really, once the Look™ was out, Naruto had already lost.

"Ugh...that's unfair Iruka-Sensei!" Naruto tried to defend himself, but it was to no avail,as finally he crumbled under the Look™. "Fine! I...replaced Daisuke's fan with one I found on the lying around in the bin near my house and pretended to be him so that I could talk with least until he found out."

"Naruto! You stole his fan and impersonated him?! You know if you had been a Ninja that would have been a crime! Impersonating someone, unless specifically done on a mission authorized by the Hokage, can result in fines and even..."

"Geez I get it already! I already apologized to him after he found me out... besides I wouldn't have done it if I knew it was a gift from his mother..."

At this Iruka's gaze softened that, Teuchi imagined, he could believe, if Naruto had received a gift from his mother, Teuchi had no doubt he would have cherished it until the end of his days.

Iruka's eyes lingered on Naruto for a moment, seemingly lost in his own memories, until the man spoke "I see, well the important thing is that you apologized, I suppose I can overlook it this time. Tell you what, since you apologized on your own, order whatever you want, whatever you eat today is on me," he finished while ruffling his hair.

Naruto's eyes lit up "Really!? Iruka-Sensei you're awesome!" the blonde boy exclaimed, then he turned towards Teuchi, "Then Teuchi-Jii, make that four Miso Chashu Pork ramen,no, wait, five!"

"Wahaha! Of course, Naruto-kun. Five Miso Chashu Pork Ramen coming right up!"

Meanwhile, Iruka just stared at the inside of his wallet,soon to be empty. "Perhaps this wasn't the wisest idea..."
Not bad at all for a first attempt! Take 60 XP and canon.
Very nicely done! I'll probably use this as the Yui reference pic in the future. Take 150 XP.
Daisuke should need only 3 more Adept Skills for the Genin Achievement. So between that, Shape Manipulation, and Attributes those seem like three good goals to focus on. Alternatively, get Journeyman Ninjutsu to improve Daisuke's odds of Original Technique Creation.
Daisuke should need only 3 more Adept Skills for the Genin Achievement. So between that, Shape Manipulation, and Attributes those seem like three good goals to focus on. Alternatively, get Journeyman Ninjutsu to improve Daisuke's odds of Original Technique Creation.
Perception: Practiced (320/400) 80 more exp guys.

Intimidate: Practiced (400/400) giga.

Travel: Practiced (400/400) giga.

Disable Device: Simple (130/200)

Perception: Practiced (320/400)

Heal: Simple (120/200)

Appraise: Simple (100/200)

Beastmastery: Untrained (020/100)

Fuinjutsu: Untrained (000/100)
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I'm sorta really hoping we can push all of the social stats to pinnacle there's got to be a pretty incredible social achievement rewards for all super human and all pinnacle.
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I'm sorta really hoping we can push all of the social stats to pinnacle there's got to be a pretty incredible social perk for all super human and all pinnacle.
I'm a bit hopeful people will remember physical attributes. Our main attack is still hitting things with a sword...

Also, do we know what the Travel skill does? Is it, like, piloting ships / carts and shit or is it about hiking?
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A Thank You Gift for Daisuke by Pittauro (canon)
Thanks, to Ino, Daisuke now understood why Sasuke was so eager to offer his assistance in his research project. And to be fair, his help had been invaluable. Sasuke knew a lot about the Uchiha's pre-village history, and even (though he was clearly slightly biased) about the Senju and the Hyuga.

Still, he was a bit annoyed with him.

Not pissed or angry, not really. He had to admit (reluctantly) that Sasuke was not doing anything REALLY wrong or inappropriate, and his mother was clearly fine with it.

She even seemed amused by his schoolmate's reaction if the way she sometime teased them proved anything.

Really, Daisuke had no logical reason to want to get back to Sasuke...

"Here's a few treats boys" Manami Satomura interrupted their research session, bringing with her a tray with tea and biscuits "you do need to take a break. It's been hours since you started!" she added.

"Thank you Miss Satomura" Sasuke replied, taking the tray from her, his hands slightly (was it on purpose?) brushing hers.

...but on second though, it would probably make him feel better anyway. That was surely reason enough, was it not?

"thank you mother" Daisuke replied, expression only slightly betraying his annoyance (was his mother smirking at him?) "we'll take a break then."

Maybe during this break Daisuke would come up with a good way to get back to his classmate. Nothing too harsh of course...

"You know" Daisuke started once they had finished for the day "i really have to thank you for your help, Sasuke. You could have used your time to train more, and instead you were so forthcoming in offering your help. I didn't even have to ask!"

Sasuke turned his eyes aside (was that a slight blush?), before answering, voice a bit hesitant "it was nothing... it was actually nice to share these stories."

uh, that's..unexpected. Maybe Sasuke didn't actually deserve..

He then turned his gaze back to him before adding with a stronger, more confident and even slightly arrogant voice "i certainly could not risk you underestimating the importance on the Uchiha clan in your paper after all"

..nah, he deserves it. Let's proceed with the plan.

"Still" Daisuke continued "i feel like i have to make it up to you. So i wanted to offer you something"

Sasuke was now curious, and also slightly embarassed "and what would that be?"

"well, you see, My Taijutsu master has recently taken a genin team for himself, but i still go to train with them from time to time. And i was thinking" Daisuke said, forcing himself to keep an evil smirk out of his face "that you might be interested in sparring with his genin, maybe even try their training routine. If you're (un)lucky you might even get a new rival out of it..."

@Vesvius Please put 50XP into Shape Manipulation, 80XP into Intimidation and 20XP into Travel. Thank you.
Nice that gets two skills to adept and 1 to practiced and leaves us with 13 skills at adept, just needing 1 more for an achievement.

Perception is the closest XP wise to the 14th adept needing 80 XP to do so. Also 150 XP into the Henge gives us Academy Three achievement, while perception would give us Genin Level achievement.
Henge is likely to rank up though, given that's one of Daisuke's projects. Sure ranking it up might improve Daisuke's odds of success, but better to throw that 150 elsewhere- like Shape Manipulation or Ninjutsu.