Game of the Year: A Naruto Quest

Since it's come up, theoretical ways we could take over Iron?

The most obvious that comes to mind is arranging for our father and halfbrother to die, then stepping in during the succession crisis. Of course, decent odds people think we did it ourself due to the whole 'is a ninja' thing.
Partially it was designed to make "Pure Release Charka Mode" look appealing, and I do imagine it wouldn't last nearly as long without Superhuman or Pinnacle Reserves.

Frankly, it would probably be a Kinjutsu due to how absurd it is in Charka Cost and how complicated it would be learning how not to explode when going faster than the fastest Body Flicker.

Rather comparable to the Eight Gates really: If you don't refine your control enough, you'll just explode doing any of the cool tricks. I also imagine those with lower Control and Reserves would have issues keeping themselves from using all their Charka.

So all in all, there are probably better ways to pull off the "Pure Release Charka Mode" techniques and it really only works in the hands of freakishly capable individuals- Thus, Daisuke briefly being considered a jinchuriki and then Kisame's son.
Rather comparable to the Eight Gates really: If you don't refine your control enough, you'll just explode doing any of the cool tricks. I also imagine those with lower Control and Reserves would have issues keeping themselves from using all their Charka.

Why not just learn the Eight Gates? This pure chakra release is nonsense when you take into account that you can't just released chakra from every point in your body. It'd also be a massive waste of chakra, much simpler methods of empowering oneself exist.
Besides what Expecting Me said... Independently learning the Eight Gates is incredibly dangerous, whereas technically "Pure Release Charka Mode" is safer- assuming you got the control and reserves to actually use it.

Additionally, Pure Release is all about manipulating Charka in solid form- thus flight, Charka constructs, and ranged barriers. Again, it'd be pretty useless if not actively harmful to those with low Control & Reserves.

Thus Pinnacle Control to actually provide the oomph, and Pinnacle Reserves to use it longer than half-a-minute. The only way to do better would be to become a (pseudo-) jinchuriki. Otherwise, I don't see why Pinnacle Control & Reserves wouldn't be good enough.

Plus if Vesvius actually makes it an option, he'll probably make it clear "Pure Release Charka Mode" pales to an Elemental or special Charka Mode. It doesn't do anything special beyond pouring out Charka to manipulate.
Since it's come up, theoretical ways we could take over Iron?

The most obvious that comes to mind is arranging for our father and halfbrother to die, then stepping in during the succession crisis. Of course, decent odds people think we did it ourself due to the whole 'is a ninja' thing.
Honestly, the best way would be to help fan unrest from movements within the Land of Iron who are already unhappy with the way he rules. We'd probably want to wait till dear old dad is dead so that we can press our claim against that of our brother as the older child (concubines could have children that inherit iirc, it's just that our mom was basically nobody compared to the daimyo's proper wife so no political support there). If we also engineer disasters or crises and render the daimyo unable to resolve them while visibly helping to resolve them then we can gather support that way.
Besides what Expecting Me said... Independently learning the Eight Gates is incredibly dangerous, whereas technically "Pure Release Charka Mode" is safer- assuming you got the control and reserves to actually use it.

Additionally, Pure Release is all about manipulating Charka in solid form- thus flight, Charka constructs, and ranged barriers. Again, it'd be pretty useless if not actively harmful to those with low Control & Reserves.

Thus Pinnacle Control to actually provide the oomph, and Pinnacle Reserves to use it longer than half-a-minute. The only way to do better would be to become a (pseudo-) jinchuriki. Otherwise, I don't see why Pinnacle Control & Reserves wouldn't be good enough.

You seem to know a lot about this non-existent pure release. It sounds stupid to be honest, like really really stupid.
Besides what Expecting Me said... Independently learning the Eight Gates is incredibly dangerous, whereas technically "Pure Release Charka Mode" is safer- assuming you got the control and reserves to actually use it.
We do not need to learn the Eight Gates independently, we have Gai-sensei. Why go for this very complex and probably dangerous technique that we don't know anything about, when we can learn a much more useful one with help from an extremely competent teacher?
Crossover of what? Who's that guy back there, Giant Dad?

I recognize purple girl over there, Ten Pounds of Gold (I think)...
I did specify "Pure Release Chakra Mode" was a What-If, I don't get why a big deal was made about it.
Genin Mariko
@Vesvius I am really proud of this one. Also, thanks to Pangpp from DeviantArt for the background.

Impressive! I like this one a lot. Take 160 XP.
@Vesvius - I think this is the last needed crossover?

Set completed. I am in awe of both your talent and your use of free time. Take 140 XP for this one.

Hmm... Guess I'll try my hand at a What-If omake about it, because I really like my idea for "Pure Release Charka Mode".

Charka, everyone has it, even if most never learn to use it. To be without Charka is to be without life... So then, what does it say when one has utter mastery of their Charka?


Looking down at the boy, the hired shinobi scoffs. Sure, the grey-haired boy has some talent for the ninja way, and if he was anyone else he'd probably have an issue with killing such a promising Leaf nin.

Today, though, he'll finally be free from running. The Land of Iron thought they were clever hiding their involvement, but the fact this brat is the bastard of a Daimyo? Please, either he gets safety or he'll completely ruin that worthless man's reputation.

His eyes suddenly narrowing in suspicion as the boy chuckles weakly, he hurls a shuriken at the boy's throat as his senses go on high alert to check for Genjutsu-

Yet the shuriken ricochets off the boy, and nothing seems to change as he performs the Genjutsu breaker. Hmm, maybe he's incredibly talented with Genjutsu for his age?

No, can't be, you trained specifically to counter Sharingans- the extinction of the Uchiha was far too suspicious, probably farmed all the eyes to implant in their elites or something.

