The Barbarian Horde: Upon reaching 8th level, a barbarian may summon a barbarian horde. This horde can only be summoned in the native territory of the barbarian, from among barbarians of his back- ground. Cavemen, dervishes, nomads, and tribesmen (see Monster Manual, "Men") are now considered barbarians. A barbarian horde can number as many members as its leader's experience-point total divided by 1000. Thus, a barbarian who has just reached 8th level can gather a 275-member horde, and one who has just reached 9th level can have a 500-member horde.
A horde takes a week to gather in the barbarian's home territory, and must have a stated purpose, such as "Tear apart the College of Magic in Arcana City brick by brick" or "Rescue Princess Madelyn from the Storm Pirates" or "Serve under Goodbar the Cleric in his battle against the infidels." Deviating from the proclaimed purpose by the horde or its leader may cause the horde to disband, at the DM's option. Members of disbanded hordes will return by the quickest and safest route to their home lands.
A barbarian horde can only be kept together for as many weeks as the barbarian leader has levels of experience. At the end of this time, the horde is usually disbanded. Exceptions may be made if large amounts of treasure are distributed to the members, if the leader has an effective charisma of 23 or more with respect to other barbarians, if the leader of the horde is a tribal leader as well, or if an unattained goal is in easy reach. Each of these special circumstances which apply would extend the duration of the horde by 1-2 weeks at most. A tribal leader who has his horde disband beneath him will not receive a warm welcome the next time he returns to his homeland.
In addition to the normal barbarians in the horde, the leader of the horde will gain two aides, each of a level equal to one-half of the leader's level (rounded down). Each aide will have two assistants of one-half the aide's level. An 8th-level barbarian would therefore have a horde of 275 men plus two 4th-level aides and four 2nd-level assistants to those aides. The horde may include shamans, witch doctors, or clerics, depending on the nature of the barbarians. Barbarian shamans and witch doctors gain wisdom bonuses and may use magic items of any sort as applicable. Normal clerics will have full spell capability, but in all cases barbarian ability-score statistics apply. Barbarian clerics are always non-player characters.