Game of the Year: A Naruto Quest

@Vesvius - 200 to snag canon recall. Should give you some Narritive toys to play with.

Alternatively, 200 in Fuuin, if you don't think you'll do much with it.

Also, you know you loved it. :p
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[X] You'll have them sit down and talk about their problems.

The write in is pretty illogical because Ino is scoring higher than us in academics, so how exactly can we help her? She is also almost as good as Sakura.

We need to invest blood and tears in becoming rookie of the year, not waste valuable time on redundant teaching, and overly complicated plans that in my opinion ignore the root of the problem.

From what I understand the problem is miscommunication, they need to negotiate in a more open and frank manner.

Ino can see that Sakura is not achieving what she could, if she applied herself more in the physical aspects of being a ninja. Sakura has this inferior complex, but is only inferior because she isn't doing enough to improve her abilities. Ino berates her about it, however she does not explain her position fully and refrains from giving any encouraging feedback. Thus making Sakura feel even more inferior.

Our skills in diplomacy should give us enough insight into conflict resolution and negotiation, that we should be able to help solve this dispute through conversation.
Okay, so what we need is to show off our skills, not just have them at X level.

I have some ideas on how to do this

  • Sealing : This is probably a good option for a dip. Get 100 XP in it and then we can see if we can make a storage seal. Even if it is a shitty seal, it should count.
  • Stealth : Sneak into the Academy at night and alter our written paper to say "since you couldn't catch me, Satomura Daisuke, I really ought to be Rookie, old man". Should get the message through.
  • Chakra Control : Hopefully Gai can teach us Tree Walking. We should have more than enough Control to work on it, and it is an advanced exercise Academy students don't generally know. This should be more than sufficient.
  • Transformation & Clone : Just level them up to Intermediate and use them in spars. Should be enough given our Replacement was enough, and is cheap and something we want for the Achievement anyway.
  • Ninjutsu : First we should master all the three ninjutsu we do know to Intermediate. This may be enough to show skill in ninjutsu; if not, we'll ask Gai to teach us.
  • Genjutsu : Hire a genin (using cash) on a mission to cast genjutsu on us until we can break it. Use this for a demonstration with Iruka.
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Actually @Vesvius has anyone tried sitting them down and trying to get them to talk through things before? I'm curious whether anyone has tried this.
Ves said we should hold off on Fuinjutsu, because there isn't any narratively plausible way for him to fit it in atm
Make up a new game where we have to keep a leaf on our heads and the objective is to remove everyone else's. Later build to having multiple leaves.

We play near school or during break time. Where ever we could "conveniently" be seen by the instructors.
Ves said we should hold off on Fuinjutsu, because there isn't any narratively plausible way for him to fit it in atm
Alrighty. The rest of them should still be plausible.

What other non-Academy skills can we learn? Is our Chakra Control good enough that someone will agree to teach us (and we'll be able to learn) Medical Ninjutsu to a small degree? Maybe we can volunteer at a hospital for basic lessons?

Our Chakra Control / Ninjutsu are already decent, so we might be able to learn it in a narratively plausible way since we have prereqs at a good level.
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Easiest thing to at least get noticed for anything might be to just ask Mother to hire a tutor in whatever subject we wanna show off/grow in.
I don't think this will work. We have to demonstrate our skills to the Academy teachers directly, not privately.

I mean, I'm not sure something like Sasuke's Fireball would count for this, since he kept it secret and even Kakashi was super surprised he could use it. If the teachers don't even know you can do something, how are they going to reward you or factor it into their calcs for who should be Rookie?

Plus, doing cool displays of our skillz to convince Iruka is a lot more fun than using the power of money. I'm also not too sure if mom has the money for so many tutors since she's a single mother, the Land of Iron has probably revoked her pension and we should minimize financial pressure on her.
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[-] More than anything, right now the girls need some space from each other. Pushing them together is gonna make things worse. Keep them separate, and focus on your studying. End the games temporarily, and tell Jabari and Yui to go focus on other things for a while. When they (inevitably) come ask what's wrong, tell them that their fight is what caused this. You don't wanna deal with their idiotic arguing any more than you have to right now.

Fuck it. @Vesvius is this write in okay?

I don't wanna get something overly complicated. The best way to end their fight is to separate them. Dead stop. Putting them in the same room or close proximity ends in a fight and has been noted to do such in our cross-section of the update. Since a more complicated plan isn't going to win, I'm going to go for ending this in the most direct way I can.

If they realize their shenanigans are damaging the group as a whole, they should stop. It isn't nice, but it also gives us some time to buckle down and focus on Rookie of the Year, coincidentally.

