Dungeons and Dragons Megathread

I was hoping to stat up a spear that could be used to thrust or to slash with the spearhead, or bash with the haft. Probably not necessary, in all honestly, but I was kind of hoping to be able to carry as few weapons as possible.
Um. This is a weapon in Pathfinder.

There's also the Haft Strike feat, which you could fluff as that?

Edit: Found more feats. Spear Dancer Style kinda works, but is focused on two weapon fighting, but Weapon Trick (Polearms) has a straight haft bash.
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Best feat for that purpose is Weapon Versatility. You get the full damage, unlike most of the others. It's only for one type of weapon, since you need Weapon Focus in it, but that works for your purposes.
Anyone know any good megadungeons for 5e? Don't have to be official modules.
Don't know of any for 5e, but if you can take the time to convert one, there's tons in Pathfinder, 3.0, 3.5, and even 1-2e. From Labyrinth of Madness to Emerald Spire to the many versions of Undermountain to Rappan Athuk (if you want to go 3rd party). Or even World's Largest Dungeon or the 2e adaptation of the original Diablo, which is a 16 floor dungeon.
Dead in Thay is the only official one I can think of, from Tales From The Yawning Portal. Of you dont care for plot, Donjon's random generator can make massive dungeons with traps, monsters, and the like. There's also Maze Of The Blue Medusa, which is a large homebrew dungeon, though I've never tried it.
I tried donjon but it doesn't account for leveling up so the players quickly outstrip the dungeon
So, anyone here thought about options for object-altering magic that isn't Transmutation effects? Now, when I say "object altering", I just refer to altering the effectiveness of the mechanical article that the object is. For example, an Abjuration effect that makes an object have increased effectiveness against creatures of a particular kind or alignment, basically Magic Weapon, but applying Bane or (Un)Holy instead of a vanilla +1 bonus(to use not-necessarily involved 3.x-isms).

On the end of Conjuration, my thoughts are stuff like making a linked Ethereal duplicate of a weapon to make it have increased effectiveness against Ethereal targets and make it harder to break for all purposes, alongside layering a Shadow Illusion of an object over that object to make it better overall by re-defining the edge. Note that object is not solely about items, creatures(and spells) can also have it apply. Shadow Conjuration increasing Strength and Constitution, as well as granting temporary HP, in addition to Shadow Evocation being able to make Evocation-based effects more powerful.

In Necromancy, partially detaching the soul from the body could make one literally partially a ghost, gaining many of the resultant abilities of being a ghost(at higher levels(CL or higher-level equivalents for 3.PF, upcasting for 5e), it might give Wraith abilities), but the actual cause would result in a serious hit to Con(your soul is not properly attached to your body) and Dex(your mind doesn't get the feedback it should, nor do signals get through properly) The Cha boost, naturally, would draw plenty of use for the caster.

In pure Illusion(Shadow Illusion should really be Evocation/Illusion mixed-school affair), Glamers(to use a 3.5-ism again) can make an object have apparent properties that make it more effective, like being far hotter or colder and causing non-lethal Fire or Cold damage(Unarmed Strikes for creatures), or make it significantly harder to perceive and thus harder to avoid if the target fails the save against the Illusion.(and yes, I do think there should be Illusions that deal non-lethal energy damage)

I... Can't think of any Divination effects for just flat out items, because I can't think of a way to have a Divination effect only on the item, with no application to the holder, provide useful combat effects(LotR Sting ripoff, to identify things before hitting, maybe?), but the benefits for creatures are largely about combat-viable precognition and telepathy, knowing where an attack will land before it does. In 5e, this'd be a great place to put a "Use your Reaction to move 5 ft. instead of getting hit" effect.


