Game of the Year: A Naruto Quest

For instance, we are already 400 XP in ninjutsu / genjutsu, which I think is what a practised genin should have. If we find a chance to show those skills off, we may be able to do it without putting more XP.

We could level both for example if we manage to learn a simple, non-academy jutsu.
We have more than enough avenues (without running to mother) to get things done quickly and without much fuss.
We could level both for example if we manage to learn a simple, non-academy jutsu.
We have more than enough avenues (without running to mother) to get things done quickly and without much fuss.
I am worried about the extracurricular skills / ninjutsu.

Teaching ninjutsu seems to be pretty rare, since Sakura didn't know any ninjutsu besides compulsory ones despite being high ranked in Academy. None of Naruto's batch except Sasuke and Naruto showed any non-clan ninjutsu until I think Shippuden, or at least after Chunin Exams. Even Team Gai didn't use non clan ninjutsu despite being genin for more time than them.

I think that we have enough skills to reach the first prereq if we can find an opportunity to show them off (would still like to level Stealth / Survival just in case, and they are cheap. Survival is also a mental skill and benefits from training at Academy.), but am worried about #2.
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Current Tally. Fair warning: I likely won't be able to write tomorrow. So this vote will stay open for longer than usual. Plenty of time to debate and discuss if you so choose.
Adhoc vote count started by Vesvius on Oct 30, 2018 at 12:46 AM, finished with 234 posts and 79 votes.
Even Team Gai didn't use non clan ninjutsu despite being genin for more time than them.

Ten-Ten went above and beyond with Shuriken-jutsu and everything weapon related, maybe even fuin-jutsu.
Lee can't do anything besides Tai-jutsu, which he maxed out for his age and Neji is a Hyuuga.

It fucking pisses me of, that people seem to go for the most convoluted way instead of just asking the people that are close and most likely to help.

Gai: Body Flicker / tree walking / water walking
Iruka and Mizuki: tree walking / water walking
-They should have zero problems with a student asking for help for his independent studies.
Inoichi (trough Ino): some random d-rank technique
Ten-Ten went above and beyond with Shuriken-jutsu and everything weapon related, maybe even fuin-jutsu.
Lee can't do anything besides Tai-jutsu, which he maxed out for his age and Neji is a Hyuuga.

It fucking pisses me of, that people seem to go for the most convoluted way instead of just asking the people that are close and most likely to help.
Yeah, but we can't learn Fuinjutsu and it seems like genin who specialise in one field like shurikenjutsu are discouraged from learning ninjutsu, even if they have the capacity to learn ninjutsu like Neji and Tenten do. We definitely qualify as a taijutsu / kenjutsu specialist.

I mean, you're suggesting we go to instructors to learn more ninjutsu, but why did literally no genin we see post Academy not have the same idea? Many were skilled enough, and Sasuke even had the motivation to learn anything that would further his revenge + no clan to teach him.

Do we even need to ask someone about tree walking now since we have the OTL Deja Vu perk?
There may be specifics to training we it don't remember, and the perk only gives us hunches.
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Yeah, but we can't learn Fuinjutsu and it seems like genin who specialise in one field like shurikenjutsu are discouraged from learning ninjutsu, even if they have the capacity to learn ninjutsu like Neji and Tenten do. We definitely qualify as a taijutsu / kenjutsu specialist.

I made a bloody argument why this particular team didn't show any standard jutsu.

Do we even need to ask someone about tree walking now since we have the OTL Deja Vu perk?
Even better.
Yeah, but the advantage of this approach is that we can possibly get a good grade in subject possibly without levelling it up if we are already at a decent level in it. Earlier I thought a skill had to be chunin level to be considered since Taijutsu & Kenjutsu were the only skills that qualified for us.

QM said you gotta either be damn good when showing off or cheat real good. I don't know about you, but Daisuke doesn't seem like a cheater to me.
QM said you gotta either be damn good when showing off or cheat real good. I don't know about you, but Daisuke doesn't seem like a cheater to me.
The skill level required for an Academy Student who can graduate is roughly 200 XP skill level.

Daisuke currently has several skills at 400 XP level, which is the expected level of an experienced genin. This should qualify as going above and beyond the requirements they've set as long as we can show it off.

I mean, we're definitely nowhere near kid Minato or kid Itachi who could solo multiple jonin at this age, but we're also above the level expected of an Academy Student.
I mean, you're suggesting we go to instructors to learn more ninjutsu, but why did literally no genin we see post Academy not have the same idea? Many were skilled enough, and Sasuke even had the motivation to learn anything that would further his revenge + no clan to teach him.

