It doesn't take you nearly as long to make up your mind here. You don't want to grow up on the streets, no matter how appealing Aladdin made it look, and you hated working retail- you don't want to do that as a family tradition. That just leaves two choices: being new in town, and being the scion of a well-connected clan. It's a tough choice between the two but in the end, you select the newcomer. There's something about having a background different from everyone else around you that appeals to you.
Done and done.
As your finger leaves the button, you tense up for the next change. Every time you hit one of these buttons, the entire world around you warps and twists into something even more bizarre. In the last… however long it's been, you've gone from scoreboard to empty void to looking over a continent like a god to floating in the middle of the village. You can only imagine what it's going to be like when you're actually sent into your character. Maybe everything will blur even more? Or will you get a zooming effect as you pop into your character? Or will everything fade out and-
The wheels beneath you hit a divot in the road, jerking you out of your thoughts.
Your head snaps around. The hell just happened?! The fuzzy Konoha you stood in is gone. Now, you can barely see anything. One either side of you is a dark wall that also stretches out above you. You can only see a little bit of the world outside your new confines- a sliver of blue sky and a blurry shape in front of you. New smells and sensations hit you in a wave. The odor of some kind of animal, the feeling of warm air on your face… after who knows how long in an empty void, it's surprising.
"The hell!" you call out.
At least, that's what you want to say. What comes out is more a "Waaaaah!"
You stop. Blink once. Twice. And try again. "What's happening?!" is what you think. But again, a raspy baby's cry comes from your mouth.
The blurry shape in front of you turns around and reaches for you. It's hands get closer, looming large in your vision. You flinch back as they reach for you. But the wall all around you extends there too- you can't get away! The giant's hands scoop you up and pull you forward. You try and scream, but only more cries come out.
The blurry shape doesn't do anything bad though. They certainly don't try to rip your bones out to make their bread like you were expecting. Instead, the shape pulls you close and cradles you against their shoulder. It starts making soothing noises, and you start rocking back and forth in their arms.
"Oh, it's okay!" a soothing woman's voice croons. "We're almost there. You've been being so good this entire trip! It'll all be over soon!" She keeps talking, her words trailing off into vaguely comforting gibberish.
Two thoughts click into place in your mind.
One: this blurry thing holding you is your Mother. You know that deep in your bones as one of the universal truths of the universe. The sky is blue. Water is wet. This woman is your Mother.
Two: you are a baby. Judging by how your eyes don't seem to be done developing quite yet and how hard it is to lift your head of Mom's shoulder, you can't be that old. Less than a year definitely.
"Goo ga bluh!"
"That's right sweetie! Just a few more minutes! Then we'll find you something to eat! I've got some peaches with your name on them!"
Another voice breaks into your conversation. "Ma'am?" it calls out in a bored monotone. "Today, please? You're holding up the line."
"It sounds like you've never had to handle a fussy child," Mom replies in the same soothing tone. "Your line has made me wait long enough; it can do some of it's own while I make sure everything is alright."
The other voice grumbles, but doesn't protest further. Mom bounces you up and down a few more times, as if she's doing it just because she can, before resting you in the crook of her arm. "Go ahead," she prompts the other voice.
Thank you for your permission," it- he- replies, voice dripping with sarcasm. You crane your neck around to see who's speaking as much as possible, but all you can see is another blurry shape standing in front of an enormous blurry shape. Is that the walls of Konoha? That'd make sense… damn, you hope your eyes hurry up and develop soon. "Could I see your papers please?"
There's a rustling sound as Mom digs around in a bag with her free hand and passes something to the other voice. The voice takes what she's offering and makes thoughtful sounds as they look it over. "Declare yourself," it orders.
Mom makes an exasperated noise. "It's right there on the papers. Can't you read?"
"Ma'am, I am just following procedure. Please declare yourself and any parties that are accompanying you."
You move up and down as Mom shrugs. "Satomura Manami," she sighs out. "No other people here, except for my son, Daisuke."
"Your reason for coming to Konohagakure?"
"We're moving here."
The gate guard- that's the only thing the other voice could be- makes a vague sound of agreement as he half listens to Mom and half peruses her papers. "Land of origin?"
Mom sighs again. What he's asking is clearly in front of him and it sounds like she wants nothing more than to remind him of that. But to her credit she does not. Instead, she inhales-
And two menus pop up in front of you.
Select your initial difficulty! (Please vote for all options individually. No plan voting.)
What is your Land of Origin?
[] [HOMELAND] Elsewhere in Fire Country (Very Easy)
[] [HOMELAND] Land of Rivers (Easy)
[] [HOMELAND] Land of Grass (Medium)
[] [HOMELAND] Land of Iron (Hard)
[] [HOMELAND] Land of Earth (Insane)
What is your reason for Immigration?
[] [REASON] Your Parents are skilled craftsmen who were recruited by Konoha. (Very Easy).
[] [REASON] You have family in the village, and you're coming to live with them. (Easy)
[] [REASON] There was a disaster at home, and you've been granted asylum. (Medium)
[] [REASON] Mom fell in love with a Konoha Shinobi and has come to live with them. (Hard)
[] [REASON] ??? (Insane)