It was a slow Sunday at the Yamanaka Flower Shop and while that did not bode well for the day's profits, Inoichi loved the time he could spend with his family. There was just too little time to do so with his other work and Ino's time at the Academy. But today he was free of outside commitments and he could spend the day with his lovely wife and little princess.
So when he heard the bell on the shop door ring, Inoichi would admit to being disappointed that his family time was interrupted. Even more so when he saw who it was.
"Daisuke," Inoichi greeted the boy evenly. "I didn't know you would be stopping by today."
"Ah, hello Yamanaka-San," the boy responded with a bow towards both Inoichi and Kasai. "I was hoping that Ino would be able to be able to help me test something out today, sir."
Inoichi jaw clenched slightly just as his daughter responded while watering the flowers.
"Oh come on Daisuke! It's our day off. What's so big you can't wait till tomorrow?"
Daisuke smirked as he looked over at Ino and said, "I think I figured out how Yui managed to get my sword away from me the other day. If I'm right, there's a bit of a window where she's too overcommitted to be able to do anything else."
"And you need someone to help see if you're right? Fiiiine," Ino said as she looked to her parents. "Mommy, Daddy, do you mind if go help out Daisuke?"
Kasai was the one who answered her daughter as Inoichi kept his eyes on Daisuke, "Of course, dear. Have fun you two."
"Make sure to be home by dinner sweetie," Inoichi managed to say as Ino and Daisuke were heading out the door.
"Daisuke is such a nice boy, isn't he?" Kasai asked her husband, to which he grunts a non-reply.
"Yes, he is really starting to get good at hiding how terrified of you he is, Inoichi," she said as she looked him in the eye. "I wish I could tell him that there was nothing to worry about, but you certainly don't make that seem believable."
"It's not as though I'm going to interrogate him. I just wish Ino wouldn't spend so much time around him."
"Oh and why is that?"
"You know why."
"Really, and here I thought reading minds was your side of the family's trick," Kasai paused a moment with a grin. "But, yes I think I do."
"Then why are you asking?"
"You've never said it out loud. I can only assume that once you do, you'll hear just how ridiculous it sounds."
Inoichi paused to gather his thoughts before finally saying, "...That boy is too much like his mother."
"Hmmm. Yoshino and I have thought Daisuke has been growing into his appearance rather nicely. Really quite the handsome boy. And I suppose Ino is getting to that age…"
"Not like that," Inoichi interrupted. "At least...not entirely. His mannerisms are almost entirely the same as Manami's. And if there is one thing I could say about her, it is that she has a tendency to make big decisions based on what she thinks she deserves without taking the time to think through the consequences. Given his parentage, there are certain things that Daisuke may feel he deserves. I don't want Ino associated with the consequences that comes from such a decision."
"Daisuke has lived in Konoha since before he could walk, he doesn't know anything about the Land of Iron or his heritage!"
"After that incident with the samurai, if he doesn't know who his father is, he at least suspects. And did you notice how interested in the blade he became afterwards. That he became so focused on the weapon that is synonymous with the Land of Iron can't be a coincidence."
"He's a good kid, one with no choice in the circumstances of his birth," Kasai finished.
Inoichi sighed before saying, "Maybe, but that doesn't mean he's any less dangerous."