Because that was anime land, worse it was anime shonen land! Shonen characters have like 6 techniques as most, so of course they didn't use much else.

How many different techniques did the jounin use throughout? NOT MANY, they mostly fought with taijutsu.

Daisuke currently has several skills at 400 XP level, which is the expected level of an experienced genin. This should qualify as going above and beyond the requirements they've set as long as we can show it off.

I mean, we're definitely nowhere near kid Minato or kid Itachi who could solo multiple jonin at this age, but we're also above the level expected of an Academy Student.

Yet according to the rankings we are not rookie of the year material. There is absolutely no reason not to go above and beyond.
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The skill level required for an Academy Student who can graduate is roughly 200 XP skill level.

Daisuke currently has several skills at 400 XP level, which is the expected level of an experienced genin. This should qualify as going above and beyond the requirements they've set as long as we can show it off.

I mean, we're definitely nowhere near kid Minato or kid Itachi who could solo multiple jonin at this age, but we're also above the level expected of an Academy Student.

We don't measure ourselves against numbers, but against Sasuke, who went above and beyond in every shinobi aspect.
[X] You won't. This goes deeper than you thought it would. You'll just let them sort it out in time.
Can't vote for the winning option due to how insanely patronizing it feels.
Yet according to the rankings we are not rookie of the year material. There is absolutely no reason not to go above and beyond.
We don't measure ourselves against numbers, but against Sasuke, who went above and beyond in every shinobi aspect.
At least try to demonstrate the 400 XP skill to Iruka or whoever to see if it is good enough before saying that we absolutely must dump more XP in it, is what I'm saying.

We're anyway going to talk to him for more ninjutsu training, why not ask him to assess us and tell us how far he feels we have to go?
At least try to demonstrate the 400 XP skill to Iruka or whoever to see if it is good enough before saying that we absolutely must dump more XP in it, is what I'm saying.

We're anyway going to talk to him for more ninjutsu training, why not ask him to assess us and tell us how far he feels we have to go?

As much as I wish, don't sell this as a foregone conclusion, we are not at this point yet and people tend to see a sad puppy (e.g. Naruto) and throw reason out of the window first chance they get. And Daisuke already assessed himself just fine, so no need to throw in another step just for the hell of it.
Bad News by Expecting Me (canon)
@Vesvius have an Omake.

It was a slow Sunday at the Yamanaka Flower Shop and while that did not bode well for the day's profits, Inoichi loved the time he could spend with his family. There was just too little time to do so with his other work and Ino's time at the Academy. But today he was free of outside commitments and he could spend the day with his lovely wife and little princess.

So when he heard the bell on the shop door ring, Inoichi would admit to being disappointed that his family time was interrupted. Even more so when he saw who it was.

"Daisuke," Inoichi greeted the boy evenly. "I didn't know you would be stopping by today."

"Ah, hello Yamanaka-San," the boy responded with a bow towards both Inoichi and Kasai. "I was hoping that Ino would be able to be able to help me test something out today, sir."

Inoichi jaw clenched slightly just as his daughter responded while watering the flowers.

"Oh come on Daisuke! It's our day off. What's so big you can't wait till tomorrow?"

Daisuke smirked as he looked over at Ino and said, "I think I figured out how Yui managed to get my sword away from me the other day. If I'm right, there's a bit of a window where she's too overcommitted to be able to do anything else."

"And you need someone to help see if you're right? Fiiiine," Ino said as she looked to her parents. "Mommy, Daddy, do you mind if go help out Daisuke?"

Kasai was the one who answered her daughter as Inoichi kept his eyes on Daisuke, "Of course, dear. Have fun you two."

"Make sure to be home by dinner sweetie," Inoichi managed to say as Ino and Daisuke were heading out the door.

"Daisuke is such a nice boy, isn't he?" Kasai asked her husband, to which he grunts a non-reply.

"Yes, he is really starting to get good at hiding how terrified of you he is, Inoichi," she said as she looked him in the eye. "I wish I could tell him that there was nothing to worry about, but you certainly don't make that seem believable."

"It's not as though I'm going to interrogate him. I just wish Ino wouldn't spend so much time around him."

"Oh and why is that?"

"You know why."

"Really, and here I thought reading minds was your side of the family's trick," Kasai paused a moment with a grin. "But, yes I think I do."

"Then why are you asking?"

"You've never said it out loud. I can only assume that once you do, you'll hear just how ridiculous it sounds."

Inoichi paused to gather his thoughts before finally saying, "...That boy is too much like his mother."

