He had to admit to himself, though he'd never admit it to anyone else, he froze when he felt the arm go around his shoulders. While uncommon, it wasn't something that never happened. The difference in this case was that the offender was always Ino. Having the poofy sleeved jacket of Kiba tossed around his shoulders was an enitrely new experience.
"Wanna kick the ass of this group project?" Are the actual words that accompanying the offending gesture.
You take a moment to compose yourself before looking side eyed at the genin in training. "Why me?"
He blinks, seemingly confused at the lack of an immediate yes, before responding. "Because... you're a cool dude?"
You nod slightly. "This is a true statement, yes. However, we've rarely so much as had a conversation. I'm just a little confused at this sudden interest." It had been an unusual few months. Someone new, someone that you rarely engaged with at that, would try and team up with him. You'd done a group project with more of the boys in his class, and some of the girls, than anyone else. Sakura had been very insistent that you help her with that chakra control exercise awhile back, despite being better than you at the time. It was a veritable cornucopia of social interactions. You'd be pleased with the progress towards some of your goals (and friendships, he supposed) if you had any idea at all at what the hell was going on.
Kiba's shoulders slumped and he took a moment to think it through. He looked around before leaning in as though he were confiding. "I'm going to be honest, man. My grades have been slipping, and you're the smartest guy in class. I could use the help."
"I appreciate the vote of confidence, but Shikamaru..."
He shakes his head slightly. "Sorry. Smartest, useful guy in class. You ever work on a project with that guy?"
You think back and nod. Interestingly, he was one of the few that hadn't bothered trying to team up with you. If people were just using you for your brain, him being one of the odd men out would fit the pattern.
"Explains some things..." You grumble, but mostly in good nature. "I suppose I can help you, but you'll have to pay up."
"Yeah yeah, I guess that's fair." He laughs, and breaks the old on you. "What were you thinking?"
It took you a moment to actually think about that. Getting some training at something he was better at than you would be a good exchange, but frankly...there wasn't much. Obviously he smoked you when it came to animals, but you weren't super enthusiastic to learn that. You think over some of your recent projects before coming to a conclusion.
"Grunt work." You reply calmly.
"Grunt work?" He replies with a raised eyebrow.
"I'm researching the Warring states Era. You can save me a bit of time by filling me in on what you know, poking your family for what they know, and maybe cracking open a book or two."
"Well, I don't know much myself, but my sister was interested in it when I was younger. I can put together some notes for you..." He shrugs. "If you want me to crack open any books, though, gonna need you to promise me partnering up for your next project too." He gets something of a predatory look on his face. "Hell, you partner with me for the rest of the semster and I'll be happy to do all of your research grunt work. Hell, need a training dummy for some shit? I gotcha."
You nod thoughtfully. Having a dedicated assistant would certainly greatly increase your ability to get things done in time to secure rookie of the year.
Something was giving you pause, however. The source of that pause was how closely most of the boys and some of the girls in the class were paying very close attention to the conversation.
"Satomura-san." The person you least expect, Shino, interupts your haggling. "If it's information on the warring states you're interested in, I believe I can provide more assistance than Inzuaka-san. I believe I could be of more assistance on the actual projects as well. If you were to agree to partner with me for the rest of the year..."
"No." Color you a liar, Shino was not, in fact, the last person that you expected to involve himself in this conversation. Sauske has stepped up to the plate. "There's no way that you can excel at that project without a Uchiha's input."
While Kiba looks confused, likely due to his level of actual knowledge of the topic, Shino slightly tilts his head, acknowledging defeat, before stepping away. Dude just had a cool you couldn't work for, and you admired that. Kiba catches on at Shino's departure, however.
"Hey, just because he's got some fancy Uchiha insight into the subject..." He struggles to think of a good rebuttal to the situation. "Ok, fine. He can probably help you out more with knowledge. But I'll go get your books, go interview people for you...just name it, I'm your whipping boy for the rest of the year."
Your eyes widen in slight suprise. "Are your grades really that bad?"
"Er..." He glances around fitfully before nodding slowly. "Uh, yeah. They've gotten pretty awful. I might not graduate. It's horrible."
"That's...awful." It really was. Kiba definitely graduated originally, you can remember that much. This had to be something you butterflied away. Did your insertion into the story ruin his future as a shinobi? You didn't consider him a friend, but he was an ally by affiliation at the very least, and that wasn't a level of negative impact you were willing to have.