As for megadungeons being out-leveled? Find higher-CR equivalents of the creatures used, then rip off Bethesda and have enemies replaced by higher-level near-equivalents. Ghosts become wraiths, Shadows become Devourers, Skeletons become Death Knights, Necromancers become Liches, Ghouls become Ghasts then Wights and so on. If no such thing exists, make one. You should have seven level brackets of this, so that there's a range of three levels between bracket changes, enough to have there be easy fights before a bracket change, but not enough to result in stretches of really bad layouts. Maybe have the second bracket only be level 4, or the first and second be two levels long, and have the third run 5-7, if you're doing 5e, because of how big a shift Extra Attack and 3rd level spells can be.
I'm aware of it, but I was trying to make a martial weapon equivalent that would be a bit more potent. Plus, double weapon mean paying double for enhancements.

I'd decided to forego reach so I wouldn't need to take Haft Strike (or Combat Reflexes).

Best feat for that purpose is Weapon Versatility. You get the full damage, unlike most of the others. It's only for one type of weapon, since you need Weapon Focus in it, but that works for your purposes.
Thanks. That's probably the best choice. It's just too bad that it's a two-feat investment.


So, anyone here thought about options for object-altering magic that isn't Transmutation effects? Now, when I say "object altering", I just refer to altering the effectiveness of the mechanical article that the object is. For example, an Abjuration effect that makes an object have increased effectiveness against creatures of a particular kind or alignment, basically Magic Weapon, but applying Bane or (Un)Holy instead of a vanilla +1 bonus(to use not-necessarily involved 3.x-isms).
Um... isn't this already the case? Looking at the weapon special abilities in the PF book, they say stuff like "moderate evocation" or "moderate conjuration" to indicate what school of magic was used to create the enchantment.

I... Can't think of any Divination effects for just flat out items, because I can't think of a way to have a Divination effect only on the item, with no application to the holder, provide useful combat effects(LotR Sting ripoff, to identify things before hitting, maybe?),
An weapon that looks a split-second into the future to see what the enemy is about to do so you can more easily parry blows or take advantage of openings? Basically, an item that turns you into Cassandra Cain.
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I'd decided to forego reach so I wouldn't need to take Haft Strike (or Combat Reflexes).
Psst... you didn't hear it from me, but look into the 'Spring-Loaded' weapon construction property. I recently used it to build an Abrat Siginbark (NeoKuzdhul for 'Two-Handed Changer Axe' but when one of the non-Dwarves ask me what it means I say 'Dwarven Switch-Axe', because I love the idea of word getting 'round that the Dwarves are so axe-obsessed they built an axe version of a switchblade, and everyone thinking that'll never work, only for a martial type to pull out of one of the numerous magical ways of hiding you have a weapon at all this thing that goes from roughly Battleaxe sized to Longaxe size, and go to town on them), it's a d12 Dwarven weapon that has Reach that can be suspended or reactivated as a Swift action. So when they come in close, thinking they're getting under your reach, you just grin, twist your hands just so, and suddenly you have a close-in weapon. First enemy I used it on was unfortunately just a Hellhound, not an intelligent race, so I didn't get to savour the look of surprise on their face.
Thanks. That's probably the best choice. It's just too bad that it's a two-feat investment.
Well I mean... I doubt you weren't already taking Weapon Focus, it's so useful...
Anyone know if there's a list of "official" options for familiars from all of the stuff out now for 5e? I know there are several creatures that are available that have popped up, but I'd rather not be bouncing around through them to dig them up
Anyone know if there's a list of "official" options for familiars from all of the stuff out now for 5e? I know there are several creatures that are available that have popped up, but I'd rather not be bouncing around through them to dig them up
My understanding is the official options are...
Find Familiar Spell: Those listed in the spell description, Tressym from Storm King's Thunder (p242), Almiraj from Tomb of Annihilation (p.211). DM approval is specified, but likely overall.

Pact of the Chain: Quasits, Imps, Pseudodragons, and Sprites from the Monstrous Manual. Sprite Familiars may only be acquired in this fashion.