"Hmmm. Yoshino and I have thought Daisuke has been growing into his appearance rather nicely. Really quite the handsome boy. And I suppose Ino is getting to that age…"

"Not like that," Inoichi interrupted. "At least...not entirely. His mannerisms are almost entirely the same as Manami's. And if there is one thing I could say about her, it is that she has a tendency to make big decisions based on what she thinks she deserves without taking the time to think through the consequences. Given his parentage, there are certain things that Daisuke may feel he deserves. I don't want Ino associated with the consequences that comes from such a decision."

"Daisuke has lived in Konoha since before he could walk, he doesn't know anything about the Land of Iron or his heritage!"

"After that incident with the samurai, if he doesn't know who his father is, he at least suspects. And did you notice how interested in the blade he became afterwards. That he became so focused on the weapon that is synonymous with the Land of Iron can't be a coincidence."

"He's a good kid, one with no choice in the circumstances of his birth," Kasai finished.

Inoichi sighed before saying, "Maybe, but that doesn't mean he's any less dangerous."
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At least try to demonstrate the 400 XP skill to Iruka or whoever to see if it is good enough before saying that we absolutely must dump more XP in it, is what I'm saying.
i kind of agree, but we have to wait for the next update to plan how to show our skills anyway, so we might as well spend our exp on what we want to show (as long as it would be usefull even beyond that)

Chakra control at superhuman :D

This will help a lot! We're probably good enough to learn tree walking and water walking relatively fast, and hopefully we won't even need to put exp in henge and bunshin. We should be able to train them easily!

Now, i know people want to go for chakra reserves as well, but i'd wait for that. It's not like we have any chakra intensive move yet, the academy three should be pretty cheap and most of our fights should be relatively fast anyway.

Of course things change if we get the turtle summons from Gai. Or the Shunshin.

At this point i expect one or two updates to make our plan for rookie of the year, maybe a couple more for any other things we might want to do (team gai shenanigans, training ground 1) and then it should finally be time for the graduation!

One thing people have not considered, and that might be relevant: It would make sense for the jounin AND teammates we get to be influenced from the skills we choose to show for this quest. If we show good tracking skills we might end up in a tracking team with some of former Team Kurenai, for example. If we focus on ninjutsu we might be more likely to get Kakashi, Kurenai for Genjutsu, and so on.
As much as I wish, don't sell this as a foregone conclusion, we are not at this point yet and people tend to see a sad puppy (e.g. Naruto) and throw reason out of the window first chance they get. And Daisuke already assessed himself just fine, so no need to throw in another step just for the hell of it.

A simple thing that can be done is to get Daisuke to use more ninjutsu while sparring with his class mates. It wouldn't take any additional time.

I don't really see how pumping xp into genjutsu/ninjutsu/shurikenjutsu will make him able to show it to the teachers though, wouldn't he require other techniques in order to show his skill? He'd just be showing the academy three again.

Since most of his shinobi art skills is at Adept he can create a ninjutsu, genjutsu and shurikenjutsu technique. Basic is good enough to use in a controlled setting, which the Academy is.

So create a shurikenjutsu technique and the next time there's a target practice just use that one instead of tossing the shuriken/kunai at the target.

Same with genjutsu and ninjutsu. Just use them in a spar, or aim the genjutsu at Iruka while he has a lecture.
I'm afraid of that being turned into canon. It also assumes things on our Mom's personality when we haven't learnt much about her tbh.
I mean, I based Inoichi assessment on her personality on the two biggest decisions we know she's made...

1) our conception, which was a decision she made because she wanted to have Toishi's child. Most who would have made that decision would have had both themself and their child executed. As it stands, both of us were exiled. That plus the potential succession crisis means that decision had a multitude of consequences.

2) our enrollment in the Academy. Despite an agreement she made about how Daisuke would be raised, she was talked into letting him be enrolled in the Academy because she felt he deserved better opportunities. The immediate consequence being Tokei trying to kill us, with the potential for more danger in the future.

Plus, that's just, like, Inoichi's opinion man.
Plus, that's just, like, Inoichi's opinion man.

Yeah, and Inoichi is a highly ranked T&I operative. His opinion means a lot, and it would say a lot about him if he based his opinions on superficial elements. You don't get to that rank by just making assumptions, you gotta be thorough.

Your Inoichi is judging Daisuke for his mannerisms, not his actions nor his personality. It is essentially Inoichi judging a book by its cover, and that's just bad.
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Yeah, and Inoichi is a highly ranked T&I operative. His opinion means a lot, and it would say a lot about him if he based his opinions on superficial elements. You don't get to that rank by just making assumptions, you gotta be thorough.
And if he were making opinions as a member of T&I he would be. But he's having these thoughts as a concerned father and it is much more difficult to be objective in that role.