"Hey man. Tell you what. I'm going to go ahead and swap work with Sasuke for this project, but if you want to swing by tomorrow I'll help teach you a bit, make sure you graduate. We can keep it up until you're caught up on class or you get tired of being my whipping boy."
He throws and hand in the air and lets out a yelp of excitement. "Hell yeah, that's what I'm talking about." On the other hand you're still confused by the situation given that everyone paying attention to the conversation look like they've bitten lemons and are throwing envious glances at the dog boy. Was your help really that wanted? Had you managed to derail everyone else's academic achievements?!
"Alright..." You say slowly. "Well, I'll meet you at your place in the morning. Sauske, if you want to drop by my place in about an hour, we'll get started on the project."
The Uchiha smirks for reasons that are lost on you before nodding and heading out.
"Er. Um." Kiba has frozen like a deer in headlights. "Could we, you know, do it at your place? Sister's been giving me a hell of a time lately..."
"Oh, yeah, sure. No problem man."
"Cool, cool." He seems seriously releaved. How hard's his sister been riding him?
"And, uh. Your mom going to be around?"
You raise an eyebrow. "Um. Yeah? She should be, at least for a bit. Why?"
"Oh! Uh. Mom's been going on about treating the head of the house right when you show up, so I was, uh, thinking of bringing a gift."
You nod. That makes sense. It was normally a more high society thing, and not something you expected from Kiba, but that just serves you right for making assumptions.
"Cool. Cool. Thanks, a lot man. See you tomorrow?"
You just nod at him, and watch him walk out of the room with the biggest grin you've ever seen on his face.
You're about to head out yourself when you hear the clearing of a throat behind you. You turn slowly to find that you're alone with Ino in the classroom, and she's wearing a rather sharp smirk. You've fallen for some terrible trap if she's sporting that look.
"...what did I step in this time."
The smirk almost becomes a lethal weapon as it ramps up in intensity. "Oh, not much. Just missing the obvious."
That...was probably very like in this situation. "Oh, sage Ino, please share upon me your basion of knowledge."
"Dai, dear... think. Have you noticed any...changes going on with your body?"
You snort. Obviously. Not like you were going to overlook your second bout of puberity. But what did that have to do with anything?
She nods at your understanding. "And if you're going through it, that means that..."
Well, that would mean it's likely so too are most of your classmates. She's hinting that this situation is related...common demoninator and...
You blink. And then you blink again.
But...but how? There's no way! Your being in the story couldn't haved changed things that much! They'd never shown any signs of that in the manga! (You think you'd remember that, at least!) Not that there was anything wrong with it, but where the hell was the divergence point?!
"I don't...but..." You stammer. "They're all there to check me out?!"
The smirk falls off of her face, and Ino just stares at you. It's an empty look as clearly part of her brain has shut down, and it goes on for an uncomfortably long period of time before she seems to reboot, and slowly shakes her head.
"Noooo." She pauses. "Well, I mean. Some, a bit, but that's not anywhere near the main reason."
You breath a sigh of relief. Not from the lack of attention, fans aside, you're not one to not appreciate the inherent compliment, but due to not having somehow created such a massive change to the narrative without even being aware of how. Said relief quickly vanishes as your mind fills in the actual common denominator, taking that into consideration.
"Yup." Ino pops the p with amusement.
"My classmates are going through puberty, and want to check out my mom."
"Because she's attractive."
She raises an eyebrow at you and flicks your forehead. "Dude. Most of these kids moms are attractive. Bonus of being ninja. Your mom's smoking hot. Gorgeous. The finest example of a lady that most of these kids have ever seen. She..."
You wave your hand. "Enough. I get it." You pinch the bridge of your nose. "The hell am I going to do about this?"
"Nothing, probably. Well, by nothing, I mean ruthlessly milk it. Got Sauske dropping by to help you with your history project, got Kiba willing to run around being your whipping boy..."
"But my mother!"
"Would inform you that she's entirely aware of what's going on with your classmates and would encourage you to take full advantage of the opportunities that present themselves." She interjects with equal parts smooth and smug.
"I..." You sigh. "Yes, that is something that she would say. I guess I'd be an idiot to not."
She throws an arm around your shoulder, a slight annoyance but much more welcome than Kiba, and starts leading you out the door. "Lady had a good head on her shoulders, that's for sure."
"Mm. Ino, you know, you spend an awful lot of time around the place yourself..."
"Well, it is one of the perks of our friendship." She gives you a slight shove away from her and tosses a wink before making for her house as you're left stuttering at her retreating back.