If not Genjutsu, then- Flickering away out of sight, you'll need time to break through whatever defense technique he's using. Maybe the Iron Daimyo has a secret kekkai genkai? Might explain why they care so much when the boy seemed to have no interest in usurpation.

Raising up two Earth Clones to keep the boy distracted, you better watch him as you prepare the technique- wait why is the air turning blue? Is he seriously flaring up his Charka? Idiot, must think some 'charka cloak' is cool.

Hold on... is it getting thicker? Hmm, interesting, shame he lacks intelligence to match that control. Sending forth your clones, you're not surprised when the boy tries- wait he actually got out of range.

That isn't right, you had him dead to rights before that nonsense chuckling. He even still looks injured... when did his hair and skin turned blue? That, that is really weird. Must be a last-ditch maneuver, his Charka can't last long like that.

Still, maybe you'll attempt it afterwards, wrapping yourself in Charka has applications. Odd though, surely Leaf doesn't teach techniques like that? No way his sensei would of taught him such a wastefully limited technique.

You can feel it already, just need your Clones to get him into position and... "Earth Release: Bedrock Coffin!" That's that boy, maybe in the next life your home country won't put a hit on you.

Wait, did something just blur? There was definitely a swishing noise. Examining the area and remaining on guard, your eyes dart without your thinking as an explosion rings-

W-what? What!? B-blades of pure Charka, extending from... how is that boy still alive!? He shouldn't know any real Jutsu, so how!? No, remain calm, this just lends credence to the 'secret kekkai genkai' theory.

Right, even though the boy has some weird bloodline letting him shape his Charka into sturdy constructs, he's still just a boy- and you got real control & reserves compared to him.

Calling up an Earth Wall to spook him, you send out one of your Clones to attack him as he approaches- is he standing on thin air? Does he seriously know elemental jutsu!?

… No. His Charka aura is flaring... huh, hahaha, he learned how to float with pure Charka? Tsk, really is a shame you have to kill him. No matter, flight can't be cheap for him and he doesn't know where you are.

Maybe he'll run? No way he can get to a settlement before burning out, and surely he still remembers you're the better tracker. All he's doing is delaying the inevit-

Wait what where did he go!? Hearing an explosion of shattering stone, it seems... huh, he shattered your Clone in one punch. How did he move so fast? Frankly, what about that power? He wasn't that strong when you were fighting...

Hold on, why does his Charka still seem to be going strong? He just forced himself to move and hit at impossible speeds, turning your clone into a shuriken launcher.

Is he...? No, no, he can't possibly be a jinchuriki. Yet, why is this boy's Charka not degrading fast enough? It makes no sense if this is a kekkai genkai, either his father should of become some Samurai Kage or his mother prioritized as the Daimyo's wife.

Maybe, Konoha has some freak training regimen going on...? No no no, none of this makes sense! Whatever, Coffin! Tsk, now you see it... Don't think you'll escape this time boy!

Coffin, Coffin, Coffin! Huff, huff... oh? Did you finally do it? Hmm, hope there's something reasonably intact, need to prove the job's done. Sending forth your remaining clone and letting it merge into the Coffins...

!! The multi-layer Coffin shattering and scattering as a sphere of Charka bursts forth, you're forced to quickly Flicker away from the shrapnel. Seriously, there was nothing about this! Did those Iron bastards set you up? No, they shouldn't care about you at all, so...

Fixating on the boy, you can't help snarling. Maybe, this is Kisame's brat? Hmm, mug's too ugly for some high class concubine... Just what the hell spawned this monstrous child!?

Perhaps... you should run. Sickening, but... he's way too much Charka for a kid. Already can feel yourself getting low after all those Bedrock Coffins... Wait, wait the air is turning blue.

Oh no, you need to go now! "Found you!" Wait what- feeling bark shatter against your back, you groan as you look around. Oh, oh great, your left arm and leg are clearly broken...

"Gah!" H-hurts trying to get up... Eyes darting wildly for the boy, you can barely see anything through this blue Charka fog of his. Hold on, it is shrinking? Finally, finally he's-

Right in front of you, skin and hair the blue of Charka. J-just... "How? Y-you're just a boy! Ka-hack hack-" Lovely, you can taste your own blood now. How awful, you can just see it now- being mocked by a higher power for being offed by a child.

He seems to regard you for a few seconds... shame, really should of made a habit of carrying explosive tags. Could of at least took him with you... "How? I'm sorry sir, but I don't reveal my secret techniques to dead men."

Pfft, just figures he'd- C-c-crack boom!


Charka, in capable hands it could practically do anything- command the elements, resurrect the dead, imprison the mind in delusions... Yet at its base it is energy, a substance to be manipulated and controlled.

So why bother with fancy tricks, when you could just wrap yourself in it and command it as you please? Blades of pure Charka, keeping one aloft, hurling that mass so fast and so hard any normal person would explode... That is power, to force the energy of life to obey your simplest commands.

Originally I meant to show Daisuke hurling Charka-shuriken at superhuman speed and for a ring of blades like that one Kenjutsu technique someone linked a while back.

I figured this Daisuke would of gotten Pinnacle Control & Reserves, with him using that "Charka Fog" in lieu of fake-Byakugan shenanigans. Honestly, I would say it mostly gets all that prowess out of sheer finesse- literally forcing his Charka to move and hit/slash at such high levels.

Solid! I always enjoy a good What If. Take 50 XP for this one.

Good to have the gang- except Sakura- all here. Because most of these were already seen and rewarded, I'm just going to give you 30 for the collection.

And finally, though this is more of a formality at this point due to discussion moving on, time to close the vote.
Adhoc vote count started by Vesvius on Oct 30, 2018 at 8:19 PM, finished with 379 posts and 80 votes.