Potential Familiars: Quasits, Imps, and Pseudodragons from the Monstrous Manual, Gazers from Volo's Guide (p.126). There's a variant rule for these creatures to work as Familiars, but no specification as to if they're compatible with Find Familiar. These options may only be accessible through pre-arrangement with the DM or circumstances during RP, so don't expect to just tell your DM "I took Ritual Caster at Chargen so I want a Pseudodragon Familiar too."
I think the Crawling Claw in the Monster Manual includes a line about how it and similar tiny creatures can be appropriate familiars, especially for villains. But that's probably more in line with Chain Pact Warlock anyway
Heads up

link removed upon request​

In QQ there is an artist who is currently asking for commissions and does characters for free, they are nice enough to draw my Druid. Best to share since they want to draw and its a nice opportunity for you to get that character drawn.
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Heads up
In QQ there is an artist who is currently asking for commissions and does characters for free, they are nice enough to draw my Druid. Best to share since they want to draw and its a nice opportunity for you to get that character drawn.
You should take that link down and just say 'on questionable questing Ckxsl023 drew my druid'. Because QQ has porn and smut on it, we can't link to it due to SV rules. Especially since the thread you linked is in the NSFW section
My understanding is the official options are...
Find Familiar Spell: Those listed in the spell description, Tressym from Storm King's Thunder (p242), Almiraj from Tomb of Annihilation (p.211). DM approval is specified, but likely overall.

Pact of the Chain: Quasits, Imps, Pseudodragons, and Sprites from the Monstrous Manual. Sprite Familiars may only be acquired in this fashion.

Potential Familiars: Quasits, Imps, and Pseudodragons from the Monstrous Manual, Gazers from Volo's Guide (p.126). There's a variant rule for these creatures to work as Familiars, but no specification as to if they're compatible with Find Familiar. These options may only be accessible through pre-arrangement with the DM or circumstances during RP, so don't expect to just tell your DM "I took Ritual Caster at Chargen so I want a Pseudodragon Familiar too."
Yeah, it's one of those things where I really hope WotC starts indexing things. I'm mainly trying to find lists of things so that I can present options to players.

Plus things like lists of monsters with where to find them and perhaps the CR for them. Even with no more of a description would work well for helping people play and run games...

While it kind of went way to far, things like the old crystal keep indexes for 3.5 were great for finding things without dancing between books trying to find something specific.
I think the Crawling Claw in the Monster Manual includes a line about how it and similar tiny creatures can be appropriate familiars, especially for villains. But that's probably more in line with Chain Pact Warlock anyway
Well, if we're including stuff like that a Mindwitness from Volo' Guide has a similar mention. Of course they also have the issue of being CR5 and the pet of Illithids (who need to be killed first) so...

Oh! Forgot "Create Homonculus" from Xanathar's Guide! They're a bit... pricy, in terms of spells and material, but they're another option all the same.
Level 5 party goes on boat.
Boat goes in sea.
Nightwave comes out of sea.
2/3 characters, after narrowly not drowning declare they are never going into the sea again.

Trollwave :V
Does anyone have any good Fey-touched/Half-Fey or Half-Devil/Half-Demon templates in the vein of the Half-Dragon template from the Monster Manual?

Our group is brainstorming magic items for our characters and I'm looking for some way my Tiefling Moon Druid can improve Wildshape's relevance between levels 8 and 20. So I thought maybe an item that let's me became an Infernal or Fey version of certain animals to beef them up.
Does anyone have any good Fey-touched/Half-Fey or Half-Devil/Half-Demon templates in the vein of the Half-Dragon template from the Monster Manual?

Our group is brainstorming magic items for our characters and I'm looking for some way my Tiefling Moon Druid can improve Wildshape's relevance between levels 8 and 20. So I thought maybe an item that let's me became an Infernal or Fey version of certain animals to beef them up.
For 5e, I would assume?

Paizo has several good ones for 3.5/P, but I don't know of any for 5e.