Edit: Fuck it. No one will vote for it anyway.
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Fine then. How much interference is Daisuke gonna run in the leading vote? I'd rather not just walk in there, stuff them in a room and hope they start signing kumbaya.
The conversation would happen instead of morning training the next day, and would involve Daisuke mostly trying to be there just to get the conversation started and keep things from devolving.

[x] More than anything, right now the girls need some space from each other. Pushing them together is gonna make things worse. Keep them separate, and focus on your studying. End the games temporarily, and tell Jabari and Yui to go focus on other things for a while. When they (inevitably) come ask what's wrong, tell them that their fight is what caused this. You don't wanna deal with their idiotic arguing any more than you have to right now.

Fuck it. @Vesvius is this write in okay?

I don't wanna get something overly complicated. The best way to end their fight is to separate them. Dead stop. Putting them in the same room or close proximity ends in a fight and has been noted to do such in our cross-section of the update. Since a more complicated plan isn't going to win, I'm going to go for ending this in the most direct way I can.

If they realize their shenanigans are damaging the group as a whole, they should stop. It isn't nice, but it also gives us some time to buckle down and focus on Rookie of the Year, coincidentally.
[x] More than anything, right now the girls need some space from each other. Pushing them together is gonna make things worse. Keep them separate, and focus on your studying. End the games, and tell Jabari and Yui to go focus on other things for a while. When they (inevitably) come ask what's wrong, tell them that their fight is what caused this. You don't wanna deal with their idiotic arguing any more than you have to right now.

Fuck it. @Vesvius is this write in okay?

I don't wanna get something overly complicated. The best way to end their fight is to separate them. Dead stop. Putting them in the same room or close proximity ends in a fight and has been noted to do such in our cross-section of the update. Since a more complicated plan isn't going to win, I'm going to go for ending this in the most direct way I can.

If they realize their shenanigans are damaging the group as a whole, they should stop. It isn't nice, but it also gives us some time to buckle down and focus on Rookie of the Year, coincidentally.
The problem with this is your putting Daisuke in the role of a parent/teacher with two unruly children rather than a concerned friend.

I would be pissed if someone treated me like this.
The problem with this is your putting Daisuke in the role of a parent/teacher with two unruly children rather than a concerned friend.

They're acting like children, and deserve to be treated as such. We are noble and imperious, it is within our character's purview to look down on idiocy.

And this is idiocy of the highest form. It deserves the scorn we can give it.
And this is idiocy of the highest form. It deserves the scorn we can give it.
Even if someone is pretty much totally in the wrong, treating them scornfully isn't exactly going to help the situation. It tends to escalate the situation ime.

Ideally we should ignore this and lead by example, focusing whole-heartedly on training.
They're acting like children, and deserve to be treated as such. We are noble and imperious, it is within our character's purview to look down on idiocy.

And this is idiocy of the highest form. It deserves the scorn we can give it.
Except we're not their parent, this is a dick move, and will blow up in our face.

This is Mariko level failure here. Do what I say or no friends for you.

Didn't work on Ino before, won't work now. And it assumes that the others will take our side if we act like this.
[X] You won't. This goes deeper than you thought it would. You'll just let them sort it out in time.

This is a delicate matter and we don't have time untangling this while aiming for Rookie of the Year. Sitting them down like children might also blow up in our face because it sounds so patronizing. Besides, canon worked well just fine and in here they have a better support system (their friends) plus relationship (Ino and Sakura's), regardless of their current animosity towards each other.
Okay, so what we need is to show off our skills, not just have them at X level.

Easier to show them off when you got them at a decent level.

Easiest thing to at least get noticed for anything might be to just ask Mother to hire a tutor in whatever subject we wanna show off/grow in.

Do not rely on her, she has enough problems.

I guess that settles our later shinobi career path. No Anbu, no Jon-nin sensei or Torture and Interrogation. We are going to the Konoha Clown Corps.

Oh yeah, because there aren't any flamboyant shinobi in Konoha ever...
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Easier to show them off when you got them at a decent level.
Yeah, but the advantage of this approach is that we can possibly get a good grade in subject possibly without levelling it up if we are already at a decent level in it. Earlier I thought a skill had to be chunin level to be considered since Taijutsu & Kenjutsu were the only skills that qualified for us.

For instance, we are already 400 XP in ninjutsu / genjutsu, which I think is what a practised genin should have. It's a full tier above a student who can graduate. If we find a chance to show those skills off, we may be able to do it without putting more XP.
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